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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

The point is your so called Agni-V missile doesn't even have MIRV capability. So how r u going to destroy any city with China missile defense system? while our missile each carry 10 warheads can target 10 cities at the same time. Yeah I only see India getting wiped out of this world.
Yes India will be wiped out. But together with China so severly damaged that it won't be a superpower or rising super power any more.

For China missile defence, well no missile defence system has been proven in battle, much less China's which got all the unproven weapons in her arsenal. And besides, Indian missiles have penetration aids.

Ever wonder why after all the Chest Thumping, USA never goes on war with a country with long range missiles and nuclear capabilities?
'Tests'. Good luck betting your country on tests.
'Tests'. Good luck betting your country on tests.

LOL do you Indians even have any test? or you just simply dont have any thing like this in place. If so 2 DF-5C can just demolish your entire chest-thumping civilization. And don't kid me, China have way more than enough missiles to destroy all your 2nd strike capabilities before finishing off India.
LOL do you Indians even have any test? or you just simply dont have any thing like this in place. If so 2 DF-5C can just demolish your entire chest-thumping civilization. And don't kid me, China have way more than enough missiles to destroy all your 2nd strike capabilities before finishing off India.
Oh I have admitted, there won't be any India left. But the scenario I mentioned is the one in which India will go nuclear first and will destroy most of the chinese growth muscles. If India is going to lose massively, does it matter it were a nuclear anhilation or a conventional one? We just need to ensure that we do as much as damage to China as possible and we have nuclear weapons for that. Simple!
Yes India will be wiped out. But together with China so severly damaged that it won't be a superpower or rising super power any more.

For China missile defence, well no missile defence system has been proven in battle, much less China's which got all the unproven weapons in her arsenal. And besides, Indian missiles have penetration aids.

Ever wonder why after all the Chest Thumping, USA never goes on war with a country with long range missiles and nuclear capabilities?

Do you know how many missiles china are targeting Taiwan? 1500. Think for a minute. Even if we just use those 1500 for India, its more than enough lol. So please, stop ur nonsense
The point is your so called Agni-V missile doesn't even have MIRV capability. So how r u going to destroy any city with China missile defense system? while our missile each carry 10 warheads can target 10 cities at the same time. Yeah I only see India getting wiped out of this world.
What's the accuracy of Anti Ballistic Missile? Please we have tested ABM in controlled atmosphere. But when it comes to Ballistic missiles, they can go immediate course change. So, by the time you launch a ABM directed at it based on it's trajectory the missile will change it's course during terminal phase. China only have inertial system, which is like hit to kill.

Don't rely on ABM you don't have a credible system like THAAD.
The point is your so called Agni-V missile doesn't even have MIRV capability. So how r u going to destroy any city with China missile defense system? while our missile each carry 10 warheads can target 10 cities at the same time. Yeah I only see India getting wiped out of this world.
Please nobody should go nuclear. Indians are desperate because they know they will lose a conventional war, hence they always use the nuclear threat. I don't see any Chinese proposing first use nuclear option, nuclear is only used for existential threats.
Please nobody should go nuclear. Indians are desperate because they know they will lose a conventional war, hence they always use the nuclear threat. I don't see any Chinese proposing first use nuclear option, nuclear is only used for existential threats.
That is the crux of the argument and has been tested in the real world. Threat of anhilation or critical damage is very real and has prevented any major war or even bloodied noses between nuclear armed countries for quite sometime now. Thats how Pakistan keeps a much bigger India at bay and thats how India will keep much more powerful China at bay.
That is the crux of the argument and has been tested in the real world. Threat of anhilation or critical damage is very real and has prevented any major war or even bloodied noses between nuclear armed countries for quite sometime now. Thats how Pakistan keeps a much bigger India at bay and thats how India will keep much more powerful China at bay.
Taking over a plateau or even AP is not an existential threat bro.
They are most famous for the infinite test loop... =). Anyway, China has capability for mid to high altitude missile defense, I believe we are the second most advanced after the US in this technology. It's a matter of time before we deploy it up in Tibet and Xinjiang.

They didn't react even after Bangladesh and Pakistan killed their border soldiers. Kargil itself was a big example. I believe we can do the same, their political will is rather weak.
The US and Japan will encourage the India to provoke China but when the real war start, they will claim its non of their business and stand neutral and watch the good show. You dont believe what I say?


Japan one hand encourage Indian to provoke China, on other hand. They join China OBOR. What a smart move by Japanese. They are taking Indian for a riding... :lol:

Ask Philippine and Duterte, President of Philippines. Guess what happen now? :enjoy:

If Indian really believe the hype US and Japan will aid them in even of war with China. They must be the biggest fool in history. Even Russia will stand one side and watch. On request from China, Russian might even stop all military hardware shipment to India.

India is an liabilities more than an asset for Russian.

India doesn't want war, but India is more than capable of defending itself alone if any war is imposed upon it. However, India will continue to work towards ensuring the security and stability of Asia and continue to stand firm against the evil hegemonic, imperialistic forces and terrorist sympathizers and patrons of Asia. :)
They are most famous for the infinite test loop... =). Anyway, China has capability for mid to high altitude missile defense, I believe we are the second most advanced after the US in this technology. It's a matter of time before we deploy it up in Tibet and Xinjiang.
And we have penetration aids in the warhead. Good luck!

Yeah let them live in self-denial forever, it will help them sleep at night.
English! do you even speak it? Or read or write for that matter. Go back to Chinese forums.
And we have penetration aids in the warhead. Good luck!

English! do you even speak it?
Penetration aids as in a dildo? LOL, just kidding. For a missile with no MIRV technology, this is a rather straight forward kill for Chinese BMD.

India doesn't want war, but India is more than capable of defending itself alone if any war is imposed upon it. However, India will continue to work towards ensuring the security and stability of Asia and continue to stand firm against the evil hegemonic, imperialistic forces and terrorist sympathizers and patrons of Asia. :)
China and India are both not saints, it's just business bro. Btw, you do realize you are being used by US right? US tend to abandon their 'bit*es' after using them.
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