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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

Nothing to cheer about. Japan and USA will not deploy their battleships to save India's *** when a war break out between China and India, this is only for show.

What is OBOR ? It is vaporware to peddle projects for Chinese companies
If there is money to be made people will join. Otherwise it is what it is
It's a strategic weapon to enhance Chinese influence.
20% to 27% in 70 years with illegal immigration is not exponential
the crackdown on illegal immigration is getting harder

Why would all West Bengali Muslims want to join Bangladesh ? It is a poorer society.
In 70 years who knows how much of Bangladesh will be under the ocean.

Let me explain to you some math, exponential growth means the muslim population will take significantly less than 70 years to grow another 7%.

You need to understand Muslim mentality, they will demand independence when they reach a significant number.
Let me explain to you some math, exponential growth means the muslim population will take significantly less than 70 years to grow another 7%.

You need to understand Muslim mentality, they will demand independence when they reach a significant number.

fertility rates are falling ...

let us say West bengali muslims ask for independence once they are 51% in 2100. what makes you think Indian government is going to treat them with kid gloves ? Especially with Hindu-Muslim tensions.

Hint - see what Burma did with the Rohaniyas
fertility rates are falling ...

let us say West bengali muslims ask for independence once they are 51% in 2100. what makes you think Indian government is going to treat them with kid gloves ? Especially with Hindu-Muslim tensions.

Hint - see what Burma did with the Rohaniyas
Well, truthfully the only way for you to solve the Muslim issues is to do a Rohingya on Bangladeshis. And you don't need to reach 51% to demand independence, I think 30+% Muslims will already be bold enough.
Nothing to cheer about. Japan and USA will not deploy their battleships to save India's *** when a war break out between China and India, this is only for show.
It's a strategic weapon to enhance Chinese influence.

We don't need their help to deal with PLAN in IOR.we can sink ur tankers and crash ur economy by ourselves.PLAN is helpless before IN so far from their shores.Japan and USA are just bonus pain for you.We are not counting on anyone to fight for us.Whether we join USA Japan alliance or not will depend upon chinas good behaviour. Defensively we are fully capable of stalemating you on land on mountain terrain and crashing your economy at sea.

Actually most of the Chinese on this forum are tool.

What they don't understand is a simple political game between India and China.

China wants India to withdraw which will symbolise both Indian defeat there and the fact that Bhutan can no longer depend upon India for their defence and foreign policy. Meaning it will push Bhutan into Chinese sphere. So actually India has got no choice there. Their tactical and strategic goal here is to make India withdraw. Rest will follow from that.

As far as confrontation goes, China has their game laid out there. They do not want to escalate to military confrontation, for obvious reasons. They do not want to get bogged down in a conflict right now. A conflict in which --however small-- there is chance of losing face. If India initiates the violence, they can always claim self defence but not the other way round. Hence their statement will go shriller and shriller and more provocative. Escalation of diplomatic statements will put more pressure on India government and if few shots are fired by Indian military on the border, all the better. It will allow UNSC and world powers to pressure India into de-escalation. A de-escalation in which Indian forces return India and India is seen as an aggressor. This will fulfill their goal.

For India, the path is pretty straight foreward. They want the status quo to continue till quite sometime. Each day India force remains firm in Bhutan while facing Chinese force, India cements her role as a protector and ally to Bhutan and will increase influence on Bhutan. Also it will send a strong signal to China that India will defend her interests in and outside their territory. For India, an escalation is out of question but a defensive position is vital. This is why Indian government is so quick in re-enforcing Indian army there with helicopters and more troops. They simply want their forces to remain entrenched and India response to Chinese diplomatic provocation is very calibrated and rare.

So in a nutshell, India wants status quo to continue. China wants to provoke India into committing a stupid mistake and use de-escalation under international pressure for making India withdraw their troops. Hence the present situation. In future too it will continue like this. Shriller statements from China and Indian government will only give calibrated response to Chinese shrills with no military action while continuing the standoff with China.

Finally someone who actually understands the game being played.
All these exercises have no impact unless india-japan form an tactical alliance like U.S-israel have. Attack on 1 will be considered as attack on another. U.S will automatically join.

U.S-china are cleverly moving towards G-2, rest of powers will be their subordinate. Japan must create their manufacturing base in india reducing india's dependence on china.

Nothing to cheer about. Japan and USA will not deploy their battleships to save India's *** when a war break out between China and India, this is only for show.

It's a strategic weapon to enhance Chinese influence.

Indian navy dont need U.S or japan. If I.N is lacking somewhere,its under water warfare capability.
Indian navy is the strongest and most experienced arm of indian military.
We don't need their help to deal with PLAN in IOR.we can sink ur tankers and crash ur economy by ourselves.PLAN is helpless before IN so far from their shores.Japan and USA are just bonus pain for you.We are not counting on anyone to fight for us.Whether we join USA Japan alliance or not will depend upon chinas good behaviour. Defensively we are fully capable of stalemating you on land on mountain terrain and crashing your economy at sea.

Finally someone who actually understands the game being played.
What do you thin the Djibouti and Gwadar bases are for? You do know Indian Oil and Tankers passes through those places too right? LOL

US will not need an Indian pawn if they wanted to confront China directly. It has always been about using turd world country pawns to play chess. You are that pawn. :partay:
What do you thin the Djibouti and Gwadar bases are for? You do know Indian Oil and Tankers passes through those places too right? LOL

US will not need an Indian pawn if they wanted to confront China directly. It has always been about using turd world country pawns to play chess. You are that pawn. :partay:

Lol..2 lame duck ports that aren't even fully operational.Tell me please how many fleets you have in these bases to challenge IN..the answer is almost none.In wartime how will your ships get to these ports crossing thousands of miles of IOR in face of IN?you are helpless before a blockade.We don't care abt USA..we will be used by them if we can use them in return.Its a matter of converging national interest.Like I said whether India joins Japan USA camp will depend on chinas behaviour. But we don't need USA to stop you in your tracks.We have the Himalayas.. The Indian ocean and Andaman.
Lol..2 lame duck ports that aren't even fully operational.Tell me please how many fleets you have in these bases to challenge IN..the answer is almost none.you are helpless before a blockade.We don't care abt USA..we will be used by them if we can use them in return.Its a matter of converging national interest.Like I said whether India joins Japan USA camp will depend on chinas behaviour. But we don't need USA to stop you in your tracks.We have the Himalayas.. The Indian ocean and Andaman.
You can call it lame or whatever, an initial fleet is already heading to Djibouti. There are 14 Naval vessels in IOR region replenishing in Karachi sometimes. Gwadar is already completed, the start up depends on Indian behavior.=)

You can join whatever camp, the fact remains, US will not fight your war. At most intelligence and weapons sales, US actually get to make money out of this. And Russia is also looking at Indian behavior. You think we don't have blue prints of your Russian weapons? LOL
Lol..2 lame duck ports that aren't even fully operational.Tell me please how many fleets you have in these bases to challenge IN..the answer is almost none.In wartime how will your ships get to these ports crossing thousands of miles of IOR in face of IN?you are helpless before a blockade.We don't care abt USA..we will be used by them if we can use them in return.Its a matter of converging national interest.Like I said whether India joins Japan USA camp will depend on chinas behaviour. But we don't need USA to stop you in your tracks.We have the Himalayas.. The Indian ocean and Andaman.
We can sink your tanker at Red Sea.

As long as Pakistan control the Kashmir, you don't get land access to the Middle East. Never!:toast_sign::china::pakistan:

We have Started to build up S20 AIP subs production line in Pakistan, IN is doomed.

In the near future BD will have advanced Subs from China as well.:partay:

As long as Klaeda Zia come to power, you are done.

If China want to poke India, Kashmir is always the best choice.

You can call it lame or whatever, an initial fleet is already heading to Djibouti. There are 14 Naval vessels in IOR region replenishing in Karachi sometimes. Gwadar is already completed, the start up depends on Indian behavior.=)

You can join whatever camp, the fact remains, US will not fight your war. At most intelligence and weapons sales, US actually get to make money out of this. And Russia is also looking at Indian behavior. You think we don't have blue prints of your Russian weapons? LOL
Actually India's defeat in 1962 disappointed USA a lot......
Well, truthfully the only way for you to solve the Muslim issues is to do a Rohingya on Bangladeshis. And you don't need to reach 51% to demand independence, I think 30+% Muslims will already be bold enough.
being in china i assume you know better
You can call it lame or whatever, an initial fleet is already heading to Djibouti. There are 14 Naval vessels in IOR region replenishing in Karachi sometimes. Gwadar is already completed, the start up depends on Indian behavior.=)

You can join whatever camp, the fact remains, US will not fight your war. At most intelligence and weapons sales, US actually get to make money out of this. And Russia is also looking at Indian behavior. You think we don't have blue prints of your Russian weapons? LOL

There is no fleet in either port capable of fighting IN..they are merely refuelling stations for the most part...in a conflict you will have to enter near Andaman and cross the entire Indian landmass with coastal missiles.land based aircraft..submarines and IN to reach these bases.You don't have the capacity to do that..perhaps when you have a dozen modern ssn and 4-5 cbgs you can try...right now only USN can challenge IN in IOR.You are helpless before our blockade and know it.
As I said before USA is bonus..in our backyard we can deal with you alone and never hope anyone will help us.As for Russia giving you blueprints lol..Russia already accuses you of stealing their tech .Moreover just like USA can't be counted on to help us..don't count on Russia to help you .Russia wants money from you..u keep stealing their tech...now you think they will give up their billion dollars Indian market too for you..lolz.

Man, USA is keen to have us join their alliance to encircle China.But not yet.let's see how Chinese behave.Japanese are already offering to fund our seabed surveillance system extension into bay of Bengal and integration with Japanese-US SOSUS network.USA already shares with us information on movement of Chinese submarines.Lots of convenient options for India to look into apart from our own capability.
The US and Japan will encourage the India to provoke China but when the real war start, they will claim its non of their business and stand neutral and watch the good show. You dont believe what I say?


Japan one hand encourage Indian to provoke China, on other hand. They join China OBOR. What a smart move by Japanese. They are taking Indian for a riding... :lol:

Ask Philippine and Duterte, President of Philippines. Guess what happen now? :enjoy:

If Indian really believe the hype US and Japan will aid them in even of war with China. They must be the biggest fool in history. Even Russia will stand one side and watch. On request from China, Russian might even stop all military hardware shipment to India.

India is an liabilities more than an asset for Russian.
liability rather than asset? i though of giving you a long detailed answer, but then thought, it is not worth it.. you will not have the intellect to understand

:lol: My logic is easy to understand but you Indian can never be logic. War is coming and Indian will always brag as winner in just half of the race. Watch out for end of July. :enjoy:

Come. Reuter is just UK based western propaganda machine. It can even publish LCA is more advance than F-22 raptor on your request :lol:
dude.. winter is coming .. watch game of thrones and chill

China waited 6 months in 1962 and many warnings before giving up and counter attacking the delusional Indians who thought that China was too weak to respond to India's aggression.
China also waited 10 months during Sumdorong Chu incident in 1987 before disengaging.

But this time India has trespassed Chinese territory and China has already given warning that war is an option.
I cannot imagine China not doing anything if the Indian army do not keep their tail between their legs and scam.
I sure hope China don't wait 6 or 10 months and giving unnecessary warnings before action.
No point talking to war mongering and nationalistic brainwashed Indians, they will mistaken China to be weak, just like in 1962.
Just hit them and hit them hard and there will be peace for another 100 years. If China don't take action, there will be continuous trouble with no end down the road. China must bite the bullet now. Trade from India will not stop as India is dependent on China for many products.
Even if trade is affected, $50 billion trade surplus is not all profits. Considering 10% profit, its only $5 billion, not a huge amount for China to forgo considering national security and pride of the nation.
what are you.. a hybrid between a chinese and some ape from South Asian Jungle ?

We can easily smash your face even without Pakistan attacking. How do you think you can replenish your weapons when you don't even have the ability for mass production. Russia will watch, US will watch, NATO will watch. You think your country's pathetic industry capability can match with China's might and wealth?
so you are assuming the war to be like a thrid ww.. china and India fighting for years?? where were your industrial capabilities when the Vietnamese fucked the PLA ?
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