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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check

being in china i assume you know better
All talk.You don't have a single ship worth the name in either port and are talking about dozen submarines and 10 destroyers there.Maybe in 15-20 years .By that time our economy will be enough for an enormous budget of our own.There is absolutely nothing you can do around andaman,if you try it will be a massacre and you know it.You will be attacked from land,air ,sea surface and underwater in that scenario.Keep dreaming about some distant future,right now you are helpless in IOR before us.
Russia needs money above all,and any intimacy we have with USA regards only in dealing with china.We have always been respectful of russian national interests and thus along with china abstained from condemning russian annexation of crimea.

We have no need of USA to save us.USA is bonus burn for you.We can crash your economy right now in IOR with blockade and there is nothing you could do about it.1 useless cbg,a few noisy ssns and 12-13 yuans on a one way trip.Thats all you got.We have no fear of your surface fleet.We have hundreds of brahmos on our ships,exocets and klubs on our subs and harpoons and brahmos from the air.Andaman is our unsinkable carrier.No fleet can survive against total enemy air superiority as well as being attacked in 3 dimensions .

You can assume what you want but the reality is even without a permanent base, 14 Chinese naval vessels are already prowling the IOR. 10 years ago, Indians wouldn't even fathom such a proposition. Check out Chinese naval production rates for 2016 before jumping to conclusions. Well, to me Andaman can be captured, what makes you think China cannot mount an attack there with our CBG? It's not exactly near mainland India bro.

Look at the location of Gwadar and Djibouti, it's a pincer to Indian mideast supplies, before you can attack Chinese ships, we can already toast some Indian tankers. Do you have any other backup energy lane other than the Persian gulf? China has energy supply lanes in the north from Russia and Central Asia. Mideast energy sealane is India's lifeline and Gwadar and Djibouti is a pincer to those lines.

You are assuming India will grow economically, you are yet to see your 'demographic dividend' bro. If my predictions are not wrong, you will see major unrest in the future, hell you are already having major unrest nowadays, hartals, riots are so common in India. If it were to happen in China, it will be on CNN headlines.

Russia had been milking India for god knows how long, and now they are beginning to worry about the reliability of the Indians. You think they are not observing Indian actions with US, it is only pushing them closer to China.

The only things China respects is hard power
Hardpower can be in the form of conventional weapons.
You can assume what you want but the reality is even without a permanent base, 14 Chinese naval vessels are already prowling the IOR. 10 years ago, Indians wouldn't even fathom such a proposition. Check out Chinese naval production rates for 2016 before jumping to conclusions. Well, to me Andaman can be captured, what makes you think China cannot mount an attack there with our CBG? It's not exactly near mainland India bro.

Look at the location of Gwadar and Djibouti, it's a pincer to Indian mideast supplies, before you can attack Chinese ships, we can already toast some Indian tankers. Do you have any other backup energy lane other than the Persian gulf? China has energy supply lanes in the north from Russia and Central Asia. Mideast energy sealane is India's lifeline and Gwadar and Djibouti is a pincer to those lines.

You are assuming India will grow economically, you are yet to see your 'demographic dividend' bro. If my predictions are not wrong, you will see major unrest in the future, hell you are already having major unrest nowadays, hartals, riots are so common in India. If it were to happen in China, it will be on CNN headlines.

Russia had been milking India for god knows how long, and now they are beginning to worry about the reliability of the Indians. You think they are not observing Indian actions with US, it is only pushing them closer to China.

Hardpower can be in the form of conventional weapons.

Chinese ships are toast to Indian air power. It will be a a couple of decades before you can deploy carrier groups in Indian Ocean.
China did not give up claims on Siberia fearing Russian conventional weapons
Chinese ships are toast to Indian air power. It will be a a couple of decades before you can deploy carrier groups in Indian Ocean.
China did not give up claims on Siberia fearing Russian conventional weapons
The Sino-Russian border was demarcated for practical reasons after the fall of Soviet Union and the start of American containment of China, it was never about us fearing their nukes bro. We needed an Russian alliance to balance the world, America was too dominant, with Russia and China together, it balances the scale a little.

Whether we will claim it in the future once Russia disintegrates is another question. =). I told you, please don't think Indians are the only ones with airpower, we actually produce J-11, we don't have to import them. Look at your MKI readiness rates. 5 years ago, would you have imagined 14 PLAN vessels in IOR? Now imagine 5 years from now.
The Sino-Russian border was demarcated for practical reasons after the fall of Soviet Union and the start of American containment of China, it was never about us fearing their nukes bro. We needed an Russian alliance to balance the world, America was too dominant, with Russia and China together, it balances the scale a little.

Whether we will claim it in the future once Russia disintegrates is another question. =). I told you, please don't think Indians are the only ones with airpower, we actually produce J-11, we don't have to import them. Look at your MKI readiness rates. 5 years ago, would you have imagined 14 PLAN vessels in IOR? Now imagine 5 years from now.

you could put 100 ships in IOR. It does not change the balance. India can deploy air power from its homeland
save pakistan nobody is picking a fight with us to please you
You can assume what you want but the reality is even without a permanent base, 14 Chinese naval vessels are already prowling the IOR. 10 years ago, Indians wouldn't even fathom such a proposition. Check out Chinese naval production rates for 2016 before jumping to conclusions. Well, to me Andaman can be captured, what makes you think China cannot mount an attack there with our CBG? It's not exactly near mainland India bro.

Look at the location of Gwadar and Djibouti, it's a pincer to Indian mideast supplies, before you can attack Chinese ships, we can already toast some Indian tankers. Do you have any other backup energy lane other than the Persian gulf? China has energy supply lanes in the north from Russia and Central Asia. Mideast energy sealane is India's lifeline and Gwadar and Djibouti is a pincer to those lines.

You are assuming India will grow economically, you are yet to see your 'demographic dividend' bro. If my predictions are not wrong, you will see major unrest in the future, hell you are already having major unrest nowadays, hartals, riots are so common in India. If it were to happen in China, it will be on CNN headlines.

Russia had been milking India for god knows how long, and now they are beginning to worry about the reliability of the Indians. You think they are not observing Indian actions with US, it is only pushing them closer to China.

Hardpower can be in the form of conventional weapons.

Please tell me which of these ships 'prowling' the IOR are of any threat to IN?None.You have a couple isolated destroyers and submarines,support and resupply vessels for the most part.IN could sink them at will if it wanted to.
How are you going to capture andaman,your CBG has to enter IOR near malacca area.IAF has complete aerial superiority brahmos coastal batteries deployed in andaman and su-30mki/other jets deployed from this unsinkable carrier will terrorize the CBG.This will be supported by p-8I and su-30mkis from south India.You will also face indian submarines with exocet,harpoons,klubs and torpedoes and the IN surface fleet with hundreds of brahmos.Where will your CBG run to in face of these multi dimensional attacks?The saturation limit of a US super CBG is estimated 64 brahmos.Your CBG is a joke in comparison.

Gwadar and Djibouti are imaginery pincers in your mind.To have 'pincers' you need to have powerful fleets based on these ports like US 7th fleet with carriers,SSNs ,cruisers and destroyers.You have zero capability of doing this now.

Yeah,yeah now you come to Indian unrest.We have had economic riots for a long time,there are always problems in some part of country.Its never a strategic issue.Pak supported Khalistan is finished,maoists have all been all but wiped out- a few survivors hiding in jungles,NE insurgencies are in a coma,500K troops are in kashmir.Game over.In 1947 they said India would break up .Nobody gave us a chance with 99% poverty and huge diversity.India they said was a geographical expression.And yet here we are stronger than ever,and will only get stronger.

For Russia the equation is simple,India is its biggest customer providing its industry with billions of dollars.It will not jeopardize this to appease the chinese who are trying to capture their traditional markets and stealing their tech anyway.
Please tell me which of these ships 'prowling' the IOR are of any threat to IN?None.You have a couple isolated destroyers and submarines,support and resupply vessels for the most part.IN could sink them at will if it wanted to.
How are you going to capture andaman,your CBG has to enter IOR near malacca area.IAF has complete aerial superiority brahmos coastal batteries deployed in andaman and su-30mki/other jets deployed from this unsinkable carrier will terrorize the CBG.This will be supported by p-8I and su-30mkis from south India.You will also face indian submarines with exocet,harpoons,klubs and torpedoes and the IN surface fleet with hundreds of brahmos.Where will your CBG run to in face of these multi dimensional attacks?The saturation limit of a US super CBG is estimated 64 brahmos.Your CBG is a joke in comparison.
For Russia the equation is simple,India is its biggest customer providing its industry with billions of dollars.It will not jeopardize this to appease the chinese who are trying to capture their traditional markets and stealing their tech anyway.

All highlighted chest thumping points are cool stationary (or be treated as such) targets. Anyone with Chinese level of military muscle would let these stationary targets function while approaching island that belongs to Indonesia, stolen by british and inherited by india???? No kidding.

indians think too big of themselves BUT can not do a "meow" without US or Russian reference. For education of indians and their "think tank" - China and Russian relations goes much deeper and worth close to trillion dollars over certain period. indian punny money import from Russia are no where near comparable.

Which indian "think tank" school did you go? My bad, it was indian educational institution, so it does not matter.
All highlighted chest thumping points are cool stationary (or be treated as such) targets. Anyone with Chinese level of military muscle would let these stationary targets function while approaching island that belongs to Indonesia, stolen by british and inherited by india???? No kidding.

indians think too big of themselves BUT can not do a "meow" without US or Russian reference. For education of indians and their "think tank" - China and Russian relations goes much deeper and worth close to trillion dollars over certain period. indian punny money import from Russia are no where near comparable.

Which indian "think tank" school did you go? My bad, it was indian educational institution, so it does not matter.

Please enlighten me,first how would the chinese even know the exact location of such camoflaged batteries .This is not SCS where they will have land based radars and aerial surveillence to locate for them.On the other hand we would have both.Secondly these batteries would be mobile and with brahmos range of 450-600 km nothing can enter IOR through malacca region without being locked on.Just go and read what happened to US destroyer in black sea when it approached crimea.It got locked on by bastion coastal missile battery and had to turn back.Putin said it himself in interview.Bastion is land based version of brahmos/yakhont.What is a bangladeshi troll doing advocating for indonesia which hasn't bothered to make such a claim ?I'll listen to indonesian government over a jamati.But then again jamati is jamati.:coffee:


IN has complete control over neighbouring airspace.China desperately has put up a listening station nearby,but this lone station - defenceless is the first casualty,first hour of any war.We can base any number of fighter jets here to exert aerial dominance,with air launched cruise missiles on incoming ships.This can be backed by su-30mkis and P-8i and tu-142 from south india.Our own carrier and naval fleet.And ofcourse brahmos land based battries based in andaman which can be swiftly deployed in a matter of days in any crisis through airlift.
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All highlighted chest thumping points are cool stationary (or be treated as such) targets. Anyone with Chinese level of military muscle would let these stationary targets function while approaching island that belongs to Indonesia, stolen by british and inherited by india???? No kidding.

indians think too big of themselves BUT can not do a "meow" without US or Russian reference. For education of indians and their "think tank" - China and Russian relations goes much deeper and worth close to trillion dollars over certain period. indian punny money import from Russia are no where near comparable.

Which indian "think tank" school did you go? My bad, it was indian educational institution, so it does not matter.
No county will say no to money, that trillion dollars worth of trade you mentioned between Russia and China did not stop Russia from selling strategic weapon such as S400 to India and is clearly meant for China. Just to prove my point, Turks downed Russian plane but Russia did not stop gas export to Turks. As the cliche goes, friendships are temporary and national interests are permanent.

India is blessed with its strategic location especially for defensive war against China, Himalayas/Malacca Straits/ A&C Islands makes India borderline unbeatable in defensive war if not invincible. Never believe in absolute numbers, history is littered with so many examples where bigger guys were not able to achieve their military objectives, Vietnam and Taliban are the recent examples comes to my mind.
Main problem with absolute number is, they don't included logistical issues, or in short Murphy's Law is always there to throw spanner in total numbers game.

Just give you an example and you can read between the lines, in 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, India refused western logistical help under the guise of it can help its own people, and real reason was, India does not want others to gauge their surveillance capabilities especially in terms if their radar installations. I'm privy to some information which is not in the common domain and can only say that lot of things have happened in these 13 years.

Also, there has been a lot of commentary regarding the Djibouti base, read a little about that base. It is also a permanent base to Americans, Japanese and French, and that said, being a former French colony they may also have some political capital also. My point is, being friendly to these countries, India may be able extract some help if need arises. IMO, Gwadar is more useful to Chinese than Djibouti from military capabilities perspective.
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Please tell me which of these ships 'prowling' the IOR are of any threat to IN?None.You have a couple isolated destroyers and submarines,support and resupply vessels for the most part.IN could sink them at will if it wanted to.
Nope, our 052Ds and submarines are no threat, they fire plastic missiles. Trust me. No threat at all bhai. You can try sinking them bro, go ahead. Btw, these are just starters, 14 naval vessels are in the IOR and what are you doing here? You are just barking. This is done without even a permanent base, what if they start putting in those shiny J-11/J-10/J-20s in Gwadar in Djibouti? We produce them by the bulk you know. No need to wait for spare parts like you do now. :lol:

How are you going to capture andaman,your CBG has to enter IOR near malacca area.IAF has complete aerial superiority brahmos coastal batteries deployed in andaman and su-30mki/other jets deployed from this unsinkable carrier will terrorize the CBG.This will be supported by p-8I and su-30mkis from south India.You will also face indian submarines with exocet,harpoons,klubs and torpedoes and the IN surface fleet with hundreds of brahmos.Where will your CBG run to in face of these multi dimensional attacks?The saturation limit of a US super CBG is estimated 64 brahmos.Your CBG is a joke in comparison.
And you think we don't have aircrafts and VLS missiles on our CBG? You think you are the only one with supersonic missiles? We can destroy your Andaman base 1000km away by firing cruise missiles from Yunnan, do you have these babies? How many saturated missile attack can you take? If you look at the map, the distance from Yunnan to Andaman and mainland India to Andaman is roughly the same. We have long range bombers too btw and yes we make them in China. So if we are to attack India, the first to fall will be Andaman, by then the bases in Gwadar, Djibouti and Kyaupyu will be ready. Kyaupyu is nearer to Andaman compared to India.

Brahmos brahmos brahmos, is that the only missile you have, you do know it is just a Russian missile with an Indian sticker right, we have access to the same seekers, we know how to jam these overweight missiles. Do you have access to our seekers?:lol:.

Gwadar and Djibouti are imaginery pincers in your mind.To have 'pincers' you need to have powerful fleets based on these ports like US 7th fleet with carriers,SSNs ,cruisers and destroyers.You have zero capability of doing this now.
No no, no worries, the Chinese are just on picnic in those area, more like a fishing trip. No long term plans at all, seriously we are harmless pandas.:D. That's why I ask you to look at the amount of ships we churned out in 2016. We can practically build the entire Indian Navy in 5 years if we wanted to. This is the power of having the largest naval production capacity on earth.

Yeah,yeah now you come to Indian unrest.We have had economic riots for a long time,there are always problems in some part of country.Its never a strategic issue.Pak supported Khalistan is finished,maoists have all been all but wiped out- a few survivors hiding in jungles,NE insurgencies are in a coma,500K troops are in kashmir.Game over.In 1947 they said India would break up .Nobody gave us a chance with 99% poverty and huge diversity.India they said was a geographical expression.And yet here we are stronger than ever,and will only get stronger.
I would worry if I were you, India is already using more groundwater than China+US combined. I was in Bangalore for a few weeks, and I can see the serious mismanagement of water supplies there. You can't even supply decent piped water in India, can you tell me which city in India has got continuous piped water supply? I might be wrong, but my friend told me it's NONE. You should go to our TIER 4 cities, they have continuous running water with a treatment plant. Money is but paper if you don't use it to improve the livelihood, technology and infrastructure. I see none of this happening for the majority of Indians.

For Russia the equation is simple,India is its biggest customer providing its industry with billions of dollars.It will not jeopardize this to appease the chinese who are trying to capture their traditional markets and stealing their tech anyway.
Russians are not stupid bhai, they are watching.
Nope, our 052Ds and submarines are no threat, they fire plastic missiles. Trust me. No threat at all bhai. You can try sinking them bro, go ahead. Btw, these are just starters, 14 naval vessels are in the IOR and what are you doing here? You are just barking. This is done without even a permanent base, what if they start putting in those shiny J-11/J-10/J-20s in Gwadar in Djibouti? We produce them by the bulk you know. No need to wait for spare parts like you do now. :lol:

And you think we don't have aircrafts and VLS missiles on our CBG? You think you are the only one with supersonic missiles? We can destroy your Andaman base 1000km away by firing cruise missiles from Yunnan, do you have these babies? How many saturated missile attack can you take? If you look at the map, the distance from Yunnan to Andaman and mainland India to Andaman is roughly the same. We have long range bombers too btw and yes we make them in China. So if we are to attack India, the first to fall will be Andaman, by then the bases in Gwadar, Djibouti and Kyaupyu will be ready. Kyaupyu is nearer to Andaman compared to India.

Brahmos brahmos brahmos, is that the only missile you have, you do know it is just a Russian missile with an Indian sticker right, we have access to the same seekers, we know how to jam these overweight missiles. Do you have access to our seekers?:lol:.

No no, no worries, the Chinese are just on picnic in those area, more like a fishing trip. No long term plans at all, seriously we are harmless pandas.:D. That's why I ask you to look at the amount of ships we churned out in 2016. We can practically build the entire Indian Navy in 5 years if we wanted to. This is the power of having the largest naval production capacity on earth.

I would worry if I were you, India is already using more groundwater than China+US combined. I was in Bangalore for a few weeks, and I can see the serious mismanagement of water supplies there. You can't even supply decent piped water in India, can you tell me which city in India has got continuous piped water supply? I might be wrong, but my friend told me it's NONE. You should go to our TIER 4 cities, they have continuous running water with a treatment plant. Money is but paper if you don't use it to improve the livelihood, technology and infrastructure. I see none of this happening for the majority of Indians.

Russians are not stupid bhai, they are watching.

Please isolated destroyers in IOR cant do anything if attacked from sea,air and underwater.They are totally without support and at our mercy thousands of miles away from home in our backyard.They will fight yes,but thEy don't stand a chance.What will couple of destroyers do against IAF and whole of IN?These vessels are in IOR which is a huge region,in international waters not indian waters.Understand the difference?What do you want us to do,randomly attack ships in international war?Ever use your brain 'gege'?What if,when if..please first put a single battleworthy fleet or squadron in either port,then talk.Right now you are patting yourselves in the back with zero capability to project power in IOR.

You can do nothing by firing cruise missiles .Not only can our barak-8(specialized cruise missile killer shoot them down,even if some missiles hit andaman,they dont have enough punch to destroy hardened targets.Just look at US tomahawk strike in syria.Launched 59 tomahawks,by next morning base back in action like nothing happened.These missiles simply have puny warhead sizes and not enough speed or armour piercing ability.

Yes you are true about mismanagement on infrastructure issues.You are far ahead of us in building capacity and construction acumen atm,i have never denied that.It is one area we hope to learn from china.But our shipbuilding capacity has become indigeneous and has picked up pace quite well in the last years.As for water levels,its a problem but we are one of the most water blessed countries in the world.As for environmental degradation,i can point to china's brutal destruction of her own environment -in the rare materials industry which destroys its ecology and in the air pollution which covers ur cities in smog often.There is much to learn from china,but this doesn't change the fact that IN is in dominating position in IOR and will remain so for the foreseeable future.It is up to China to determine whether it wants india as a friend or enemy.If it wants friendship it will have to act accordingly.If you want us to join OBOR and want access to south asian markets you will have to help us in NSG and not veto the terrorist mahsud azhar.Similarly do not take unilateral actions threatening the status quo in our sensitive regions like Chicken's neck area and we can get along well with no problems focusing on economic co-operation.But you mess with us,and we will do the same to you -its a natural reaction.You respect your interests ,we respect yours.But India is not mongolia or phillipines whom you can browbeat into submission.Its time the chinese understood that.
LOL. Read your own post over and over until you get the joke.

Got the joke, but it was a poor one. Our submarines can fire nuclear missiles, and have AIP. Our surface fleet also takes part in anti piracy missions, and with Gwadar port taking off our navy is only going to get stronger, as shown by the acquisition of 8 submarines from China.

Oh and let's not forget about how in 1965, the Pakistani navy bombed Dwarka and Hindustan's navy couldn't do anything in return. Or how a few months ago, we caught one of Hindustan's submarines spying and sent it back.
Got the joke, but it was a poor one. Our submarines can fire nuclear missiles, and have AIP. Our surface fleet also takes part in anti piracy missions, and with Gwadar port taking off our navy is only going to get stronger, as shown by the acquisition of 8 submarines from China.

Oh and let's not forget about how in 1965, the Pakistani navy bombed Dwarka and Hindustan's navy couldn't do anything in return. Or how a few months ago, we caught one of Hindustan's submarines spying and sent it back.
Now cheer up! It's all in good humor.
I am never worry. Becos both countries take India like a fool. :enjoy:

Abe join OBOR. You think he will shoot his own foot by attacking China? Basic Logic.

Oh wow....IM so glad you concerned we are being taken as a fool.....LOL...

Lol! No, you did a surprise attack, with overwhelming numbers. That was your great strategy, Indian army was outnumbered and was concentrated at the western side. In short, Nehru never expected China to attack.
Now this strategy will not work.:enjoy:

Nobody counts anyone as weak. Even if India wants to fight Nepal, they can't do that without causality. So, war mongering part is done by the Chinese.

That's the thing about wars, once you surprised us with an attack, you think we won't be prepared next time. It's immature to think, you won't get a bloody nose when you mess with India.

What's the war budget? In an event of war, there will be billions spend on it. So, go ahead and calculate. You need a piece of land for billions of dollars.

Joker Times Logic. :lol: Empty threats. Now go back to your cave.

Exactly.....these idiots up North think they actually fought a legitimate battle with India.....meanwhile these dummies can't comprehend they conducted a surprise, sneak attack without warning.... on an area with little protection and an incompetent government which has finally been shown the door after 60 yrs of misrule.

These idiots need to wake up...
I am never worry. Becos both countries take India like a fool. :enjoy:

Abe join OBOR. You think he will shoot his own foot by attacking China? Basic Logic.

The more Chinese spend time pointing out how unreliable USA and Japan is
That betrays yours insecurity at a joint naval exercise
Please isolated destroyers in IOR cant do anything if attacked from sea,air and underwater.They are totally without support and at our mercy thousands of miles away from home in our backyard.They will fight yes,but thEy don't stand a chance.What will couple of destroyers do against IAF and whole of IN?These vessels are in IOR which is a huge region,in international waters not indian waters.Understand the difference?What do you want us to do,randomly attack ships in international war?Ever use your brain 'gege'?What if,when if..please first put a single battleworthy fleet or squadron in either port,then talk.Right now you are patting yourselves in the back with zero capability to project power in IOR.

Do I have to repeat myself over and over again. 14 vessels prowling now, in times of war, we have air reinforcement, more naval ships and missile attacks from Yunnan. It is within range of long range cruise missiles and you have none. =). First to fall is A&N, the distance from Yunnan to A&N is almost the same from the Indian mainland, there goes your so called unsinkable aircraft carrier. I just checked google maps, look at the size of these runways on some of these so called unsinkable air craft carriers, I don't even see aircrafts on them. There are no permanently stationed aircraft, the main base is in Port Blair. If we destroy Port Blair, practically the whoie A&N is kaboomed. You don't call people gege, gege is when you are trying to sound like a bit*ch doing a cat call. You call people ge in one word like bro or bhai.

Told you, you can choose to believe those bases are just for R&R. There won't be an IOR fleet there, the Chinese are just doing surveys and scientific research, we are harmless pandas.

You can do nothing by firing cruise missiles .Not only can our barak-8(specialized cruise missile killer shoot them down,even if some missiles hit andaman,they dont have enough punch to destroy hardened targets.Just look at US tomahawk strike in syria.Launched 59 tomahawks,by next morning base back in action like nothing happened.These missiles simply have puny warhead sizes and not enough speed or armour piercing ability.
First you need to understand what are ship based missiles, the price of those systems and the kill ratio against a swarm of cruise missiles. How many missiles can you afford? Import more from Israel? You don't have bunkers in A&R genius. Even if you have, we just need to damage the runways and your planes will be stuck there.

Do you even know what happened in Afghanistan, the US was bombing caves/rat holes, the people were hiding in caves, no planes on those 'bases'. Are you TALIBANS hiding in caves or underground rat holes? When you mean operational, it just meant the people came out from the rat holes back to the surface. I would be glad if that was the modus operandi of the IN in A&R. We bomb the runways, bomb the control towers and destroy the planes, the soldier hide in holes, and next day they come out unharmed declaring the base 'operational'. Our Navy would have just sailed past those island. :lol:. Yes, those bases would be 'operational'. What a genius.

Yes you are true about mismanagement on infrastructure issues.You are far ahead of us in building capacity and construction acumen atm,i have never denied that.It is one area we hope to learn from china.But our shipbuilding capacity has become indigeneous and has picked up pace quite well in the last years.As for water levels,its a problem but we are one of the most water blessed countries in the world.As for environmental degradation,i can point to china's brutal destruction of her own environment -in the rare materials industry which destroys its ecology and in the air pollution which covers ur cities in smog often.There is much to learn from china,but this doesn't change the fact that IN is in dominating position in IOR and will remain so for the foreseeable future.It is up to China to determine whether it wants india as a friend or enemy.If it wants friendship it will have to act accordingly.If you want us to join OBOR and want access to south asian markets you will have to help us in NSG and not veto the terrorist mahsud azhar.Similarly do not take unilateral actions threatening the status quo in our sensitive regions like Chicken's neck area and we can get along well with no problems focusing on economic co-operation.But you mess with us,and we will do the same to you -its a natural reaction.You respect your interests ,we respect yours.But India is not mongolia or phillipines whom you can browbeat into submission.Its time the chinese understood that.
Don't even start on your so called 'indigenous' shipbuilding, it took 10 years just to build one Kolkata, due to the import content, one delay in the chain and the whole ship is delayed. How many ships can you churn out in a year?

You are just repeating what China did, and you are already in a worst shape. China is cleaning up her act, and you with your incompetent government is just letting it be. Check the latest ranking of most polluted cities in the world, then come back and talk to me. Years ago, Indians were so confident of their economic model, they were poor but had a better environment, oblivious to the fact that they are poor and also more environmentally degraded than China.
Do I have to repeat myself over and over again. 14 vessels prowling now, in times of war, we have air reinforcement, more naval ships and missile attacks from Yunnan. It is within range of long range cruise missiles and you have none. =). First to fall is A&N, the distance from Yunnan to A&N is almost the same from the Indian mainland, there goes your so called unsinkable aircraft carrier. I just checked google maps, look at the size of these runways on some of these so called unsinkable air craft carriers, I don't even see aircrafts on them. There are no permanently stationed aircraft, the main base is in Port Blair. If we destroy Port Blair, practically the whoie A&N is kaboomed. You don't call people gege, gege is when you are trying to sound like a bit*ch doing a cat call. You call people ge in one word like bro or bhai.

Told you, you can choose to believe those bases are just for R&R. There won't be an IOR fleet there, the Chinese are just doing surveys and scientific research, we are harmless pandas.

First you need to understand what are ship based missiles, the price of those systems and the kill ratio against a swarm of cruise missiles. How many missiles can you afford? Import more from Israel? You don't have bunkers in A&R genius. Even if you have, we just need to damage the runways and your planes will be stuck there.

Do you even know what happened in Afghanistan, the US was bombing caves/rat holes, the people were hiding in caves, no planes on those 'bases'. Are you TALIBANS hiding in caves or underground rat holes? When you mean operational, it just meant the people came out from the rat holes back to the surface. I would be glad if that was the modus operandi of the IN in A&R. We bomb the runways, bomb the control towers and destroy the planes, the soldier hide in holes, and next day they come out unharmed declaring the base 'operational'. Our Navy would have just sailed past those island. :lol:. Yes, those bases would be 'operational'. What a genius.

Don't even start on your so called 'indigenous' shipbuilding, it took 10 years just to build one Kolkata, due to the import content, one delay in the chain and the whole ship is delayed. How many ships can you churn out in a year?

You are just repeating what China did, and you are already in a worst shape. China is cleaning up her act, and you with your incompetent government is just letting it be. Check the latest ranking of most polluted cities in the world, then come back and talk to me. Years ago, Indians were so confident of their economic model, they were poor but had a better environment, oblivious to the fact that they are poor and also more environmentally degraded than China.

What air reinforcement?From where?Your aircraft will fly from china all across india to reinforce?Lol.More naval ships from where?South china sea bases are thousands of miles away.You are surrounded on all sides by Indian navy and airforce bases with the USN watching and waiting to the south at Diego Garcia.
Missile attacks from yunnan?Lol on IOR?Even if some of your longest missiles reached it who would be providing guidance data?Where is the requisite aerial surveillence aircraft /drones or land based radar going to come from.And any cruise missile will be shot down easily by specialized cruise missile killer barak 8.Lol,how long do you think it takes to operationalize the airbase ,faster than you can send out a fleet into IOR.The infrastructure is there.In wartime it can be activated quickly,supported by our airforce from south india.How long do you think it would take to airlift a brahmos battery to station there?
Everybody in strategic circles knows the importance of andaman,only you are ignorant.

USA bombed the runways and towers in syria- a backward force with 59 tomahawks and next morning base was operational.That is the weakness of subsonics,too weak punching power - cant hit hardened targets.And no they won't destroy planes.Also please remind me why you are talking of airbases when talking of IOR?
As to how many missiles we can afford?

Well lets see - 400 brahmos missiles in 4 regiments for the army operational.Fifth regiment with another 100 being raised.Plus a reserve maybe of 100 more.(Useable in coastal battery mode if needed)

22 air launched harpoons for jaguars and P-8I.Plus air launched brahmos now coming online in su-30mKI. About 150 KH-31 for su-30MKI.Unknown numbers of air launched KH-35 and KH-31 for the 45 mig-29Ks and Il-38s.
12 sea eagles on jaguars.

For navy - 416 SS-N-25 Kh-35s for Delhi class and rajput class destroyers,brahmaputra class frigates and missile corvettes.
40-50 SS-N-22 sunburn/moskit in missile corvettes.
60-100 SS-N-2D Styx missiles in corvettes,Rajput class and coastal batteries.
60 SS-N-27 Klub/Sizzler/Kaliber for Shivalik and Early batch Talwars.
130 plus Brahmos deployed on Kolkata,Talwar,upgraded Rajputs.Unknown war reserves/reloads.

40 sub-launched klubs from Kilos and akula.
24 sub-launched harpoon from U-209.
36 Exocets.

Brahmos,Klub and Sunburn,Kh-31(to lesser extent) are our elite supersonic weapons.With subsonic Kh-35,harpoon and exocets for massed saturation .If 24 Brahmos salvo can potentially penetrate a US CBG,what hope do you think you have against this massive arsenal?Even just our brahmos arsenal (which is going to grow year after year as all new ships will have it,and older ships will be upgraded with it)is enough to sink the cream of PLAN.
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