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US forces leave ‘critical’ Iraqi base due to war of attrition

@Kastor like what I said as it seems american not only have no plan to leave but preparing to do something in Iraq or Persian gulf ... there has been preparation, drills and so on that indicating something is undergoing ..
I don't know, but politically speaking, we are 8 months away from the elections, the country is hit hard with recession fears, today, it was announced that the unemployment numbers broke the all time record. I can assure you that Congress/American public are not in a mood for a war.....with that being said Iran should be smart and not give these bastards any reason for a conflict, because a conflict in the M.E. will divert from all the domestic problems going on here. This economic meltdown in the U.S. is a gift to Iran.....Trump's only weak point has been the economy.
PS: Personally I cannot believe how lucky Iran has been.....Our biggest enemy Saddam was ousted for us, just as Israel was busy setting up a war against us Obama gets elected, just as ISIS was becoming a force that may have threatened us, they turned against their benefactors the Saudis and UAEs which rallied the world to eradicate them. Then the JCPOA was signed and we were about to be freed from sanctions, then Trump happened...Trump damaged us like no President but just as his re-election was almost guaranteed and 4 more years of hell for us, the Coronavirus happened and his re-election is now in serious jeopardy....So I can tell you that we have been unbelievably lucky thus far.

PSS: The last time we got attacked is when we were weak, this time, our enemies may use the virus as an opportunity, it maybe that Israel is setting up to bomb our nuke facilities and the U.S. is there to protect their sorry asses if we get into a war with them.....I don't think the U.S. will bomb but they will back-up Israel. So if I was a planner in Iran I would watch Israel not the U.S.......MBS doesn't want another disaster on his hand, UAE is already out of the nation building game...that only leaves the original dirty bastards, Israel......so I would divert all my attention to them.

Nothing in Iran and of course there are always preparations and drills no doubt in that ... but by current tension btw Iran and US the chances of a war is already high nothing surprising for God sake you hit our general and in response we hit your base ..
The UAE and the US have conducted a drill in which they take over or seizing a city and its mosque ... we've seen the same drill was held back in 2018 .. back then in response Iran held PA12 drill which was also about seizing an isle which in Iran deployed Special Forces from 1000kms away to Persian gulf with 3 hours to push back a probable offense there...

Meanwhile another drill with israel now. F35 are being deployed in Jordan .. sending 2 ACs to Arabian sea ... Iraqis have expressed their concern over american worrisome activities that may be seen as coup ... I don't know what is going on by something is being cooked .. maybe Arab dictators & isreal are worried that Trump wouldn't be reelected in upcoming election and wanna use the most of it till Nov.

View attachment 617517 View attachment 617518
Wait......this may not be about us....this maybe about Iraq, you are correct! Attacking Iran is never a good idea, Also the attack would be only give short gains....we can use the attack to justify going for the bomb...etc.
This is about a coup in Iraq....a military coup. They maybe looking to install another Saddam in Iraq....holy shit that makes sense. We should pull back the PMU's and get them dug into bunkers, because the first wave would be to bomb them so they can't counter attack.
I don't know, but politically speaking, we are 8 months away from the elections, the country is hit hard with recession fears, today, it was announced that the unemployment numbers broke the all time record. I can assure you that Congress/American public are not in a mood for a war.....with that being said Iran should be smart and not give these bastards any reason for a conflict, because a conflict in the M.E. will divert from all the domestic problems going on here. This economic meltdown in the U.S. is a gift to Iran.....Trump's only weak point has been the economy.
PS: Personally I cannot believe how lucky Iran has been.....Our biggest enemy Saddam was ousted for us, just as Israel was busy setting up a war against us Obama gets elected, just as ISIS was becoming a force that may have threatened us, they turned against their benefactors the Saudis and UAEs which rallied the world to eradicate them. Then the JCPOA was signed and we were about to be freed from sanctions, then Trump happened...Trump damaged us like no President but just as his re-election was almost guaranteed and 4 more years of hell for us, the Coronavirus happened and his re-election is now in serious jeopardy....So I can tell you that we have been unbelievably lucky thus far.

PSS: The last time we got attacked is when we were weak, this time, our enemies may use the virus as an opportunity, it maybe that Israel is setting up to bomb our nuke facilities and the U.S. is there to protect their sorry asses if we get into a war with them.....I don't think the U.S. will bomb but they will back-up Israel. So if I was a planner in Iran I would watch Israel not the U.S.......MBS doesn't want another disaster on his hand, UAE is already out of the nation building game...that only leaves the original dirty bastards, Israel......so I would divert all my attention to them.

Wait......this may not be about us....this maybe about Iraq, you are correct! Attacking Iran is never a good idea, Also the attack would be only give short gains....we can use the attack to justify going for the bomb...etc.
This is about a coup in Iraq....a military coup. They maybe looking to install another Saddam in Iraq....holy shit that makes sense. We should pull back the PMU's and get them dug into bunkers, because the first wave would be to bomb them so they can't counter attack.
Good points made...surprised the popularity of the orange baboon has not changed due to his mismanagement of the virus situation (which has affected Canada because of the border situation with NY and Washington State..glad they closed the border few days ago)..US is printing 6 and not 2) Trillion dollars as we speak.
I don't know, but politically speaking, we are 8 months away from the elections, the country is hit hard with recession fears, today, it was announced that the unemployment numbers broke the all time record. I can assure you that Congress/American public are not in a mood for a war.....with that being said Iran should be smart and not give these bastards any reason for a conflict, because a conflict in the M.E. will divert from all the domestic problems going on here. This economic meltdown in the U.S. is a gift to Iran.....Trump's only weak point has been the economy.
PS: Personally I cannot believe how lucky Iran has been.....Our biggest enemy Saddam was ousted for us, just as Israel was busy setting up a war against us Obama gets elected, just as ISIS was becoming a force that may have threatened us, they turned against their benefactors the Saudis and UAEs which rallied the world to eradicate them. Then the JCPOA was signed and we were about to be freed from sanctions, then Trump happened...Trump damaged us like no President but just as his re-election was almost guaranteed and 4 more years of hell for us, the Coronavirus happened and his re-election is now in serious jeopardy....So I can tell you that we have been unbelievably lucky thus far.

PSS: The last time we got attacked is when we were weak, this time, our enemies may use the virus as an opportunity, it maybe that Israel is setting up to bomb our nuke facilities and the U.S. is there to protect their sorry asses if we get into a war with them.....I don't think the U.S. will bomb but they will back-up Israel. So if I was a planner in Iran I would watch Israel not the U.S.......MBS doesn't want another disaster on his hand, UAE is already out of the nation building game...that only leaves the original dirty bastards, Israel......so I would divert all my attention to them.

Wait......this may not be about us....this maybe about Iraq, you are correct! Attacking Iran is never a good idea, Also the attack would be only give short gains....we can use the attack to justify going for the bomb...etc.
This is about a coup in Iraq....a military coup. They maybe looking to install another Saddam in Iraq....holy shit that makes sense. We should pull back the PMU's and get them dug into bunkers, because the first wave would be to bomb them so they can't counter attack.
On giving them reason there would be a false flag it should not be necessarily a push from Iran .. on the other hand Trump just reap what Obama saw after recession back in 2008 .. his inauguration date was Jan 2017 and in 10 months (October 24, 2017) he said:

A recent Department of Labor report showed the fewest jobless claims since 1973
So Obama did it. beside jobless claims skyrocketing the debt is another issue:
And they wanna spend 2 trillion$ ...
But in total it's a global meltdown:

By the way Saudis and the UAE are fragile but it doesn't mean if isreal makes a mistake they wouldn't tag along and stay aside if they see a window of opportunely they would go for it .... Saudis now engaged in Yemen busy with power struggling arresting princes and generals but still could be a way to make MBS throne guaranteed ... UAE is active even more than Saudis in Libya, Syria and Yemen ... so both should be checked constantly ..

Other issue is Iran arm embargo lifting in October ...presidential election in US .. Iran exuhusted economy due to sanctions,low oil prices and recession (remember the fear of a recession due to Iran blocking strait? no fear anymore),being busy with virus all these maybe push evangelists to bibi to MBS to MBZ to do something before time is out (Trump in oval office) esp when Iran is enriching uranium and has got enough enriched uranium for 3 bombs ...
what is important is we should check all of them 24/7 ... under such a drills they could prepare and logistic a war ...

Iran must focus on virus and get rid of it asap to restore country normal trade .. it'd the best thing we should do at first ..
On giving them reason there would be a false flag it should not be necessarily a push from Iran .. on the other hand Trump just reap what Obama saw after recession back in 2008 .. his inauguration date was Jan 2017 and in 10 months (October 24, 2017) he said:

A recent Department of Labor report showed the fewest jobless claims since 1973
So Obama did it. beside jobless claims skyrocketing the debt is another issue:
View attachment 617736View attachment 617738
And they wanna spend 2 trillion$ ...
But in total it's a global meltdown:
View attachment 617737

By the way Saudis and the UAE are fragile but it doesn't mean if isreal makes a mistake they wouldn't tag along and stay aside if they see a window of opportunely they would go for it .... Saudis now engaged in Yemen busy with power struggling arresting princes and generals but still could be a way to make MBS throne guaranteed ... UAE is active even more than Saudis in Libya, Syria and Yemen ... so both should be checked constantly ..

Other issue is Iran arm embargo lifting in October ...presidential election in US .. Iran exuhusted economy due to sanctions,low oil prices and recession (remember the fear of a recession due to Iran blocking strait? no fear anymore),being busy with virus all these maybe push evangelists to bibi to MBS to MBZ to do something before time is out (Trump in oval office) esp when Iran is enriching uranium and has got enough enriched uranium for 3 bombs ...
what is important is we should check all of them 24/7 ... under such a drills they could prepare and logistic a war ...

Iran must focus on virus and get rid of it asap to restore country normal trade .. it'd the best thing we should do at first ..


WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has ordered military commanders to plan for an escalation of American combat in Iraq, issuing a directive last week to prepare a campaign to destroy an Iranian-backed militia group that has threatened more attacks against American troops.

But the United States’ top commander in Iraq has warned that such a campaign could be bloody and counterproductive and risks war with Iran. In a blunt memo last week, the commander, Lt. Gen. Robert P. White, wrote that a new military campaign would also require thousands more American troops be sent to Iraq and divert resources from what has been the primary American military mission there: training Iraqi troops to combat the Islamic State.

The Pentagon directive and General White’s response — both classified internal military communications — were described by several American officials with direct knowledge of their contents. The exchange comes amid a simmering fight inside the Trump administration over policy toward Iran and the course of America’s war in Iraq, which began just over 17 years ago.
Some top officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Robert C. O’Brien, the national security adviser, have been pushing for aggressive new action against Iran and its proxy forces — and see an opportunity to try to destroy Iranian-backed militia groups in Iraq as leaders in Iran are distracted by the pandemic crisis in their country.

Military leaders, including Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have been wary of a sharp military escalation, warning it could further destabilize the Middle East at a time when President Trump has said he hopes to reduce the number of American troops in the region.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has ordered military commanders to plan for an escalation of American combat in Iraq, issuing a directive last week to prepare a campaign to destroy an Iranian-backed militia group that has threatened more attacks against American troops.

But the United States’ top commander in Iraq has warned that such a campaign could be bloody and counterproductive and risks war with Iran. In a blunt memo last week, the commander, Lt. Gen. Robert P. White, wrote that a new military campaign would also require thousands more American troops be sent to Iraq and divert resources from what has been the primary American military mission there: training Iraqi troops to combat the Islamic State.

The Pentagon directive and General White’s response — both classified internal military communications — were described by several American officials with direct knowledge of their contents. The exchange comes amid a simmering fight inside the Trump administration over policy toward Iran and the course of America’s war in Iraq, which began just over 17 years ago.
Some top officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Robert C. O’Brien, the national security adviser, have been pushing for aggressive new action against Iran and its proxy forces — and see an opportunity to try to destroy Iranian-backed militia groups in Iraq as leaders in Iran are distracted by the pandemic crisis in their country.

Military leaders, including Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have been wary of a sharp military escalation, warning it could further destabilize the Middle East at a time when President Trump has said he hopes to reduce the number of American troops in the region.
I think they want to take advantage of Iran's distraction by Corona virus. However I think they didn't anticipate the same may happen in US but at a much higher scale. So I can't see how they can start a war while they already have 100,000 known Corona infections which probably means another 200,000 cases will be added soon if each of those people only transfer it to two other people.
This is not a normal recession that would be resolved by a stimulus like war. Factories will literally shut down due to worker shortage.
An escalation May be something they cannot back in a month or two.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has ordered military commanders to plan for an escalation of American combat in Iraq, issuing a directive last week to prepare a campaign to destroy an Iranian-backed militia group that has threatened more attacks against American troops.

But the United States’ top commander in Iraq has warned that such a campaign could be bloody and counterproductive and risks war with Iran. In a blunt memo last week, the commander, Lt. Gen. Robert P. White, wrote that a new military campaign would also require thousands more American troops be sent to Iraq and divert resources from what has been the primary American military mission there: training Iraqi troops to combat the Islamic State.

The Pentagon directive and General White’s response — both classified internal military communications — were described by several American officials with direct knowledge of their contents. The exchange comes amid a simmering fight inside the Trump administration over policy toward Iran and the course of America’s war in Iraq, which began just over 17 years ago.
Some top officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Robert C. O’Brien, the national security adviser, have been pushing for aggressive new action against Iran and its proxy forces — and see an opportunity to try to destroy Iranian-backed militia groups in Iraq as leaders in Iran are distracted by the pandemic crisis in their country.

Military leaders, including Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have been wary of a sharp military escalation, warning it could further destabilize the Middle East at a time when President Trump has said he hopes to reduce the number of American troops in the region.
What is bothers me the most is why they are so open about it & not hiding it? if you wanna take on someone it's best to keep it to yourself .. unless you wanna make such an activity routine in the eyes of your adversary and surprise them ..
On Iraq there have been reports over heliborne by american in Iraq against PMU ...
Ps: I heard Iran has sent a letter to Swiss embassy in Tehran clearing Iran stance which any move by american would be responded ..
So it's real ..
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I'm worried a short war or skirmish is only a matter of time...

It's almost a given at this stage, all that's left is for it to actually happen.

COVID-19 has successfully pre-occupied the minds of the world but a conflict is most definitely going to pop-off soon. Don't see how it can't to be honest.
Low oil price and corona virus which already put all countries economic growth to a hold , now perefct time for waging war outside of your border which won't hurt your economy ... from USA point of view
there is already 2200 billion dollar package to save people ... now bored people at home can watch war videos and news , perefect show ...

how many times I said : "We should have nukes" you know one of worst torture is that you know something bad going to happen but no one listen to you and you feel hopless ( well , there were so many insult at met as well ) ...

this is state of my mind in past 8 years ....

اون مدیران میلیتاری هم که با بن کردن امثال من و نظریات مشعشه بازسازی نیروی هوایی ( که خودشون می دونستن امکان پذیر نیست با این شرایط تحریمی ) محیط رو برای شنیدن تک و توک صدایی که جرات گفتن واقعیت رو داشت بستند ...

دم از پدافند غیر عامل و بازدارندگی متعارف می زدند در حالی که هر کسی فقط به اندازه ی اقتصاد ایران که به خاطر فشار تحریمی تحت شدیدترین حملات اقتصادی و جنگ اقتصادی هست نگاه بکنه و بعد به اقتصاد آمریکا نگاه می کرد می دید که در شرایط برابر تکنولوژیکی و صنعتی هم باز ایران توان ایجاد بازدارندگی متعارف رو نداره چه برسه به حالا ...

ای که دستت می رسد کاری بکن

پیش از آن کز تو نیاید هیچ کار​
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Low oil price and corona virus which already put all countries economic growth to a hold , now perefct time for waging war outside of your border which won't hurt your economy ... from USA point of view
there is already 2200 billion dollar package to save people ... now bored people at home can watch war videos and news , perefect show ...

how many times I said : "We should have nukes" you know one of worst torture is that you know something bad going to happen but no one listen to you and you feel hopless ( well , there were so many insult at met as well ) ...

this is state of my mind in past 8 years ....

اون مدیران میلیتاری هم که با بن کردن امثال من و نظریات مشعشه بازسازی نیروی هوایی ( که خودشون می دونستن امکان پذیر نیست با این شرایط تحریمی ) محیط رو برای شنیدن تک و توک صدایی که جرات گفتن واقعیت رو داشت بستند ...

دم از پدافند غیر عامل و بازدارندگی متعارف می زدند در حالی که هر کسی فقط به اندازه ی اقتصاد ایران که به خاطر فشار تحریمی تحت شدیدترین حملات اقتصادی و جنگ اقتصادی هست نگاه بکنه و بعد به اقتصاد آمریکا نگاه می کرد می دید که در شرایط برابر تکنولوژیکی و صنعتی هم باز ایران توان ایجاد بازدارندگی متعارف رو نداره چه برسه به حالا ...

ای که دستت می رسد کاری بکن

پیش از آن کز تو نیاید هیچ کار​
This situation is different. US may soon lack the production capacity to back a war. Starting today almost all automotive companies in North America shut down their operations. They are talking about potential 200,000 death by Corona. A war in this case is not going to help boost the economy when the work force cannot get back to production facilities.

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