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US forces leave ‘critical’ Iraqi base due to war of attrition

Sorry to break it to you but neither Canadian government nor that of US have time or are in the mood to laugh because they are desperately trying to stop the spread of the disease. US numbers just jumped 7000 in one day sitting at 43000. For people like you grass is always greener on the neighbor side. And I'm not one of those Iranians that you named below.

Canada has more than 2000 as of today. Every country thinks it is a joke and laughs at how China or Iran mismanaged it until they get it themselves and then shut up

Well it's a disease to exploit everything for your own political worldview & unfortunately not only keyboard warriors over here do it real politicians do it too .. I think the entire humanity need to pause it for a moment & reflect deeply of what we've become.
Not my problem either you like your PM or not .. he is Iraqi prime minister whom invited Soleimani for talk over Saudis relation as Iraq tried to meditate btw 2 ... you can not abdicate your own responsibility over your official invitations ... like Saddam whom killed Benyahia whom his plane was shot down on the Iran-Turkey border during his mediation mission in Iran–Iraq war ...
So what are you gonna do as response for his assassination on your own soil? nothing ... so if you can not stop invaders from harming others then stop bashing others.
Soleimani was not on official visit also we still for Iranian revenge.

they are not our militia , they are Iraqi national ...
They follow Iran’s order you always use rogue militias then distinguish yourself from their actions.
Soleimani was not on official visit also we still for Iranian revenge.

They follow Iran’s order you always use rogue militias then distinguish yourself from their actions.
Your PM said Sardar Soleimani visited Iraq on official visit to meet him on Friday morning & what you mean we still for Iranian revenge?
PMU fighters are Iraqis & under control of Iraqi PM and a part of Iraqi army the reasons why they are close to Iran are:
1. Back in 80s when Saddam whom were being supported by regional Arab dictators besides american +the USSR and EU countries those Iraiqs who were fighting Saddam dictatorship had no other place to take refugee but Iran.
2. Back in 2003 when all Arab countries rejected democracy in Iraq , Iran stepped in opened its embassy & helped Iraqis to form their new government .. some Arab countries did it after a decade ..
3. The first country that helped Iraqis to stand against isis providing them with weapon, training, military advisor and so on was Iran ..
4. They are many other factors like religion, historical bonds between 2 countries , existence of Qom and Najaf as center of Shia figh in 2 countries , culture even people at the borders are families and so on.
5. Besides all Saudis have money and can not connect with the people 'cause they look at people as proxies while Iran would succeed in connecting with the people 'cause Iran sees them as partner in way Iranian youth blood shed on Iraqi soil to protect them against isis ...
Yea.... then why not do it? Why didnt scum saddam do it??

Talking is easy, and that all the Arabs are good at...

Saddam was good at doing as well, that's why you're crying about him. His only mistake was not taking the entire gulf in 1990, he should have blown up the entire area. That's all we need, we need a dictator

Your PM said Sardar Soleimani visited Iraq on official visit to meet him on Friday morning & what you mean we still for Iranian revenge?
PMU fighters are Iraqis & under control of Iraqi PM and a part of Iraqi army the reasons why they are close to Iran are:
1. Back in 80s when Saddam whom were being supported by regional Arab dictators besides american +the USSR and EU countries those Iraiqs who were fighting Saddam dictatorship had no other place to take refugee but Iran.
2. Back in 2003 when all Arab countries rejected democracy in Iraq , Iran stepped in opened its embassy & helped Iraqis to form their new government .. some Arab countries did it after a decade ..
3. The first country that helped Iraqis to stand against isis providing them with weapon, training, military advisor and so on was Iran ..
4. They are many other factors like religion, historical bonds between 2 countries , existence of Qom and Najaf as center of Shia figh in 2 countries , culture even people at the borders are families and so on.
5. Besides all Saudis have money and can not connect with the people 'cause they look at people as proxies while Iran would succeed in connecting with the people 'cause Iran sees them as partner in way Iranian youth blood shed on Iraqi soil to protect them against isis ...

Those Iraqis that sought refuge in Iran during the 80's are the Iraqi MKO

Soleimani was not on official visit also we still for Iranian revenge.

They follow Iran’s order you always use rogue militias then distinguish yourself from their actions.

USAF should blow up the entire parliament not just Soleimani and Mohandis, there's a lot of work to do.

The ISIS story is the last thing Iran should bring up. It was the same pro-Iran axis in Iraq that forced the US out whilst the Iraqi army was nothing but a checkpoint force till 2014. Then they used it to spawn dozens of decentralized militia's with ideological Shi'a roots, all of that causes an effect adverse to nationalization, which is what a national army stands for.

Ever asked yourself, why does Iran not spawn a militia for every single cleric in Iran. Then we're supposed to see this as a favor to us. On top of all that, in the end it was the US trained ISOF that led all operations against ISIS. Grandpa Soleimani is not that important in the grand scheme of things in the battlefield, we have a shitload of Iran-Iraq war veterans similar to him, without the upbuilt ego of the Qods force whom have not ever faced true opposition, as for example Saddam has. Otherwise there would be nothing left standing of the Quds force.

I am not surprised Zarqawi managed to get a lot of support in Iraq
Saddam was good at doing as well, that's why you're crying about him. His only mistake was not taking the entire gulf in 1990, he should have blown up the entire area. That's all we need, we need a dictator

Those Iraqis that sought refuge in Iran during the 80's are the Iraqi MKO

USAF should blow up the entire parliament not just Soleimani and Mohandis, there's a lot of work to do.

The ISIS story is the last thing Iran should bring up. It was the same pro-Iran axis in Iraq that forced the US out whilst the Iraqi army was nothing but a checkpoint force till 2014. Then they used it to spawn dozens of decentralized militia's with ideological Shi'a roots, all of that causes an effect adverse to nationalization, which is what a national army stands for.

Ever asked yourself, why does Iran not spawn a militia for every single cleric in Iran. Then we're supposed to see this as a favor to us. On top of all that, in the end it was the US trained ISOF that led all operations against ISIS. Grandpa Soleimani is not that important in the grand scheme of things in the battlefield, we have a shitload of Iran-Iraq war veterans similar to him, without the upbuilt ego of the Qods force whom have not ever faced true opposition, as for example Saddam has. Otherwise there would be nothing left standing of the Quds force.

I am not surprised Zarqawi managed to get a lot of support in Iraq
Saddam hid in a hole & destroyed his country by his ambitions & in doing so he hurt his people & neighbors too ... good luck if you wanna pick off where he left off ... same mistakes same outcomes.
Best regards.
Saddam hid in a hole & destroyed his country by his ambitions & in doing so he hurt his people & neighbors too ... good luck if you wanna pick off where he left off ... same mistakes same outcomes.
Best regards.

Saddam wasnt very nice but he was a saint compared to the ayatollahs
Saddam wasnt very nice but he was a saint compared to the ayatollahs
Saddam's gone anyway.

The issue today is our turban heads are having militias. PMU needs full depoliticising, it should be a military force without any of our turban wearing politicians wielding any influence over it
Saddam wasnt very nice but he was a saint compared to the ayatollahs
WOW, i wonder what world you're living in..

Saddam's gone anyway.

The issue today is our turban heads are having militias. PMU needs full depoliticising, it should be a military force without any of our turban wearing politicians wielding any influence over it
its too late for that. You guys were in a tough lose-lose scenario- either u let ISIS over run you and there would be no PMU now, or you accept PMU as cost of saving Baghdad from ISIS..both bad scenarios, but PMUs are not going anywhere, at least not for now.
Saddam hid in a hole & destroyed his country by his ambitions & in doing so he hurt his people & neighbors too ... good luck if you wanna pick off where he left off ... same mistakes same outcomes.
Best regards.
Problem was that Saddam's lack of wisdom caught up with him- He wanted to be a state leader terrorist, but he failed to properly arm himself for that risky wild mission. He obviously made miscalculations that cost millions of people their lives. If you think Saddam is good, then you must think what is happening now politically in Iraq is bad, no? If not that, then these must be people living in that old romantic socialist Gloriana that IRaq formerly was...vicious to neighbors for sure.
WOW, i wonder what world you're living in..

its too late for that. You guys were in a tough lose-lose scenario- either u let ISIS over run you and there would be no PMU now, or you accept PMU as cost of saving Baghdad from ISIS..both bad scenarios, but PMUs are not going anywhere, at least not for now.

The political battle involving the Pmu is a slow gradual one, no hard military power will be used for this.
@Kastor like what I said as it seems american not only have no plan to leave but preparing to do something in Iraq or Persian gulf ... there has been preparation, drills and so on that indicating something is undergoing ..
@Kastor like what I said as it seems american not only have no plan to leave but preparing to do something in Iraq or Persian gulf ... there has been preparation, drills and so on that indicating something is undergoing ..

There is always preparations and drills. Doesn't Iran do it all the time? Is there something going on in Iran?
There is always preparations and drills. Doesn't Iran do it all the time? Is there something going on in Iran?

Nothing in Iran and of course there are always preparations and drills no doubt in that ... but by current tension btw Iran and US the chances of a war is already high nothing surprising for God sake you hit our general and in response we hit your base ..
The UAE and the US have conducted a drill in which they take over or seizing a city and its mosque ... we've seen the same drill was held back in 2018 .. back then in response Iran held PA12 drill which was also about seizing an isle which in Iran deployed Special Forces from 1000kms away to Persian gulf with 3 hours to push back a probable offense there...

Meanwhile another drill with israel now. F35 are being deployed in Jordan .. sending 2 ACs to Arabian sea ... Iraqis have expressed their concern over american worrisome activities that may be seen as coup ... I don't know what is going on by something is being cooked .. maybe Arab dictators & isreal are worried that Trump wouldn't be reelected in upcoming election and wanna use the most of it till Nov.

war1.jpg war.jpg
The plan is American backed coup in Iraq and putting another puppet brutal dictator in Iraq.
please remember Yankees start war first.

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