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U.S. Air Force has deployed 20 missiles that could zap the military electronics of Iran

There was no objectivity in that monkey level analysis.
Your ignorance is rather telling.

"Iraq also had a Popular Army, which had been created in 1971 as a Ba'ath Party militia. It was a highly political force designed to counter any threat from the regular forces, and had poor training and equipment before the Iran-Iraq War. Despite several efforts to improve it during the early 1980s, it performed poorly during the Iran-Iraq War -- even when Popular Army units were finally integrated into Iraqi regular army formations during the 1980s." - CSIS

Iraqi military strength in 1980 at a glance:-

Number of troops = 180,000
Number of Tanks = 2700
Number of Artillery = 2300
Number of ballistic missiles = 0
Chemical weapons program = infancy

Iraqi military strength in 1990 at a glance:-

Number of troops = 955,000 (20% of this strength = the Republic Guards)
Number of Tanks = 5700
Number of Artillery = 3700
Number of ballistic missiles = 800+ (Scud variants)
Chemical weapons program = advanced (mustard gas munitions; nerve agents)

Iraqi Air Force was also much bigger and capable by 1990 in comparison to what it used to be in 1980. Iraqi armed forces underwent numerous quantitative and qualitative improvements across the board from 1983 to 1990, thanks in part to foreign aid and battlefield-related experiences.

So what did I tell you earlier? Following:-

Iraq wasn't a military juggernaut when it invaded Iran in 1980 but a mediocre military power at the time; logistics problems, poor Air Force, and modest Iranian resistance efforts - these 3 factors collectively ensured failure of Iraqi armed forces to reach Tehran let alone pulling off 'regime change' in Iran. In fact, Iranian armed forces succeeded at ousting Iraqi armed forces by 1982.

Iraq began to receive funds and equipment from foreign entities after 1982 when it was on the receiving-end of Iranian counter-aggression. It would still take several years to refine and improve armed forces to the extent that they would be able to decisively defeat Iranian armed forces in the battlefield by 1988 (Operation Forty Stars and Tawakalna ala Allah Operations).

You do not even understand the meaning of 'analysis' let alone dismiss mine. You = Monkey.

Nonsense. Iran's main objective was to resist the invasion, which it accomplished.
This was the case in the period (1980 - 1982) only, and Iran accomplished this objective by 1982.

Saddam Hussein offered his terms for lasting peace to Iran in 1982 but Ayatollah Ali Khomeini rejected his terms (a) and called for 'regime change' in Iraq instead (b).

(a) 15 December 1981 - Saddam Hussein says that his country is ready to end the war with Iran if Tehran agrees to recognize Iraq's borders. Iran rejects Hussein's plea.

(b) 22 June 1982 - Saddam Hussein announces an Iraqi troop withdrawal to be completed in ten days. Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini says that the war with Iraq will not end even if Iraq withdraws its troops. The commander-in-chief of the Iranian army, Col. Sayed Shirazi, says that Iran will continue its war with Iraq until Saddam Hussein is overthrown.

Therefore, new Iranian objectives were set in accordance with the call of Ayatollah Khomeini.

Post-Iraqi invasion Iranian objective # 1: Capture of Basra = FAIL (5 attempts in total)

Post-Iraqi invasion Iranian objective # 2: Regime change in Iraq = FAIL

Complete timeline of events in relation to Iran-Iraq War (1980 - 1988) in this link: https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/Iran-IraqWar_Part1_0.pdf

You do not understand your own history unfortunately. Such a shame.

Once again, all that is better than the utter humiliation your white American master's have suffered.
US have far more battlefield-related accomplishments under its belt than your country, period.

You worry about your own failed state kid.
Mirror time.

Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran


Iran–Iraq War


Operation Praying Mantis


In each of these major conflicts, Iranian performance was lackluster, but the list of excuses for your failures is endless.

On the internet, you're crying to the mods every 5 minutes. In real life, you're a pu$$y as well. Once slap and you'd run like a kid.
Talk is cheap, paper tiger.
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But Iran will employ asymmetric warfare and America will lose in the end. Look at Afghanistan
Afghanistan is landlocked unlike Iran.

US-led forces did not loose in Iraq in spite of experiencing more potent insurgency in this country and pressures of war in Afghanistan on top. On the whole, war in Iraq was relatively more difficult and challenging to cope with but having unrestricted access to Iraq helped. US also committed relatively larger force to Iraq in order to overcome its insurgency problem and stabilize it.
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ساخت فيلتر مقابله با بمب هاي EMP در كشور


For people who don't know we already have made EMP filter in 2013/14 and installed

For these stupid members who think U.S really going to get way with it

Just wait U.S needs little beating and we going to give some

yavar jun you made a extraordinary good and relevant military point but no one is talking about it its like they love to reply on irrelevant posts.
Joke article. Nevermind the fact that the missile has to be carried by the B-52 which will be a GIANT slow moving BLIMP on any early warning radar making it easy target.

I’m not covinced of missiles that can on a large scale magically zap “electronics”, outside of a massive EMP blast by a thermonuclear blast.

If such a missile exists why would NO other major power have it as well? Like China or Russia?

Do people forget the amount of energy required to unleash enough microwave waves to render an area fried? Rendering a small area may be possible, but then you would need a hell of a lot more Missile than 20 to make any impact.
yavar jun you made a extraordinary good and relevant military point but no one is talking about it its like they love to reply on irrelevant posts.
EMP shielding (insulation) of military equipment is a universal practice; what is new in his revelation? You can order this kind of stuff from various sources including Amazon.

FYI: https://www.majr.com/emi-rfi-product/emp-shielding/

However, insulation levels vary among equipment (cost factor; complexity factor), and have an effectiveness ceiling in each case, and potential gaps to exploit in case of complexity factor (power generators; wiring; electronics). Exceed this effectiveness ceiling and the equipment will suffer.

In 1991, the U.S. Navy fired so-called “Kit-2” Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles into Iraq. These dropped spools of highly-conductive carbon fiber wire over power stations causing short circuits. Though there are few other available details about this configuration, the missiles were reportedly responsible for decimating Iraqi power generation during the conflict. - Joseph Trevithick

CHAMP missiles takes this matter to a whole new level in terms of potency due to prevalence of insulation factor in modern-era military applications.


What is the point of developing weaponry which would be useless in battlefield situations, right? Thousands of volts per meter = nuclear blast level pulse.
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Joke article. Nevermind the fact that the missile has to be carried by the B-52 which will be a GIANT slow moving BLIMP on any early warning radar making it easy target.

I’m not covinced of missiles that can on a large scale magically zap “electronics”, outside of a massive EMP blast by a thermonuclear blast.

If such a missile exists why would NO other major power have it as well? Like China or Russia?

Do people forget the amount of energy required to unleash enough microwave waves to render an area fried? Rendering a small area may be possible, but then you would need a hell of a lot more Missile than 20 to make any impact.
EMP fries any device containing semiconductors, it does not need high power, only needs to induce high level of voltage to break semi conductors. it's not new, soviets had it, i guess china has it too and US of course. you can make one in home too, it's based on lenz law.

but again it is not a significant weapon especially it is ridiculous to use it to counter a single TEL, imagine a B-52 moves all the way and drops that missile then missile moves and when it reaches the TEL transmits a microwave and disable it.o_Oo_O
use a fuckin blast warhead. as i said it's a propaganda unless they are threatening us to disrupt our power grid which is serious.
Joke article. Nevermind the fact that the missile has to be carried by the B-52 which will be a GIANT slow moving BLIMP on any early warning radar making it easy target.

I’m not covinced of missiles that can on a large scale magically zap “electronics”, outside of a massive EMP blast by a thermonuclear blast.

If such a missile exists why would NO other major power have it as well? Like China or Russia?

Do people forget the amount of energy required to unleash enough microwave waves to render an area fried? Rendering a small area may be possible, but then you would need a hell of a lot more Missile than 20 to make any impact.
See my response above (post # 68).

B-52H can strike at potential targets from a safe distance; CHAMP cruise missiles have a range of 700 miles (probably greater) and will do the trick. Nevertheless, B-52H is equipped with powerful EW gear to suppress radar installations and more in case infiltration is necessary. You think Americans are stupid?

And no! Not necessary for Russia and/or China to be able to duplicate everything in American arsenal; this is silly assumption. Both are yet to match US in the domains of stealth, radar systems, satellites and engines to name a few.

EMP fries any device containing semiconductors, it does not need high power, only needs to induce high level of voltage to break semi conductors. it's not new, soviets had it, i guess china has it too and US of course. you can make one in home too, it's based on lenz law.
View attachment 560642
but again it is not a significant weapon especially it is ridiculous to use it to counter a single TEL, imagine a B-52 moves all the way and drops that missile then missile moves and when it reaches the TEL transmits a microwave and disable it.o_Oo_O
use a fuckin blast warhead. as i said it's a propaganda unless they are threatening us to disrupt our power grid which is serious.
Oh dear,

CHAMP is much advanced than Cold War era relics and designs, and it is designed to damage/disable insulated hardware, and of-course rugged power stations. It took US a decade to develop and perfect CHAMP cruise missiles (2006 - 2016). No country have anything equivalent in its arsenal yet; do not jump to conclusions due to scarcity of information on the web.
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is this reality or your dream? IMO US is getting tired- too many strong enemies and no help. Useless NATO doesnt want to fight any war even. Didnt you hear Spain withdrew its frigate taht was part of NATO's naval group heading to Persian Gulf region?

The PDFers who say "US will wipe u guys out so easily" are going to be wrong 100%. why? they were always wrong when they said this before.

Some of these countries are waiting for their beating but i dunno when US will actually give it to them..

Houthis have BMs and have been using them so why hasnt US used them to save their incompetent Saudi allies there?

Short conflict advantages US and long conflict advantages Iran.

America is afraid of how many soldiers it will have to lose in its "onslaught". If you dont accept that then thats confirmation you're only a dreamer.

Harsh truths detected.

If only life was this simple.

Without going in to too much details. We know very well what USA does best, it would just destroy the infrastructure and military capabilities to gain the superiority for its air operations. Nothing else.

Like I said in opposition to someone's post, the damage would be done by USA by air. They would destroy Iran's military installations and infrastructure that's all they are going to do, nothing more than that.
It would not defeat Iran completely or destroy it, but cripple it.

This is the policy adopted by USA for decades. They have only got involved in long term ground incursions in three different places, Vietnam, Iraq and then in Afghanistan. Two of them have ended in miserable failures. The third one should have the same results, if the Arabs had any backbones. They are spineless people, period.

USA had overwhelming air and naval power for decades, only for this purpose. To block countries through sea, then through air power stationed on their carriers and through their bases around the world, the plummet countries through air and missile strikes.

This strategy has paid off in long term. The USA away from Euro-Asia and Africa means that any ground war cannot be imposed on them by weaker oppositions.
They only have two countries who can mount a ground war on them. I don't think that either Canada or Mexico had any such desires or options.
Without going in to too much details. We know very well what USA does best, it would just destroy the infrastructure and military capabilities to gain the superiority for its air operations. Nothing else.

Like I said in opposition to someone's post, the damage would be done by USA by air. They would destroy Iran's military installations and infrastructure that's all they are going to do, nothing more than that.
It would not defeat Iran completely or destroy it, but cripple it.

This is the policy adopted by USA for decades. They have only got involved in long term ground incursions in three different places, Vietnam, Iraq and then in Afghanistan. Two of them have ended in miserable failures. The third one should have the same results, if the Arabs had any backbones. They are spineless people, period.

USA had overwhelming air and naval power for decades, only for this purpose. To block countries through sea, then through air power stationed on their carriers and through their bases around the world, the plummet countries through air and missile strikes.

This strategy has paid off in long term. The USA away from Euro-Asia and Africa means that any ground war cannot be imposed on them by weaker oppositions.
They only have two countries who can mount a ground war on them. I don't think that either Canada or Mexico had any such desires or options.

Iraq was a war the US fought over a span of 13+ years with an initial 1991 gulf war campaing of over 700K US troops let alone the others. Followed by 13 years of UN sanctions and another invasion.

The result was more US casualties than they endured in Afghanistan and the creation of ISIS, a terror group that trashed any other known before. The issue here lies in you and that of many other Pakistanis given you have become a society that worships Arabs, thus here you express your resentment through calling others spineless when in reality the societal problems lie within yours, trying to be more Arab than the Arabs themselves.
Iraq was a war the US fought over a span of 13+ years with an initial 1991 gulf war campaing of over 700K US troops let alone the others. Followed by 13 years of UN sanctions and another invasion.

The result was more US casualties than they endured in Afghanistan and the creation of ISIS, a terror group that trashed any other known before. The issue here lies in you and that of many other Pakistanis given you have become a society that worships Arabs, thus here you express your resentment through calling others spineless when in reality the societal problems lie within yours, trying to be more Arab than the Arabs themselves.

Look mate, nobody wants to be Arab, you are mistaken big time. Let me tell you my Children are half Arabs. So I know you guys inside out, enough said.
Look mate, nobody wants to be Arab, you are mistaken big time. Let me tell you my Children are half Arabs. So I know you guys inside out, enough said.

I feel bad for your children then as you're raising them to have self-loath due to your own insecurities. The issue is you are hating on Arabs, probably to elevate yourself given the problem in your society (arab worship). Your arguments are trash, fix your issues and don't spread false info.

Other then that no one gives a **** what you want to be, worship blacks or whites if you look up to them
I feel bad for your children then as you're raising them to have self-loath due to your own insecurities. The issue is you are hating on Arabs, probably to elevate yourself given the problem in your society (arab worship). Your arguments are trash, fix your issues and don't spread false info.

Other then that no one gives a **** what you want to be, worship blacks or whites if you look up to them

I don't think you read properly. Why would I or anyone else do "Arab Worship"!! On one side you use worship and on other you say I hate Arabs. It is neither. My Children are very balanced kids, I have never spoken a word to them on this topic. The Children are not stupid, they have seen what is what in growing up.

Like I said I know you guys inside out. The most over hyped, thoughtless and arrogant but cowardly people.
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