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U.S. Air Force has deployed 20 missiles that could zap the military electronics of Iran

LMAO....LMAO. Zap all computer chips, sssure they will...they forgot the part where the Autobot soldiers will lead the invasion by flying low over the gulf waters. View attachment 560630

Don't forget Rambo. He'll single handily defeat the Qods forces.

americas military might can really stomp the crap of iran but eventually it will just become another afghanistan with no endgame no one really wins and people die

You people and your pathetic obsession about American "military might". Stop watching their movies. These people can only "stomp the crap" of innocent women and children in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan with their drones.
Hmm ... so means simplicity of weapons though limits and prolong your options but put a considerable strain/defeat to a mad elephant/donkey.
Afghanistan represent an irregular warfare environment where simplicity and patience will make difference. Additionally, being geographically landlocked is also an advantage; US-led forces do not have direct access to Afghanistan and this dynamic make certain that American pressures and influence in this region will remain limited.

Nevertheless, US-led forces eradicated Al-Qaeda Network across Afghanistan and Pakistan which is an important achievement; Al-Qaeda Network was deemed responsible for 9/11. So yes, victims of 9/11 had a closure in this respect.
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You truly are delusional. All I can do is laugh....because you are going to get a huge bite of humble pie. It’s not going to be pretty.
See that's exactly the kind of mentality that will get you in trouble....remember the great Red Army was defeated by a bunch of illiterate Talibans. Also you underestimate that the Iranians are fighting in their backyard, there is an element of pride (and anger) that no modern weaponry can match. Think Fallujah but with a much better trained and cunning force. I won't say Iran will be victorious but they will give you guys one helluva workout, I can say with some confidence that you have not met a foe like Iran since WWII. It's not going to be pretty for Iran either that's for sure, but the first few ships on fire in the Persian Gulf will help usher in the new reality.
The reality here is this, your military has been defeated in most of it's conflicts and downright humiliated in few of them. Your onslaught exists in your movies only. In reality, your military is spread through the globe and what portion you have near Iran would be soundly defeated via saturation alone if nothing more.

If defeating Iran was something your kind could accomplish without severe consequences, then it would have been done long ago.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Let's see if your country has the balls to make a move.

FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/history-of-american-wars.538912/

You are very much misinformed.

Now tell us about all those big bad wars that modern-era Iran have won since its independence. Also tell us about how Iran have redefined warfare techniques for much of the world since its independence.

FYI: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/history-of-american-wars.538912/

You are very much misinformed.

Now tell us about all those big bad wars that modern-era Iran have won since its independence. Also tell us about how Iran have redefined warfare techniques for much of the world since its independence.

No one with an IQ above 40 would pay any attention to your retarded threads. Victory in Afghanistan :lol:
Even a monkey bashing it's head against a keyboard is more likely to create a more substance based thread than you.

Your pathetic attempt to lick the behind of your white American idols are cringy and pathetic.
No one with an IQ above 40 would pay any attention to your retarded threads. Victory in Afghanistan :lol:
Even a monkey bashing it's head against a keyboard is more likely to create a more substance based thread than you.

Your pathetic attempt to lick the behind of your white American idols are cringy and pathetic.

You have talent in TROLLING, I give you this. In reality, your country does not have much to show to the world in terms of battlefield prowess. No amount of posturing will help you in these discussions.

Also, you need to revisit your method of communication, or I will talk to an authoritative figure who will shut your beak in this forum for indefinite period. You have been warned.

You have talent in TROLLING, I give you this. In reality, your country does not have much to show to the world in terms of battlefield prowess. No amount of posturing will help you in these discussions.

Also, you need to revisit your method of communication, or I will talk to an authoritative figure who will close your chapter in this forum for indefinite period. You have been warned.

That's because Iran is not a warmonger and has not attacked anyone in past 200 years. But given anyone making a move against it, it will retaliate with a very nice butt kicking.

Now carry on crying to the mods like the little toddler you are. Do you even realise how pathetic you come across?
That's because Iran is not a warmonger and has not attacked anyone in past 200 years. But given anyone making a move against it, it will retaliate with a very nice but kicking.
Being a warmonger is not the point. War can be imposed on any country and fought defensively consequently.

Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran


Iran–Iraq War


Operation Praying Mantis


In each of these major conflicts, Iranian performance was lackluster, but the list of excuses for your failures is endless.

Now carry on crying to the mods like the little girl you are. Do you even realise how pathetic you come across?
Do you realize how pathetic you come across with your lewd remarks and trolling?
Iran–Iraq War


In both of these major conflicts, Iranian performance was lackluster but list of excuses is endless.


Iraq attacked Iran whilst it was in middle of turmoil, backed by all most all nations (including with chemical weapons) after 8 years it could not take an inch from Iran. Meanwhile Iran could barely import barbed wires.
This is much more of an achievement that being utterly humiliated in places like vietname.

But in any case, things are very different today. Iran has shown it's capability today via creating and controlling many proxies, if it comes to war, you'll see what it can do.

Do you realize how pathetic you come across with your lewd remarks and trolling?

Licking the behind of Americans and crying to the mods every 5 minutes is far more pathetic than anything else. You're obviously an expert in that.
Now where is that iranian member on this forum who said LOL when our soldiers died and called pakistan a third world country?
Not even once USA thought of invading pakistan like that and deployed weapons like that because uncle sam knew the consequences of messing with a regional nuclear power.Now go protect your first world country and say LOL.
On a serious note the invasion of iran is not in pakistans best interest because just like afghanistan iran is our back yard and i am sure if USA invade iran we will make sure it will face the same defeat like faced in afghainstan by the hands of pakistan.Sooner or later the americans have to run away from iran.

Lol, don't be delusional like these Iranians, if US decides to invade Pak it'll be a walk in the park trust me.

Looking at the Iranian hubris here I really want U.S to take some action, want to see how much they can squeak.
Lol, don't be delusional like these Iranians, if US decides to invade Pak it'll be a walk in the park trust me.

Looking at the Iranian hubris here I really want U.S to take some action, want to see how much they can squeak.
dont bother with this particular irany he has the same narcissistic mentally as the afghanis.

every time irany soldiers get kidnapped by militants pakistan has to save them aur ye america se larne chale hain

Iraq attacked Iran whilst it was in middle of turmoil, backed by all most all nations (including with chemical weapons) after 8 years it could not take an inch from Iran. Meanwhile Iran could barely import barbed wires.
This is much more of an achievement that being utterly humiliated in places like vietname.

Iraq wasn't a military juggernaut when it invaded Iran in 1980 but a mediocre military power at the time; logistics problems, poor Air Force, and modest Iranian resistance efforts - these 3 factors collectively ensured failure of Iraqi armed forces to reach Tehran let alone pulling off 'regime change' in Iran. In fact, Iranian armed forces succeeded at ousting Iraqi armed forces by 1982.

Iraq began to receive funds and equipment from foreign entities after 1982 when it was on the receiving-end of Iranian counter-aggression. It would still take several years to refine and improve armed forces to the extent that they would be able to decisively defeat Iranian armed forces in the battlefield by 1988 (Operation Forty Stars and Tawakalna ala Allah Operations).

In fact, even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq (1982 - 1988), Iranian armed forces failed to reach even Basra.


Talk big when YOU accomplish something big in the battlefield and much of the world take notes - true in the case of US actually. Being HUMBLE is a VIRTUE regardless.

But in any case, things are very different today. Iran has shown it's capability today via creating and controlling many proxies, if it comes to war, you'll see what it can do.
If the existing Iranian regime collapse, these proxies will also loose their primary source of funding and fall apart.

Licking the behind of Americans and crying to the mods every 5 minutes is far more pathetic than anything else. You're obviously an expert in that.
Being objective is not the same as licking the behind of Americans, you feeb. You should try to misbehave with people in person very often and see what happens.
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