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U.S. Air Force has deployed 20 missiles that could zap the military electronics of Iran


Iraq wasn't a military juggernaut when it invaded Iran in 1980 but a mediocre military power at the time; logistics problems, poor Air Force, and modest Iranian resistance efforts - these 3 factors collectively ensured failure of Iraqi armed forces to reach Tehran let alone pulling off 'regime change' in Iran. In fact, Iranian armed forces succeeded at ousting Iraqi armed forces by 1982.

Iraq began to receive funds and equipment from foreign entities after 1982 when it was on the receiving-end of Iranian counter-aggression. It would still take several years to refine and improve armed forces to the extent that they would be able to decisively defeat Iranian armed forces in the battlefield by 1988 (Operation Forty Stars and Tawakalna ala Allah Operations).

This part of your post is just ghiberish and in no way counters anything I said,

In fact, even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq (1982 - 1988), Iranian armed forces failed to reach even Basra.

Iran's main objective was to counter the Iraqi invasion which it did just fine.

Talk big when YOU accomplish something big in the battlefield and much of the world take notes - true in the case of US actually. Being HUMBLE is a VIRTUE regardless.

Getting it's behind handed to it is nothing too big. They're humble because they ate the humble pie.

If the existing Iranian regime collapse, these proxies will also loose their primary source of funding and fall apart.

If it collapses. We can talk about many ifs. What if the us actually gets the balls to attack? both scenarios are equally unlikely.

Being objective is not the same as licking the behind of Americans, you feeb. You should try to misbehave with people in person very often and see what happens.

You're a buttlicker. You have slave mentality.
As for misbehaving in person, I would slap you silly in real life.
This part of your post is just ghiberish and in no way counters anything I said,
Your denials carry no weight in the face of independent objective assessment of the realities of Iran-Iraq war - my assessment is grounded in hard data and corroborated by numerous sources.

Iran's main objective was to counter the Iraqi invasion which it did just fine.
Iran wanted to capture Basra (objective 1), and pull off 'regime change' in Iraq at a later stage (objective 2), but FAILED to accomplish even objective 1 even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq. Your perceptions are baseless.

Getting it's behind handed to it is nothing too big. They're humble because they ate the humble pie.
Your country have very little to show to the entire world in 3 major conflicts since independence but lackluster performance. Truth hurts, naive Iranian.

If it collapses. We can talk about many ifs. What if the us actually gets the balls to attack? both scenarios are equally unlikely.
If your leaders continue on their existing trajectory, your time will come.

You're a buttlicker. You have slave mentality.
As for misbehaving in person, I would slap you silly in real life.
Talk is cheap, paper tiger.
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The reality is your military will be disabled before you even realize what has happened. The majority of your air and naval forces will be destroyed before they can even put up a fight. Your entire military infrastructure will be either destroyed or significantly degraded within a couple weeks.
to be honest this missile looks like a propaganda, unless you want to use it against cities or large military bases.
Lol, Iran really thinks it can withstand the might of the U.S with or without neighboring countries.
No single middle eastern country can withstand the might of the U.S army, or even close to
Now where is that iranian member on this forum who said LOL when our soldiers died and called pakistan a third world country?
Not even once USA thought of invading pakistan like that and deployed weapons like that because uncle sam knew the consequences of messing with a regional nuclear power.Now go protect your first world country and say LOL.
On a serious note the invasion of iran is not in pakistans best interest because just like afghanistan iran is our back yard and i am sure if USA invade iran we will make sure it will face the same defeat like faced in afghainstan by the hands of pakistan.Sooner or later the americans have to run away from iran.

I agree, attack on Iran is not in the best interest of Pakistan.
But I don't agree that the Americans would enter Iran to occupy it.
They wouldn't. If they did, they are more stupid than I thought. They have not relieved themselves from burden of Afghanistan, it would be foolish to get entangled in a bigger and more populace country with enmity towards USA.
They would do airstrikes to hit important places in Iran, both military and infrastructure.
to be honest this missile looks like a propaganda, unless you want to use it against cities or large military bases.
These missiles are thoroughly tested but coverage in public domain is scarce. Expect lot of surprises from US in a conventional showdown; mostly those who are on the receiving end find out the hard way.
I agree, attack on Iran is not in the best interest of Pakistan.
But I don't agree that the Americans would enter Iran to occupy it.
They wouldn't. If they did, they are more stupid than I thought. They have not relieved themselves from burden of Afghanistan, it would be foolish to get entangled in a bigger and more populace country with enmity towards USA.
They would do airstrikes to hit important places in Iran, both military and infrastructure.
U.S isn't stupid, they wouldn't stay in Iran.
They'll just crash the Iranian regime, and after thatyou can expect Libyan style chaos.
Altho war scenario is still unlikely
The reality is your military will be disabled before you even realize what has happened. The majority of your air and naval forces will be destroyed before they can even put up a fight. Your entire military infrastructure will be either destroyed or significantly degraded within a couple weeks.
is this reality or your dream? IMO US is getting tired- too many strong enemies and no help. Useless NATO doesnt want to fight any war even. Didnt you hear Spain withdrew its frigate taht was part of NATO's naval group heading to Persian Gulf region?

The PDFers who say "US will wipe u guys out so easily" are going to be wrong 100%. why? they were always wrong when they said this before.

Some of these countries are waiting for their beating but i dunno when US will actually give it to them..

These missiles were never used in Afghanistan because neither Al-Qaeda Network and nor Taliban have ballistic missiles and/or conventional military facilities.
Houthis have BMs and have been using them so why hasnt US used them to save their incompetent Saudi allies there?

Yes and we made sure they lost in Afghanistan. Nobody in this world except maybe Russia can oppose US one to one in a military conflict. You will lose. Iran's chest thumping will fall flat within 1 week of bombing. You guys are severely underestimating US.
Short conflict advantages US and long conflict advantages Iran.

Iran doesn't have the capability to stop the American military onslaught. That's the only reality here.
America is afraid of how many soldiers it will have to lose in its "onslaught". If you dont accept that then thats confirmation you're only a dreamer.

The reality here is this, your military has been defeated in most of it's conflicts and downright humiliated in few of them. Your onslaught exists in your movies only. In reality, your military is spread through the globe and what portion you have near Iran would be soundly defeated via saturation alone if nothing more.

If defeating Iran was something your kind could accomplish without severe consequences, then it would have been done long ago.

Feel free to prove me wrong. Let's see if your country has the balls to make a move.
Harsh truths detected.

No single middle eastern country can withstand the might of the U.S army, or even close to
If only life was this simple.

Iraq wasn't a military juggernaut when it invaded Iran in 1980 but a mediocre military power at the time; logistics problems, poor Air Force, and modest Iranian resistance efforts - these 3 factors collectively ensured failure of Iraqi armed forces to reach Tehran let alone pulling off 'regime change' in Iran. In fact, Iranian armed forces succeeded at ousting Iraqi armed forces by 1982.

Iraq began to receive funds and equipment from foreign entities after 1982 when it was on the receiving-end of Iranian counter-aggression. It would still take several years to refine and improve armed forces to the extent that they would be able to decisively defeat Iranian armed forces in the battlefield by 1988 (Operation Forty Stars and Tawakalna ala Allah Operations).

In fact, even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq (1982 - 1988), Iranian armed forces failed to reach even Basra.


Talk big when YOU accomplish something big in the battlefield and much of the world take notes - true in the case of US actually. Being HUMBLE is a VIRTUE regardless.

If the existing Iranian regime collapse, these proxies will also loose their primary source of funding and fall apart.

Being objective is not the same as licking the behind of Americans, you feeb. You should try to misbehave with people in person very often and see what happens.
during the siege of khorramshahr one battalion of our navy commandos stood against one division of iraqi army comprises of two mechanized brigades and three armored brigades for one month and the reason they failed to keep it was that no one in tehran gave a shit about them.
we bombed iraqi h-3 base in western part of it with f-4s and stayed undetected all the way including our tanker.
we destroyed their navy within one week.
iraq bought 700 planes during war while we were begging for everyone to give us ak-47.
they had the green light to use chemical weapons against us.
they had ballistic missiles.
they had heavy bombers.
whole europe, arab world, brasil, china, US, USSR and even eastern asians were supporting saddam.
we are not delusional when we say iran can counter US forces, you are the one that dodging the question that what US gonna do with lets say 9000 BMs targeting its bases?? let me help you, nothing, complete annihilation is their fate.

Your denials carry no weight in the face of independent objective assessment of the realities of Iran-Iraq war - my assessment is grounded in hard data and corroborated by numerous sources.

Iran wanted to capture Basra (objective 1), and pull off 'regime change' in Iraq at a later stage (objective 2), but FAILED to accomplish even objective 1 even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq. Your perceptions are baseless.

Your country have very little to show to the entire world in 3 major conflicts since independence but lackluster performance. Truth hurts, naive Iranian.

If your leaders continue on their existing trajectory, your time will come.

Talk is cheap, paper tiger.
iran was in the verge to capture the baghdad and basra through iraqi kurdistan and even moved the army rangers and 65th brigade to sulaymaniyah but saddam find out and gassed two brigades of our forces along with kurdish population to punish them. so again their chemical warfare rescued them.

Lol, Iran really thinks it can withstand the might of the U.S with or without neighboring countries.
No single middle eastern country can withstand the might of the U.S army, or even close to
let me put a closure to this debate, either we gonna destroy all US military bases around us and will get nuked for that and die or gonna test a nuke after destroying the bases and gonna live.
U.S isn't stupid, they wouldn't stay in Iran.
They'll just crash the Iranian regime, and after thatyou can expect Libyan style chaos.
Altho war scenario is still unlikely
Even if US-led forces occupy Iran for a while, surrounding countries cannot do anything about it and cannot inflict much damage either. Unlike in the case of Afghanistan, US have direct access to Iran and this dynamic will make difference.

The following chart is very telling.


Losses are very low in recent conflicts in comparison to some of the wars in HISTORY, thanks in part to relatively superior levels of protection, training and ample battlefield experience at present.
I don't think the US military or US public have a stomach for another ground invasion based long war in the ME against a rather large country. What would the objectives be in such a war? How large will the economical costs be? Sanctions will remain the preferred option, and it can only go wrong if Iran causes tension in the Gulf. After which, how will the US justify a major war at that point? The US withdrew from the nuclear agreement and also cites Iranian BM development as a reason for the continued sanctions. So it will come off as US aggression if the US launches a surprise attack. If Gulf tensions get out of control, the US sanctions will be blamed for the situation?

So ultimately US does not have a good case, but countries like Israel/Saudi Arabia/UAE/Bahrain/Kuwait have a good case to take measures against Iran but they lack the superpower economic clout of the US and ability to affect ones economy. The US 'political marketing' strategy if you will , once again like Iraq, is going poorly. The people mostly affected by Iran and competing against it are Saudi Arabia/Gulf Arabs. The US does not share the Sunni Arab concerns, and does not agree with Sunni Arab axis approach of trying to wrestle Syria/Iraq/Lebanon/Yemen out of Iran's control. Otherwise you would then have an exponentially stronger/more influential Sunni Arab axis which the US or Israel might deem threatening to their interests.
this beta mentality of the super white man americans from a large portion of Pakistani's is absolutely cringe worthy...

not even most serious American analysts (senior American generals, including the biggest anti-Iran guy mattis) have the sort of delusions some fanboys fap to here. The US doesn't dare violate Iranian sovereignty while it pillages other countries (Pakistan included) at will

that alone should tell you something.
Your denials carry no weight in the face of independent objective assessment of the realities of Iran-Iraq war - my assessment is grounded in hard data and corroborated by numerous sources.

There was no objectivity in that monkey level analysis.

Iran wanted to capture Basra (objective 1), and pull off 'regime change' in Iraq at a later stage (objective 2), but FAILED to accomplish even objective 1 even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq. Your perceptions are baseless.

Nonsense. Iran's main objective was to resist the invasion, which it accomplished.

Your country have very little to show to the entire world in 3 major conflicts since independence but lackluster performance. Truth hurts, naive Iranian.

Once again, all that is better than the utter humiliation your white American master's have suffered.

If your leaders continue on their existing trajectory, your time will come.

You worry about your own failed state kid.

Talk is cheap, paper tiger.

On the internet, you're crying to the mods every 5 minutes. In real life, you're a pu$$y as well. One slap and you'd run like a kid.

is this reality or your dream? IMO US is getting tired- too many strong enemies and no help. Useless NATO doesnt want to fight any war even. Didnt you hear Spain withdrew its frigate taht was part of NATO's naval group heading to Persian Gulf region?

The PDFers who say "US will wipe u guys out so easily" are going to be wrong 100%. why? they were always wrong when they said this before.

Some of these countries are waiting for their beating but i dunno when US will actually give it to them..

Houthis have BMs and have been using them so why hasnt US used them to save their incompetent Saudi allies there?

Short conflict advantages US and long conflict advantages Iran.

America is afraid of how many soldiers it will have to lose in its "onslaught". If you dont accept that then thats confirmation you're only a dreamer.

Harsh truths detected.

If only life was this simple.

Great post as always. These people can't seem to (or don't want to) see the logic you're saying.
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I remember the Americans had a huge mouth when Iran captured and humiliated the british navy personnel on 2 occasions.

on American forums and even serious analysts on mainstream tv were barking how Iran would never dare touch an American navy vessel. how Iran would never dare try to capture americans, how americans would never surrender and decimate Iran if iran tried......

then one day and American vessel by mistake violated 1 inch of Iranian territory. and reality hit:

I don't think the US military or US public have a stomach for another ground invasion based long war in the ME against a rather large country. What would the objectives be in such a war? How large will the economical costs be? Sanctions will remain the preferred option, and it can only go wrong if Iran causes tension in the Gulf. After which, how will the US justify a major war at that point? The US withdrew from the nuclear agreement and also cites Iranian BM development as a reason for the continued sanctions. So it will come off as US aggression if the US launches a surprise attack. If Gulf tensions get out of control, the US sanctions will be blamed for the situation?

So ultimately US does not have a good case, but countries like Israel/Saudi Arabia/UAE/Bahrain/Kuwait have a good case to take measures against Iran but they lack the superpower economic clout of the US and ability to affect ones economy. The US 'political marketing' strategy if you will , once again like Iraq, is going poorly. The people mostly affected by Iran and competing against it are Saudi Arabia/Gulf Arabs. The US does not share the Sunni Arab concerns, and does not agree with Sunni Arab axis approach of trying to wrestle Syria/Iraq/Lebanon/Yemen out of Iran's control. Otherwise you would then have an exponentially stronger/more influential Sunni Arab axis which the US or Israel might deem threatening to their interests.

You've always been too stuck on that whole Sunni Arab shit
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