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U.S. Air Force has deployed 20 missiles that could zap the military electronics of Iran

I don't think you read properly. Why would I or anyone else do "Arab Worship"!! On one side you use worship and on other you say I hate Arabs. It is neither. My Children are very balanced kids, I have never spoken a word to them on this topic. The Children are not stupid, they have seen what is what in growing up.

Like I said I know you guys inside out. The most over hyped, thoughtless and arrogant but cowardly people.

I didn't say you, I said Arab worship is a problem in your society of people trying to be more Arab than the Arab himself. You know nothing inside out, given that you named 'over hyped and arrogant' I suppose you refer to the wealthy Gulf Arabs in London, they're a tiny minority of the Gulf states. All that combined causes your anger. Take your business to them instead.

If you think that they represent 'Arab' then you're an Indian for me, what's the difference between u and them anyway.
Joke article. Nevermind the fact that the missile has to be carried by the B-52 which will be a GIANT slow moving BLIMP on any early warning radar making it easy target.

I’m not covinced of missiles that can on a large scale magically zap “electronics”, outside of a massive EMP blast by a thermonuclear blast.

If such a missile exists why would NO other major power have it as well? Like China or Russia?

Do people forget the amount of energy required to unleash enough microwave waves to render an area fried? Rendering a small area may be possible, but then you would need a hell of a lot more Missile than 20 to make any impact.
It is a misinformed piece of clickbait/propaganda. This application is severely limited in range and damage. If you do some research you will see that an EMP missile was designed to pass close to an ICBM to disable it by overloading its circuits with a pulse. They will need 1000s of them to do a country any harm. This program is designed only to suck up U.S. taxpayers money, it will be shelved like hundreds of others after they realize we don't have the technology to make it into a meaningful weapon, but as long as Raytheon is getting grant money they'll keep dicking around with it.

Iraq wasn't a military juggernaut when it invaded Iran in 1980 but a mediocre military power at the time; logistics problems, poor Air Force, and modest Iranian resistance efforts - these 3 factors collectively ensured failure of Iraqi armed forces to reach Tehran let alone pulling off 'regime change' in Iran. In fact, Iranian armed forces succeeded at ousting Iraqi armed forces by 1982.

Iraq began to receive funds and equipment from foreign entities after 1982 when it was on the receiving-end of Iranian counter-aggression. It would still take several years to refine and improve armed forces to the extent that they would be able to decisively defeat Iranian armed forces in the battlefield by 1988 (Operation Forty Stars and Tawakalna ala Allah Operations).

In fact, even in a span of 6 straight years while attacking Iraq (1982 - 1988), Iranian armed forces failed to reach even Basra.


Talk big when YOU accomplish something big in the battlefield and much of the world take notes - true in the case of US actually. Being HUMBLE is a VIRTUE regardless.

If the existing Iranian regime collapse, these proxies will also loose their primary source of funding and fall apart.

Being objective is not the same as licking the behind of Americans, you feeb. You should try to misbehave with people in person very often and see what happens.
Why you don't say the reason we could not get Basra?
Was it not because of the use of chemical weapon some countries gave Saddam ,was it not because USA told Iraq the formation of Iranian forces and when the operation is to start ?

What iran fought in those 8 years was not Iraq alone it was all the world . even king of Jordan come and fired several shell toward Iranian forces .

Do you knew what iran had at those days?
Iraqi military strength in 1980 at a glance:-

Number of troops = 180,000
Number of Tanks = 2700
Number of Artillery = 2300
Number of ballistic missiles = 0
Chemical weapons program = infancy
I appreciate the gesture, but Iran does not need Pakistan or anyone to deal defeat to anyone for it. Iran can more than handle itself. No one has the balls to make a move against Iran.
Well with no nuclear deterrence and no comparative conventional military power,how exactly alone you are going to fight with a super power?And what your soldiers experience?When was the last time they fought a real war?
Lol, don't be delusional like these Iranians, if US decides to invade Pak it'll be a walk in the park trust me.

Looking at the Iranian hubris here I really want U.S to take some action, want to see how much they can squeak.
Oh just shut the **** up
I am not delusional rather you are ill informed and suffering from inferiority complex.
We tested the limits of americans since the day they invaded afghanistan and they knew behind 90% attacks on them in afghanistan and all the tough time they faced just because of pakistan.So just like iraq,syria,libya etc it was in their best interest to invade pakistan and change the government but they were not able to do so.Pakistan cannot be defeated either by proxy wars and in direct military confrontation.They learned that lesson the hard way and now they themselves are admitting their mistakes.
First of all in direct war with pakistan they damage caused will be huge we are not iraq.Secondly messing with a nuclear armed nation is a scary idea because that would risk the annihilation of their regional allies and in worst case a suit case nuke explosions in american land.Though agree by missiles and jet delivery systems we cannot reach american land.Thirdly that will bring china into the conflict and god forbid if china gets involved that will put the american existence in danger.
There is a reason we are called a regional power not just we are militarily strong we also have strong allies around us.Clearly comparatively iran lack all those.So please inform yourself before you open your mouth.

hate to break it to you, they rather bomb you with predator drones... and don't forget they breached your sovereignty by deploying their special forces to kill Osama. They never did that kind of shenanigans with Iran
If you are not living under the stone ,then the whole world knows that drone bombing was a agreement with pakistan on war on terror and we even gave them air base in our territory to operate drones.For some reason that was kept secret from the public.So that,s not really a invasion as you claim.
And secondly that,s osama thing was a covert operation not like threatening to invade iran with full force i.e aircraft carriers,bomber jets and missiles.
Please be mature....
Yes and we made sure they lost in Afghanistan. Nobody in this world except maybe Russia can oppose US one to one in a military conflict. You will lose. Iran's chest thumping will fall flat within 1 week of bombing. You guys are severely underestimating US.
first off as far as i remember, you guys were partners and had combat experience against the soviets where you defeated them in air combat... not the US

second claiming pakistan defeated US in afghanistan is stupid. are you trying to say pakistan is conducting state sponsored terrorism?

third, well vietnam won... being rice farmers and all... gotta give them props for that

fourth... i agree that iran will become iraq in a few days if war starts
i'm praying however that iran doesn't fall into the trap because the things women and children of iraq went through, wouldn't wish that on anyone

So that,s not really a invasion as you claim.
i didn't claim that

And secondly that,s osama thing was a covert operation not like threatening to invade iran with full force i.e aircraft carriers,bomber jets and missiles.
Please be mature....
so you're okay with another country operating its forces on your country? you're then making it easy for the indians here to say "well, they're okay with surgical strikes"
first off as far as i remember, you guys were partners and had combat experience against the soviets where you defeated them in air combat... not the US

second claiming pakistan defeated US in afghanistan is stupid. are you trying to say pakistan is conducting state sponsored terrorism?

third, well vietnam won... being rice farmers and all... gotta give them props for that

fourth... i agree that iran will become iraq in a few days if war starts
i'm praying however that iran doesn't fall into the trap because the things women and children of iraq went through, wouldn't wish that on anyone

i didn't claim that

so you're okay with another country operating its forces on your country? you're then making it easy for the indians here to say "well, they're okay with surgical strikes"

Partners against Soviets , yes but it was our pilots and agencies that caused trouble for soviets. Our boots on ground

Let me get one thing straight... US is the occupying force in Afg right now. Attacking them is not terrorism under International Law. They are the invaders.
EMP fries any device containing semiconductors, it does not need high power, only needs to induce high level of voltage to break semi conductors. it's not new, soviets had it, i guess china has it too and US of course. you can make one in home too, it's based on lenz law.
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but again it is not a significant weapon especially it is ridiculous to use it to counter a single TEL, imagine a B-52 moves all the way and drops that missile then missile moves and when it reaches the TEL transmits a microwave and disable it.o_Oo_O
use a fuckin blast warhead. as i said it's a propaganda unless they are threatening us to disrupt our power grid which is serious.

Listen common sense tells you the greater the distance between this missile and the target the stronger the wave has to be to not dissipate before reaching target.

Even the most powerfull radiation objects in the universe such as Quasars and GRBs (gamma ray bursts) have a distance limit where their radiation travels to.

So I assume this missile has to be very close to its target to work. Seems more like a select target weapon in the opening salvo of a surgical attack operation to disorient the enemy rather than a mass produced swarm weapon.

Honestly anti radiation weapons and cyber warfare weapons are a more cost effective approach then this supposed Wonder Weapon.

See my response above (post # 68).

B-52H can strike at potential targets from a safe distance; CHAMP cruise missiles have a range of 700 miles (probably greater) and will do the trick. Nevertheless, B-52H is equipped with powerful EW gear to suppress radar installations and more in case infiltration is necessary. You think Americans are stupid?

And no! Not necessary for Russia and/or China to be able to duplicate everything in American arsenal; this is silly assumption. Both are yet to match US in the domains of stealth, radar systems, satellites and engines to name a few.

Oh dear,

CHAMP is much advanced than Cold War era relics and designs, and it is designed to damage/disable insulated hardware, and of-course rugged power stations. It took US a decade to develop and perfect CHAMP cruise missiles (2006 - 2016). No country have anything equivalent in its arsenal yet; do not jump to conclusions due to scarcity of information on the web.

This is nonsense the picture you provided early looks like something out of National Inquirer. The fact of the matter is US hasn’t attack a country that can fight back since Vietnam.

The US will not go to war with Iran because Iran fields the largest non state armies in the world. Iran can affect the global economy on a massive scale and nothing hurts politicians and presidents more than a bad economy. Hence why there has been talk of war since 2003 and yet no war. Iran of 2003 was a joke compared to Iran of 2019. Window passed a long time ago. US can’t even afford a 500,000-750,000 mobilization troop war and certainly will have no European allies following them into it.

Iran beats US, China, and Russia at establishing connections with locals and building proxy armies more than any country in the world. US at the end of the day will always be a foreigner in a foreign land hence why all of its proxies to date are jokes (FSA, Kurds, Yemen Opposition, Afghan Army).

Anyway back to the topic at hand. The US electrical grid is one of the vulnerable in the world. Some parts would take 6 month-2 years to rebuild if damaged.

US best interest is to not open up Panadora’s box because it’s own electrical grid is highly vulnerable to cyber warfare and sabatoge. The reason it is, is not due to ineptitude but the same reason why a lot of US infastucture is decaying...cost. The cost to upgrade the entire electrical grid is high and thus not a priority by politicians when threat of attack is low.
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Partners against Soviets , yes but it was our pilots and agencies that caused trouble for soviets. Our boots on ground

Let me get one thing straight... US is the occupying force in Afg right now. Attacking them is not terrorism under International Law. They are the invaders.
US is the international law... remember how cool you guys were back in the days.... now they're not interested in selling you spares for f16s... thank god turkey has the whole manufacturing in their country so you guys are covered... but the fact that ones friends now turned enemies should be noted. for the most part... no country can win against them military
US is the international law... remember how cool you guys were back in the days.... now they're not interested in selling you spares for f16s... thank god turkey has the whole manufacturing in their country so you guys are covered... but the fact that ones friends now turned enemies should be noted. for the most part... no country can win against them military

We regretted being allies with them. This realization dawned on us by the end of 2007/2008. After that , we began to support anti US forces in Afghanistan. Most people in Pakistan know that we can't defeat US one to one in a conventional warfare . But we knew that we had to defeat US in Afghanistan for all the troubles they had put us through. Hence all the covert tactics.
Jf-17 project was primarily started because of unreliability in US behavior.

Btw, are you ethnic bengali ?
Listen common sense tells you the greater the distance between this missile and the target the stronger the wave has to be to not dissipate before reaching target.

Even the most powerfull radiation objects in the universe such as Quasars and GRBs (gamma ray bursts) have a distance limit where their radiation travels to.

So I assume this missile has to be very close to its target to work. Seems more like a select target weapon in the opening salvo of a surgical attack operation to disorient the enemy rather than a mass produced swarm weapon.

Honestly anti radiation weapons and cyber warfare weapons are a more cost effective approach then this supposed Wonder Weapon.
the reason i say it's propaganda is that using this kind of weapons against TELs is meaningless. but on the contrary i think they are giving our leadership a signal, "if you disrupt oil flow we will destroy your power grid".
this weapon has nothing special but if you use it in a big city that would cost billions of dollars. to clarify further i should say this, what US made super machine is the most expensive they build ever?? not the B-2 not the giant carriers but their power grid. so as our country and any country, power grids are the most valuable assets of a country. if i'm not wrong our government invests 8 million toman per every citizen on power grid. so if they manage to use this weapon on people, they can hit us in balls badly.

Oh dear,

CHAMP is much advanced than Cold War era relics and designs, and it is designed to damage/disable insulated hardware, and of-course rugged power stations. It took US a decade to develop and perfect CHAMP cruise missiles (2006 - 2016). No country have anything equivalent in its arsenal yet; do not jump to conclusions due to scarcity of information on the web.
is it an EMP?? if yes then there is no difference.
US is the international law... remember how cool you guys were back in the days.... now they're not interested in selling you spares for f16s... thank god turkey has the whole manufacturing in their country so you guys are covered... but the fact that ones friends now turned enemies should be noted. for the most part... no country can win against them military
Hey are you one of those bengalis who hold a grudge against pakistan and pakistanis because of what happened in 1971?Too much bias in your posts
Daily mail???
Enough said ;)
A lot of contradictions in this article
FYI good emp even lightening strike protection have been available for planes and other equipment for decades and improving too :)
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