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Two S-400 batteries and 240 warheads to cost Turkey $2.5bn

China bought 6 battalions of S400 about 3 billions.
Chinese S-400 does not comes with 40N6 missile having 400 kms range whereas India would get them. (This may not be true because MTCR bans export of offensive platforms such as strike missiles and drones with range of more than 300 Kms. But S-400 is a defensive system for intercepting incoming missiles).
Do you guys think Erdogan government is now in dilemma, once side he can't quit NATO because the Islands dispute with Greece, the boss of the organization tried to overthrowed him by coup. And the other hand, he have to cozy up to Russia for S400 while he doesn't like Russia in deep of his heart. How to wiggle out of this kinds of situation?

Chinese S-400 does not comes with 40N6 missile having 400 kms range whereas India would get them. (This may not be true because MTCR bans export of offensive platforms such as strike missiles and drones with range of more than 300 Kms. But S-400 is a defensive system for intercepting incoming missiles).
Don't worry we have terminal interceptor HQ26 with 400KM range. Even Tommorrow Russia don't supply us those S400, we can be on our own. I tell you a thing, China never trust Russians. Same as Turkey procuring S400, only a makeshift.

Only 3 billions for 6 battalions, we won't add a penny more.

If you want have a good offer from Russians, you gonna have some good bargain chips. That's what Erdogan lacks.

We always have got a backup plan. If HQ26 development fails, S400 will come and save ***. Now since HQ26 is a great success, S400 is only a nice add-in.

Look for the best, and prepare for the worst.
Do you guys think Erdogan government is now in dilemma, once side he can't quit NATO because the Islands dispute with Greece, the boss of the organization tried to overthrowed him by coup. And the other hand, he have to cozy up to Russia for S400 while he doesn't like Russia in deep of his heart. How to wiggle out of this kinds of situation?

Not your business...
Do you guys think Erdogan government is now in dilemma, once side he can't quit NATO because the Islands dispute with Greece, the boss of the organization tried to overthrowed him by coup. And the other hand, he have to cozy up to Russia for S400 while he doesn't like Russia in deep of his heart. How to wiggle out of this kinds of situation?

Don't worry we have terminal interceptor HQ26 with 400KM range. Even Tommorrow Russia don't supply us those S400, we can be on our own. I tell you a thing, China never trust Russians. Same as Turkey procuring S400, only a makeshift.

Only 3 billions for 6 battalions, we won't add a penny more.

If you want have a good offer from Russians, you gonna have some good bargain chips. That's what Erdogan lacks.

We always have got a backup plan. If HQ26 development fails, S400 will come and save ***. Now since HQ26 is a great success, S400 is only a nice add-in.

Look for the best, and prepare for the worst.
We don't have any problems with Chinese friends at least I don't .
I studied with Chinese in Ukraine. They were good and kind .
Dear! Turkey tries using all cards. What is particularly disturbing you?

I think the best s400 deal belongs to Indian.
  1. Indian S-400 deal is for an upgraded S-400 system with some elements of S-500 missile system which is currently under development. So it can also be called as S-450. It is also been said that Indian S-400 system can be integrated with Israeli long range radars if necessary.
Can you imagine I was once a fan of this traitor???? I should have listened to Kemal Pasha's warning about the "fake" folks!!!!!
He was against such cults exactly because of what happened in recent years, such organizations are known to follow their own interests in the expense of public.
Not only gülenists but also other cults should be closely monitored and banned if necessary for the good of everybody, nobody can guarantee if there wont be another fetö in future.
s 400 is good paursche

"The best" is the one developed/produced by yourself. A system whose intellectual and property rights solely belongs to you, While big percentage of critical/secret components and software are designed/developed by own nationalistic engineers make related complete products becoming an ultimate dangerous war machine. It is no important whether its paper specifications are more or less than foreign equivalents. The rules of real battlefield against a fierce enemy are totally different and relentless and A good strategy/well planned domestic machines developed by own engineers always perform well than the one transferred by foreigners. There is not such a reality like hunting Russia with S-400 or hunting Israel/Europe/USA with their weapons. That's the reason Turkish industry is coming very strong with ripping the hearts/minds/psychology of enemy with own generated/planned projects/products at almost all strategic ares.
so its more bae plane then turkey

you cant do it without them
F-35 is mainly Lockheed Martin, not Israeli. Your point?
There a not many countries who can create their own weapons on (almost) all areas, Israel can create their own tanks, but they need assistance with SAM, jets,... in fact only the USA can do that, while Russia and China can do this on many areas, they still need foreign assistance (Russia needs drones and are struggling with turbines for their warships, China 'copies' Russian SAM systems and are struggling with jet engines).
F-35 is mainly Lockheed Martin, not Israeli. Your point?
There a not many countries who can create their own weapons on (almost) all areas, Israel can create their own tanks, but they need assistance with SAM, jets,... in fact only the USA can do that, while Russia and China can do this on many areas, they still need foreign assistance (Russia needs drones and are struggling with turbines for their warships, China 'copies' Russian SAM systems and are struggling with jet engines).
we can the problem is money

F-35 is mainly Lockheed Martin, not Israeli. Your point?
There a not many countries who can create their own weapons on (almost) all areas, Israel can create their own tanks, but they need assistance with SAM, jets,... in fact only the USA can do that, while Russia and China can do this on many areas, they still need foreign assistance (Russia needs drones and are struggling with turbines for their warships, China 'copies' Russian SAM systems and are struggling with jet engines).
the asistance with sam is more about the money not tech
Other countries have smart people too, you need money and Israel may not have that.
we dont need to biuld planes cause we get for free from usa the true is we are one of the biggest exporters of weapons in the world and must advanced
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