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HIMARS defeat S-400 system

S-400 is tens of miles behind frontlines, who release these close-up photos, assume fake until more facts.

Hence, no major news reports it yet, some nobody websites.
It was destroyed on the road to the village of Ilyine in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Do you really think civilians that travel on that road don’t have cell phones with cameras.
It was destroyed on the road to the village of Ilyine in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Do you really think civilians that travel on that road don’t have cell phones with cameras.
It was a Ukraine S300 destroyed by Russia on the road to the village wahaha in Zaahhafdfa, Ukraine. The Ukraine child leak the photo has been executed by SBU.
It was an Ukraine S300 destroyed by Russia on the road to the village wahaha in Zaahhafdfa, Ukraine. The Ukraine child leak the photo has been executed by SBU.
Cool story.
S-400 is tens of miles behind frontlines, who release these close-up photos, assume fake until more facts.

Hence, no major news reports it yet, some nobody websites.

So? HIMARS has considerable range and Ukrainian forces are known to attack Russian assets stationed inside Russia as well.

1st event:

2nd event:

3rd event:

The source (Global Defense Corp) does not post fake news. This information is also independently verified by Oryx.

Is this a real kill or another twitter kill?

Real kill, see above.
Because you are racist and refuse to think reasonably. Greece used to have great thinkers like Aristotle, Plato. Modern Greeks are NATO servants of Americans and do not think and do not use brain.
I'm racist because you want Russia to send millions of men to die,just to win in Ukraine?
. .
considring russian s-400 have 400km range , i wonder how effective that can be

Given how Russia has a track record of exaggerating (or out right lying) about their equipment. I’d take these numbers with a grain of salt.
Given how Russia has a track record of exaggerating (or out right lying) about their equipment. I’d take these numbers with a grain of salt.
increasing the range of the missile is not problem that missile is as large as a ballistic missile
The HIMARS has been dealt with a severe blow with its being shot down. The latest report indicate that Russian defensive system has managed to overcome HIMARS. In recent weeks fewer HIMARS attacks have been seen. Even the much touted Ukrainian June offensive has petered out. …… Why?…… Because the Russians have scarred the hell out of the West‘s weapons capability. Their Leopard 2 tanks have been burnt, their HIMARS have been shot down. Overall the much touted Western arms offensive capability has been rendered useless. Bad news for the US’s arms merchants.
. .
increasing the range of the missile is not problem that missile is as large as a ballistic missile

Comparing ranges is a very one dimensional way of looking at things and leads to incorrect conclusions. Killing SAMs isn’t safe , but it’s also not hard.
ok. keep puffing that copeium.
It didn't matter how those picture were taken. it matter what these picture represent.

In the main thread I have already posted that those picture is of a 92Н6Е radar, which was solely used by S-400.

The launcher is too damaged to be determined. But the Radar is 92Н6Е, because the 96L6E (dual S-300/S-400) used a single cab, 92H6E (the one used on S-400) are dual cab.

This is the wreck

View attachment 938566

You can see the cab under the Radar Panel

View attachment 938567

This is a 92H6E radar, you can see the same cab under the Radar Panel

View attachment 938568

This is a 96L6E, you can see the Radar Panel is connected to the Chassis, not a cab.

And I don't think S-300 can use 92H6E Radar, it wasn't in the specification.
Now, unless the Russian destroyed their own system, it really didn't matter how those pics were taken, it can be from a Russian who break Opsec and post it on VK or Telegram, this is not unheard of.
I agree with the S300 system having a disadvantage with curved terrain but I guess somewhere in a close distance would be a secondary AA protection such as Pantsir or Tungusshka to defend it from such threat?
Yeah sure I believe everything with my eyes closed....

Perhaps they are because you do not know how to identify these systems from the wreckage. Those who do, have managed to.

The HIMARS has been dealt with a severe blow with its being shot down. The latest report indicate that Russian defensive system has managed to overcome HIMARS. In recent weeks fewer HIMARS attacks have been seen. Even the much touted Ukrainian June offensive has petered out. …… Why?…… Because the Russians have scarred the hell out of the West‘s weapons capability. Their Leopard 2 tanks have been burnt, their HIMARS have been shot down. Overall the much touted Western arms offensive capability has been rendered useless. Bad news for the US’s arms merchants.

When and where? There is literally no proof of any HIMARS loss and HIMARS rockets being shot down.

HIMARS continue to score hits on Russian assets:


Perhaps they are because you do not know how to identify these systems from the wreckage. Those who do, have managed to.

Yeah I can identify the wreckage very clearly and its the truth and nothing but the truth, I believe with mine eyes closed. LOL...

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