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Two prime ministers, two different receptions

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Look what???? :lol:

That man dont had much affluency in English and he dont apologise for something not in his control.

i always heard his english was awful but didnt realize it was so bad....i dont think that as former Chief Min. he can be exonerated. His role in turning a blind eye to the anti-Muslim genocide is well documented
Indian courts are just like Pakistani courts; infested by high politics. See Modi's reaction when he is cross questioned by an anchor for his role in Gujrat riots:

Modi is a Hindu-nationalist and anti-Muslim. Just admit it!!!

Do you know what is the basic difference between India & Pakistan as a Whole??? It is "Rule of Law", Sadly it never Existed in Pakistan hence Pakistanis cannot understand what is the meaning of "Rule of Law".

In India, Courts are Highly Professional and never took any side only "Defined Laws" which are prescribed in "Constitution".

All Indians Hail Constitution and Courts, No one can ever Imagine Courts are partial & Corrupt. And this is the Basic Difference Between Pakistan & India.
Buddy I am Shia and I can safely say we are living better than any Muslim Christian or Jew in india. We got so many spots in Pakistan govt, so many prime ministers and presidents were Shia. Yea I agree there are some idiots and losers who hate Shia because that's just what they were taught since the day of their birth, but I can guarantee you that I have more rights than any non Hindu in india

when they lose arguments they try to bring up Shiia Muslims of Pakistan :laugh:

no matter how many times you explain, the bickering and nonsense still continues
Then you are the real hypocrite.You are commenting about the secularism in Pakistan while staying in Iran.
AFAIK I dont heard about a sucide bombing in minority area in Iran.Perhaps law is tight .But we dont heard news in Iran like we heard about Pakistan.

No need to post just for sake of posting. 1 post with substance will do better than 100 mindless posts. So, Take break, take deep breaths in fresh air, and comeback with something convincing.
i always heard his english was awful but didnt realize it was so bad....i dont think that as former Chief Min. he can be exonerated. His role in turning a blind eye to the anti-Muslim genocide is well documented

We dont have any problem even if he dont know anything about English .In fact we are proud about our PM when he interact with world leaders in Hindi .
About rest of your posts.I already explained it in this thread.Dont want to repeat again.
Do you know what is the basic difference between India & Pakistan as a Whole??? It is "Rule of Law", Sadly it never Existed in Pakistan hence Pakistanis cannot understand what is the meaning of "Rule of Law".

In India, Courts are Highly Professional and never took any side only "Defined Laws" which are prescribed in "Constitution".

All Indians Hail Constitution and Courts, No one can ever Imagine Courts are partial & Corrupt. And this is the Basic Difference Between Pakistan & India.


so where does the case stand on Col. Purohit and the other terrorists who attacked Pakistanis inside indian soil.....we are still demanding india to take action against the culprits of those who bombed Samjhota express

and dont act as if rule of law is supreme throughout india when every day there are examples to prove otherwise

so where does the case stand on Col. Purohit and the other terrorists who attacked Pakistanis inside indian soil.....we are still demanding india to take action against the culprits of those who bombed Samjhota express

and dont act as if rule of law is supreme throughout india when every day there are examples to prove otherwise
Purohit is in Jail Not sure about Saeed.
No need to post just for sake of posting. 1 post with substance will do better than 100 mindless posts. So, Take break, take deep breaths in fresh air, and comeback with something convincing.

I posted that with absolute confidence.
You dont know anything about India and lecturing an Indian about the secularism in India. :D
Modi also read from parchis and that too in hindi.

View attachment 112894

But who cares. Lets join Indians to bash Nawaz and praise Modi. After all Immy is more important than Pakistan or its PM who also has some mandate despite rigging.

That was reading of "Joint Statement" which all the leaders World Over do, it contain Technical Points which Defines Future Course of Action Between the two Countries.
Purohit is in Jail Not sure about Saeed.

Pakistan can't put someone in Jail as per wish of Indians. US has announce bounty for admissible evidence against him, you are free to produce such evidences and become millionaire.

so where does the case stand on Col. Purohit and the other terrorists who attacked Pakistanis inside indian soil.....we are still demanding india to take action against the culprits of those who bombed Samjhota express

and dont act as if rule of law is supreme throughout india when every day there are examples to prove otherwise

Do you know that Col. Purohit is Still in Jail despite trial not even completed??? What is your Point???????????????

Btw, NIA which was direct under UPA Corrupt Rule falsely Implicated Col. Purohit. Let the truth come out in Open as the Trial in the Court Progresses.
Pakistan can't put someone in Jail as per wish of Indians. US has announce bounty for admissible evidence against him, you are free to produce such evidences and become millionaire.
He is in Pakistan. The plan was formed in pakistan. You have to find the evidence, not us.
I posted that with absolute confidence.
You dont know anything about India and lecturing an Indian about the secularism in India. :D

"Overconfident professionals sincerely believe they have expertise, act as experts and look like experts. You will have to struggle to remind yourself that they may be in the grip of an illusion." - Daniel Kahneman
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