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Two prime ministers, two different receptions

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Yeah - paste pictures of some Sikh officials of some other LEAs and voila everything is ok.

Why do I need to impress you? Sikhs are around 2% o India's population but they are clearly visible in any of our security forces. Sikhs have been our President, Prime Minister, Army Chief. There is nothing to prove.
Why do I need to impress you? Sikhs are around 2% o India's population but they are clearly visible in any of our security forces. Sikhs have been our President, Prime Minister, Army Chief. There is nothing to prove.

When did i asked you to impress me? You are trying to impress me. :coffee:
Now, I am speaking in general terms, not specific to India.

Violence is part of human nature. It is more a function of income disparity than absolute wealth. Rich countries, including the US, have plenty of violent crime.

Also, there are many ways to channel one's bigotry and violence: joining the military and bombing them towelheads or Eye-ranians is considered perfectly reasonable. All you need is the proper PR cover for your actions. Magic words like "national security" and "terrorism" are good excuses to justify just about anything. As they say, the first casualty of war (or conflict) is truth.

Someone posted an article questioning why beheadings are any more evil than double-tap drone strikes.

The purveyors of hate can wear turbans or Armani suits; the content remains the same. At the end of the day, what's right and what's wrong depends on who's got the bigger megaphone and the bigger guns.
I am not denying any of this. I do know that you cannot change basic human nature, dislike towards a separate tribe being part of it. All we can try is to direct it to somewhere else. Current Indian problem is large scale poverty, superstitious people, religious extremists. People who easily give in to hate based politics. Development and education curbs these to a large extent. You gave example of US/developed countries - how prone to religious riots/hate based politics are they? Extremely rare. Think what happened in Britain (those rapes), had they done by minority in a developing country! Indian people are at present venerable to slightest provocation, like any other developing/under developed country. Such things are near non-existent in developed countries. Where they would channel their violent instincts if not at their own countrymen is a separate question.

Tolerance is reversible.

The worldwide campaign of anti-Muslim hatred, led by the Western media and resulting in the deaths and marginalization of millions of Muslims, is not a medieval phenomenon. It is very much a 20th century phenomenon, using the latest techniques and technologies. And the merchants of hate wrap themselves in a cloak of smug self-righteousness.

Again, it comes down to who's got the megaphone.
That is the problem with Muslim world, not others. The loudest voices among Muslims, no matter how few they are, they all talk about Jihad and beheading. Why not Muslims take a initiative and do some work that can overshadow all the negative press?
Do OutlookIndia also fall in same category?

Don't know ...... but it's funny considering the fact you will give more importance to a report which actually support your wrong claim while you will close your eye towards pictorial proof of Sikhs serving in NSG and SPG .
Don't know ...... but it's funny considering the fact you will give more importance to a report which actually support your wrong claim while you will close your eye towards pictorial proof of Sikhs serving in NSG and SPG .

This is inner protection layer of VVIP not the one you posted






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