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Two prime ministers, two different receptions

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He is in Pakistan. The plan was formed in pakistan. You have to find the evidence, not us.

What if we blame terrorist attacks in Pakistan on Head of RSS & RAW Chief, Will you put them in jail and start finding evidences?
That is why Modi was not welcomed in US even after his supposedly acquittance from the Indian courts. This time, the admittance was granted to the elected PM of India (a lucrative market) and not to the Modi-of-Gujrat who is still viewed as a murderer in US (billboards in subways). Secondly, Modi is as much anti-any-other-religion as he is anti-Muslim. The difference is though, Muslims in India (or anywhere else where they are in minority) are easy picking, and anybody can get away with whatever they do to them. On the other hand, persecution of Christians in India would result in a backlash from Vatican and the Western world, which is overwhelmingly Christian and powerful.

Sirji May I please know why was Pakistan was created????? Why not all Muslims left India???? If you and your Forefathers selected Pakistan then you loose your Right to talk about Indian Muslims. Indian Muslims selected India because they Believed in Indian Constitution, And still Believes in It. No Muslim is leaving India, because he/she is a Muslim, They are "Proud Indians". But at the time look at Pakistan every Hindu & Sikh in Pakistan wants to leave Pakistan because of atrocities they face there. What was the Population of Hindus & Sikhs was at the time of Partition???? 25% how many is remaining??? Only 4%???? Why so????

In India Muslim Population at the time of Partition was 5% is now 15%.

Think Sirji Think, before you post such Bullshit as above!!!!!!
What if we blame terrorist attacks in Pakistan on Head of RSS & RAW Chief, Will you put them in jail and start finding evidences?
Point out a name. Give us some voice samples and pictures of a indian killing pakistanis. we will put that man in jail.
"Overconfident professionals sincerely believe they have expertise, act as experts and look like experts. You will have to struggle to remind yourself that they may be in the grip of an illusion." - Daniel Kahneman

Swallow it and sleep well. :D
Your overconfident about India and its secularism is too much
What if we blame terrorist attacks in Pakistan on Head of RSS & RAW Chief, Will you put them in jail and start finding evidences?

Sirji, your in Pakistan!!! And nobody can Stop Pakistan for creating "Conspiracy Theories" you people are always good at it!!!

Why don't you Start Trial in Pakistani Court on RSS Chief and RAW Chief???
Point out a name. Give us some voice samples and pictures of a indian killing pakistanis. we will put that man in jail.

Have you give Picture of HS killing Indians? No
Or voice recording him giving instruction to terrorists? No
Let our investigators to investigate lone survivor terrorist of attack? No

Than on what basis GoP should capture someone and put him in jail? Don't tell me because Indian is saying so, courts doesn't work on wishes.
Have you give Picture of HS killing Indians? No
Or voice recording him giving instruction to terrorists? No
Let our investigators to investigate lone survivor terrorist of attack? No

Than on what basis GoP should capture someone and put him in jail? Don't tell me because Indian is saying so, courts doesn't work on wishes.
We give the voice samples of terrorists with their handlers. We give the confession of a pakistani. But again suddenly your court said these are not evidence.
Sirji, your in Pakistan!!! And nobody can Stop Pakistan for creating "Conspiracy Theories" you people are always good at it!!!

Why don't you Start Trial in Pakistani Court on RSS Chief and RAW Chief???

Try to understand argument before getting hard on.
i guess the thread was about the diffrence between modi and nawaz sharif :P

waise do any pakistani member have some video clips about pakistani medias analyses/assesment on this subject

thanks in advance
Why Pakistanis want to compare themselves with India? They should compare themselves with either Islamic republic of Iran or Afghanistan.

i guess the thread was about the diffrence between modi and nawaz sharif :P

waise do any pakistani member have some video clips about pakistani medias analyses/assesment on this subject

thanks in advance
There were couple of them which was discussing how the US court summoned Modi. Nothing else.
Why Pakistanis want to compare themselves with India? They should compare themselves with either Islamic republic of Iran or Afghanistan.

There were couple of them which was discussing how the US court summoned Modi. Nothing else.
well there might be some bhai
We give the voice samples of terrorists with their handlers. We give the confession of a pakistani. But again suddenly your court said these are not evidence.

You haven't given any recording of Hafiz Saeed, that was of allegedly of some Lakhvi or whatever his name is and he is in Jail.
We don't trust Indians and we know under what circumstances you got confession, nor this kind of confessions are admissible in our courts - that's why we wanted to investigate him. If your govt. was sincere about it than there shouldn't have been any problem for them.
Now, I am speaking in general terms, not specific to India.

There would be less people in absolute poverty. Besides, politics would shift (is shifting) from caste/religion/hate based to development and governance based. You can see that in recent results in UP - the attempts to get polarized Hindu votes failed miserably. Disparity would be there, but the jobless/poor which right now work as fodder for hate based politics would diminish in number.

Violence is part of human nature. It is more a function of income disparity than absolute wealth. Rich countries, including the US, have plenty of violent crime.

Also, there are many ways to channel one's bigotry and violence: joining the military and bombing them towelheads or Eye-ranians is considered perfectly reasonable. All you need is the proper PR cover for your actions. Magic words like "national security" and "terrorism" are good excuses to justify just about anything. As they say, the first casualty of war (or conflict) is truth.

Someone posted an article questioning why beheadings are any more evil than double-tap drone strikes.

The purveyors of hate can wear turbans or Armani suits; the content remains the same. At the end of the day, what's right and what's wrong depends on who's got the bigger megaphone and the bigger guns.

I didn't say people would become tolerant. But they would stay away from violence and that is first step. And law enforcement becomes better with economy and governance - one of the things current government claims to be working on. Tolerance can come later. First cure the symptoms and than disease.

Tolerance is reversible.

The worldwide campaign of anti-Muslim hatred, led by the Western media and resulting in the deaths and marginalization of millions of Muslims, is not a medieval phenomenon. It is very much a 20th century phenomenon, using the latest techniques and technologies. And the merchants of hate wrap themselves in a cloak of smug self-righteousness.

Again, it comes down to who's got the megaphone.
You haven't given any recording of Hafiz Saeed, that was of allegedly of some Lakhvi or whatever his name is and he is in Jail.
We don't trust Indians and we know under what circumstances you got confession, nor this kind of confessions are admissible in our courts - that's why we wanted to investigate him. If your govt. was sincere about it than there shouldn't have been any problem for them.
We have given the video confession of a pakistani which is not considered in your court as an evidence. You did not give anything but we put Purohit in jail. But you are not doing it.
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