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Turkish Tea House

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The problem is that the leader of the CHP,doesnt have what it takes(no presence,charisma).
He points out the wrongdoings of the AKP without giving any solutions to the problems.
The opposition is devided,my guess;AKP 40/45%,CHP 30/35%,MHP 15/20%,BDP 5/10%
Maybe this time the AKP will not have the absolute majority but still,they will rule again.
It is not looking good no matter who rules,the economic situation getting worse evry day.
I predicted this on a thread some time ago but many of my countrymen claimed that the economy was so strong that nothing would/could happen.
We lost more then ever with this term of the AKP.
Lost many business partners and only gained more enemies.

Islamic Republic of Turkiye here we come with Erdogan as the new Caliph & I his Right Hand Man ! :smokin:

Yes...yes you , @Sinan & @xenon54 have a place in the grand scheme of things as well ! :coffee:

For you, @T-123456 the Numbered - the Province of Anatolia to rule in peace for as long as you live & create those T-123456.... models till your heart's content ! :agree:

For you, @Sinan the Womanizer - I dunno thats what the ladies named you :unsure: - the Province of Middle East to house the finest Harem the World has ever seen ! :-)

And for you, @xenon54 the Mevlana - the Seat of Power - Istanbul is yours to ensure that you are brought up in the likeness of His Majesty Erdogan the Magnificent to succeed as the new Caliph when the time comes ! :o:
Wth,she turned AKP on us?:rofl:
Remember,she was different?

Islamic Republic of Turkiye here we come with Erdogan as the new Caliph & I his Right Hand Man ! :smokin:

Yes...yes you , @Sinan & @xenon54 have a place in the grand scheme of things as well ! :coffee:

For you, @T-123456 the Numbered - the Province of Anatolia to rule in peace for as long as you live & create those T-123456.... models till your heart's content ! :agree:

For you, @Sinan the Womanizer - I dunno thats what the ladies named you :unsure: - the Province of Middle East to house the finest Harem the World has ever seen ! :-)

And for you, @xenon54 the Mevlana - the Seat of Power - Istanbul is yours to ensure that you are brought up in the likeness of His Majesty Erdogan the Magnificent to succeed as the new Caliph when the time comes ! :o:
Bs,I am the womanizer @Sinan is afraid of his girlfriend:whistle:
Mevlana to you @Armstrong !
@xenon54 gets the mediteranian coast cities.
@Sinan gets Anatolia.
I take KASHMIR!:smokin:
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I want to ask something, does JNG 90's performance in bf reflects reality ? does anyone from military had the change to use it in real life here ?
And for you, @xenon54 the Mevlana - the Seat of Power - Istanbul is yours to ensure that you are brought up in the likeness of His Majesty Erdogan the Magnificent to succeed as the new Caliph when the time comes ! :o:
Mate you really shouldnt mention Rumi with Erdogan, Rumi was a peacefull poet in contrary to Erdogan the polarizer, they are the exact opposite of eachother. :agree:

It is often said that the teachings of Rumi are ecumenical in nature.[57] For Rumi, religion was mostly a personal experience and not limited to logical arguments or perceptions of the senses.[58] Creative love, or the urge to rejoin the spirit to divinity, was the goal towards which every thing moves.[58] The dignity of life, in particular human life (which is conscious of its divine origin and goal), was important.[58]

ملت عشق از همه دین‌ها جداست — عاشقان را ملت و مذهب خداست
The nation of Love has a different religion of all religions — For lovers, God alone is their religion

There are two people who had a huge impact on Turkish understanding of religion.
I think they was the reason why we have a much more tolerant understading of Religion in todays Turkey, muslim world definately needs more people like them.

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī aka Rumi aka Mevlâna (Persian origin)


Rumi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yunus Emre (Turkish origin)


Yunus Emre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I love the mystical sufi music


@xenon54 - I know about Rumi; I've read the Masnavi ! :)

We know him by the name Maulana Room here in Pakistan !

I thought Mevlana was the Turkish word for Maulana or Religious Cleric & I called you one; I wasn't even thinking about Rumi ! :lol:
@xenon54 - I know about Rumi; I've read the Masnavi ! :)

We know him by the name Maulana Room here in Pakistan !

I thought Mevlana was the Turkish word for Maulana or Religious Cleric & I called you one; I wasn't even thinking about Rumi ! :lol:
Your right Mevlana means a cleric but we in Turkey call Rumi also Mevlana.
"we have a much more tolerant understading of Religion in todays Turkey,"

Lol not really, majority of the religious people are as intolerant as other countries, we just have more less religious people, also the effect of a decades of secular state of course.

Unfortunately massess didn't learn much from these guys, only a minority.
You can see the reasons in my post.
You can see the reasons in my post.
Well there are religious zealots who would like to have an second Saudi Arabia in Turkey but i dont consider them beeing more religious than the avarage.

The avarage in Turkey has a more tolerant understanding of religion.

Shariah is a Legal Paradigm just like the Swiss Civil Code or the English Civil Law it is not a sign of Intolerance anymore than a Turk saying that Turkiye's Legal System should be modeled around Common Law ! :unsure:
Ok let me ask a question, how do we enforce the law on non muslim in Turkey if we have sharia?

Will the non Muslim also get the same treatment like Muslims?

If yes, how fair is it to judge non Muslim with islamic law?

Or if not, why should a part of socieity get a different treatment for the same crime?
Thats because average is less religious then most of these religious oriented countries.

Most of our religious zealots are same as guys from other countries.

And as I said there is also the effect of secular state, its effected the minds of masses, many even without the effect of any certai ideology or thought sees Sharia as a bad thing and threat, thats even effect of Secular state.
Thats because average is less religious then most of these religious oriented countries.

Most of our religious zealots are same as guys from other countries.

And as I said there is also the effect of secular state, its effected the minds of masses, many even without the effect of any certai ideology or thought sees Sharia as a bad thing and threat, thats even effect of Secular state.
Your right to some extend but what is more religious for you? For exsample Turks are beeing considered mostly religious.
Is someone who doesnt go out of the Mosque more religious than someone who only goes at Fridays?
Ok let me ask a question, how do we enforce the law on non muslim in Turkey if we have sharia?

Will the non Muslim also get the same treatment like Muslims?

If yes, how fair is it to judge non Muslim with islamic law?

Or if not, why should a part of socieity get a different treatment for the same crime?

The same way you enforce English Civil Law, Common Law or any other Legal Paradigm in the world on Citizens of a Nation State where that Legal Paradigm has been Institutionalized ! :unsure:

Consider this : Either Islamic Jurisprudence is a Legal Paradigm or its not & if its not then there is no point arguing about its enforcement as a Legal Paradigm to begin with but if it is, as the very word Jurisprudence, betrays it to be then how is it different, purely from an Academic Point of View, in its nature & not its approach, as a Legal Paradigm than any other Legal Paradigm out there ? And if the Citizens of any country are subject to the Institutionalized Legal Paradigm in that country why does such a question not arise then & there ?

Intolerance on the other hand is something else & were you to permit me I could post some rather startling comparatives between Tunisia & a couple of countries two of which are Turkiye & Pakistan !
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