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Turkish Tea House

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What are CHP's chances of winning in the next election?
Zero,no chance.
Maybe 25/30% of the votes

Why aren't they more popular? They are diametrically opposed to AKP, and AKP's popularity has apparently decreased so more people may vote for CHP.
Why aren't they more popular? They are diametrically opposed to AKP, and AKP's popularity has apparently decreased so more people may vote for CHP.
The problem is that the leader of the CHP,doesnt have what it takes(no presence,charisma).
He points out the wrongdoings of the AKP without giving any solutions to the problems.
The opposition is devided,my guess;AKP 40/45%,CHP 30/35%,MHP 15/20%,BDP 5/10%
Maybe this time the AKP will not have the absolute majority but still,they will rule again.
It is not looking good no matter who rules,the economic situation getting worse evry day.
I predicted this on a thread some time ago but many of my countrymen claimed that the economy was so strong that nothing would/could happen.
We lost more then ever with this term of the AKP.
Lost many business partners and only gained more enemies.
CHP isn't promising anything, they're static, they have a permanent vote amount , they cannot be elected.

In my opinion, they're just blocking the way of a new, promising party with their static votes.
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