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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Provocative? I merely stated the truth, it would a very stupid decision if Erdogan chose to bomb US forces. I think the comment I was responding to was more provocative by the way. I just injected some reality.

Notice I've said nothing about the more measured negative responses such as other methods to fight US interests. That's both true and not stupid. Bombing US forces as part of a mission though is most definitely not smart. If that's provocative then reality is provocative.
Come on man,we both know what you meant to do with that post.
And what about the bombing the US forces part,who is talking about bombing them specifically?
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Come on man,we both know what you meant to do with that post.
And what about the bombing the US forces part,who is talking about bombing them specifically?

There've been comments outright stating it or strongly pushing to that effect throughout the thread, and yes the comment is supported / thanked by other Turks.
I dont have a Anti-US stance, but man if YPG does not retreat beyong the Euphrates and the Yanks still support them, well then you have choosen your side. And this will not be forgotten or forgiven easily.
There've been comments outright stating it or strongly pushing to that effect throughout the thread, and yes the comment is supported / thanked by other Turks.
As long as they dont fight their NATO ally with the YPG,i dont see why we should fight or bomb the US forces,do you?
I dont have a Anti-US stance, but man if YPG does not retreat beyong the Euphrates and the Yanks still support them, well then you have choosen your side. And this will not be forgotten or forgiven easily.

Why east of euphraths ? Why do u give those PKK pigs even the luxury to retreat east of euprath ? Just besiege manbij from both sides ( East of eupraths and west) Show them they are no where safe. Not east not west
There've been comments outright stating it or strongly pushing to that effect throughout the thread, and yes the comment is supported / thanked by other Turks.

I think such comments have been in response to if the US get in our way and choose the PYD over us - which a lot of people on here feel is the case...
There are reports that one group that was a former member of FSA has some beef with how YPG handles things. The faster those Arab and Türkmen groups realize, that their allies are after their own selfish dreams, the better.

If we can get those groups to join FSA, that would be great.

Another 3 villages captured from ISIS.


There've been comments outright stating it or strongly pushing to that effect throughout the thread, and yes the comment is supported / thanked by other Turks.

As an American, what is your take on the USA supporting YPG terrorists under the pretext of it fighting IS? Is the USA's aim of creating another kurdish state in syria? What does US want to gain in the long term of this? Possibly creating a proxy against its Nato Ally? Or creating a state there which it can use anytime it wants? I think I know all the answers to these but I would like your take.
How is this relevant? Turkey is not the Ottoman empire, neither the US nor ISIS, nor the Kurds are the Mamluk Sultanate, and the world is different in too many ways to count than it was 500 years ago.
Kurds and Mamluk sultanate have nothing to do with each other. i think you mean the Ayyubid sultanate . The Mamluks where of Turkic origin in the beginning
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