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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

E adamları kovmuşlar. Şimdi oradan bizi destekleyen bir grup gitmiş oldu. Elimize ne geçti bununla?

Kanka, Kobani taraflarinda olmus bu olay. Orada SDF bünyesinde ISID'a karsi catisan Arap ve Sünni asilli bir grup vardi. Bunlar PKK'nin Suriye kolunu irkcilik ile sucladilar ve YPG gücleri tarafindan kovuldular. Bir nevi SDF'nin aslinda bir irkci ve Kürtcü kurulus oldugunu tekrar Araplarin ve Türkmenlerin gözleri önüne serdiler. Propaganda acisindan bizim isimize yarayan bir gelisme ki genelde onlardan ayrildiktan sonra bize katilirlar. Ok?

Ve dedigim oldu....


Kanka, Kobani taraflarinda olmus bu olay. Orada SDF bünyesinde ISID'a karsi catisan Arap ve Sünni asilli bir grup vardi. Bunlar PKK'nin Suriye kolunu irkcilik ile sucladilar ve YPG gücleri tarafindan kovuldular. Bir nevi SDF'nin aslinda bir irkci ve Kürtcü kurulus oldugunu tekrar Araplarin ve Türkmenlerin gözleri önüne serdiler. Propaganda acisindan bizim isimize yarayan bir gelisme ki genelde onlardan ayrildiktan sonra bize katilirlar. Ok?

Ve dedigim oldu....


eger dogruysa onlarin icinden gelen ve onlari cok iyi taniyan bir grup bizim icin avantaj olur..
It could be true.
@passo_del_bosniako , bro, claims that YPG/SDF fights with each other as you've said. Do you know anything?

Its true, as others already reported. Maybe worth mentioning, past few days YPG conducted mass arrests of SDF members in that region, mostly Arabs but also some Kurds. Tahrir is only begining. They are loosing support among kurdish civilians too cause of its opressive policies... Honeymoon is over, little stalinists just cant help themselfs I guess. In Manbij they are totally fucking up handling of locals
There've been comments outright stating it or strongly pushing to that effect throughout the thread, and yes the comment is supported / thanked by other Turks.
Nah........don't take it seriously . They are just emotional, which is understandable in such a situation. :D
Come on man,we both know what you meant to do with that post.
And what about the bombing the US forces part,who is talking about bombing them specifically?

There you go

We should bomb us forces as well

@cabatli_53 , thread ban these trolls @anon45 , @mike2000 is back . These terrorist's should be happy that it isn't a real platform.
Lool so what have I said that makes you think we should be banned?? You want only your point of view??

Plus, you calling me a terrorist??:D you do know that many of your middle eastern brothers accuse you people of exactly the same thing right? :meeting:
And who might be these "brothers" of ours brother??

Didn't you interacted enough with Turks to understand that we call only other "Turks" our brothers ?
Having been on this forum for long enough you should know which of those middle eastern/Muslim world brother members on here I am talking about. :chilli:
TB2 hit the ISIL targets...

Türkiye’nin ilk silahlı milli İHA’sı Bayraktar TB-2 Fırat Kalkanı Operasyonu'nda! Suriye’de DAEŞ'i bombalayan Bayraktar hedefleri tam isabetle vurdu.

Türkiye'nin gururu milli insansız hava aracı Bayraktar'ın silahlı versiyonu olan TB-2, Fırat Kalkanı Operasyonu'nda aktif görev alıyor. Bu doğrultuda, Bayraktar TB-2'nin şimdiye kadar birkaç uçuş gerçekleştirdiği ve terör hedeflerini tam isabetle vurduğu kaydediliyor. Türkiye, Fırat Kalkanı Harekatı'nda, operasyonel nedenlerle ağırlıklı olarak F16'ları kullanmayı tercih ediyor.

@cabatli_53 thread ban these flaming(!) trolls and let them watch from afar what Turkey does and how Turkish Army kills without a single mercy their true brothers (nationals) among US backed terror organization YPG, from afar like a dog.

Your brother @cabatli_53 would have banned me on this thread if I said anything wrong/indulged in person attacks/name-calling like you are doing. I'm a pragmatic/cool/level headed guy, you should be cool as well. :D If anything you are the on who should be banned for calling people names. :meeting:

Moreover, we are part of coalition fighting against ISIS, and one of your main backer. So chill dude, you are getting too emotional :suicide2:
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