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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I agree. The war is over. Turkey must sit together with Syrian government and negotiate the status of how to put Syria back together and a solution for creating infrastructure feasible for refugees to return their homes. We heard that low level officials are meeting. However, Erdoğan is the only blockage on the way for reconciliation; because of his personal feelings about Assad. No one can remove Assad and his oligarchy from the Syrian government no matter what Erdoğan dreams of. A lot of people in Turkey pressure Erdoğan to take steps; but you know strongmen like Erdoğan prefers to eat stones rather than stepping back from an miscalculated position. He should never have jumped to the bandwagon of destroying Syria. He wanted to be an accomplice in the invasion of Iraq, thank god our parlimentary blocked it; even though it got US furious. Look how serving US have benefitted Turkey: millions of refugees, PKK becoming a state on our borders, nonstate actors enveloping Turkey from her southern borders disconnecting it from ME, immense hatred from Syrian state and its people for decades to come, sanction from US, antiTurkey sentiments from all over Western media and in Europe. What a mess.
We are at same situation under American economic war.
We must help each other to pass this hard times.
I personally follow Syrian war from first year, and after 7 yrs of war I know how much Syria is important for Turkey and Iran. so I think Iran and Turkey can find common ground to work with each other to save interests of both in Syria.
We are at same situation under American economic war.
We must help each other to pass this hard times.
I personally follow Syrian war from first year, and after 7 yrs of war I know how much Syria is important for Turkey and Iran. so I think Iran and Turkey can find common ground to work with each other to save interests of both in Syria.
I believe especially at this situation as Russia, Iran and Turkey gets economic war by USA, its foolish for those to fight each other.. It is all about Turkey getting control of HTS in Idlib... Turkey probably doesnt stop Government yet so people under HTS move towards Turkey and accept its control.. Why would Turkey invest hundreds million $ if those are against Turkey?
Who makes these drones?

Russia downs 4th armed drone in 3 days targeting its Khmeimim air base in Syria
I believe especially at this situation as Russia, Iran and Turkey gets economic war by USA, its foolish for those to fight each other.. It is all about Turkey getting control of HTS in Idlib... Turkey probably doesnt stop Government yet so people under HTS move towards Turkey and accept its control.. Why would Turkey invest hundreds million $ if those are against Turkey?
Iran with evacuation of Fua and Kafaria lost its main interest to attack Idlib. as you can see on my Avatar, we were responsible for life of those people. Also Iran at the moment is in hard economical war and trying to save achievements not gain more. As result only Syrian government and Russians remain. I think dealing with Russians is not hard too. you just need to make guaranty that nobody will attack Russians bases and Syrian military and cities from Idlib. about Syrian government you can accept Syrian government rights under UN and start business with them which benefit both side. You must restart economic relation with Syrian government which is in benefit of both side and get Syrian government friendship in Idlib.
Turkey must accept Syrian war is over and must start its relation with Syrian government.
Also I believe Syrian government must start elections to change its rules System under UN observation.
Iran with evacuation of Fua and Kafaria lost its main interest to attack Idlib. as you can see on my Avatar, we were responsible for life of those people. Also Iran at the moment is in hard economical war and trying to save achievements not gain more. As result only Syrian government and Russians remain. I think dealing with Russians is not hard too. you just need to make guaranty that nobody will attack Russians bases and Syrian military and cities from Idlib. about Syrian government you can accept Syrian government rights under UN and start business with them which benefit both side. You must restart economic relation with Syrian government which is in benefit of both side and get Syrian government friendship in Idlib.
Turkey must accept Syrian war is over and must start its relation with Syrian government.
Also I believe Syrian government must start elections to change its rules System under UN observation.

Since when UN had a role or a legitimacy in RU or ASSad eyes?
Since when ASSad is a Friend of Turkey? The whole ASSad Dynasty was against TR since their creation...
Since When Iran is the good guy in this story? After all it was IR influence that pushed for "unaffiliated" groups to fight against TR troops in Afrin op per exemple...

Look...Let's be a honest... IR/RU need Syria to be under their rule/Sphere of Influence... It's a way to divert frontal attack on themselves and get some Depth for X future events... So as long "Others" are in Syria, whatever it's TR/US...They will continue to push them out, little by little...Deals by Deals...
We all remember the "De-escalation zone" that was AGREED by IR-TR-RU... and yet... we know the answer today...

Each party got an Agenda...and Each of them will act on it...
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Since when UN had a role or a legitimacy in RU or ASSad eyes?
Since when ASSad is a Friend of Turkey? The whole ASSad Dynasty was against TR since their creation...
Since When Iran is the good guy in this story? After all it was IR influence that pushed for "unaffiliated" groups to fight against TR troops in Afrin op per exemple...

Look...Let's be a honest... IR/RU need Syria to be under their rule/Sphere of Influence... It's a way to divert frontal attack on themselves and get some Depth for X future events... So as long "Others" are in Syria, whatever it's TR/US...They will continue to push them out, little by little...Deals by Deals...
We all remember the "De-escalation zone" that was AGREED by IR-TR-RU... and yet... we know the answer today...

Each party got an Agenda...and Each of them will act on it...
If you think that De-escalation zone is anything different from allowing regime to control its lands slowly, you are clearly delusional. I think the number 1 reason for deescalation agreement is to prevent millions of refugees being chased into Turkey by Assad. On top of that, Erdoğan has to find a way to bring this Syrian war into a political solution, at the same time not make an enemy of Syrian Rebels. There are millions of people who would hate the guts of Turkey if Erdoğan pictures an image of accepting Assad as the sole owner of Syria; millions of refugees are living in Turkey. There is a thin line. However, it does not mean that Turkey should not negotiate for an acceptable resettlement of refugees into their homes and some semblance of guarateering for opposition political movements to explore their place in a new Syria. If you are not advocating for Turkey to annex those lands, you have to accept the sovereignity of Syria. This Erdoğan-Assad noncommunication only strenghtens the legitimacy of US occupation and YPG dominance in those lands strategic to Syria's independence. It is in interest of Turkey and Syria both to pressure US to retreat from Syria and dismantle YPG. As long as Turkey does not talk with Syria, YPG and their overlord USA's occupation become more and more legitimate and a permanent situation.
Since when UN had a role or a legitimacy in RU or ASSad eyes?
Since when ASSad is a Friend of Turkey? The whole ASSad Dynasty was against TR since their creation...


Since When Iran is the good guy in this story? After all it was IR influence that pushed for "unaffiliated" groups to fight against TR troops in Afrin op per exemple...
What expect when one actor act without coordination with others. I can bring many examples that Iranian solders blood is on Turkey hand in North, South and west Aleppo. Turkey gave them weapon and equipment as result Iranian soldiers martyred. That always happen when we don't speak and work with each others.
Look...Let's be a honest... IR/RU need Syria to be under their rule/Sphere of Influence... It's a way to divert frontal attack on themselves and get some Depth for X future events... So as long "Others" are in Syria, whatever it's TR/US...They will continue to push them out, little by little...Deals by Deals...
We all remember the "De-escalation zone" that was AGREED by IR-TR-RU... and yet... we know the answer today...

Each party got an Agenda...and Each of them will act on it...
What is your suggestion for Turkey ????
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What expect when one actor act without coordination with others. I can bring many examples that Iranian solders blood is on Turkey hand in North, South and west Aleppo. Turkey gave them weapon and equipment as result Iranian soldiers martyred. That always happen when we don't speak and work with each others.

What is your suggestion for Turkey ????
From what i heard, the regime deserted Lebanese Hizbullah to their own devices in Aleppo, that is why they have experienced heavy casualties and in some cases defeats. There seems to be friction between Hizbullah and IRGC. It is said that IRGC commanders treat Hizbullah foot soldiers with contempt and both IRGC and Hizbullah hate Syrian soldiers for their incompetence. It is being said that Iranian related militias are actually carrying out most of the operation on behalf of the regime. I even heard Syrian regime soldiers selling towns to rebels for money, therefore Hizbullah and Iranian militias began to occupy the land.
First of all Aleppo battle was not one single battle actually was sum of several battles. secondly IRGC and Hezbollah are same and under same central command. Thirdly current Syrian army completely changed from past and that coward, fat, slow army does not exist more.

From what i heard, the regime deserted Lebanese Hizbullah to their own devices in Aleppo, that is why they have experienced heavy casualties and in some cases defeats. There seems to be friction between Hizbullah and IRGC. It is said that IRGC commanders treat Hizbullah foot soldiers with contempt and both IRGC and Hizbullah hate Syrian soldiers for their incompetence. It is being said that Iranian related militias are actually carrying out most of the operation on behalf of the regime. I even heard Syrian regime soldiers selling towns to rebels for money, therefore Hizbullah and Iranian militias began to occupy the land.
Turkey only supports TFSA. Rest of FSA and HTS were and are being supported by CIA Tow program / CIA white helmet program / CIA funding program / Saudi-UAE.

TFSA only fought against ISIS and PKK in Syria, those are enemies of SAA too. Hezbollah made a mistake to send troops to support PKK in Afrin, so they died in 3 days. Those blood belongs to their own stupidity.



What expect when one actor act without coordination with others. I can bring many examples that Iranian solders blood is on Turkey hand in North, South and west Aleppo. Turkey gave them weapon and equipment as result Iranian soldiers martyred. That always happen when we don't speak and work with each others.

What is your suggestion for Turkey ????

ASSAd dynasty is TR friend? Interesting...Maybe we should ask TR families that lost their loved one because of Syrian's PKKK sponsorship in the previous decades...
As for photoshoot of Diplomacy... Maybe you need to see some counter example to see how your logic is flawed...

As for Iran casualties... They WERE SENT... same for any other side in this conflict Except the Syrian ones... Let's Not jump on the " He killed me first"... IR choose to send and Help ASSad the Butcher... Therefore she has to pay a price, same for TR/US/RU or any entity involved on the ground... War isn't free... If you don't want it...don't jump in... simple as that. But IR need to "help" ASSad, not because she likes him...But helping him is like building a defence for herself...

As for what should be done? Pressure ASSad to step down and offer a real "change" that is followed by every party of this conflict... Till Then... This War will not End... Whatever Idlib fall or not...Whatever YPG surrender or not...Whatever RU/US are sent back home... The System and its Sponsors ARE the PROBLEM...

Many don't know or don't want to make it mainstream...But now that the war is "to them" near the End... Some discontent arise AMONG Syrians under ASSad rule about Militia's Corruption/Killing/Racket... all around Regime areas... Mostly from Hezb and Central Asia entities sent/Protected by Iran... and they had to call of RU help... What a joke they became... Asking a Foreign ally entity to protect them against the same gov they are helping for every day problems...

And last... The REvo wasn't only made of "Sunni Syrians"... A great part of the contestation are from Shia/Druze community... But They stopped to do so, mostly after Anti-Shia rhetoric by Terro groups in the Early revo...
And now those same guys...are back on the "critic" wagon... toward The Alawite community... Now that things began to settle...
Actually since 2011 those communities were criticising ASSad, But He managed to control it by "giving" them what they asked in exchange of Support... But today, with the end near... He is less keen to do so... Like the last event in Suwaida..;Where he didn't accept to send "reinforcement" to the Druze community... Till They (Druze) began to show the middle finger + no Help in Idlib... at that moment... Help was sent and ISIS wiped out in 2 weeks...

"National Army" factions from north of Aleppo # confirms its readiness to merge with the opposition factions in Idlib
Step 2: One Front.
Step 3: Wait for the first wave.
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ASSAd dynasty is TR friend? Interesting...Maybe we should ask TR families that lost their loved one because of Syrian's PKKK sponsorship in the previous decades...
As for photoshoot of Diplomacy... Maybe you need to see some counter example to see how your logic is flawed...

As for Iran casualties... They WERE SENT... same for any other side in this conflict Except the Syrian ones... Let's Not jump on the " He killed me first"... IR choose to send and Help ASSad the Butcher... Therefore she has to pay a price, same for TR/US/RU or any entity involved on the ground... War isn't free... If you don't want it...don't jump in... simple as that. But IR need to "help" ASSad, not because she likes him...But helping him is like building a defence for herself...

As for what should be done? Pressure ASSad to step down and offer a real "change" that is followed by every party of this conflict... Till Then... This War will not End... Whatever Idlib fall or not...Whatever YPG surrender or not...Whatever RU/US are sent back home... The System and its Sponsors ARE the PROBLEM...

Many don't know or don't want to make it mainstream...But now that the war is "to them" near the End... Some discontent arise AMONG Syrians under ASSad rule about Militia's Corruption/Killing/Racket... all around Regime areas... Mostly from Hezb and Central Asia entities sent/Protected by Iran... and they had to call of RU help... What a joke they became... Asking a Foreign ally entity to protect them against the same gov they are helping for every day problems...

And last... The REvo wasn't only made of "Sunni Syrians"... A great part of the contestation are from Shia/Druze community... But They stopped to do so, mostly after Anti-Shia rhetoric by Terro groups in the Early revo...
And now those same guys...are back on the "critic" wagon... toward The Alawite community... Now that things began to settle...
Actually since 2011 those communities were criticising ASSad, But He managed to control it by "giving" them what they asked in exchange of Support... But today, with the end near... He is less keen to do so... Like the last event in Suwaida..;Where he didn't accept to send "reinforcement" to the Druze community... Till They (Druze) began to show the middle finger + no Help in Idlib... at that moment... Help was sent and ISIS wiped out in 2 weeks...

Step 2: One Front.
Step 3: Wait for the first wave.
Difficult situation. I think in such move by Assad we will have to work with HTS but I am also curious what will happen after. HTS is still listed as terrorist organization including by Turkey. How are we going to convince them to put down arms I don't know... I don't like it.
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