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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Rebel (FSA factions) main defence line are said to be destroyed... in West Aleppo... after Today RU airstrikes.
You know whats going on with Turkish economy right now, i dont think Turkey will be able to cover idlib any longer, war is expensive.
Yes, That's also Why a doubt "a bit" TR intervention.
But Other countries did engage in such scale despite their Difficult economy aka What we saw with RU few years ago...Where the World called them "Suicidal" to engage in Syria with an economy going to the drain + Ukraine sanctions... and Yet, they are stronger than ever...

It depends, on how much TR is willing to engage in this conflict..; A superficial answer to protect Idlib, is doomed to fail and worsen TR, But a " Let's go in fully,Whatever the price" could end up as a winning bet...

I understand TR is not RU, but an Hybrid approach that is similar to RU, "Could" favor TR position.
Or an alternative...is to open Idlib and around to the US influence... But that's another problem on it's own...

Let's wait and see.
Yes, That's also Why a doubt "a bit" TR intervention.
But Other countries did engage in such scale despite their Difficult economy aka What we saw with RU few years ago...Where the World called them "Suicidal" to engage in Syria with an economy going to the drain + Ukraine sanctions... and Yet, they are stronger than ever...

It depends, on how much TR is willing to engage in this conflict..; A superficial answer to protect Idlib, is doomed to fail and worsen TR, But a " Let's go in fully,Whatever the price" could end up as a winning bet...

I understand TR is not RU, but an Hybrid approach that is similar to RU, "Could" favor TR position.
Or an alternative...is to open Idlib and around to the US influence... But that's another problem on it's own...

Let's wait and see.
Turkey is one of the few countries in the region that doesnt get free money from ground, it needs a tough reform program and cut of spendings, the first things to be sacrificed will be interests abroad if you ask me.
Turkey is one of the few countries in the region that doesnt get free money from ground, it needs a tough reform program and cut of spendings, the first things to be sacrificed will be interests abroad if you ask me.
But cutting it, will literally make TR 900km+ Border free to be "used" by any faction/group/entity for provocation...
Let alone the Millions of Refugees who will be added to the already 4Mil in TR, and the Social /Economy constraint that goes with it...

The Q is "Is it worth it in the short & long term to engage or to let go?"
But cutting it, will literally make TR 900km+ Border free to be "used" by any faction/group/entity for provocation...
Let alone the Millions of Refugees who will be added to the already 4Mil in TR, and the Social /Economy constraint that goes with it...

The Q is "Is it worth it in the short & long term to engage or to let go?"
That train departed long ago, look at the huge ypg area just across the border under US protection, is there any possibility to have a say on this issue?
The goverment screwed royally in the Syrian issue, they followed wrong policies from the beginning and now they try to pick up the shards.
We dont have any gain in the whole Syria circus but millions of refugees that will be a economic burden for the next years/decades, Erdogan did everything wrong that he could have done wrong in FP.
Afrin and ES areas? Well time will tell if we will have any benefit from it compared to the billions invested in it already, so far its was only a prestige project for the goverment.

The reality is we have a extremely hostile Assad across the border winning, he will use every opportunity to damage Turkey in the future, we might see a renaissance of pkk in Syria soon, talk about betting on wrong horse.
Turkey must accept Syrian government rights to control all of its borders then your problems will solve for long term.
Syrian government is part of UN and you can trust and accept their words while nobody can trust few terrorist groups.
Help Syrian government and gain Syrian trust and friendships.
Turkey must accept Syrian government rights to control all of its borders then your problems will solve for long term.
Syrian government is part of UN and you can trust and accept their words while nobody can trust few terrorist groups.
Help Syrian government and gain Syrian trust and friendships.
I agree. The war is over. Turkey must sit together with Syrian government and negotiate the status of how to put Syria back together and a solution for creating infrastructure feasible for refugees to return their homes. We heard that low level officials are meeting. However, Erdoğan is the only blockage on the way for reconciliation; because of his personal feelings about Assad. No one can remove Assad and his oligarchy from the Syrian government no matter what Erdoğan dreams of. A lot of people in Turkey pressure Erdoğan to take steps; but you know strongmen like Erdoğan prefers to eat stones rather than stepping back from an miscalculated position. He should never have jumped to the bandwagon of destroying Syria. He wanted to be an accomplice in the invasion of Iraq, thank god our parlimentary blocked it; even though it got US furious. Look how serving US have benefitted Turkey: millions of refugees, PKK becoming a state on our borders, nonstate actors enveloping Turkey from her southern borders disconnecting it from ME, immense hatred from Syrian state and its people for decades to come, sanction from US, antiTurkey sentiments from all over Western media and in Europe. What a mess.
I agree. The war is over. Turkey must sit together with Syrian government and negotiate the status of how to put Syria back together and a solution for creating infrastructure feasible for refugees to return their homes. We heard that low level officials are meeting. However, Erdoğan is the only blockage on the way for reconciliation; because of his personal feelings about Assad. No one can remove Assad and his oligarchy from the Syrian government no matter what Erdoğan dreams of. A lot of people in Turkey pressure Erdoğan to take steps; but you know strongmen like Erdoğan prefers to eat stones rather than stepping back from an miscalculated position. He should never have jumped to the bandwagon of destroying Syria. He wanted to be an accomplice in the invasion of Iraq, thank god our parlimentary blocked it; even though it got US furious. Look how serving US have benefitted Turkey: millions of refugees, PKK becoming a state on our borders, nonstate actors enveloping Turkey from her southern borders disconnecting it from ME, immense hatred from Syrian state and its people for decades to come, sanction from US, antiTurkey sentiments from all over Western media and in Europe. What a mess.

You don't Understand...do you?
Do you even know how those countries/Dynasties/Ideologies around TR in ME even "think" or "wish" for Turkey...And that since decades and decades?
Which part? You need to be more clear.
They don't care about your reconciliation...About your Erdogan..;About your Ideology...
Turkey is a "liability" to those around the region... You may bow as low as you wish...They will not care...

So let it be a lesson to every people who think or may think like you...

THEY WANT YOU DEAD... Understand? every "Leader" in the region...See TR as a threat for their own expansion...
They will do everything in their power to weaken you...Whatever you are meddling in their affairs or not...

The "animosity" toward TR didn't start with ASSad junior... But way back to the foundation of Syria... Same for Iran... Israel or Iraq or even the ME group... You are a THREAT... Capisce?

So please stop this "Humiliating" behavior... of "Let's do as they wish"... Ppl around the region even resent TR for that behavior...When they hear/read/remember the Ottoman Empire and their boldness... and see Today TR...They get angry... I understand TR is not the Ottoman, and maybe will never be... But in the Inconscient social mind of the region...it is...

It's quite a paradox... They hate you for what you are doing and Hate you even more For what you aren't doing...
See it as when a Son of a great Man... don't answer/fufill his father legacy...
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