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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Refugees come with increase rates of crime. Its like us Turks have become like the far right who blame refugees and immigrants for everything. The Europeans say the same about us Turks and how we increase crime rates why are we using this argument here??
Do I really have to explain to you why I used this example? Because it is true maybe? I don't care what Turks are doing in EU. I care what people are doing in Turkey and what the Syrians are doing is nothing positive and I bring it as argument. If you like high crime rates, Syrians that are going past the norms in the society, Arabic signs and talk all around then I will write to Erdogan and suggest it to him. Just give me your city so I know where to give them "refuge".
In the early days AKP sent arms and organized the opposition groups when all of this was at its infancy, when the SAA controlled nearly entire Syria even far eastern Syria which later on fell to ISIS and now to Kurds. Assad like Saddam are both brutal and would burn the entire country before leaving, that was known to everyone before this started. Turkey chose to be a major contributer and organized of this entire war in Syria, are you going to deny that if Turkey had kept its borders closhed and had not interfered the Syrian war if it had even became a war would've been extremey limited and lasted less than one year?

Without the funding and arms that poured in from Turkey and Jordan the SAA would've remained in control. You wouldn't have millions of refugees, the hundreds of thousands would not have died. ISIS would not have experienced its immense growth, Kurds wouldn't control half of northern Syria today. Jordan which is poor as hell decided to jump in as well though they're just an American client state so nothing else to be expected from them.

You're making the mistake that Arabs are all the same, we can distinguish other Arabs easily and they don't integrate well. Syria and Lebanon have had bad relations in the past decades and this is not even the point. Point is that Lebanon is a very small country hosting 2 million Syrians whilst Turkey is far bigger hosting 3 million.

However let me say that I do understand your view here, as I saw local Turks in Istanbul working hard even at midnight (the municipality workers) cleaning streets etc. whilst Syrians were just looking for the quick buick and best economic opportunity be it domestic or abroad in Wester Europe. No one, especially no nationalist will want these kind of people exploiting their own homeland.

I don't know the Kurds of Turkey well, all I can say is those of Iraq are jumping about Kakastan day and night, that Hakkari suggestion was a joke.

Now as for the last sentence, this is what Americans bark. An 'inclusive non-sectarian government'. This translated into accept your opposition to sabotage all development, for Turkey that means embrace the HDP. Now I do not know if you actually embrace the HDP but everyone knows they're with the PKK.

I don't like Assad and i'm aware of what he and his father have done. Assad not only provided safe ground for the PKK in the 90's, he also facilitated the operations of Al Qaeda in Iraq, ISI and other terror networks that now have become IS back in the early days of 2003-2010. Several Syrian intel officers were captured saying this, back in 2009 Erdogan even suggested mediating between Iraq and Syria over this.

I'm teling you that Assad is a monkey, and that Turkey approached this like shit by organizing useless groups, a policy which led to a massive growth of IS under Turkish watch. It used to be an American led effort which Turkey was part of, they abandoned that side for the Kurds once the FSA started losing land to ISIS in the east.

Even if this didn't become a mess and Assad was overthrown, Turkey would not have taken the lead in Syria it would have been the US. What they did in Iraq they would replicate in Syria and it would be a corrupt shithole, a corrupt shithole without money that is even worse. Turkey was better off rejecting American games on their neighbors doorstep in the first place like they rejected it with Iraq in 2003. This is the kind of shit little client states of America like Kuwait and Jordan pull, client states that should be annexed by larger Arab states.
There are couple of mistakes that Turkey done while taking part of this game.

1st: Turkey agreed to participate in the train-arm program together with the US under UNACCEPTABLE conditions and trusting the word of a country that is working for a independent Kurdish state/states from the 90s.

2nd: Turkey didn't intervene directly in the Syrian conflict and didn't established herself in more deeper and stable way when it was possible.

3rd: Turkey let Kurdish reinforcements to Ain Al Arab instead taking Kurdish refugees and intervene directly under certain conditions on behalf PYD while at the same time start large scale offensive together with them to clear the area around Ain Al Arab and secure and retake the area around Suleyman Sah tomb. If YPG doesn't cooperate launch military intervention against them stating self defense and if there is not a reason then create the needed deception by false flag attacks on the hot zones and along the border.

4th: Didn't participated more actively in establishing of higher number of proxy brigades trained directly by Turkey waiting for Turkish orders.

All those are due to corrupt people into the government system and the security services. People that sold themselves to the higher bidder and working directly or non directly with foreign intelligence services. After 15th July some of those people recognized their faults apologizing to the nation, crying and saying "We were deceived." Because of them and the ones that were neutralized Turkey and Syria are at this state. Letting the Syrian conflict happen was not a fault. The fault was that we didn't intervene in the way we should've intervene like a strong country that is not lacking the resource to do it properly.
Refugees come with increase rates of crime. Its like us Turks have become like the far right who blame refugees and immigrants for everything. The Europeans say the same about us Turks and how we increase crime rates why are we using this argument here??

This is utterly retarded that you try to compare Turks that legally invited to EU as a legal workforce with legal stay/live rights there, and Syrians who illegally sneaked into our nation, illegally work with no taxes, doing illegal activities, sucking government budget off with illegal applications.

If you support the rule of law; you just don't.
All those are due to corrupt people into the government system and the security services. People that sold themselves to the higher bidder and working directly or non directly with foreign intelligence services. After 15th July some of those people recognized their faults apologizing to the nation, crying and saying "We were deceived." Because of them and the ones that were neutralized Turkey and Syria are at this state. Letting the Syrian conflict happen was not a fault. The fault was that we didn't intervene in the way we should've intervene like a strong country that is not lacking the resource to do it properly.
This is utterly retarded that you try to compare Turks that legally invited to EU as a legal workforce with legal stay/live rights there, and Syrians who illegally sneaked into our nation, illegally work with no taxes, doing illegal activities, sucking government budget off with illegal applications.

If you support the rule of law; you just don't.

They should wait for legislation before fleeing the warzone yes

There are couple of mistakes that Turkey done while taking part of this game.

1st: Turkey agreed to participate in the train-arm program together with the US under UNACCEPTABLE conditions and trusting the word of a country that is working for a independent Kurdish state/states from the 90s.

2nd: Turkey didn't intervene directly in the Syrian conflict and didn't established herself in more deeper and stable way when it was possible.

3rd: Turkey let Kurdish reinforcements to Ain Al Arab instead taking Kurdish refugees and intervene directly under certain conditions on behalf PYD while at the same time start large scale offensive together with them to clear the area around Ain Al Arab and secure and retake the area around Suleyman Sah tomb. If YPG doesn't cooperate launch military intervention against them stating self defense and if there is not a reason then create the needed deception by false flag attacks on the hot zones and along the border.

4th: Didn't participated more actively in establishing of higher number of proxy brigades trained directly by Turkey waiting for Turkish orders.

All those are due to corrupt people into the government system and the security services. People that sold themselves to the higher bidder and working directly or non directly with foreign intelligence services. After 15th July some of those people recognized their faults apologizing to the nation, crying and saying "We were deceived." Because of them and the ones that were neutralized Turkey and Syria are at this state. Letting the Syrian conflict happen was not a fault. The fault was that we didn't intervene in the way we should've intervene like a strong country that is not lacking the resource to do it properly.

Yes those are all mistakes which cost Turkey, however what you didn't admit or respond to is that Turkey initially in the first place accepted to adopt this policy as the main organizer and orchestrater of the resistance in Syria. Without Turkey the US could not have done it as Syria's other neighbors except Jordan would not agree to it, Jordan's border with Syria is not that large and would be controlled.

Had Turkey told the US to **** off with their regime change & terrorist supporting plans then Syria would not have entered a civil war.
They should wait for legislation before fleeing the warzone yes

Yes those are all mistakes which cost Turkey, however what you didn't admit or respond to is that Turkey initially in the first place accepted to adopt this policy as the main organizer and orchestrater of the resistance in Syria. Without Turkey the US could not have done it as Syria's other neighbors except Jordan would not agree to it, Jordan's border with Syria is not that large and would be controlled.

Had Turkey told the US to **** off with their regime change & terrorist supporting plans then Syria would not have entered a civil war.
"Main organizer and orchestrater"? No. Turkey participated in the train-arm program and was having open borders policy. Big part of the logistic aid came from Turkey but those are to big words.

The change in regime had to happen. The beginning of all the mess for Turkey happened with the start of the train-arm program that was training and arming opposition fighters of all kinds and groups. One of those groups were the armed wings of PYD. Similar program was started with the Iraqi Peshmerga. When the program started the US and other allies gave a word that when the operations against DEASH end they will take the weapons back and also they will keep track at the weapons so they won't get in wrong hands but that was obvious lie. The traitors within the state knew what will happen and obeyed their masters. At the end big parts of the weapons ended up into PKK's hands and they were both used along the Syrian and Iraqi borders against Turkey.

They abandoned FSA and started concentrating with the YPG. That's where the real mess happened. If the support that was given to PKK was given to FSA in its fight against Assad now the war could've ended. This treachery combined with the list from my previous post are the reasons for the fail of what we all believed in.

I will say it again. The start of the war was not the mistake Turkey did. The mistake is that Turkey didn't involved in the way that we all expected to involve. One's terrorist is somebody's freedom fighter.
Arabs are really something
Thousands died in Syria
Millions in Iraq and Libya
Biggest humanitarian crisis in Yemen

Yet it's always someone else's fault

You know that I'm a fan of the west and israel because they are smart and managed to **** arabs however they wanted and still be considered allies to some ( pathetic )

Note : I'm Arab and tho insulting it's still a point I had to point it out sorry
Before we turn to the usual trend of Arab bashing which seems to be an escape and way to feel better.
Let us not forget the endless blaming of the US, Syria and others for the PKK in this section.

Yet it's always someone elses fault.

It is becoming a trend that our enemies enjoy ( and I hate that ) but that does not mean the bashing is not true in meaning

I always say no country is perfect on this planet but since you mentioned it yes turkey has mistakes and downsides but is it as half bad as ours in Libya and yemen and others

Yes the US and israel writes the story and sends the weapons but why are we the ones playing it , are the ones firing those weapons ?

Arabs will always be special thanks to what we used to be but let's be honest

All the dead children pictures belong to who???

All the cities who are in ruins belong to who ?

Till you and I can trust each and write our posts to really benefit each other instead of just proving who is right or proving others were wrong too we will never be something
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In that case you shouldn't complain about refugees, since you're admitting that you believe the regime change should be forced upon them. If they come for Idlib you might have to accept a few milions more, it's your own choice. On top of that I saw that in the Tigris thread you were dreaming of a civil war in Iraq as well, I guess you want 10 million more refugees lol.

Now back to reality, since there seems nothing new to be discusses. It turned out bad for Turkey on every front, Washington lied and went on to advance its own interest. Now all that can be done is damage control. Erdogan should return to university and get a degree first.
The civil war didn't started because of Turkey. If you remember it started by opposition free minded people and ex SAA members by capturing military bases with equipment to fight for their ideals. It is other question that other countries including Turkey used the opportunity. If they had the right support now the baby killer Assad would be gone.

I am not dreaming about a civil war in Iraq. I am just telling how Turkey could get use of such situation.

We will complain about refuges because when failed states puppet governments like your countries support terrorism in mine and paying salaries to terrorists that dream about killing my soldiers on my land we had to act appropriate and when we could we had to defend our interests and enter the games on time. We had to enter together with the US in Iraq also and we had to enter in Syria with shock and awe when we could. That is the mistake we did.

Because of situations in countries like Iraq and Syria Turkey is at that state. You are supporting terrorism against our state more than 40 years giving refuge to terrorist organizations like PKK and ASALA and then you complain when we do something about it. When something good happens its Syria and Iraq but when there is something bad you call it Rojava and Barzanistan. When for the last time the Iraqi or Syrian army (before the war) fired a bullet against PKK? When Barzani harbored PKK if Turkey had demands he was giving it to us. He let us build bases, he conducted joint operations with our forces, he was collaborating with our services while you were crying about your fake sovereignty and threatening us with military actions while the US soldiers were raping your women and you did nothing. When your filthy dogs called PUK fought against PKK for the last time?

Sorry but that's called "Karma". We did the mistake by showing mercy to you when if we entered those conflicts like for real we would have ended your corrupt systems together with those of the westerners that played against us. You are nobody here to lecture Turkey's actions while your countries didn't move its finger to prevent what terrorists from your territories did against us!

Don't worry! Those refuges will return to Syria and a big burden will be out of Turkey's back. Political process will be started and Syria will meet the long needed peace and stability. We will have our word in the development of the country while protecting the interests of the other side of the Syrian society. The one that was mass murdered by its own president. Maybe we would have to agree on federal system including the territories in East of Euphrates because of the traitors. You better worry for your own country as things seems little bit out of balance there. Work for the interests of Iraq, improve yourself and serve to your people. Ours have enough that worry about her.
The civil war didn't started because of Turkey. If you remember it started by opposition free minded people and ex SAA members by capturing military bases with equipment to fight for their ideals. It is other question that other countries including Turkey used the opportunity. If they had the right support now the baby killer Assad would be gone.

I am not dreaming about a civil war in Iraq. I am just telling how Turkey could get use of such situation.

We will complain about refuges because when failed states puppet governments like your countries support terrorism in mine and paying salaries to terrorists that dream about killing my soldiers on my land we had to act appropriate and when we could we had to defend our interests and enter the games on time. We had to enter together with the US in Iraq also and we had to enter in Syria with shock and awe when we could. That is the mistake we did.

Ex-SAA members indeed came together in Idlib to form the opposition, however it would've gone nowhere without Turkish involvement. At most Syria would have seen some battles where the opposition wouldn't last longer than a year (even that is pushing it).

As you stated in your previous post, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Because of situations in countries like Iraq and Syria Turkey is at that state. You are supporting terrorism against our state more than 40 years giving refuge to terrorist organizations like PKK and ASALA and then you complain when we do something about it. When something good happens its Syria and Iraq but when there is something bad you call it Rojava and Barzanistan. When for the last time the Iraqi or Syrian army (before the war) fired a bullet against PKK? When Barzani harbored PKK if Turkey had demands he was giving it to us. He let us build bases, he conducted joint operations with our forces, he was collaborating with our services while you were crying about your fake sovereignty and threatening us with military actions while the US soldiers were raping your women and you did nothing. When your filthy dogs called PUK fought against PKK for the last time?

You're combining Iraq and Syria as the same story which is your first mistake as both are separate countries with different governments and different policies. Even during Saddam's rule he was hostile towards Assad for his siding with Iran. Now you are right when you say that Assad harbored the PKK but when you say that Iraq harbored the PKK you obviously are in need of some education on this topic.

The PKK was largely inactive in the north until the 1991 Gulf war happened which resulted in the northern no-fly zone which Turkey at that time (far weaker than today) took part in, that was the first enabler of the PKK of which soon after resulted in the 1993 ambush in Turkey. What this means is that you and your great US ally which has been supporting the PKK for decades rendered Saddam's forces incapable of stopping the PKK due to years of airstrikes and a no fly zone in the north. Saddam didn't accept much of any Kurdish opposition or presence.

PUK are not my dogs, they're Iran's dogs which is also your semi-ally as far as I know. Barzani is just a little bitch boy playing politics to gain things from Baghdad, the US any anyone he can, he doesn't fight the PKK neither does he have any problem with them. He even shared US supplied arms with them (such as the MILAN ATGW you seen in Qandil based PKK hands) and gave them a free pass of movement between Sinjar, Qandil and Kirkuk in late 2017 when the battle occurred between KRG and Bagdhad. Kurds have always been fighting one another, that doesn't mean he's on your side. For your update, Barzani invited Saddam to help him fight the PUK in the 90's Kurdish civil war.

That's something to keep in mind when you see his son (massoud) shaking hands with erdogan. Based on that which they display you think they're genuine about the anti-PKK ops? think again.

Sorry but that's called "Karma". We did the mistake by showing mercy to you when if we entered those conflicts like for real we would have ended your corrupt systems together with those of the westerners that played against us. You are nobody here to lecture Turkey's actions while your countries didn't move its finger to prevent what terrorists from your territories did against us!
Anyone can lecture, as you can lecture Syria, Iraq and bash it all you want no one cares and I do not mind, you have a thread open where you think of a civil war and I don't give too many shits about that as the forum is made for that.

You are always talking about what should have been done, that's an endless topic of no importance. What has been done is what I am talking about, and what has been done is shit.

Don't worry! Those refuges will return to Syria and a big burden will be out of Turkey's back. Political process will be started and Syria will meet the long needed peace and stability. We will have our word in the development of the country while protecting the interests of the other side of the Syrian society. The one that was mass murdered by its own president. Maybe we would have to agree on federal system including the territories in East of Euphrates because of the traitors. You better worry for your own country as things seems little bit out of balance there. Work for the interests of Iraq, improve yourself and serve to your people. Ours have enough that worry about her.
Everything finds it way, that doesn't mean what I said is invalid. I didn't say Turkey, Syria are doomed for you to tell me not to worry and that things will turn out fine.

Those millions of refugees you have are trying to get to the west they don't want to stay in Turkey for the long-term, if you're so keen on them leaving unleash to them on Europe and your problem is gone. The same Europe (Germany) which is the biggest Peshmerga/PKK backer with millions of Kurds even some in the German politics whom lobby for Kurdish interests.

You've got the funny idea that working with Barzani will not aid to the overall Kurdish project. We see the result in Syria, bitch boy Barzani lets the US use Arbil to transport all the weapons to the SDF through the Fish Khabour border crossing. Baghdad's army tried to take it (to help Erdogan who hates the Majoos), the US blocked it from happening. This was late 2017, how come you're unaware of this not so long ago history.
Ex-SAA members indeed came together in Idlib to form the opposition, however it would've gone nowhere without Turkish involvement. At most Syria would have seen some battles where the opposition wouldn't last longer than a year (even that is pushing it).

As you stated in your previous post, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

You're combining Iraq and Syria as the same story which is your first mistake as both are separate countries with different governments and different policies. Even during Saddam's rule he was hostile towards Assad for his siding with Iran. Now you are right when you say that Assad harbored the PKK but when you say that Iraq harbored the PKK you obviously are in need of some education on this topic.

The PKK was largely inactive in the north until the 1991 Gulf war happened which resulted in the northern no-fly zone which Turkey at that time (far weaker than today) took part in, that was the first enabler of the PKK of which soon after resulted in the 1993 ambush in Turkey. What this means is that you and your great US ally which has been supporting the PKK for decades rendered Saddam's forces incapable of stopping the PKK due to years of airstrikes and a no fly zone in the north. Saddam didn't accept much of any Kurdish opposition or presence.

PUK are not my dogs, they're Iran's dogs which is also your semi-ally as far as I know. Barzani is just a little bitch boy playing politics to gain things from Baghdad, the US any anyone he can, he doesn't fight the PKK neither does he have any problem with them. He even shared US supplied arms with them (such as the MILAN ATGW you seen in Qandil based PKK hands) and gave them a free pass of movement between Sinjar, Qandil and Kirkuk in late 2017 when the battle occurred between KRG and Bagdhad. Kurds have always been fighting one another, that doesn't mean he's on your side. For your update, Barzani invited Saddam to help him fight the PUK in the 90's Kurdish civil war.

That's something to keep in mind when you see his son (massoud) shaking hands with erdogan. Based on that which they display you think they're genuine about the anti-PKK ops? think again.

Anyone can lecture, as you can lecture Syria, Iraq and bash it all you want no one cares and I do not mind, you have a thread open where you think of a civil war and I don't give too many shits about that as the forum is made for that.

You are always talking about what should have been done, that's an endless topic of no importance. What has been done is what I am talking about, and what has been done is shit.

Everything finds it way, that doesn't mean what I said is invalid. I didn't say Turkey, Syria are doomed for you to tell me not to worry and that things will turn out fine.

Those millions of refugees you have are trying to get to the west they don't want to stay in Turkey for the long-term, if you're so keen on them leaving unleash to them on Europe and your problem is gone. The same Europe (Germany) which is the biggest Peshmerga/PKK backer with millions of Kurds even some in the German politics whom lobby for Kurdish interests.

You've got the funny idea that working with Barzani will not aid to the overall Kurdish project. We see the result in Syria, bitch boy Barzani lets the US use Arbil to transport all the weapons to the SDF through the Fish Khabour border crossing. Baghdad's army tried to take it (to help Erdogan who hates the Majoos), the US blocked it from happening. This was late 2017, how come you're unaware of this not so long ago history.
I am not talking about Saddam. I am talking that in both situations the same thing had to be done. All the dogs after Saddam harbored PKK at least as much as the honorles b!tch Barzani. You helped PKK as much as Barzani did. I have right to lecture ANYONE that supported terrorism in my country including the ones that payed the salaries of PKK/YBS f****s. I didn't said Barzani is on our side. I said that Barzani even when he helped PKK he also let us move freely in Northern Iraq while you were openly paying salaries to PKK, provided them with weapons and let them move freely in Sinjar while crying about "violations of Iraqi airspace" and "violations towards the sovereignty of Iraq". When we hit on the table and said "Either you move them out or we will do the needed" you expelled them.

Its interesting how your voices didn't say anything before that but when we suddenly started to pay the salaries of our guys in your countries you all started to bark in one voice. When those things are happening within our borders nobody was crying for me but when the sh!t comes to your doors then Turkey is guilty. Turkey made its faults but after 15th July in two years Turkey did the impossible!

Turkey sabotaged the YPG's capturing of Latakia region connecting them with the sea, Turkey saved the opposition in Idlib and contributed to the peace in Syria by ordering Turkish backed groups to surrender in Southern Syria so they can contribute to their country in Idlib, Turkey invested millions in infrastructure and services for the Syrian people in the territories under Turkey's control, Turkey gave the needed messages to the US in Sinjar, Turkey continued operations in Iraq no matter your cries regarding your non existing sovereignty, Turkey gave the needed message to Barzani's suicidal referendum, Turkey started large scale operations against your and Barzani's friends PKK targeting the group's HQ in Qandil.

Turkey took more than the expected from the Syrian conflict in 2 years of action despite the treachery that was going on for more than 20 years, despite the opposition of superpowers and their b!tches. The tens of billions of dollars that were spent over the refugees is actually very small amount of what Turkey payed trough the years. Turkey payed also in blood trough those years. From now on expect different approaches to the Turkish national issues and the defense of the national interests. People will see more proactive approach towards certain issues. That is the reason I am telling you to care more for your country than for Turkey. Now the best thing you can do is pray to God (if you believe) that Syria stays united even under federal system.

As long as people give their hands to Turkey seeking friendship the state will take their hands and will bring security and prosperity to them but for the ones who's hands are being covered in Turkish blood for them we will bring only fear. I personally swear in those words.
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To add to that, i'm sure if Turkey and Iraq worked together on the matter Iraq could take control of Fishkhabour and cut off KRG from Syria. The US would have no other place to access the SDF controlled land from. All that takes is some good policy making and the impact you are seeking would be large.
To add to that, i'm sure if Turkey and Iraq worked together on the matter Iraq could take control of Fishkhabour and cut off KRG from Syria. The US would have no other place to access the SDF controlled land from. All that takes is some good policy making and the impact you are seeking would be large.
Cutting them from Syria would be your task as Turkey doesn't have authority there. I read that Hashd are pulling back from Sinjar. By the way take a look at the Iraq thread. It seems that Turkey and Iraq have talks about new border crossing.
Cutting them from Syria would be your task as Turkey doesn't have authority there. I read that Hashd are pulling back from Sinjar. By the way take a look at the Iraq thread. It seems that Turkey and Iraq have talks about new border crossing.

ISF tried to take it late 2017, American pressure stopped it from happening. Iraq can take it militarily easily as it is close by current ISF line but they need a strong reason to do so, such as heavy Turkish pressure that gives Baghdad an excuse in the face of Americans.

Although Baghdad taking Fishkhabour is one thing, closing the border between Fishkhabour and Syria (rejecting American movement) is another which would mean Iraq blocks the American project in northern Syria, whilst legally allowed to do so it would anger the US leaving them with no other alternative but to accept that fate or to be hostile to Baghdad.

Dangerous situation.

The new border proposal is to bypass the KRG customs/tarrifs, KRG will cave in to that demand eventually as they seek it.


Baghdad will only reopen Erbil-Kirkuk road if it gets a customs border


However what I do not understand is why Turkey doesn't use Iraq to counter the SDF/YPG project in Syria. Simply by making an offer to Iraq, setting up the atmosphere/pressure/support in some aggressive manner which Erdogan is good at that would let Iraq make the move to cut KRG from Syria whilst saving face in front of the US. Since this is such a big problem for Turkey, either they aren't considering that or doing so is not possible given the move would would meet strong US opposition. Sadr is a good candidate for such a thing as he's a strongman type of leader who doesn't like Americans and would rather work with neighbors.
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