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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

... and you are telling these to me, because? o_O I was the one who criticized our goverment's retarded pacifist status towards HTS which leads other countries to intervene amk. It really shouln't be so hard to be absorben by any human brain.

It just makes me happy when I can make someone angry.:-)
Well i just pointed out that what you say does not make any sense, it's not an anger o_O You are so weird.
For how much longer those rats are going to act so freely in Afrin-ES area? There is not MIT, internal informers, special forces, paramilitia? What more do you need? At least do something and activate new personnel in Manbij so this humiliation is answered properly. Everyday friendly forces are being targeted in such attacks. Give the lazy sh!ts the needed equipment and send them for search and destroy before some of them get shot while riding a bike or even worst.
Rus dışişleri: "İdlib'e öldürücü darbe indirilmeli"..
Trump, Putin'i ikna etmiş olmalı ki Ruslar; "Türkiye'yi Suriye'den çıkartmakta ısrarcıyız" demiş..

Buna fırsatçılık derler! Türk Devleti kendisine kurulmak istenen komploya karşı İdlip'i gündeminde tutmalı, İdlip'in Kuzeyinden gelebilecek teröre önlem almalıdır. Çin -Rusya ittifakı kurulursa ABD-Rusya anlaşması bozulur.
If they want to grab Idlib, let them have it. However, Turkey should block all its borders against refugees. Let the Syrian regime deal with its own mess for once.
If they want to grab Idlib, let them have it. However, Turkey should block all its borders against refugees. Let the Syrian regime deal with its own mess for once.

I actually agree SAA should take the entire country back. but U will be seen as the savage that keeps its borders closed for women and kids if you dont let them in and they're standing there running away from another military force they feel is after them. it will be aired on TV.

Turkey is large yet is having a problem with refugees they all go to Istanbul, if you can disperse them in the East it wouldn't be a problem. (unless 4 million more come.. but they don't want to go there).
Moment of Truth is near... TR gonna need to choose a side...

I actually agree SAA should take the entire country back. but U will be seen as the savage that keeps its borders closed for women and kids if you dont let them in and they're standing there running away from another military force they feel is after them. it will be aired on TV.

Turkey is large yet is having a problem with refugees they all go to Istanbul, if you can disperse them in the East it wouldn't be a problem. (unless 4 million more come.. but they don't want to go there).

Refugees will be a problem for TR... but TBh that's not the real problem...
Having no buffer Zone... will push "unaffiliated groups" to target TR Borders... with no Master to ask to make it stop... All of North Syria will be a no man's law for whoever have some hate toward Turkey...
So, it will Mortars, Tunnels, Sniping, Bombs on Concrete wall and so on...
TR will answer, some may say... Well Maybe or maybe not...After all in this Past year Many missiles/Rockets landed on TR cities, with some damage..and no answer was made...

Anyway... Moment of Truth is coming... Let's wait and see.
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I actually agree SAA should take the entire country back. but U will be seen as the savage that keeps its borders closed for women and kids if you dont let them in and they're standing there running away from another military force they feel is after them. it will be aired on TV.

Turkey is large yet is having a problem with refugees they all go to Istanbul, if you can disperse them in the East it wouldn't be a problem. (unless 4 million more come.. but they don't want to go there).

Yeah, then we are the savages who keeps its borders closed. Haha, let saudi arabia, algeria or "europe" (lol) deal with these refugees these countries are big enough for them ;) Wait, I think all these countries have their borders closed mhmm interesting haha these nasty savages.

- Primary aim -especially in turkish interior politics is to get these refugees back to their home countries especially since the current economic situation doesnt allow more refugees. Turkey doesnt have the financial recorsces nor do the turks have the nerves to deal with mega islamic maniacs from idlib. The current 4-5million refugees will have to leave- one way another turkey soon. How that is planned lets see but 3million syrians should be systematicly send back
I actually agree SAA should take the entire country back. but U will be seen as the savage that keeps its borders closed for women and kids if you dont let them in and they're standing there running away from another military force they feel is after them. it will be aired on TV.

Turkey is large yet is having a problem with refugees they all go to Istanbul, if you can disperse them in the East it wouldn't be a problem. (unless 4 million more come.. but they don't want to go there).
EU has no intention to help Turkey on refugee crisis. All i see and read from EU media outlet news is that Turkey is such a demonic country that she uses the humanistic subject of refugees as a political weapon against EU countries especially against their neighbouring countriess (like Greece and Bulgaria). Well, i say it is the biggest mistake by Turkish government to make a refugee deal with EU. I mean no matter what Turkey does, EU media news will continue to find some evil planning under it, claiming that Turkey supports ISIS while most of the population fled from ISIS scourge are refugees in Turkey while YPG is claiming those as their homelands. Turkey has given EU security forces numerious times information about possible ISIS members, however they chose to ignore those. When suicide attacsk, all they do is to blame Turkey or imply Turkey's support of ISIS; while they were content or silent about sending all their radical muslims to Syria, while giving 0 intelligence to Turkey. It is just ridicilous. I mean Turkey is already seen as "savage", no matter what you do by EU media outlets. They just keep pumping the hate against Turkey. It is funny that some countries even consider to shut down mosques supported by Turkey; i really wonder why they dont dare to make a move against North African-Wahhabi muslim communities, while trying to shut down Turkish mosques. From all these, the only conclusion i reach is that EU countries really want to put muslim countries into those "savage","primitive", "uncivilized" image of ISIS; because then their ill-conceived nonstop propaganda will become reality eventually. Let them share the burden of refugees, it is their obligation too; let them show it to the world how beacon of humanity European society handles refugees.
^europeans and their opinion are irrelevant.


The thing with manbitch is quite interesting tho. seems like americans are playing us over and over. How about us starting to play them :D like by closing incirlik :D (finally)
Yeah, then we are the savages who keeps its borders closed. Haha, let saudi arabia, algeria or "europe" (lol) deal with these refugees these countries are big enough for them ;) Wait, I think all these countries have their borders closed mhmm interesting haha these nasty savages.

- Primary aim -especially in turkish interior politics is to get these refugees back to their home countries especially since the current economic situation doesnt allow more refugees. Turkey doesnt have the financial recorsces nor do the turks have the nerves to deal with mega islamic maniacs from idlib. The current 4-5million refugees will have to leave- one way another turkey soon. How that is planned lets see but 3million syrians should be systematicly send back

You're from 1998, I wonder how much you remember about 2011 when this started, probably nothing as you didn't follow it back then. Turkey has a heavy hand in the Syrian mess and was a major component to causing it become the mess it has become. These refugees are your responsibility.

Those 3 million you got you can easily handle with the size your country has. Tiny Lebanon has 2 million Syrians, I don't hear them complain as much. These are also people who need a place to stay so no need to be selfish whilst you're in your comfortable house.

Turkey is about 75 times bigger than Lebanon, Lebanon has 2 million refugees you have 3 million. They aren't going to leave willingly and forceful deportation would be quite a big task.
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You're from 1998, I wonder how much you remember about 2011 when this started, probably nothing as you didn't follow it back then. Turkey has a heavy hand in the Syrian mess and was a major component to causing it become the mess it has become. These refugees are your responsibility.

Those 3 million you got you can easily handle with the size your country has. Tiny Lebanon has 2 million Syrians, I don't hear them complain as much. These are also people who need a place to stay so no need to be selfish whilst you're in your comfortable house.

Turkey is about 75 times bigger than Lebanon, Lebanon has 2 million refugees you have 3 million. They aren't going to leave willingly and forceful deportation would be quite a big task.
So Turkey is the responsible for the mess in Syria? Did Turkey started the protests demanding the resignation of Assad or the oppressed part of the Syrian society? Did Turkey killed 500.000 of its population including with carpet, incendiary bombs, chemical weapons or the baby killer Assad? Turkey helped the opposition in Syria. Turkey is not the one that made them run from its own state while witnessing their homes full of family members being destroyed by jets commanded by their own president.

In Lebanon they are along Arabs with the same social norms and understandings. In Turkey there is enough minorities. The normal Turks doesn't like their culture, norms and behavior. They are causing troubles in Turkey. The crime rates among them is high. They doesn't have any respect for the Turkish traditions and don't care for Turkey. The only thing they care is how to make money and troubles. I am thinking about their wives and children because of the behavior of some of their men they will be punished also without deserving it.

I will prevent you from explaining to me the BS of making them live in the east. If you get them there you will get nothing more than war between Kurds and Arabs and we don't want to be the new sh!thole of the Middle East along Syria and Iraq driven by ethnic war. It is proven that people with such Middle Eastern mentalities can't live together in the today's environment so no thank you. When you take as neighbour a Syrian family like a brother Arab then you can have the right to come here and teach us Turks about who is responsible for what. Until that moment comes your words regarding how positives they could bring to Turkey is not much than poor BS that nobody here wants to hear.

Syria is not only the country of the supporters of Assad. Syria is for the Syrians from all ideologies, ethnics and religion. When all those listed above agree to form a joint form of government that is tolerant towards every person with his vision and believes then Turkey will be secure and happy.

Let me ask you what do you remember from 1998? Do you remember that in Syria in the hands of Assad family there was one of the biggest training camps of PKK? Do you remember that they were giving all the supports to PKK before Turkey said that it will wage war to Syria? Do you remember that before those words Abdullah Ocalan was harbored in Syria and they told him to leave under the pressure of the Turkish authorities? Do you remember that Syrian PKK fighters were crossing borders and killed Turkish troops because I remember everything. When you also start to remember these things and take a Syrian family for your neighbours you can come here and lecture us what we should do all you want but before that your opinion in that thread will be treated no different than pure provocative behavior.
So Turkey is the responsible for the mess in Syria? Did Turkey started the protests demanding the resignation of Assad or the oppressed part of the Syrian society? Did Turkey killed 500.000 of its population including with carpet, incendiary bombs, chemical weapons or the baby killer Assad? Turkey helped the opposition in Syria. Turkey is not the one that made them run from its own state while witnessing their homes full of family members being destroyed by jets commanded by their own president.

In the early days AKP sent arms and organized the opposition groups when all of this was at its infancy, when the SAA controlled nearly entire Syria even far eastern Syria which later on fell to ISIS and now to Kurds. Assad like Saddam are both brutal and would burn the entire country before leaving, that was known to everyone before this started. Turkey chose to be a major contributer and organized of this entire war in Syria, are you going to deny that if Turkey had kept its borders closhed and had not interfered the Syrian war if it had even became a war would've been extremey limited and lasted less than one year?

Without the funding and arms that poured in from Turkey and Jordan the SAA would've remained in control. You wouldn't have millions of refugees, the hundreds of thousands would not have died. ISIS would not have experienced its immense growth, Kurds wouldn't control half of northern Syria today. Jordan which is poor as hell decided to jump in as well though they're just an American client state so nothing else to be expected from them.

In Lebanon they are along Arabs with the same social norms and understandings. In Turkey there is enough minorities. The normal Turks doesn't like their culture, norms and behavior. They are causing troubles in Turkey. The crime rates among them is high. They doesn't have any respect for the Turkish traditions and don't care for Turkey. The only thing they care is how to make money and troubles. I am thinking about their wives and children because of the behavior of some of their men they will be punished also without deserving it.
You're making the mistake that Arabs are all the same, we can distinguish other Arabs easily and they don't integrate well. Syria and Lebanon have had bad relations in the past decades and this is not even the point. Point is that Lebanon is a very small country hosting 2 million Syrians whilst Turkey is far bigger hosting 3 million.

However let me say that I do understand your view here, as I saw local Turks in Istanbul working hard even at midnight (the municipality workers) cleaning streets etc. whilst Syrians were just looking for the quick buick and best economic opportunity be it domestic or abroad in Wester Europe. No one, especially no nationalist will want these kind of people exploiting their own homeland.

I will prevent you from explaining to me the BS of making them live in the east. If you get them there you will get nothing more than war between Kurds and Arabs and we don't want to be the new sh!thole of the Middle East along Syria and Iraq driven by ethnic war. It is proven that people with such Middle Eastern mentalities can't live together in the today's environment so no thank you. When you take as neighbour a Syrian family like a brother Arab then you can have the right to come here and teach us Turks about who is responsible for what. Until that moment comes your words regarding how positives they could bring to Turkey is not much than poor BS that nobody here wants to hear.

Syria is not only the country of the supporters of Assad. Syria is for the Syrians from all ideologies, ethnics and religion. When all those listed above agree to form a joint form of government that is tolerant towards every person with his vision and believes then Turkey will be secure and happy.
I don't know the Kurds of Turkey well, all I can say is those of Iraq are jumping about Kakastan day and night, that Hakkari suggestion was a joke.

Now as for the last sentence, this is what Americans bark. An 'inclusive non-sectarian government'. This translated into accept your opposition to sabotage all development, for Turkey that means embrace the HDP. Now I do not know if you actually embrace the HDP but everyone knows they're with the PKK.

Let me ask you what do you remember from 1998? Do you remember that in Syria in the hands of Assad family there was one of the biggest training camps of PKK? Do you remember that they were giving all the supports to PKK before Turkey said that it will wage war to Syria? Do you remember that before those words Abdullah Ocalan was harbored in Syria and they told him to leave under the pressure of the Turkish authorities? Do you remember that Syrian PKK fighters were crossing borders and killed Turkish troops because I remember everything. When you also start to remember these things and take a Syrian family for your neighbours you can come here and lecture us what we should do all you want but before that your opinion in that thread will be treated no different than pure provocative behavior.
I don't like Assad and i'm aware of what he and his father have done. Assad not only provided safe ground for the PKK in the 90's, he also facilitated the operations of Al Qaeda in Iraq, ISI and other terror networks that now have become IS back in the early days of 2003-2010. Several Syrian intel officers were captured saying this, back in 2009 Erdogan even suggested mediating between Iraq and Syria over this.

I'm teling you that Assad is a monkey, and that Turkey approached this like shit by organizing useless groups, a policy which led to a massive growth of IS under Turkish watch. It used to be an American led effort which Turkey was part of, they abandoned that side for the Kurds once the FSA started losing land to ISIS in the east.

Even if this didn't become a mess and Assad was overthrown, Turkey would not have taken the lead in Syria it would have been the US. What they did in Iraq they would replicate in Syria and it would be a corrupt shithole, a corrupt shithole without money that is even worse. Turkey was better off rejecting American games on their neighbors doorstep in the first place like they rejected it with Iraq in 2003. This is the kind of shit little client states of America like Kuwait and Jordan pull, client states that should be annexed by larger Arab states.
In the early days AKP sent arms and organized the opposition groups when all of this was at its infancy, when the SAA controlled nearly entire Syria even far eastern Syria which later on fell to ISIS and now to Kurds. Assad like Saddam are both brutal and would burn the entire country before leaving, that was known to everyone before this started. Turkey chose to be a major contributer and organized of this entire war in Syria, are you going to deny that if Turkey had kept its borders closhed and had not interfered the Syrian war if it had even became a war would've been extremey limited and lasted less than one year?

Without the funding and arms that poured in from Turkey and Jordan the SAA would've remained in control. You wouldn't have millions of refugees, the hundreds of thousands would not have died. ISIS would not have experienced its immense growth, Kurds wouldn't control half of northern Syria today. Jordan which is poor as hell decided to jump in as well though they're just an American client state so nothing else to be expected from them.

You're making the mistake that Arabs are all the same, we can distinguish other Arabs easily and they don't integrate well. Syria and Lebanon have had bad relations in the past decades and this is not even the point. Point is that Lebanon is a very small country hosting 2 million Syrians whilst Turkey is far bigger hosting 3 million.

However let me say that I do understand your view here, as I saw local Turks in Istanbul working hard even at midnight (the municipality workers) cleaning streets etc. whilst Syrians were just looking for the quick buick and best economic opportunity be it domestic or abroad in Wester Europe. No one, especially no nationalist will want these kind of people exploiting their own homeland.

I don't know the Kurds of Turkey well, all I can say is those of Iraq are jumping about Kakastan day and night, that Hakkari suggestion was a joke.

Now as for the last sentence, this is what Americans bark. An 'inclusive non-sectarian government'. This translated into accept your opposition to sabotage all development, for Turkey that means embrace the HDP. Now I do not know if you actually embrace the HDP but everyone knows they're with the PKK.

I don't like Assad and i'm aware of what he and his father have done. Assad not only provided safe ground for the PKK in the 90's, he also facilitated the operations of Al Qaeda in Iraq, ISI and other terror networks that now have become IS back in the early days of 2003-2010. Several Syrian intel officers were captured saying this, back in 2009 Erdogan even suggested mediating between Iraq and Syria over this.

I'm teling you that Assad is a monkey, and that Turkey approached this like shit by organizing useless groups, a policy which led to a massive growth of IS under Turkish watch. It used to be an American led effort which Turkey was part of, they abandoned that side for the Kurds once the FSA started losing land to ISIS in the east.

Even if this didn't become a mess and Assad was overthrown, Turkey would not have taken the lead in Syria it would have been the US. What they did in Iraq they would replicate in Syria and it would be a corrupt shithole, a corrupt shithole without money that is even worse. Turkey was better off rejecting American games on their neighbors doorstep in the first place like they rejected it with Iraq in 2003. This is the kind of shit little client states of America like Kuwait and Jordan pull, client states that should be annexed by larger Arab states.
According for you, if Russians wouldnt come Turkey would win the fight.. If Iran wouldnt help Asad where shia population is very little part of country, Turkey would win.. In a proverb, if my grandma would have a "stick", i will call her grandpa...

How would Turkey know that those Gulfs will abandon Syrians in a night with a phone call from DC and even start to make ISIS instead? if you are the real Iragi, you would talk more about that.. was that also Turkey that your army left Mosul the first day of attack? it is all planned and fake news spread it as so some stupid people around get reason to blame...

Turkey only helped the people which were killed by rejime, normally this lets government to have a talks.. but when Syria have the most stupid leader, it all happened...
Refugees come with increase rates of crime. Its like us Turks have become like the far right who blame refugees and immigrants for everything. The Europeans say the same about us Turks and how we increase crime rates why are we using this argument here??
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