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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I remember "El-Ais" rush, where we didn't move a finger for a WHOLE DAMN YEAR and when the knife touches on our throat, we rushed our army in El-Ais to stop SAA offensive in Idlib, not in last day, but in last minute o_O

And now we did NOTHING FOR MONTHS but sit on our butt, when knife moves to our throat again we take imminent decisions and actions, rushing fast in last second to stop any offensive on Idlib o_O

When i look at my retarded government, i see one primary school student, but the laziest one.. Where he doesn't do his homework but when he is so close to be kicked out from school he rushes things to save the day in last second.

I remember "El-Ais" rush, where we didn't move a finger for a WHOLE DAMN YEAR and when the knife touches on our throat, we rushed our army in El-Ais to stop SAA offensive in Idlib, not in last day, but in last minute o_O

And now we did NOTHING FOR MONTHS but sit on our butt, when knife moves to our throat again we take imminent decisions and actions, rushing fast in last second to stop any offensive on Idlib o_O

When i look at my retarded government, i see one primary school student, but the laziest one.. Where he doesn't do his homework but when he is so close to be kicked out from school he rushes things to save the day in last second.

Actually I disagree
All the assassinations in the past few months were because of ???

Besides HTS has thousands of members in Idlib which is also densely populated so why fight the whole thing if you can just cut the head off

Russia/ SAA offense in Idlib equals millions of refugees to turkey why would a Turkish offense be any different

Besides could everyone stop underestimating HTS / Alqaeda because if the Turks are to do that their casualties will be higher than both the last two operations combined
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All the assassinations in the past few months were because of ???. Besides HTS has thousands of members in Idlib which is also densely populated so why fight the whole thing if you can just cut the head off

Translate: We did things but HTS is so strong so we failed to achieve our targets /s

Btw last days HTS accounced that they captured few SAA officers responsible for assasinations lol. We are in a pathetic situation, did nothing, pretending like doing something with no solution other than empty air.

When the heat hits the fan, we pull our heads out and rush to stop things that cannot be reverted. It was sooooo obvious that that SAA will try to justify it's action as long as Terrorists stay in Idlib. This is the golden rule in all around the world: "Either you destroy 'bad guys' everyone recognise, or someone else will and that someone else will not go away easily."

Do you see any bombing/shelling in Jarablus-Al Bab-Azez-Afrin-Jinderes areas?
Translate: We did things but HTS is so strong so we failed to achieve our targets /s

Btw last days HTS accounced that they captured few SAA officers responsible for assasinations lol. We are in a pathetic situation, did nothing, pretending like doing something with no solution other than empty air.

When the heat hits the fan, we pull our heads out and rush to stop things that cannot be reverted. It was sooooo obvious that that SAA will try to justify it's action as long as Terrorists stay in Idlib. This is the golden rule in all around the world: "Either you destroy 'bad guys' everyone recognise, or someone else will and that someone else will not go away easily."

Do you see any bombing/shelling in Jarablus-Al Bab-Azez-Afrin-Jinderes areas?
I see like most of you dont see the real picture... seems like its a plan with Turkey and Russia to push HTS with public to give up as with resisting, they will let thousands to die as what happened in south Syria recently, against those controlled by Saudis.. Turkey got what it need and finally made HTS to accept FSA..

With recent sanctions against Iran and Turkey, they need to work with each other as Turkey is the one will still but Iranian gas and petrol and pay the amount Iran really needs these days..

Seems you do not understand that the state is above ruler. Disliking Assad doesn't make it ok to trash the SAA, join another side that fights against the interest of a united Syrian state and has its leaders stationed abroad. Idlib should be under the SAA as all of Syria should be.

As for claiming something that isn't yours, Idlib belongs to Syria, the state of Syria and its military.
Every time you open your mouth, it stings here..
What happened? where is Syrian attack?
seems like when you get limited electricity a day, you just rush to right anything you can..
seems like its a plan with Turkey and Russia to push HTS with public to give up

Yeah suuure Russia cares what HTS thinks;

This is the Russian intelligence plane in northern Hama region yesterday, flied above there to see if we left the area or not, in order to start imminent military operation on Idlib o_O They don't care what their opponents think; they have power and Casus Belli (existance of HTS) so they will use them, it was crystal clear from day one of Daraa offensive that they will try it to justify Idlib operation when Daraa is taken.

Daraa is taken, now they are in the outdoors of Idlib, shellin and bombing 7/24, watching our boys like if we left the position so they can roll in.

There is no shame to accept our stupidity. We did nothing for years about Idlib and now we have a huge cancer in Idlib that we don't want to clean. But the problem is, if we don't clean, someone else will and they will stay there. That someone else was PKK in Afrin, we removed that possibility from Afrin, but Afrin operation as it's isn't the apple pie, it's the plate where we need to put our apple pie. Apple pie is İdlib, right there, waiting for it's "liberators", if we will not, it will be SAA/Iran or Russia and they will not give it back to us.

We did the same stupidity in eastern Euphrates. We did nothing for years but sit on our butts while ISIS was there. We didn't remove them, so someone else (USA-PKK) took it as justification to occupy those lands, and now we have no solution to kick them out. I wonder how many times we will repeat same stupidity and expect different results.
First russia already ruled out an assault
Second have you forgotten there are turkish soldiers all around Idlib

Why all the effort is now back in Sochi talks?

Keep dreaming and if there is an attack on Idlib it would be an exchange
Jisr shughour for Assad in return tal rifaat for turkey and that's the end

"Translate: We did things but HTS is so strong so we failed to achieve our targets /s"

An advice : don't work as a translator
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Yeah suuure Russia cares what HTS thinks;

This is the Russian intelligence plane in northern Hama region yesterday, flied above there to see if we left the area or not, in order to start imminent military operation on Idlib o_O They don't care what their opponents think; they have power and Casus Belli (existance of HTS) so they will use them, it was crystal clear from day one of Daraa offensive that they will try it to justify Idlib operation when Daraa is taken.

Daraa is taken, now they are in the outdoors of Idlib, shellin and bombing 7/24, watching our boys like if we left the position so they can roll in.

There is no shame to accept our stupidity. We did nothing for years about Idlib and now we have a huge cancer in Idlib that we don't want to clean. But the problem is, if we don't clean, someone else will and they will stay there. That someone else was PKK in Afrin, we removed that possibility from Afrin, but Afrin operation as it's isn't the apple pie, it's the plate where we need to put our apple pie. Apple pie is İdlib, right there, waiting for it's "liberators", if we will not, it will be SAA/Iran or Russia and they will not give it back to us.

We did the same stupidity in eastern Euphrates. We did nothing for years but sit on our butts while ISIS was there. We didn't remove them, so someone else (USA-PKK) took it as justification to occupy those lands, and now we have no solution to kick them out. I wonder how many times we will repeat same stupidity and expect different results.

TSK fighting the jihadists in Idlib is out of the question. We're at a stalemate when it comes to Idlib. Every action whether from us or Assad's side will bring harm to Turkey. We simply can't fight 20-30k militant groups and drive them out, that would be very costly + it would raise the risk of terror attacks in Turkey by their supporters because as you know we excepted 3,5 million people and all kinds of people from every political view got in.
TSK fighting the jihadists in Idlib is out of the question
We don't have to? Power projection in Idlib favors HTS little bit but add TFSA in Afrin/Al Bab and put your airforce and artillery support; we can easily remove HTS parasites and end this drama already?

Btw if we don't and someone else will, that 3,5million will rush to Turkey since nowhere else to go, but they cannot come to Turkey from Idlib just because TFSA clash HTS. So you are drawing a picture upside down.

Keep dreaming
Keep dreaming of what aq? You guys enjoy Eu states while we actually live in Turkey, we are the ones who witness the negative effect of 4 million refugees in Turkey. You will keep smoking in the middle of EU if 4 million more refugees rushes into Turkey so it's easy for you to speak.

Idlib is vital for us, it's not "luxury". We have to clean the mess before refugee number jump to 8 million o_O It's not a PC game.
We don't have to? Power projection in Idlib favors HTS little bit but add TFSA in Afrin/Al Bab and put your airforce and artillery support; we can easily remove HTS parasites and end this drama already?

Btw if we don't and someone else will, that 3,5million will rush to Turkey since nowhere else to go, but they cannot come to Turkey from Idlib just because TFSA clash HTS. So you are drawing a picture upside down.

Keep dreaming of what aq? You guys enjoy Eu states while we actually live in Turkey, we are the ones who witness the negative effect of 4 million refugees in Turkey. You will keep smoking in the middle of EU if 4 million more refugees rushes into Turkey so it's easy for you to speak.

Idlib is vital for us, it's not "luxury". We have to clean the mess before refugee number jump to 8 million o_O It's not a PC game.
Your answer to the guy above me contradicts the answer you gave me

You seriously expect the FSA to attack Idlib city with TSK airforce and artillery without having any extra refugees

Whether its Assad Or turkey any attack on Idlib will make people flee so you can't have it both ways my friend unless

The government keeps doing what it's already doing

Assassinations and slowly / covertly weaken HTS that they are left with no option but to merge and submit to FSA command fully

Unfortunately HTS knows this as well as Assad that's why Assad has his assassins and spies playing trying to create as much chaos as possible ( costing turkey )

Who do u think is setting off explosives in the heart of the city ??

Btw I'm not in the EU
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You seriously expect the FSA to attack HTS in Idlib region

Erm, i am not so sure if this is a sarcasm or not, but are you aware of that, this happened before, multiple times? o_O You are arguing on something like it's impossible while that did happen before, numerous times.

The only problem was that FSA was weak against Saudi&CIA backed Al Qaeda/HTS.

Put your weight behind your proxies and let them remove the terrorists, easy. Better than constant shelling on Idlib region by Russia/SAA and constant threat of SAA+Russia offensive and constant threat of facing 4 million more refugees o_O

I will call it out; those who think that sitting like a piece of rock is better than supporting FSA against HTS actively, are retards with no brains in their skull, if they are not anti-Turkey. If they are anti-Turkey then it makes sense.

We are literally letting others abuse the existance of Al-Qaeda, using it for justify their push.

Either we will remove them, or someone else will. That "someone" will not leave the region. It's better for us to be that someone; rather than SAA, Russia, China, Hezbollah, PKK, USA etc. Only a traitor or mentally handicaped person would like to sit and watch others join the theatre.

Our government should face with immediate IQ test since they are acting more stupid than goldfish.

We are literally letting others abuse the existance of Al-Qaeda, using it for justify their push.

Either we will remove them, or someone else will. That "someone" will not leave the region. It's better for us to be that someone; rather than SAA, Russia, China, Hezbollah, PKK, USA etc. Only a traitor or mentally handicaped person would like to sit and watch others join the theatre.

Our government should face with immediate IQ test since they are acting more stupid than goldfish.
We actually did a good job for some time about organizing operations against HTS leaders. The bad news are that SAA and ISIS networks joined the show and started killing both HTS and FSA members.

The plan was good but seems that HTS is not as unstable like we were thinking. A lot of groups leaved HTS but also a lot of them are with them. I thing its impossible to dissolve the group further so we must already start a military action against them.

Even if we have deal every side is trying to take as much positives as possible. The other parties will try to use the situation for their favor. There are two options for HTS. To put down arms or face destruction. For groups with so strong ideology and also power I don't think putting down arms is in their heads now so only one option is there.

Logical solution also would be the integrating of HTS to the National Army but the reputation of the force will be ruined. Also the concept of HTS is different from the other Turkish backed FSA groups so I don't think they would get along good. There will be unwanted tensions, provocations and possibility for the partition of the National Army. Also international pressure will be high because HTS is in the lists for terrorist organizations of the major powers including Turkey.

I think military operation must be started against HTS as soon as possible after preparations are being done. Their presence in Idlib presents danger for every civilian or friendly fighter in the area. They also are putting at danger our soldiers in the area and all the work around the future political process and peace negotiations for which all parties worked and made compromises.
I was also hopeful that those assasinations will lead a military cleanse in idlib and our authority in idlib region will be permanent. I was wrong. Assasinations are nothing more than peanuts. We kill one HTS commander, next day HTS kills two FSA commander, next day SAA kills 3 HTS commanders, next day HTS captures 4 SAA agents. This leads nowhere. This is not a solution at all.

HTS have two options as you said, either surrender or face destruction. They won't surrender without one military power submit them to.

We also have two options; either we destroy them and we get the control of the region, or someone else will destroy them and they will get the control next to our borders. Turkish benefit shines like a sun in first option.
With SAA/Pro-ASSad/Hezb/Iran who wish to push their forces to Idlib... at all cost... An Inside Fight btw HTS/FSA/TR could end up bad for the Great Idlib (and even beyond, like Afrin/Jarabulus/Albab)... Infighting will lead to instability in ranks and Border control.

Whatever HTS lose or win, the Enemies will take the opportunity to push the lines by using those "Pro-ASSad militia" that no one want to acknowledge... Like the one we saw in the Afrin Op, that came to the rescue of YPG...
But this time, their numbers will be way higher and their "Ideology" will be stronger.

Idlib and around is the last point to take for ASSad and affiliate... Whatever TR find a deal with RU or not...They will push in... They need it, to maintain power upon what is left of Syria... and cement their "legitimacy" to the throne.

RU is losing "power" or at least, is not seen as a "King maker" anymore, since we are at the End of the conflict, many sees Idlib and Northern Syria as only a formality... that is being blocked by TR-RU relationship...Nowadays,we can see discontent arising from some pro-Assad and affiliate about RU, not being "faithful" to the cause... a First since their arrival. (Another critics is being Too close and Too soft to old rebels group/demands)

TR will have to make a choice... Endorse Idlib as a region to "take/Govern" by their own hands and therefore opening the road to some sort of "Annexation/Autonomy" or Play with every players on the ground, like HTS/FSA, and use it a true "buffer zone", but in such scenario, it will be equal to gambling...Whatever or not they can handle enemy offensive...

In the End... TR could lose a lot... Whatever is Influence as a regional power, by their inability to maintain "something" against adversaries or/& giving it up for Diplomacy... and in Security for her border, by letting slip away a "buffer zone"... That's ofc in the worst case scenario...
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With SAA/Pro-ASSad/Hezb/Iran who wish to push their forces to Idlib... at all cost... An Inside Fight btw HTS/FSA/TR could end up bad for the Great Idlib (and even beyond, like Afrin/Jarabulus/Albab)... Infighting will lead to instability in ranks and Border control.

Whatever HTS lose or win, the Enemies will take the opportunity to push the lines by using those "Pro-ASSad militia" that no one want to acknowledge... Like the one we saw in the Afrin Op, that came to the rescue of YPG...
But this time, their numbers will be way higher and their "Ideology" will be stronger.

Idlib and around is the last point to take for ASSad and affiliate... Whatever TR find a deal with RU or not...They will push in... They need it, to maintain power upon what is left of Syria... and cement their "legitimacy" to the throne.

RU is losing "power" or at least, is not seen as a "King maker" anymore, since we are at the End of the conflict, many sees Idlib and Northern Syria as only a formality... that is being blocked by TR-RU relationship...Nowadays,we can see discontent arising from some pro-Assad and affiliate about RU, not being "faithful" to the cause... a First since their arrival. (Another critics is being Too close and Too soft to old rebels group/demands)

TR will have to make a choice... Endorse Idlib as a region to "take/Govern" by their own hands and therefore opening the road to some sort of "Annexation/Autonomy" or Play with every players on the ground, like HTS/FSA, and use it a true "buffer zone", but in such scenario, it will be equal to gambling...Whatever or not they can handle enemy offensive...

In the End... TR could lose a lot... Whatever is Influence as a regional power, by their inability to maintain "something" against adversaries or/& giving it up for Diplomacy... and in Security for her border, by letting slip away a "buffer zone"... That's ofc in the worst case scenario...
I don't think Turkey would let this issue without an answer. Turkey just can't take millions of refugees to start with. We are also seeing that Syria is being pushed to federal system at least or/and partition. If Turkey let off Idlib all the work Turkey done from the beginning to now in the Syrian conflict would be for nothing. Billions of dollars, sanctions, bad relations with the superpowers etc. I think Turkey would do the needed if large scale offensive past the observation points is being pushed.
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