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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Jesus, the disrespect. They don't even care anymore. What the hell are the countries leadership thinking? There wont be any operation to Aleppo either. These guys have just destroyed the deterrence of the TAF.
Jesus, the disrespect. They don't even care anymore. What the hell are the countries leadership thinking?
The regime and Allies have disrespected anything they touched since 9 years now...
They only understand One language and that is "Force"... as long it is not spoken...they will never ever listen...
Sure, the Russians are using the argument that Turkey didnt upkeep Astana by failing to get rid of HTS for their offensive, yet the Russians also failed with the Sochi format from October which required that the PKK leaves Tel-rifat,manbij and the border zones. Furthermore we need the safe zone to resettle the refugees and therefor a larger operation is very likely.
Can F-16 fire SOM missile(range 250 km) from afrin countryside towards assad’s house at 4 am and kill him??? if the missile passes by air defenses thanks to surpise/unexpectedness even if it fails(most likely 99%) still the message will be sent
Or maybe ballistic missile strike whatever
The dog needs to die anyway
If TAF has such weapons then why are we waiting??
This would not only will give deterrence but also would create war between russian backed candidate and iranian backed candidate for succession
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Sure, the Russians are using the argument that Turkey didnt upkeep Astana by failing to get rid of HTS for their offensive, yet the Russians also failed with the Sochi format from October which required that the PKK leaves Tel-rifat,manbij and the border zones. Furthermore we need the safe zone to resettle the refugees and therefor a larger operation is very likely.
And that operation is gonna end in two days just like the Manbij one.
If Erdogan dont act know, the unrest in the militairy will grow and they will 'regime change' him. Enough is enough.

Is he so afraid of Putin that he thinks Russia will nuke Turkey for Syria?
If Erdogan dont act know, the unrest in the militairy will grow and they will 'regime change' him. Enough is enough.

Is he so afraid of Putin that he thinks Russia will nuke Turkey for Syria?
I will say afraid of Isolation and the consequences that could have on his "party" and by extend his "future" on the political maiden.
The fear is how Turks will perceive him with such move that will push TR to a war/deeper conflict etc... Since it will definitely throw TR into some sort of Economic recession and Dangerous time for a certain period of time, that could/will be put onto "Him" by the ppl.
He built his Image on that economic success and Peaceful/Stable times... Therefore every time that "success" is in jeopardy... It's for him a point less for the next "election".

I believe, the moment he feels that the majority of Turks are "Willing" to share that responsibility (ie the consequence of such move), He will do it... as "Look guys, I'm not alone in it, you asked for it...don't blame me later on".
Till then, Erdogan will try to play the in btw as long as possible till, Frustration is at a point where ppl will say no more... But it will also mean his End...
So, in the End, Whatever the choice of Erdogan... he is signing his end one way or another... The only difference... is that one of them can keep him on that chair a little bit longer...
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Maybe there’s deal for ayn el arab derbasiyah manbij tel rifat and ain issa
Otherwise for what they have sent 30K soldiers??
First morek and all posts which have soldiers need to be abandoned then we can talk about military action
Unless someone wants big turkish casualties so that war is declared to assad
If Erdogan dont act know, the unrest in the militairy will grow and they will 'regime change' him. Enough is enough.

Is he so afraid of Putin that he thinks Russia will nuke Turkey for Syria?

The rumors say that Tayyip is trapped by USA and Russia. Both side have some important information about him and his family. Especially USA. They have lots of informations about him and his family and their kingdom, businesse which based on corruption, money laundry and smuggling.
That's why he doesn't step ahead without their promises.
They say that he and his family become a threat of state.
I believe it's true coz last time USA threatened him by exposing his fortune which invested in offshore accounts. Then he turned silent immediately.
The rumors say that Tayyip is trapped by USA and Russia. Both side have some important information about him and his family. Especially USA. They have lots of informations about him and his family and their kingdom, businesse which based on corruption, money laundry and smuggling.
That's why he doesn't step ahead without their promises.
They say that he and his family become a threat of state.
I believe it's true coz last time USA threatened him by exposing his fortune which invested in offshore accounts. Then he turned silent immediately.
Maybe this is true but if Turkey allows compromised president to decide her destiny then maybe the bigger problem is with the turkish state
I refuse to believe that Turkey is tribal/banana state lead by one person
Turkey is not gülenistan
By the way they already published videos about erdogan’s son deals in 2013/14 nothing happened then nothing will happen now
People are seriously overrating erdogan
He might be powerful but there are more powerful people from him
He’s dependent on TAF and bahceli(MHP)
If these two or one of them withhold support he is gone
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