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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

It's pretty obvious that they gave up the M5 without much of a fight. The rebels retreated from most areas. The only real conflict is when the Assadist have got greedy in Nayrab, Maarat al Naasan and Arnaz etc.
I think that they will take the area around Aleppo too and later perhaps M4. Then they will probably ask for a cease fire. This i believe is all agreed with Turks and a lot of rebels. Of course there are rebels that have chose to ignore this and fight. The Turks are there to ensure that the SAA don't go any further. The 12 observation posts are just that and will stay in place until there is an official agreement on the rest of Idlib.

Apparently the M4 M5 roads were supposed to be opened in the sochi or astana agreement with joint russian and turkish patrols but this never happened.

Really surprised that they evacuated Zahraa district without a fight. It really looks that they have an agreement in place.

Really surprised that they evacuated Zahraa district without a fight. It really looks that they have an agreement in place.
TFSA/NFL are with TR...so if they do not have TR backing they move back...
So if TR has an agreement with X or Y...they follow that agreement...
Calling them Rebels is a bit far fetched... more like Personal armies...

In The past years. HTS and affiliate and those "Rebels" are in conflict for that same reason... one is calling the other a sell out/ personal army/revo traitor etc..
Screenshot 2020-02-16 at 16.20.30.png
Screenshot 2020-02-16 at 16.21.12.png

One day's advances.

TFSA/NFL are with TR...so if they do not have TR backing they move back...
So if TR has an agreement with X or Y...they follow that agreement...
Calling them Rebels is a bit far fetched... more like Personal armies...

In The past years. HTS and affiliate and those "Rebels" are in conflict for that same reason... one is calling the other a sell out/ personal army/revo traitor etc..
You are right we shouldn't call them rebels more like the resistance. Note even Qalaat Al Muqid's post above refers to them as rebels.

Screenshot 2020-02-16 at 16.30.52.png

This must be the stop point hence Turkish artillery shelling.
View attachment 606478 View attachment 606475
One day's advances.

You are right we shouldn't call them rebels more like the resistance. Note even Qalaat Al Muqid's post above refers to them as rebels.
Rebels is used as an interchangeable word to qualify those in Syria that aren't Pro-ASSad...
But it's far from the truth... A rebel will put his "Ideology/purpose" (ie: Destroy ASSad) above all else... Unfortunately... Many groups in this conflict are far from it... They all have their own reason, whatever be legitimate or not... In the End, they are the one out there... so...
ASSad/RU took over West Aleppo and with it another TR OP, Therefore putting the number to 8
Out the Dozen original OPs from Sochi/Astan "deal"... Only 4 remains, and those are from South Idlib.
I don't know the exact number of Soldiers per OPs, but I think we can assume at minimum 50 soldiers/OPs, therefore a potential of 400 TR soldiers circled by ASSad/RU...

I am returning from years of inactivity for this. Is there any sane reasoning to whatever the hell Erdogan is trying to achieve here? Is there anyone here that seriously thinks Turkish Army will head on storm Aleppo to reinstate the Sochi Agreement Borders? Just like they were going to capture Manbij last year?
I am returning from years of inactivity for this. Is there any sane reasoning to whatever the hell Erdogan is trying to achieve here? Is there anyone here that seriously thinks Turkish Army will head on storm Aleppo to reinstate the Sochi Agreement Borders?
Erdogan is trying to play on both sides in hope to save himself... he is trying to divert himself from making a choice (retreat or Attack)... Hoping he can swim in btw forever...
But since Politicians are slaves to the desires of his ppl... It will come a time where the Frustration will be at his apogee and then at that moment he will have to face the consequences of his act...
That same move that he hoped will save him...will actually destroy him...

As for whatever Erdogan will or not march on Aleppo... it's unfortunately The Turks choice in this matter... Erdogan has no choice if the masses share that responsibility with him... that's what a Politician is... The Time of Sultan/Khalifah/Kings is long over...
Gotta disagree here. No one in Turkey knows what is going in Syria, he will come out fine. Weird thing here is how much conceding he is against Russians than against Americans. It makes no sense unless Putin has some personal blackmail material on him. And also there is no way TAF gets involved in any offensive fight in my opinion. Casualties would be too high.
Gotta disagree here. No one in Turkey knows what is going in Syria, he will come out fine. Weird thing here is how much conceding he is against Russians than against Americans. It makes no sense unless Putin has some personal blackmail material on him.

The fall of Idlib or even the end of Rebels is in itself no a problem for TR... The Sword of Damocles that everyone understand AND knows whatever they turn a blind eye on it...is the potential 6Mil refugees...
That the language that every single one understand... and that is the consequences of Erdogan inbtw swimming...

As for Russia conceding, yes it's surprising... but I will argue that Erdogan "Believe" that winning back the US/EU is easier than losing RU... and that is dangerous... Erdogan is betting on the "willingness" of the US to still see TR as an important player... as if TR is indispensable for the US that they can't afford losing it...
"You can be hard on a old friend... and blind to a new one..."

Erdogan mistake is believing that the world of yesterday hasn't changed...
The fall of Idlib or even the end of Rebels is in itself no a problem for TR... The Sword of Damocles that everyone understand AND knows whatever they turn a blind eye on it...is the potential 6Mil refugees...
That the language that every single one understand... and that is the consequences of Erdogan inbtw swimming...

As for Russia conceding, yes it's surprising... but I will argue that Erdogan "Believe" that winning back the US/EU is easier than losing RU... and that is dangerous... Erdogan is betting on the "willingness" of the US to still see TR as an important player... as if TR is indispensable for the US that they can't afford losing it...
"You can be hard on a old friend... and blind to a new one..."
Well said but then i still think that Damocles Sword comparison doesn't hold up here. Any discussion about new coming refugees is shut down immediately with a single "Are you racist?" and public in general are brainwashed with endless government propaganda so they have no idea what the country is losing with decisions like this. As for the new/old friend comparison i think this is mostly true. He seems to have a "We are too valuable to be sidelined." mentality while negotiating with West while trying to partner up with Russia in spite of some of disagreements that he thinks to be resolvable. But the problem is, Turkey and Russia can never be partners in the long run. It is simply impossible due to geography and culture.
Well said but then i still think that Damocles Sword comparison doesn't hold up here. Any discussion about new coming refugees is shut down immediately with a single "Are you racist?" and public in general are brainwashed with endless government propaganda so they have no idea what the country is losing with decisions like this. As for the new/old friend comparison i think this is mostly true. He seems to have a "We are too valuable to get sidelined." mentality while trying to partner up with Russia in spite of some of disagreements that he thinks to be resolvable. But the problem is, Turkey and Russia can never be partners in the long run. It is simply impossible due to geography and culture.

The Sword of Damocles reveal itself in full when you are cornered... When it's so close from your head that whatever move you make... you will feel it.
The Syrian fatality isn't "Over" yet... ppl still believe/hope of alternatives like...
- Put them in the North...
- A TR counter offensive is coming...
- TR and RU will come to an understanding
- We can block/stop 6mil ppl from entering...
And so on and so on...

But every time one of those Hope... disappear...the Sword get closer... Frustration Increase... Hope vanish... And the final act take place...
I don’t waste my valuable time reading article by some *** clowns. But you do you:lol:

Feel free to leave the forum. I have not seen a single person agree with your posts. What is your purpose here?

If we want to see US propaganda and tea party propaganda, we could easily watch Fox News.

Global Research is a great website which posts alot of news other websites would not date do so, esp those who are beholden to regimes.

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