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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

The rumors say that Tayyip is trapped by USA and Russia. Both side have some important information about him and his family. Especially USA. They have lots of informations about him and his family and their kingdom, businesse which based on corruption, money laundry and smuggling.
That's why he doesn't step ahead without their promises.
They say that he and his family become a threat of state.
I believe it's true coz last time USA threatened him by exposing his fortune which invested in offshore accounts. Then he turned silent immediately.
I think this is the truth, everything makes sense when you take this into account. Oh and all the turkish tweeps hyping up people about the operation are radio silent. :omghaha:

The Turks are hilarious. The only agreement Russia will accept is the total capitulation of the armed rebellion,the rest is wishful thinking/hopes. :lol:
Funny thing is, Russia dealt much more damage to Turkey than USA which is the popular enemy in Turkey while public thinks that Putin and Erdo are friends. Russia sent their own soldier to be meatshields for YPG ffs.:rofl:
ASSad/RU are advancing on Northern Idlib, Therefore definitely cutting Idlib to Afrin region...
One more options removed : " Refugees going to the North".
What's next? Idlib city? SOuth Idlib? or the Latest TR-Idlib road?

Edit: ASSad/RU taking the Northern Idlib part will not only cut Idlib to Afrin but will also defacto Cut the only main way to TR-Idlib... Therefore no more in or out... except ofc by dirt roads/mountains...
And it's also where the majority of Refugees are...
ASSad/RU is playing the "One Stone 3 Birds"...
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@Ansu fati You must be naive to think Erdogan trusts the military power just after rogue elements within it tried to dispose of him. Don't you think all military advisors of Erdogan and people he has placed in key military posts aren't loyal to him ? They aren't going to move a finger unless told so. Who's going to get rid of him ?

Sorry,but this sounds like past or present situations in many arab countries.
Deputy resigns from opposition Good Party

DHA Photo
Adeputy from Turkey's opposition Good Party (İP) resigned from the party Monday, accusing the party of being under foreign influence.

"Those who work in imperialist Soros foundations have been appointed to sensitive positions on the (party) executive board," İsmail Ok, a lawmaker from the western Balıkesir province, said in a resignation statement.

He was referring to George Soros, an American billionaire who is known as "the man who broke the Bank of England" by short-selling pounds sterling amid the 1992 currency crisis, making more than 1 pounds billion in profit.

The lawmaker criticized party leader Meral Akşener for looking the other way from the crisis brewing in the party.

"Even worse, the chairwoman saw no harm in the appointments of Soros fans to the party's key positions although she knew the situation," Ok said.

He denied being in contact with former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who recently founded a party, and former Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy Ali Babacan, who is about to launch a new party.

"This is my last term of deputyship. From now on, I want to state that I will never be a lawmaker candidate," he added.

Last week, Tuba Vural Çokal resigned as deputy chair of the party, expressing disappointment with the opposition movement for failing to fulfill its initial premises.

Following Ok and Çokal's resignations, the İP now has 37 lawmakers in Parliament. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) holds 290 seats, the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) holds 142, the pro-PKK Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) holds 65, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) holds 49, the Felicity Party (SP) holds two, the Turkish Workers' Party (TİP) holds two, the Democrat Party (DP) holds one, the Grand Unity Party (BBP) holds one, and independent candidates hold six.

The İP managed to enter Parliament through an alliance with the CHP in the July 24, 2018 presidential and parliamentary elections, when the party received just 9% of the votes. The alliance continued into the March 31 local elections, too. However, during the local elections, the HDP was also indirectly involved in the alliance as a matter of shared interest. As the CHP's cooperation with the HDP has become more apparent since March 31, the İP, known for its nationalist tendencies, has seen its concerns peak. Much of the İP's base has revealed discomfort with the alliance and shifted its position, resigning from the party and returning to roles as MHP chairs.

Previously, MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli had called on party dissidents who joined the ranks of the İP to "come back home," in a move welcomed by some.

Having failed to dislodge Bahçeli in a heated judicial process, MHP backbenchers, under the leadership of Akşener, created a splinter movement within the party. The disgruntled ministers then left the party in 2016, establishing the İP in October 2017.
Pro-ASSad here mean... YPG... It's the OP right next to YPG controlled area...

Pro-Assad forces take control of the town of Qabtan al-Jabal in the western countryside of Aleppo, and besieged the Turkish observation post in Sheikh Aqil near the town

Warplanes targeted area on the route of Turkish military convoy near Jericho city

Russian warplanes are shelling with missiles areas around the city of Jericho, in the southern countryside of Idlib

Russian warplanes target the city of Kafr Nabl in the southern countryside of Idlib with missiles


Who knew...

It is sad whats happening in Idlib. It is even more sad that the so called international community are oblivious to the plight of the Civilians. Turkey is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Turkey have done so much for the Syrians and other oppressed people.

It is extremely shameful to see the Arab regimes in the region not even lifting their fingers for their Arab brethren
Russia cant control assad.


Assad cant even go to the toilet without Russian permission.
Russia: Can't control ASSad, Sorry.
Also Russia: RU Airstrikes on Idlib...
Also Russia: All of Syria will go back to ASSad...
Also Russia: RU supply X Tanks, Y Bombs and Z $ to ASSad...

The best so far...
Also Russia: There is no Refugees...
Maybe there’s deal for ayn el arab derbasiyah manbij tel rifat and ain issa
Otherwise for what they have sent 30K soldiers??
First morek and all posts which have soldiers need to be abandoned then we can talk about military action
Unless someone wants big turkish casualties so that war is declared to assad

There is no deal.

It's over.
May Assad take over every single inch of Syria while he sends 3 million Syrian Refugees more to Turkey- they are all welcome.
Nobody cares about the Turkish soldiers that die while Russian and Assad bomb them in their observation points too no matter how much 50 years old scrap metal Turkey sends to Syria.

Last week have probably been the most shameful in Turkey’s recent Military history. It shows that Turkey as a State and a Military is NOW nothing different than the rest of the Middle Eastern countries we laughed at before. The difference is they get beaten by America and Israel while Turkey gets abused by the SAA.

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