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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Like you said earlier, I think turkey either has to fight back or retreat (I choose the latter, that’s most likely what will happen imo). Also I don’t think Erdogan will be here anymore after the next elections bc of all of this lol.

Have you seen the video of the commandos pretty much telling A Haber to fvck off? Something tells me most soldiers have had enough of AKP's bullcrap.

This is what I would call being a deyyus or c*ck. The Russians are literally at our doorstep helping Assad push on our borders, kill 13 of our soldiers and don’t even care about it, insulting us, yet our guy still wants to talk about being friends and buying S400? Shame.

Have you seen the video of the commandos pretty much telling A Haber to fvck off? Something tells me most soldiers have had enough of AKP's bullcrap.

I haven’t seen that vid but I’d like to see it if you can show it
This is what I would call being a deyyus or c*ck. The Russians are literally at our doorstep helping Assad push on our borders, kill 13 of our soldiers and don’t even care about it, insulting us, yet our guy still wants to talk about being friends and buying S400? Shame.

I haven’t seen that vid but I’d like to see it if you can show it
I'm lost right now... Wasn't the meeting with RU in the last hour "good"??
Why do they strike near TR forces right now?

Warplanes are bombing with missiles the towns of Ainjara, Salloum, Sahara, Takad and Sheikh Aqil, in conjunction with violent clashes on the axes of Kafr Naha and scientific research center west of the city of Aleppo

Russian warplanes target with missile the town of Ainjara, west of Aleppo

Lavrov: Victory over terrorist groups in Idlib is inevitable
AKP'li Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan, İdlib'den kaçan yaklaşım 1 milyon göçmenin Türkiye sınırına yaklaşmasıyla ilgili olarak açıklamada bulundu. Erdoğan, Türkiye'de hâlihazırda 3,5-4 milyon Suriyeli göçmenin bulunduğunu hatırlatarak "Bu 1 milyonu da kabul etme durumumuz maalesef yok." ifadelerini kullandı.

Kaynak: Erdoğan'dan İdlib'den gelen 1 milyon kişilik göç hakkında açıklama

Erdo is learning
You should be careful that a Turkish/Gulenist don’t shot on a Russian.

AKP'li Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan, İdlib'den kaçan yaklaşım 1 milyon göçmenin Türkiye sınırına yaklaşmasıyla ilgili olarak açıklamada bulundu. Erdoğan, Türkiye'de hâlihazırda 3,5-4 milyon Suriyeli göçmenin bulunduğunu hatırlatarak "Bu 1 milyonu da kabul etme durumumuz maalesef yok." ifadelerini kullandı.

Kaynak: Erdoğan'dan İdlib'den gelen 1 milyon kişilik göç hakkında açıklama

Erdo is learning

In English please!
3,5-4 ? More like 5-6 lmao. Include the millions of afghans, iranians, iraqis and pakistanis that have entered through illegal means, the number of refugees in Turkey is around 8-9 million atm.

Should be around 5 million if we include the iraqis,persians,afghans and central asians but sanctions on Iran will already result in a hike of illegal migrants, the situation in iraq is far from stable and afghanistan,lebanon ... :D Honestly I might open a thread about Turkish borderwall updates.

In English please!

"We unfortunatly are not in a position to accept additional 1 million refugees."
you can tell it’s up to their necks at this point, they are angry and don’t have any patience left but they cannot complain. May Allah protect them.

I remember when operation Euphrates Shield was ongoing the soldier's who were sent in wrote in old Turkic on the tank barrels. These soldiers had no air support and were severely unmotivated after 15 July yet the one thing that kept them going was their Turkic identity... months later AKP banned soldier's from wearing or writing old Turkic script because HDP complained about it.

And now AKP is trying to use the army as a propaganda tool for their own benefit. A Haber looked so desperate to get the soldier's to say something which would boost AKP support. Luckily our soldiers realised exactly what A Haber were trying to do there.
I’m still not understanding our game plan. If, at the end we fall back without a fight, why not do it now why waste time and resources, why keep our troops there? If we are going to fight why not do it now or much before when our OP’s weren’t surrounded? Yet again all we are doing is wasting time and resources, because it’s nothing less than a bluff and RU can see right through this bluff, hence the advances are not stopping.

Assad and pkk animals got rekt lmaoooo

What a fail.

3,5-4 ? More like 5-6 lmao. Include the millions of afghans, iranians, iraqis and pakistanis that have entered through illegal means, the number of refugees in Turkey is around 8-9 million atm.

A lot of those illegals want to leave Turkey for Europe. What does the Gov do they keep them inside all for that sweet eu monies. Such idiots to be honest.

You cant force people to stay just let them go.
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