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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

There is already war since they killed 8 of our soldiers.
whats the optimal end of war scenario for Turkey? I'm worried Turkey is fighting but doesnt have a realistic end game plan.are you doing all of this killing and international law violations just to have a buffer with the Kurds? what the hell are you really fighting in Syria for and putting lives on the line. thats what i really want to know.
Didn't you guys asked yourself why Russia is barking when Turkey bombs SAA but when Israel is doing it you hear cricket sounds in the background?
Because Israel doesn't give a f*ck about what Russia say/do...
And In our day and Age... when you don't give a f*ck about someone then it's when that "someone" respect you...
Because Israel doesn't give a f*ck about what Russia say/do...
And In our day and Age... when you don't give a f*ck about someone then it's the moment when that "someone" respect you...

Turkey always tries to play the by the rules.

Geopolitics does not work like that. Instead Turkey is in this position due to this.

Always play the rules when everybody is not. This goes against logic really because none of the politicians in Turkey have logic then they complain about how they got betrayed or backstabbed.

Operation peace spring would have been continuing but nope we had to play by the rules. Tayyip.Erdogan should have known better to accept some half assed ceasefire by the Americans and the Russians.

When the Americans and Russians agreed that Turkey should not get too much in Syria and should be contained in its own backyard.
whats the optimal end of war scenario for Turkey? I'm worried Turkey is fighting but doesnt have a realistic end game plan.are you doing all of this killing and international law violations just to have a buffer with the Kurds? what the hell are you really fighting in Syria for and putting lives on the line. thats what i really want to know.

The official stance is the elimination of the PKK in Syria and the return of the refugees inside Turkey but both missions are being delayed because of the ceasefires which erdogan signed, im pretty sure that Peace Spring operation is soon going to continue. The optimal scenario would be Turkey taking tel rifat,manbitch and expand Peace Spring to its orginal size. International law my ***, there is law when it suits u and there isnt when it doesnt and yes the Kurdish issue is a huge one and we are very direct about this and with the killing of 8 turkish soldiers this war took a turn.

Im right now trying to understand Idlib as well while reading into others toughts, one thing for sure there are things which are not public to us.
Turkey always tries to play the by the rules.

Geopolitics does not work like that. Instead Turkey is in this position due to this.

Always play the rules when everybody is not. This goes against logic really because none of the politicians in Turkey have logic then they complain about how they got betrayed or backstabbed.

Operation peace spring would have been continuing but nope we had to play by the rules. Tayyip.Erdogan should have known better to accept some half assed ceasefire by the Americans and the Russians.

When the Americans and Russians agreed that Turkey should not get too much in Syria and should be contained in its own backyard.

Wouldn't call it play after rules, but insecure and passive politics.

If Turkey would care about it's own interest it wouldn't trust to anybody. They fooled us here, they fooled us there... you can tell that until one point but now your credibility is f*cked and nobody takes you serious.
Turkey always tries to play the by the rules.

Geopolitics does not work like that. Instead Turkey is in this position due to this.

Always play the rules when everybody is not. This goes against logic really because none of the politicians in Turkey have logic then they complain about how they got betrayed or backstabbed.

Operation peace spring would have been continuing but nope we had to play by the rules. Tayyip.Erdogan should have known better to accept some half assed ceasefire by the Americans and the Russians.

When the Americans and Russians agreed that Turkey should not get too much in Syria and should be contained in its own backyard.
Actually the problem is that foreign policy is run by a civilian government
Civilian government always thinks about long-term “possible favorable” outcomes
They are also “concerned” about so called economy
What civilan goverment isn’t seeing is that bad things could happen in the future too if they don’t react
Military guys don’t wait they will act as soon as possible
We all know that russia and US have unofficial agreement about containment of Turkey
Operation peace spring has to be relaunched
If an operation isn’t started today that means tomorrow terrorists can kill soldiers because there was no strong reaction from TAF before

There are 3 reasons for that:

- Most importantly Jews have a very strong lobby in Russian economy and politics so Russians will never hurt their Israeli daddies.

- Israel has a stronger Air Force than Turkey and a much better trained and equipped Military in general which they know how to use.

- Their state leadership has the balls to act with strength instead of only shouting Huloooggg in front of their domestic audience.
Third reason is correct but mainly because of reason 1 plus they have even more influence in US when you “own” both the first and second military power it’s easy to have “balls” against everyone
Who knows what could happen if russia decides to use its own multilayered air defense systems against 3-4 jets (usual number of warplanes israel use against assad) Of course if israel decides to send 40-50 they would most likely win against russian systems but definitely they would loose at least 5 jets would israel risk loosing 5 jets for every operation against saa/irgc if russia is involved my opinion is no they wouldn’t dare to attack but as i said they “own” US&Russia and there’s no fear of losing expensive jet
No one is going to do SEAD operation if there’s danger of losing aircraft such kind of operation can happen only during hot conflict
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There are 3 reasons for that:

- Most importantly Jews have a very strong lobby in Russian economy and politics so Russians will never hurt their Israeli daddies.

- Israel has a stronger Air Force than Turkey and a much better trained and equipped Military in general which they know how to use.

- Their state leadership has the balls to act with strength instead of only shouting Huloooggg in front of their domestic audience.

No this is not true. Only reason is that Israel = USA and USA = Israel.

If Israel attacks you its the same as that the United States attack you. And if you attack Israel you attack the United States.

Thats why Russia is careful because they dont want WO 3, but its gonna start anyway.
No this is not true. Only reason is that Israel = USA and USA = Israel.

If Israel attacks you its the same as that the United States attack you. And if you attack Israel you attack the United States.

Thats why Russia is careful because they dont want WO 3, but its gonna start anyway.
Israel was always like that... The US-Israeli bromance wasn't here since day one... Israeli themselves didn't give a sh*t about the US back in the days...

The military preparation around Idlib and Hatay has become very serious. Force transfer on this scale has never seen in any operation before in Syria. I think Turkish republic preparing for a full scale conventional war if the worst scenario happens. Those who have an order for mobilization should pay attention. :)

The military preparation around Idlib and Hatay has become very serious. Force transfer on this scale has never seen in any operation before in Syria. I think Turkish republic preparing for a full scale conventional war if the worst scenario happens. Those who have an order for mobilization should pay attention. :)

Such massive movements were also seen just before "operation peace spring".... we all know how it ended.

Meanwhile,the SAA has reportedly taken full control of Saraqeb... the town is empty. Can you confirm from arab sources ? @HannibalBarca
Such massive movements were also seen just before "operation peace spring".... we all know how it ended.

Meanwhile,the SAA has reportedly taken full control of Saraqeb... the town is empty. Can you confirm from arab sources ? @HannibalBarca
Still nothing on that. (ie Saraqib under full SAA control.)
And I don't think it's gonna be easy... Since many HTS related inghimasi groups took the decision to stay after being surrounded... meaning they will fight to death... So Urban warfare/Booby traps/Suicide Bombs etc...
If no TR action... They know Saraqib will fall... so their main goal is to take down with them as many SAA/RU as possible...
Still nothing on that. (ie Saraqib under full SAA control.)
And I don't think it's gonna be easy... Since many HTS related inghimasi groups took the decision to stay after being surrounded... meaning they will fight to death... So Urban warfare/Booby traps/Suicide Bombs etc...
If no TR action... They know Saraqib will fall... so their main goal is to take down with them as many SAA/RU as possible...
I fully support Nusra Front and other factions fighting against SAA. ISIS was busy killing civilians and giving a bad name to the rebellion in which they succeded quite well. But for Nusra and others, they literally butt f all these sectarian bastards who came even as far from Afghanistan to fight against majority Syrians. Even without any air support, they are fighting bravely and May Allah accept their martyrdom. Ameen
I never forget the start of operation peace spring and the tears of the k*rds crying on social media along with that donkey siwan perver crying like a bitch.

Turks have always been superior to the Kurds. We dont need to hide it.

Kurds are nothing and even their history proves it. Now theu are celebrating the deaths of Turkish soldiers I think operation Peace spring needs to be resumed and the kurds need to be put in their place.

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