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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Lets see Israel attack Turkish naval ship in international waters. You guys would get your small navy destroyed in a matter of days. You wouldn't dare use nukes in retaliation because the world would end you. Not even your masters in the U.S. would support such an act. So understand that bringing up nukes in any war situation is not a valid threat unless your country is going to be destroyed.

you will not attack us:
1)israel is not greece or pkk
2)you will be baned from nato
3)you will say baby to eu
4)usa will stop support you and also you can say baby f35 and other milatry wepons that turkey want.
5)you cannot attack us from the air we have the srongest air-force in the area.
6)even if you have a strong navy it cannot do noting to israel cost we have also navy and also the airforce will help our navy.
7)If you will be in hamass and hizballah side and you will sand troops to syria all the world will be aginst you.
@vande who started it first?
this bloody israhelli terrorist....abused muslim,threatened to nuke our holiest places?
If this low life HELLrealy dog was here i would have shot him myself.
Tht son of a low life b...
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IDF fears Turkey might send Navy ships with next flotilla

On Tuesday, Turkish Prime Minister threatened Israel not to test Turkey’s patience.

"Turkey's hostility is as strong as its friendship is valuable,” he said, adding “"Israel in no way can legitimize this murder, it cannot wash its hand of this blood."

This comment, officials said, could signify a change in Turkish military action in the event that another flotilla is dispatched to the Gaza Strip. One official said that the possibility that Turkey would send navy ships was slim – due to the country’s membership in NATO – but that the possibility was of great concern.

“This is a definite possibility that we need to prepare for,” a senior defense official said on Tuesday.

The flotilla which arrived late Sunday night was comprised of six ships, and another two ships, including The Rachel Corrie, were expected to attempt to enter Israeli waters in the coming days.

Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement, which organized the flotilla, said that two boats, one of which was carrying about three dozen passengers, would arrive in the region late this week or early next week.

"This initiative is not going to stop," she said from the group's base in Cyprus. "We think eventually Israel will get some kind of common sense. They're going to have to stop the blockade of Gaza, and one of the ways to do this is for us to continue to send the boats."

Navy sources said that the coming ships would be intercepted the same way the flotilla was stopped on Monday morning although it had yet to be decided if the operation would be carried out by Sayetet 13, the Navy’s commando unit.

“We are tracking the ships and are under orders to stop them,” a top Navy officer said.

According to the sources, the Navy, in a future operation will use more force to prevent ships from reaching the Gaza Strip. "We boarded the ship and were attacked as if it was a war," one officer said. "That will mean that we will have to come prepared in the future as if it was a war."

IDF: Global Jihad on flotilla
this video is for adir to watch
because at the end all the Jew's life will be saved by Muslims
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you will not attack us:
1)israel is not greece or pkk
2)you will be baned from nato
3)you will say baby to eu
4)usa will stop support you and also you can say baby f35 and other milatry wepons that turkey want.
5)you cannot attack us from the air we have the srongest air-force in the area.
6)even if you have a strong navy it cannot do noting to israel cost we have also navy and also the airforce what will help our navy.
7)If you will be in hamass and hizballah side and you will sand troops to syria all the world will be aginst you.

1-Turkey isn't the Arab countries you have faced.
2-If you attack us and we retaliate we would never be banned.
3-Protecting our country is more important then the EU
4-U.S. would stay neutral they can't afford to lose Turkey.
5-We can totally attack you from the air While you have to travel far all over Turkey to strike our bases.
6-I don't think you understand how large our navy is. We have 14 subs to your 3. We have 19 frigates that is more then the UK navy. While you have No frigates. We have 6 corvettes to your while you have 3. We have 25 Minewarfare ships while you have zero. You won't win how is your airforce going to fight off the Turkish Naval fleet and our airforce. You will not last in conventional warfare this isn't 1967 your dealing with Turkey.
7-There is no need to work with them they can go do their own thing while we destroy your navy and free Gaza.
Shame on you.
Post reported.

So stop commenting on this. You don't need to get personal.

I have a quote for you.

(no offense intended if you took any, sorry)

If a dog barks at you, only an idiot would bark back at it.

I don't care who did it first.
They ruined the perfectly good hate-free thread (well except for some Jew/Israel hating posts ;))

This is how I feel when some Pakistan rants about India, Gandhi, USA, My religion (everyone accuses me of being a Hindu <-- Indian flag confusing them?).

Do i go off on these people.
I have many mentally ill kids in my school.

I don't laugh at them nor say "you're a ******* idiot".

Comeon man. Don't even try to justify these events.

(@mods, delete this post too XD, off topic.)

stop your crying you nasty brown indian. and go suck off a jew cause that's what you fucks do.
1-Turkey isn't the Arab countries you have faced.
2-If you attack us and we retaliate we would never be banned.
3-Protecting our country is more important then the EU
4-U.S. would stay neutral they can't afford to lose Turkey.
5-We can totally attack you from the air While you have to travel far all over Turkey to strike our bases.
6-I don't think you understand how large our navy is. We have 14 subs to your 3. We have 19 frigates that is more then the UK navy. While you have No frigates. We have 6 corvettes to your while you have 3. We have 25 Minewarfare ships while you have zero. You won't win how is your airforce going to fight off the Turkish Naval fleet and our airforce. You will not last in conventional warfare this isn't 1967 your dealing with Turkey.
7-There is no need to work with them they can go do their own thing while we destroy your navy and free Gaza.

You forget that we have nucks
and we have alot of tham if israel will destroyd turkey is destroyed.
1)we foughat 4 armys at 1 time what you did fighting pkk lol
2)usa will become involved it is naive to say no
3)You cannot attack israel cost israel also have a strong navy it will not be easy,we have more fighter jets and more tanks.
Wowwwwww what the heck is going on here. This is discussion forum not a cursing ground all who talk bad here will be grounded. Specially people cursing directly to God and religion.

Stop now...... All of u.
You forget that we have nucks
and we have alot of tham if israel will destroyd turkey is destroyed.
1)we foughat 4 armys at 1 time what you did fighting pkk lol
2)usa will become involved it is naive to say no
3)You cannot attack israel cost israel also have a strong navy it will not be easy,we have more fighter jets and more tanks.

Adir your not getting the picture. Your not going to use nukes unless we invade. If you attack the naval ships escorting the convoy we are at war. That means you started it. Using nukes would end your country.

Israel does not have a strong navy i just listed what you have and it isn't much while we have one of the largest navies in the world.

Also enjoy your ban for your comments about Islam.
You forget that we have nucks
and we have alot of tham if israel will destroyd turkey is destroyed.
1)we foughat 4 armys at 1 time what you did fighting pkk lol
2)usa will become involved it is naive to say no
3)You cannot attack israel cost israel also have a strong navy it will not be easy,we have more fighter jets and more tanks.

He is an ethiest..
Jews believe in Allah(God)..
Adir your not getting the picture. Your not going to use nukes unless we invade. If you attack the naval ships escorting the convoy we are at war. That means you started it. Using nukes would end your country.

Israel does not have a strong navy i just listed what you have and it isn't much while we have one of the largest navies in the world.

Also enjoy your ban for your comments about Islam.

Comeon, it ain't gonna go to war.
Turkey and Israel was bros till now.

They may not be this tight, but there's no way there's going to be a war because of this issue.

(sorry for gangsta talk XD, I'm about to go to bed)
Wowwwwww what the heck is going on here. This is discussion forum not a cursing ground all who talk bad here will be grounded. Specially people cursing directly to God and religion.

Stop now...... All of u.

sorry bro and mod i had made a terrible mistake to reply that assreal..
he started first but i should forget what he submits...:angry:
sorry bro and mod i had made a terrible mistake to reply that assreal..
he started first but i should forget what he submits...:angry:

sorry again but:angry::angry: this ****** should be banned....
No need to attack isra hell.... its going to die itself......will be over run by growing arab population in a few years.
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