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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Turkey vows a "long term war" against Israel

Turkish "agents" are to man all vessels from Turkey to Israel in the Mediterranean according to reports from the Turkish media, with armed flotillas instructed to defend Turkish ships if attacked. This new development brings closer the potential of a clash between the former allies in the southern Mediterranean Sea, with Turkey and Israel both formidable military powers.

The anger in Turkey was underlined by the Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu, who said before his meeting in Washington with the Secretary of State in the US Hillary Clinton yesterday, and compared the 9/11 attacks in New York, "Psychologically, this attack is like 9/11 for Turkey".

Davutoglu displayed a map showing that the attack took place 72 nautical miles off the coast of Israel, far beyond the 12-mile sovereign border. He said that the "Israelis believe they are above any law" but that they would be held to account by Turkey and the international community. He likened the actions of the Israeli government to "pirates off the coast of Somalia," not a civilized nation, and ridiculed Israeli claims that some in the flotilla were linked to al-Qaeda.

Reports in Cyprus have also confirmed that Turkish agents were on board the Mavi Marmara confirming the fears of the Israeli Defence Force that the vessel was not used wholly as a peace convoy but potentially used for shipping military equipment to Gaza.

Turkish anger has spilled over into public anger at the United States failure to condemn the actions of the IDF Davutoglu "We will not be silent about this," he said. "We expect the United States to show solidarity with us. . . . I am not very happy with the statements from the United States yesterday."

In London protests are still being made to the Israelis to free the forty British citizens held by the Israelis, there may be upto 19 deaths following Israel’s attack on the Mavi Marmara.

Turkey has also vowed to launch a "long-term" diplomatic war against Israel, with the recalling of its ambassador and cancelling of three military drills, highlighting a longer and much larger-scale diplomatic row. In addition Turkey is threatening to severe links with Israel over energy ties with Israel in the wake of the crisis; Turkey and Israel had studied construction of the Medstream pipeline project that would connect the two countries for gas, oil and water trade, but the worsening of relations has slowed progress on this project

All Arab countries are in sleep mode except for Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. I admit that some countries haven't been so generous for our sacrifices but we still have the duty to defend the Muslim World kyunke Pakistan Islam ka Qila Hai:pakistan:

Those countries that are quiet don't have the capability diplomatically to speak up nor back up anything they say. Turkey is the only one talking tough at the moment about the current issue. The rest of the world is staying far from the issue and the ones involved are sticking to their citizens returns and condemning Israel at most.
Quit being stupid and stop posting these types of things.

Without U.S.A. Pakistan would be nothing.


We can live without USA's help, giving few retired fighters, heli and stuff only limited to the war against terrorism isnt much of a help, if you have said that without China pakistan was nothing, then it might be acceptable,:pakistan::china:

And yeah without USA, Israel would have never been existed, thats the fact
Those countries that are quiet don't have the capability diplomatically to speak up nor back up anything they say. Turkey is the only one talking tough at the moment about the current issue. The rest of the world is staying far from the issue and the ones involved are sticking to their citizens returns and condemning Israel at most.

The Arabs are not raising the crescendo because that will only be counter productive. And of course Turkey will be most pissed off. Afterall it was the Turkish Right Wingers Club's idea to send the boats.

Now with the government in a spot, they have to raise the rhetoric level otherwise the government will look like a loser for the Muslim population.

Also, it is now the perfect setting for Ergodan to ensure his re-election plan is successful riding the religious polarization occuring in Turkey.

The only thing is to see how far Turkey will raise the rhetoric on this incident before they find it difficult to chase words with actions!!!! And finally what actions will it follow up with!!!!
The Arabs are not raising the crescendo because that will only be counter productive. And of course Turkey will be most pissed off. Afterall it was the Turkish Right Wingers Club's idea to send the boats.

Now with the government in a spot, they have to raise the rhetoric level otherwise the government will look like a loser for the Muslim population.

Also, it is now the perfect setting for Ergodan to ensure his re-election plan is successful riding the religious polarization occuring in Turkey.

The only thing is to see how far Turkey will raise the rhetoric on this incident before they find it difficult to chase words with actions!!!! And finally what actions will it follow up with!!!!

Turkey won't provoke anything. We know how to play our cards. If the new convoys are escorted by naval ships you can bet they won't cross into Israel waters. If Israel decides to react before that it would be against the law once again and would give Turkey full rights to take military action against Israel. Which would one force Israel to lift the blockade or two go to war over it which risking would be insane for Israel.
Turkey won't provoke anything. We know how to play our cards. If the new convoys are escorted by naval ships you can bet they won't cross into Israel waters. If Israel decides to react before that it would be against the law once again and would give Turkey full rights to take military action against Israel. Which would one force Israel to lift the blockade or two go to war over it which risking would be insane for Israel.

Whether or not Turkey knows how to "play the cards" will depend on what objective/s is/are sought to be achieved.

What do you think are the objectives in this Turkish approach?
Turkey won't provoke anything. We know how to play our cards. If the new convoys are escorted by naval ships you can bet they won't cross into Israel waters. If Israel decides to react before that it would be against the law once again and would give Turkey full rights to take military action against Israel. Which would one force Israel to lift the blockade or two go to war over it which risking would be insane for Israel.

Well the problem is Israel as we know it extremist state. It will go to any length to defend what they think of their own. Middle-East will be in trouble in any case.

It's intriguing that turkey aligning herself to Arab world rather than her historical alignment towards Europe. It can change the world politics as we know it now.
What do you think are the objectives in this Turkish approach?

I think the objective necessarily is to make herself more credible to Arab world, a move that confirms it's possible alignment to Arabs. Palestine problem isn't something new, Turkey didn't give two hoots till now.
Whether or not Turkey knows how to "play the cards" will depend on what objective/s is/are sought to be achieved.

What do you think are the objectives in this Turkish approach?

Force a blockade lift. That seems like the most obvious. Israel is already losing on the world stage. As more and more ships start heading for Gaza decisions would have to be made on the Israeli side. All Turkey has to do is keep sending more ships off Cyprus. Also if other places start sending ships it would make it even worse for Israel. It could actually lift the blockade pretty fast.
I have always admired turkey(with some exception of criticizm for some specific issues) and respected them, then why not now!! Iranians have courage but they lack diplomacy, but you guys have courage as well as deplomacy.
I think the objective necessarily is to make herself more credible to Arab world, a move that confirms it's possible alignment to Arabs. Palestine problem isn't something new, Turkey didn't give two hoots till now.

That is false you forget that the biggest protest against the Gaza bombings came for Turkey. Then it got worse with the whole Davos thing.

This was just last year.

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That is false you forget that the biggest protest against the Gaza bombings came for Turkey. Then it got worse with the whole Davos thing.

This was just last year.

Yeah that's what I'm saying that Turkey getting involved in this issue only in recent times. Don't you think it marks a possible alignment of Turkey to Arab world?
Yeah that's what I'm saying that Turkey getting involved in this issue only in recent times. Don't you think it marks a possible alignment of Turkey to Arab world?

It could but at the same time both the president and PM have met with Obama many times before this. I think it could be less of an alignment and more of a projection of Turkish foreign affairs in the ME.

Oh and you have to understand that Turkey was modding the meetings between Syria and Israel. After that Gaza bombing it went to **** which pissed Turkey off since progress was being made till the bombings happened. Also the same thing happened with the U.S. trying to work with Israel then the new settlements were announced which made the U.S. VP angry.
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