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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

So it looks like Turkey is going to be like US, meddling in the internal affairs of another state directly or and also via proxy. If the EU will continue to exist, may be Turkey could kiss that membership good bye.

Fixed, now it makes more scene.
I suggest you investigate that before asking the question because the answer is there. Also refer to older post on the Turkish navy violating Israeli waters. They won't.
Then any talk of providing armed naval escorts is nothing more than bluster.
I don't see why they wouldn't taking action against them would be a bad move with the navy there. Does Israel really think they could handle a military conflict with Turkey ? Do you think they would risk that ?

Not indulging in any argument of who is good or bad, but if you follow the trend, Israel is not a country who's going to be intimidated by any force to defend the territory what they think of their own. Specially when she has uncle sam at her side.
Turkey and the West: the end of a partnership?

Turkey and the West: the end of a partnership? | EurActiv

Turkey's agreement with Iran to store low-enriched uranium in return for fuel rods for use in a medical research reactor suggests that Ankara is disillusioned with Europe and that Turkey's post-war partnership with the West may be coming to an end, writes Sinan Ülgen, chairman of the Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM) in Istanbul.

This commentary was authored by Sinan Ülgen of EDAM.

''Turkey has won little, if any, praise from others in the transatlantic alliance for brokering – along with Brazil – a deal that will see Iran ship 1,200 kilogrammes of low-enriched uranium to Turkey for storage in return for fuel rods for use in a medical research reactor.

At first glance, that reaction may seem churlish. After all, the deal made public on 17 May is very similar to one that the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany offered Iran in October.

But the reaction in Western capitals to this major diplomatic coup for Ankara and Brasilia is understandable. Firstly, though the terms of the two deals are very similar, the six-month interval has fundamentally altered the expected pay-offs.

If Tehran had accepted the same terms in October, it would have had to part with nearly 80% of its low-enriched uranium (LEU), leaving it with too little uranium to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

Now, thanks to six extra months of its enrichment programme, Iran has almost twice the amount of LEU. It can now give up 1,200 kilogrammes of fissile material and still have enough for a nuclear bomb.

Secondly, the deal does not really address the core concern of the international community: Tehran has not committed itself to increase transparency about its nuclear programme or to halt enrichment.

More importantly, however, the timing of the trilateral deal is at odds with US-led efforts. A fragile consensus was being forged in the UN Security Council in favour of a new round of sanctions against Iran; what Ankara and Brasilia have done is to considerably weaken the rationale of and the campaign for sanctions.

That, in turn, stokes fears that Iran will continue to resist any other deal that would address the more troubling aspects of its nuclear programme.

Why has Turkey taken the risk of allowing Iran the benefit of doubt and, thereby, of pitting itself against its traditional allies?

This is more than a matter of aversion to new sanctions, though Turkish leaders have made clear their opposition. Ankara has long pleaded for more time for diplomatic engagement with Iran; it now has a result that can be seen as vindicating its strategy.

But there is another reason for this gamble on Turkey's part, one directly related to the EU.

The deal with Iran can be seen as testament to the fundamental changes in Turkish foreign policy introduced by the Justice and Development (AK) party. The new Turkey wants to be and is acting as a regional power with a global agenda. Its overarching vision is no longer one of Turkey as a country fully integrated with the West and instinctively aligned with the West.

The emerging understanding is that Turkey is a regional power and an agenda-setter, and that it can – and should – stand up to the West in pursuit of that role.

This shift in thinking is a consequence of a complex interplay of factors, ranging from the policy preferences of a ruling party that traces its roots to political Islam, through robust economic growth and to the emergence of new regional powers in the international system.

The greatest influence, though, is disillusionment with Europe. Ankara feels frustrated in its dealings with Brussels and believes that EU accession is becoming increasingly elusive, given the unresolved Cyprus dispute and continued questioning of Turkey's eligibility by EU leaders such as France's Nicolas Sarkozy. The euro zone's economic difficulties further undermine the EU's attractiveness.

As a result, the post-war partnership between Turkey and the West may be coming to an end. Devoid of the real prospect of EU membership, Turkey's priority is to establish its own role as a regional power, preferably but not necessarily with the support of the West.''
Not indulging in any argument of who is good or bad, but if you follow the trend, Israel is not a country who's going to be intimidated by any force to defend the territory what they think of their own. Specially when she has uncle sam at her side.

that is the whole point.
Turkey sees no impact on Israel drone delivery

ANKARA: Turkey’s Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul said on Tuesday a diplomatic crisis with Israel after the Jewish state stormed a Turkish-backed aid convoy will not affect the planned delivery of Israel-made Heron drones to Turkey. Israel’s long-time Muslim ally Turkey has recalled its envoy to Israel and cancelled joint military exercises after Israeli marines raided an aid flotilla bound for Gaza on Monday. Earlier this year, the two countries, which have a close military alliance, wrapped up the purchase of 10 Heron drones in a deal worth $180 million. ReutersDaily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This make no sense. If Turkey is going to provide armed naval escorts to the next 'aid' fleet, why stop at the border? All Israel has to do is wait until this 'aid' fleet crosses into Israeli territorial waters and board them. How would that make Turkey's image to the Arabs, whom Turkey is trying to suck up? By providing armed naval escorts, Turkey is saying to the world that "We are taking responsibility for the group's safety. But only up to a point."

Because if that is done then Israel would have the right to attack it which would be pointless. The Naval escorts would be nothing more then a provoking/pressure tool. Now if they get attacked in international waters then that is a different story.
Not indulging in any argument of who is good or bad, but if you follow the trend, Israel is not a country who's going to be intimidated by any force to defend the territory what they think of their own. Specially when she has uncle sam at her side.

Well the reasons the israelies dont get intimidated is that they know that the US is going to support each and every illegal move of theirs. No matter how many innocents they kill, it does not matter that they are occupying lands illegally. It dont even matter they have forced the people to live like animals in Gaza. They will do it and will carry on doing it till they have undisputed US support. So the bottom line is that all that happens to the US in its relations to others and with people being angry it center of gravity is israel. They are the reason that the US suffers such a bad name in the ME. Do they care, no does it make a difference to them, probably not. But does it have repercussion yes.
Turkey sees no impact on Israel drone delivery

ANKARA: Turkey’s Defence Minister Vecdi Gonul said on Tuesday a diplomatic crisis with Israel after the Jewish state stormed a Turkish-backed aid convoy will not affect the planned delivery of Israel-made Heron drones to Turkey. Israel’s long-time Muslim ally Turkey has recalled its envoy to Israel and cancelled joint military exercises after Israeli marines raided an aid flotilla bound for Gaza on Monday. Earlier this year, the two countries, which have a close military alliance, wrapped up the purchase of 10 Heron drones in a deal worth $180 million. ReutersDaily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

The deal was already signed before this so the last 4 will be delivered.
Indian-origin aid worker on ship attacked by Israel

Indian-origin aid worker on ship attacked by Israel - Indians Abroad - World - The Times of India

LONDON: An Indian-origin British aid worker is on the ship that was part of the Gaza-bound flotilla attacked by Israel. His family, anxiously waiting for news about his whereabouts, says it was as though their worst nightmares were coming true.

Hours before the troops moved in on Monday, Ismail Adam Patel, an optician based in the Oadby area of Leicester, posted a video on YouTube describing how they were surrounded by Israeli navy forces.

He can be seen standing on deck with a lifejacket and saying: "At the moment, we can see three frigates and a helicopter is hovering overhead, despite the fact we are in international waters, some 100 miles from the shores of Israel. We call upon everybody in Britain to help us to raise the alarm and get our government to intervene."

Patel is one of 28 British citizens who boarded the flotilla in Cyprus Sunday. It was carrying humanitarian supplies to the Gaza strip.

He is also the chairman of pro-Palestinian organisation Friends of Al Aqsa, based in Leicester.

Patel's brother Shockat told the Leicester Mercury newspaper: "When we heard what had happened it was as though our worst nightmares were coming true.

"Before he left we hoped everything would go smoothly but there was always a risk it could go wrong."

Suleman Nagdi, spokesman for Leicestershire Federation of Muslim Organisations, said: "We are trying to do everything practically possible to help the family. My fear is those who are injured will be taken into custody. No contact has been made with Ismail since midnight last night, and watching the scenes on TV of the barbaric actions of the Israeli army only intensifies the concern for his welfare felt by his family."

Edward Garnier, MP from Harborough adjoining Leicester, added: "I have spoken to two foreign office ministers and have passed on his details. I know they are actively checking to see if he is hurt or not. I spoke to him before his trip and he sent me messages up until he got on the flotilla."

In London, pro-Palestinian campaigners staged a blockade near Whitehall shouting "Stop Israel's War Crimes in Gaza" and spoke of their fears about the fate of British citizens and others aboard the flotilla.

Hundreds of activists blocked Whitehall shouting "Free Palestine" and carried flags and banners with slogans such as "Stop Israel's War Crimes in Gaza" and "End the Criminal Siege of Gaza".

The convoy of six ships had about 600 volunteers on board and the activists were trying to defy a blockade imposed by Israel after Hamas took power in Gaza in 2007.
Because if that is done then Israel would have the right to attack it which would be pointless. The Naval escorts would be nothing more then a provoking/pressure tool. Now if they get attacked in international waters then that is a different story.
To 'pressure' is also to threaten. But in order for the threat to have some measure of induced fear into the target of the threat, there must be a willingness to follow through with the threat. For Turkey to follow through, Turkey must be willing to violate Israeli territorial waters, else escorting the next 'aid' fleet will be seen, not as pressure or threat, but empty gesture, when the Turkish Navy is seen by the Arabs standing by impotent while the Israeli Navy board the next 'aid' ship.
Under fire for attacking aid flotilla, Israel drags India, Pak into row

Under fire for attacking aid flotilla, Israel drags India, Pak into row - Middle East - World - The Times of India

JERUSALEM: In an unusual step, Israel, which is facing global criticism for attacking an aid flotilla, has said violent incidents in countries like India and Pakistan in the past one month which claimed 500 lives have been "ignored" while it is being condemned for its "unmistakably defensive actions".

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman "reminded" the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that in the past month alone 500 people were killed in various incidents in Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and India, a Foreign Ministry statement said.

"While the international community remained silent and passive, and generally ignored the occurences, Israel is being condemned for unmistakably defensive actions," a Foreign Ministry statement quoted Lieberman as saying.

This is the first time that Israel has dragged India into a controversy. New Delhi has already condemned the Israeli attack on the aid flotilla to the Gaza Strip saying there was no justification for indiscriminate use of force.

He is understood to have told Ban that the incident related to Gaza aid flotilla was about the "basic right of Israeli soldiers to defend themselves against an attack by a gang of thugs and terror supporters who had prepared clubs, metal crowbars and knives in advance of confrontation."

Lieberman expressed "regret" at the behaviour of the international community.

"All of Israel's proposals to the Turkish government to transfer the humanitarian aid in an orderly manner were rejected by flottila's organisers," Lieberman was quoted as saying.

He also accused activists participating in the mission of intentionally trying to breach Israel's sovereignty and creating "provocation that would cause bloodshed".

In an emergency session yesterday, the UN Security Council called for an investigation into Israel's deadly commando raid on ships taking humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip on Monday, condemning the act that resulted in the loss of at least nine lives.

"... the Security Council resolution is unacceptable and contributes nothing to the promotion of peace and stability in the Middle East," Lieberman said.
To 'pressure' is also to threaten. But in order for the threat to have some measure of induced fear into the target of the threat, there must be a willingness to follow through with the threat. For Turkey to follow through, Turkey must be willing to violate Israeli territorial waters, else escorting the next 'aid' fleet will be seen, not as pressure or threat, but empty gesture, when the Turkish Navy is seen by the Arabs standing by impotent while the Israeli Navy board the next 'aid' ship.

Now am really eager to see if Turkey will Violate Israeli waters ..

WW3 in the making....

Considering so many Nations are involved in this Row, if a War does start will it spread like fire ?
India not convinced by Israel's action

India not convinced by Israel's action - dnaindia.com

New Delhi: After India joined the international condemnation of the strong arm tactics of the Israeli stateagainst the storming of the humanitarian flotilla carrying aid to the embargoed civilians of Gaza, the Israeli embassy on Tuesday went into damage control mode.

It sent out statements questioning the bonafides of some of the charitable groups involved in the campaign to take aid to the long suffering civilians of Gaza.

But despite Israeli’s attempts to justify its military action, few in India are willing to buy that line. In fact, the Indian government for the first time in many years came out with a strong statement against Israel. Demonstrations are also being organised in Delhi and other Indian cities to condemn the brutal action.

Israel now claims that the Turkish Insani Yardin Vakfi (IHH) or Humanitarian Relief Fund, a charitable outfit which among others have organised the flotilla has radical Islamic roots and is close to Hamas.

In recent years it has prominently supported Hamas (through the Union of Good). In addition, in the past the IHH provided logistical support and funding to global jihad networks,’’ the Israeli embassy said, fishingout past reports to justify Israeli action.

The embassy also quoted a 2006study by an American researcher Evan Kohlman, working in the Danish Institute for International Studies to provethat in the pastthe Turkish IHH had connections with al Qaeda and global jihad operatives.

Israel also claims that Turkish charity’s orientation is radical-Islamic and anti-Western, and it is close to the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas’ parent movement).
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