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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Tell this to BAN KI MOON,UN and EU countries who condemned it....Ur more loyal to hell real then even ....

They condemned the attacks on the people. By 'demanding an answer from Israel' they didn't say Israel was guilty.

If you disagree, you provide me with exact quotes from this BAN KI MOON and UN EU countries saying Israel is guilty of killing innocent civilians under no provocation.

Even I condemn that the 10 people died! and the issue must be investigated!

But I still based on what I saw so far am convinced that Israel isn't at fault. The commandos had to open fire.... (watch the video)

But this damage to other innocent people is still bad.
Nukes here, Nukes there... USA here, USA there...

Do not you have anything different than USA and Nukes as a thrump to use against enemies ?
I do Remember also i would like to see the sone of a ***** today that would like to mess with israel,he would be nuckd.

I don't understand what your saying here. Are you saying that Israel is the new superpower of the world because the sons of David stormed some boats?.
:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:
Since when was Hitler a Jew?

One of the most frequently asked questions whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had ancestors who were. The idea seems to arise from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant.

Was Hitler Jewish?
Nukes here, Nukes there... USA here, USA there...

Do not you have anything different than USA and Nukes as a thrump to use against enemies ?

The Palestinians have rockets to fire at Israel. Why can't Israel use nukes?

Same policy of us. (ya, the new one)
In the event of war or threat, it may use nuclear weapons.
I like you :undecided:

Your new, I can understand. I was only joking. Do you really think I care much what people think on this forum?.

I only pay attention to the interesting ones :lol::usflag:

Older members would know what I mean by that.
One of the most frequently asked questions whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had ancestors who were. The idea seems to arise from the remote possibility that Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant.

Was Hitler Jewish?

No one's born into a religion. Maybe your Muslim kids do into Islam, but actually.

Hitler was never a Jew in his lifetime.

:disagree: Your religion isn't hard coded in your DNA.
The Palestinians have rockets to fire at Israel. Why can't Israel use nukes?

Same policy of us. (ya, the new one)
In the event of war or threat, it may use nuclear weapons.

Yeah, the Palestinians have stones to throw, why cannot Israel use Tanks?:no:
Why is this zoinist terrorist still here?he has been abusing religion and others and still here?Mods ban this low life scum
I do Remember also i would like to see the sone of a ***** today that would like to mess with israel,he would be nuckd.

Lets see Israel attack Turkish naval ship in international waters. You guys would get your small navy destroyed in a matter of days. You wouldn't dare use nukes in retaliation because the world would end you. Not even your masters in the U.S. would support such an act. So understand that bringing up nukes in any war situation is not a valid threat unless your country is going to be destroyed.
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