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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

Are you a stupid or what ? Every ship has such things on board. You can collect dozens of knives from kitchen and electrical cutting devices from engine room easily to introduce into public...
Are you a stupid or what ? Every ship has such things on board. You can collect dozens of knives from kitchen and electrical cutting devices from engine room easily to introduce into public...

It seems that thier are alot of knives and ax.
What they need ax for,israel will show the UN the video that show how peacefull they are
This is totally condemnable for what the Israelis have done, but what exactly can Turkey do to Israel?.
Do not you have a littile bit shame ? You have attacked on a civilian ship navigating into international waters to carry some humanitarian aids to Gazza and killed tens of civilian people After an idiotic boarding operation and now, You came here for propagandist purposes and telling us How powerfull your military are and How your forces have killed civilian forces sucessfully...
Do not you have a littile bit shame ? You have attacked on a civilian ship and killed tens of civilian people After an idiotic boarding operation and now, You came here for propagandist purposes and telling us How powerfull your military are and How your forces have killed civilian forces sucessfully...

We killed terrorist that attackt our soldiers
the video say all truth
We killed terrorist that attackt our soldiers
the video say all truth

You should have to distinguish some truths. The terorists are called like the people who attacks on civilians... I mean It is you Israel !!!

and The people you called like Terorists are who wants to carry some aids for needers. We call such people like volunteers...
You should have to differ some truths. The terorists are called like the people who attacks on civilians... I mean It is you Israel !!!

and The people you called like Terorists are who wants to carry some aids for needers. We call such people like volunteers...

what a bullshit if they wanted to help gaza and sand tham they aid they could do it without any problem but no thier mission was to clash with IDF
Do not you have a littile bit shame ? You have attacked on a civilian ship navigating into international waters to carry some humanitarian aids to Gazza and killed tens of civilian people After an idiotic boarding operation and now, You came here for propagandist purposes and telling us How powerfull your military are and How your forces have killed civilian forces sucessfully...

Actually that's YOUR biased opinion.
Did you consider the OTHER view that contradicts what you just said.

IDF for you:
Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

:hitwall: :hitwall:
Why can't you wait till the official report comes out?
some aids for needers
what a bullshit if they wanted to help gaza and sand tham they aid they could do it without any problem but no thier mission was to clash with IDF

Ahh really ? Who gives you that mission to attack on a civilian ship navigating into international waters to kill civilians ? Do not tell me as If It was Civilian volunteers who attacked on an Israeli Naval Ship...
we dont need any donation or any free weapon so that we need permission ...

but surely you get donation from USA so u need not india :rofl::rofl:

Foreign Aid and India:
Financing the Leviathan State
by Shyam J. Kamath

Shyam J. Kamath is an associate professor of economics in the School of Business and Economics, California State University at Hayward.


Executive Summary

With a debate now raging over whether further foreign aid programs financed by U.S. taxpayers are justified in the post-Cold War era, a review of the development experience of the recipient of the largest amount of foreign aid is instructive. India has received more foreign aid than any other developing nation since the end of World War II--estimated at almost $55 billion since the beginning of its First Five-Year Plan in 1951.(1) It has long been an article of faith among development economists and policymakers that foreign aid is a necessary and central component of economic development, yet the record of Indian economic development since 1947 belies that view.

India has had one of the lowest rates of growth of all developing countries and remains one of the poorest countries in the world after almost 45 years of aid-financed, centrally planned development. Foreign aid has directly financed and sustained India's centralized planning and control framework and thereby financed the growth of one of the noncommunist world's largest and most inefficient public sectors. In 1988-89, 101 of the country's 222 largest public-sector companies recorded losses and contributed to a federal deficit five times as large, in relative terms, as the U.S. budget deficit.(2)

Today, after nearly 45 years of planned economic development, India's annual per capita income remains around $300. Almost 40 percent of Indians live below the official poverty line, and the absolute number of Indians in that category increased sharply between the late 1950s and the mid-1980s. In short, India is a paradigmatic case of the failure of government-sponsored aid; it stands as a dramatic testimonial to why such aid should go the way of the socialist development model it has bankrolled for decades.

Foreign Aid and India: Financing the Leviathan State

Now i suggest you get back to the topic.
I am not reply a commet to pepole like you,you just not worth it.
And cabatli_53 you sould be a shame you killed 1.5 innocent armanis.

Do not chance the subject. It is completely different than What We are talking here. If it was true, This incident will be in international courts to judge.

We call those like Armenian lies...
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