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Turkish Navy and PM to accompany more aid ships to Gaza

I see nothing saying the ships will be escorted by Turkish warships.
^^If Israel stops these ships it very well might spark a greater regional conflict.

I doubt it, though Israel would be wise to wait till the ships actually enter their territorial waters. If they want to end these flotillas all they need to do is confiscate the ships and sell them. No boat owners would risk their ships after that.
Where the world is going.So much hue and cry over suspected NK sub torpedoing SK boat and nothing on Zionists attacking an unarmed boat in International waters.

What should i say International hypocrisy.
Where the world is going.So much hue and cry over suspected NK sub torpedoing SK boat and nothing on Zionists attacking an unarmed boat in International waters.

What should i say International hypocrisy.

jiski laathi uski bhains,u accept it or not.

Where the world is going.So much hue and cry over suspected NK sub torpedoing SK boat and nothing on Zionists attacking an unarmed boat in International waters.

What should i say International hypocrisy.

american hypocracy, not internation hypocracy.
jiski laathi uski bhains,u accept it or not.


Yes yar kia kary its a sad fact of life.

american hypocracy, not internation hypocracy.

I think everyone is involved those gun boats which rammed flotilla who do you think payed for them yes Israel got them free of cost from Germans.Infact Whole Marine corps is mostly made up of free equipment from Germany.Latest addition is the dolphin class subs.Featuring the classified type 212 AIP which Germans don't give to any other country.
Is that supposed to be a defence forum? I readed 13 pages but uhm this thing dont inculde anything military? lol

Almost every post is off topic in here, this forum just became boring to me...
Turkey will do nothing militarily since Turkey was not a sponsor of the aid group. The Israeli assault on the ship did not constitute an attack on Turkey.

but there were Two Turkish Nationals on board who were killed by the israelis!
There might be any issues in it. May be they where in israel waters.. or may be the activitis turned violent agains the soliders..!! May be that led to the interception into such a violent one. Other wise i dont see any reason for israelis to simply go there and fire at unarmed people...

the israelis opened fire first from their boats and then they landed through helicopters!
but there were Two Turkish Nationals on board who were killed by the israelis!
Yes...But at worst, this would constitute a criminal charge, not one of endangering Turkish national security and interests. The claim here is that Turkey could use this to compel fellow NATO members into taking MILITARY actions against Israel. That will not work as this would set a dangerous precedent for all alliances. The philosophical foundation for NATO is that if there is a threat to one member, said threat should be applicable to all, like how the Soviet Union was such a threat. What Israel did was no threat to Turkish national security and interests. If Turkey want to start a war against Israel over this, just like Iraq, Turkey will be alone and like it or not, Israel will win.
Israel turkey war lol.
Come on dont be stupid and even if what turkey would do?
They will fight along with hizballah and hamass?If it happend everyone will support israel.Turkey will say baby to nato(israel also have representative in nato)and goodbay UE.Also usa will stop every millatry weponry to turkey and the funny part israel also will do the same.
Every one should to be calmed down
Israel turkey war lol.
Come on dont be stupid and even if what turkey would do?
They will fight along with hizballah and hamass?If it happend everyone will support israel.Turkey will say baby to nato(israel also have representative in nato)and goodbay UE.Also usa will stop every millatry weponry to turkey and the funny part israel also will do the same.
Every one should to be calmed down

Hey chump,
At this time assreal is being bashed in the world....UN....and even EU.
So shut up and get a life.... ur bloody terrorist state should be nuked.
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