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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

Locating them in the mountains is probably far more difficult than flying a jet and dropping a laser-guided bomb, if a pilot is taught how to do it it's not difficult. Also that doesn't even work, it's been ongoing since the 80s, you're better of Turkifying Hakkari, works better.
I think it's a good person. I was an infantry. infantry does not want much brain. But you need a brain to be a pilot. I can't write longer than I don't speak English. have a nice day.
I think it's a good person. I was an infantry. infantry does not want much brain. But you need a brain to be a pilot. I can't write longer than I don't speak English. have a nice day.

Brain yes..

I mean it's not a genius thing to fly a jet, engineering it is far more difficult
When TAF calls you you will be considered a number to be used to contain the expected unfavorable growth of the PKK due to Turkish foreign policy, you will pay with life to contain something your government facilitated and deemed it acceptable to solve it with military means later on. However this is the case with nearly every government in the world given those old rulers are rich, comfortable and do not care about you.

You are 21? You were an early teen at the start of the Syrian civil war, you were 17 when the ISIS shit occurred in the middle east. It is not like i'm that much older than you (25) but that makes me question how long you've been following this region's stuff.

Locating them in the mountains is probably far more difficult than flying a jet and dropping a laser-guided bomb, if a pilot is taught how to do it it's not difficult. Also that doesn't even work, it's been ongoing since the 80s, you're better of Turkifying Hakkari, works better.
I am into military stuff since 4th grade. I follow actively since the start of the Syrian war but lets say I gathered the knowledge and sources I needed like three years ago the actual. I have read and have been explained the things I must know for the region from a people who were walking in the streets in Kirkuk in the 90's and also people who were walking in the streets of the most of the countries which fell to the "Arab Spring" just before their wars started. I have the chance to gather knowledge from people who were there on the field not only in the mountains but in the cities and not only MENA cities but also cities all over the world.

The situation with PKK is that way because certain people part of the State have profits from the conflict but it is coming to an end. I would talk about 80's-2000, 2000-2010, 2010-2013, 2013-2016 and after 2016 periods for Turkey not only towards PKK but at also foreign politics. The period after 2016 which we are in is a period of fixing the mistakes which were made under the command of external powers and traitors withing the state like entering the Great Middle East project and taking active role into the new concept of the US after the fall of the USSR and it is political Islam. PKK's days are counted and everyday traitors are being busted. Some of them we don't even hear on the news.

I would mostly agree with you on everything you have to say about Turkey's negative role before 2016 but I want you to know that their time is soon to over. They are dealing us blows both militarily and economically but Turkey will rise stronger than before even if it will have to struggle for 5-10 years. This is the result of letting someone to decide about your internal and foreign policy, putting down your guard and some of your brightest brains perished just like that to the state where you almost don't have a word in the development of your country. It is not only Erdogan's fail. There are also other people together with him part of the political and military elite that are somehow forgotten by some but there are also people who don't forget. Everything have its time and place.
I am talking like a man who had hope and totally lost it after he saw their situation from close. I can only pray for the women, the children and the weak but I can't be as merciful as Allah which is merciful even towards the ones which back off from a fight in the name of Allah even if they are not ill, weak or have any valid reason for backing off. I would raise their children, would look after their wives and look after the weak but I can not forgive the healthy ones who backed off and especially if they are a burden to Turkey.

You know Allah(SWT) humilates the people who run away from war. We see this with those Syrian refugees especially the Men who ran away look how they are getting humilated.

As Turks we have to protect the Syrian Women and Children. We cant let children die off remember Kazim Karabekir Pasha how he took in orphans and took care of them many of them became loyal to Turkey and the Turkish army.
As economic situation in Turkey deteriorates you’ll see more and more angry and unrealistic responses from Turkish users. and if you keep it real they will appeal to a mod to ban you. so pick your poison.
Now as for Turkish military training. I trained with Turks in Germany and in some other nato exercises. They have great officer corps, perhaps the best among Muslim countries(i wonder if that’s not a reliance on west) but their regular soldiers are not very well trained and NCOs not that good either. Why? Military is very costly only few countries can afford it and if you have conscription system coupled with weak education in primary schools overall military won’t be on the level. Numerically vast and strong quality wise not so good
Dude, seriously stop BS... every country has professional army to use in a war..
WHy dont you talk about American soldiers using drugs day and night? just because cocain, molly stays in the blood for 2 days, almost everybody i see around suing it..
You have to be fair first to talk..
Dude, seriously stop BS... every country has professional army to use in a war..
WHy dont you talk about American soldiers using drugs day and night? just because cocain, molly stays in the blood for 2 days, almost everybody i see around suing it..
You have to be fair first to talk..
1. Learn to speak and write in proper English and most importantly formulate your thought process when you type your response
2. Not every country has professional army. And not every country’s professional armed forces can accomplish the mission in offensive or defensive ops
3. US military had insane narco problem during and after the Nam. After US mil got rid of conscription system those problems are long gone. Occasionally someone gets popped on piss test. Shit happens. But nevertheless US military is lethal
And in the future refrain quoting my posts. Unlike your fellow countryman XTQ1999 you are not a bright person and I am not interested in wasting my time
1. Learn to speak and write in proper English and most importantly formulate your thought process when you type your response
2. Not every country has professional army. And not every country’s professional armed forces can accomplish the mission in offensive or defensive ops
3. US military had insane narco problem during and after the Nam. After US mil got rid of conscription system those problems are long gone. Occasionally someone gets popped on piss test. Shit happens. But nevertheless US military is lethal
And in the future refrain quoting my posts. Unlike your fellow countryman XTQ1999 you are not a bright person and I am not interested in wasting my time
1) are you an English teacher? i can actually teach you English if i want to... you are the last one to teach me English.. only shitty people judge others based on language..
2) US military still has the problem... if you use the drugs i mentioned, it doesn't show up during the test, because they leave on Friday and come back on Monday...
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Why would I speak those languages if I never lived there, nor visited-except Iraq/Afghanistan- nor I belong to any of the above ethnic groups?

Have you ever been or lived in turkey?
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