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'Turkey gets cold shoulder from Shanghai Cooperation'


Sep 28, 2013
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I can't post the link, as i don't have 30 posts yet, but you can find the source (Todayszaman, 24 september 2013) if you search the title of this topic on google.


Despite Turkey's desire to establish closer ties with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Turkey, an SCO dialogue partner, was not invited to the organization's latest summit in Bishkek. This, analysts say, is the result of Turkey's image -- due to its Western-linked foreign policy -- as a Trojan horse of the West.
“They don't want to have Turkey, which they see as a Trojan horse of the West, among them,” Murat Bilhan, vice chairman of the Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM), has said.

Unwillingness on the part of the SCO -- or one of its full members in particular -- became more obvious in April at the Heart of Asia Ministerial Conference in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on the sidelines of which Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmet Davutoğlu and General Secretary of the SCO Dmitry Mezentsev signed a memorandum of understanding granting Turkey dialogue-partner status in the organization.

That is far from the rank Turkey seeks in the SCO, which brings together Russia, China and other countries in the region in an apparent counter to US influence in Central Asia. Turkey was announced about a year ago as a dialogue partner by the organization, but at the beginning of this year, the Turkish Foreign Ministry made clear that it wants higher status. “Naturally, we wish to become an observer member, […] to improve cooperation with the organization as much as possible,” Selçuk Ünal, then Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman, said at a press conference at the end of January.

‘One SCO country against Turkey's membership'

“One of the [full] members of the organization is against Turkey's admission to the organization,” a Turkish official who spoke on condition of anonymity has told Today's Zaman. Although Turkey hoped, after the signing of the memorandum, to get invited to the Bishkek summit, dialogue partners were not issued invitations.

Given the fact that Turkey's position on the Syrian conflict is diametrically opposed to that of leading SCO members like Russia and China, Turkey's foreign policy choices may have had an effect on the SCO's attitude toward Turkey, analysts believe. In a sign of the organization's diplomatic priorities, Russian President Vladimir Putin met, at the 13th meeting of the council of SCO leaders in Bishkek, with Hassan Rohani, newly elected president of Iran, which has observer member status. “Russia may be opposing Turkey's higher status in the SCO because of the country's Syria policy,” Yaşar Yakış, a former foreign minister of Turkey, had previously told Today's Zaman.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said that Turkey is seriously considering becoming a full member of the SCO, and Davutoğlu spoke enthusiastically about the organization at the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding in Almaty -- though his face showed signs of tension, possibly caused by frustration at Turkey not being granted observer status.

“We declare our destiny to be the same as that of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries,” Davutoğlu said at the press conference in Almaty in April. Noting that each SCO member country has its own reasons for not wanting Turkey to be granted a higher status, Bilhan said: “They don't believe Turkey is sincere in trying to knit closer ties with the SCO. Turkey needs to work to achieve more trust [in the region]. More frequent visits to the region should be made.”

China and Russia, although they officially seem to support giving Turkey higher status in the SCO, may be opposing Turkey's bid in an attempt to prevent Ankara from getting more closely involved in regional issues. Noting that Turkey's position on Syria is opposed to that of the SCO countries, Hasan Köni, professor of international law at İstanbul-based Kültür University, said: “Turkey is being seen [by SCO member countries] as a Trojan horse of the US, a man of NATO. This causes lack of confidence in Turkey.”

A few years ago, relations between Turkey and China seemed to have somewhat deteriorated after China violently crushed Uighur riots in China's Xinjiang province, where Muslim Uighurs with kinship ties with Turkey predominate. At the time, Erdoğan condemned the situation as “almost genocide.” Although the two countries have mended ties since and enjoy good relations at present, Erkin Ekrem, an Asia Pacific analyst from Hacettepe University, believes China is the SCO member country that is against Turkey obtaining a higher status in the organization. “China is concerned about Turkey's membership, as Turkey is closely connected with the West,” Ekrem, who maintained that Russia and Kazakhstan have always supported Turkey's membership, has told Today's Zaman.

The SCO is a mutual-security organization that was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The countries, with the exception of Uzbekistan, had been members of the Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001 the members renamed the organization. Iran, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Mongolia are observer members in the SCO, while Sri Lanka and Belarus are the other two dialogue partners in the organization.


I wonder whether the opinion of the Chinese might change if Turkey does more business with China in the defense field, especially since this article was written before all that outburst about HQ-9 took place.
SCO is not a military alliance like NATO, it is a mutual security operation, dealing mostly with border security and energy security in Central Asia.

So it's not impossible for a NATO member to join. Though it might be harder, especially considering that Turkey and Russia aren't getting along over regional issues right now.
SCO is not a military alliance like NATO, it is a mutual security operation, dealing mostly with border security and energy security in Central Asia.

So it's not impossible for a NATO member to join. Though it might be harder, especially considering that Turkey and Russia aren't getting along over regional issues right now.

Read the article. It says China is the main opponent to Turkey even getting observer status. Also SCO is not just a military alliance but they have been having military exercises for years. It will most definitely include military components. It already does. I think Turkey is just trolling.
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Im sorry but this makes no sense at all. Turkey is a NATO member and is trying to get into the EU. How could it possibly think it could join the SCO. They must be trolling.

If you followed the news the last few years, you could see that Turkey actually didn't make much progress towards the EU. Not because the EU doesn't want to, but the current Turkish government and Turks in general know very well that there is no place nor future in the EU for Turkey. I for one sincerely hope we'll never join the EU.

The Nato is quite a joke as well. Invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali etc. was sorta easy, but when they needed to show their balls the most in Syria, they simply didn't because of Russia. Besides, what has Nato seriously done for Turkey so far? It had us blinded by fear for communism in the past, which forced Turkey to mostly focus and rely on the west = buffer for Europe, loyal customer of European goods, no serious technological development since Turkey was mostly borrowing money and buying stuff from whom? Mostly Europeans. Now, in 2013, they still do not transfer technology to Turkey, they do not raise their voices when Greece gets the S300 (hypocritical) etc. There are too many reasons why I, personally, would love to see Turkey going more eastward rather than westward.

The west has been trolling Turkey for decades. Even then i don't blame them at all. It's the Incompetent Turkish leaders who allowed them, France, Germany, UK and USA, to 'troll' us for so long by being dependent on them. Akp or not, i am happy with any party that can halt this western influence in Turkey and lead our own course while we are getting slowly more self sufficient in the defense field.
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If you followed the news the last few years, you could see that Turkey actually didn't make much progress towards the EU. Not because the EU doesn't want to, but the current Turkish government and Turks in general know very well that there is no place nor future in the EU for Turkey. I for one sincerely hope we'll never join the EU.

The Nato is quite a joke as well. Invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali etc. was sorta easy, but when they needed to show their balls the most in Syria, they simply didn't because of Russia. Besides, what has Nato seriously done for Turkey so far? It had us blinded by fear for communism in the past, which forced Turkey to mostly focus and rely on the west = buffer for Europe, loyal customer of European goods, no serious technological development since Turkey was mostly borrowing money and buying stuff from whom? Mostly Europeans. Now, in 2013, they still do not transfer technology to Turkey, they do not raise their voices when Greece gets the S300 (hypocritical) etc. There are too many reasons why I, personally, would love to see Turkey going more eastward rather than westward.

The west has been trolling Turkey for decades. Even then i don't blame them at all. It's the Incompetent Turkish leaders who allowed them, France, Germany, UK and USA, to 'troll' us for so long by being dependent on them. Akp or not, i am happy with any party that can halt this western influence in Turkey and lead our own course while we are getting slowly more self sufficient in the defense field.

Thank you for your explanation and I understand what you are saying but if Turkey really wanted to join the SCO, it should have aligned its policies with the SCO and not with NATO. In Syria, they almost went to war with NATO against Russia. And it went against the Chinese and Russian vote in the UN against Syria. I would personally think it would be amazing if Turkey joined the SCO. But actions speak louder than words. That is what the article is talking about.
SCO was set up as a bulwart against panturkicism, that which is turkicist and racially rootless and repellent. SCO isn't even opposed to angloamerican power; it is opposed to turkics - or ratheer, it opposes everything that is turkicist as an extension, an instance, an alter ego of the heinous angloamerican existence. we would abrogate SCO's raison d'etre if we admitted the very evil we wanted to purge with the SCO.
One of the reasons could be the turkeys stance on Syrian issue different from Russia and chinas.

And one more reason could be that Turkey might spy on S.C.O members for the West (especially the USA).
SCO was set up as a bulwart against panturkicism, that which is turkicist and racially rootless and repellent. SCO isn't even opposed to angloamerican power; it is opposed to turkics - or ratheer, it opposes everything that is turkicist as an extension, an instance, an alter ego of the heinous angloamerican existence. we would abrogate SCO's raison d'etre if we admitted the very evil we wanted to purge with the SCO.

That's strange. China and Russia don't have to fear even if all the Turkic speaking countries unite since those countries combined are still relatively weak economically and/or militarily wise. On the other hand it would be a bonus for Russia to keep Central Asia together since the relationship between Turkey and those central Asian countries are deeper, which would mean an overall harmony for the region. Some CA countries get along well with Russia, but that is mostly due economic reasons and a way to balance against China.

I wonder what you're afraid of. Usa building bases in CA countries? that's most likely not gonna happen anymore. Those Turkic countries waging war against China? That would only serve western interests, so that's not gonna happen. The Uyghur matter can be solved through talking.

As a friendly sidenote, be respectful towards other people and their roots. Yours is not better than ours, neither is ours better than yours.
And one more reason could be that Turkey might spy on S.C.O members for the West (especially the USA).

Given the background of the situation, i think Turkish people really are fed up with the EU and the west. Sure, you may assume about Turkey spying for the west, but then we are doing another favor for the west while we are already fed up. The current government has shown many times that they dont wanna have anything to do with the west except for usual trade. If we are gonna make conspiracy theories, then maybe the AKP has been planning for this SCO spying scenario with the west since 2003, this is what you guys are trying to say? lol. Besides, the Turkish government is not stupid to play with it's reputation by doing something like spying. It would mean a damaged reputation, bad relationship with China etc. moreover, do you think the USA needs Turkey to spy on others? I'm sure the USA can find things out thanks to their own intelligence. Anyway, believe what you want, but i'm quite positive many Turks would prefer this idea over joining EU, and the current govt shows that too.

I wonder whether the opinion of the Chinese might change if Turkey does more business with China in the defense field, especially since this article was written before all that outburst about HQ-9 took place.

I dont think so..China and USA are not in good terms and imho we are about to see another cold war between US and China in really near future as China is developing really fast, and there will be (actually there is already) conflict of interests between these 2...Unless Turkey realigns her policies with Russia and China, it would be highly optimistic to expect China`s and/or Russia`s approval of Turkey`s SCO membership..But frankly i dont understand why Turkey even wants to join SCO..Its unrealistic
I dont think so..China and USA are not in good terms and imho we are about to see another cold war between US and China in really near future as China is developing really fast, and there will be (actually there is already) conflict of interests between these 2...Unless Turkey realigns her policies with Russia and China, it would be highly optimistic to expect China`s and/or Russia`s approval of Turkey`s SCO membership..But frankly i dont understand why Turkey even wants to join SCO..Its unrealistic
What do you expect from the Grashoppers (current government),we could even try to join the ''Antarctic alliance''(if it would exist).
I dont think so..China and USA are not in good terms and imho we are about to see another cold war between US and China in really near future as China is developing really fast, and there will be (actually there is already) conflict of interests between these 2...Unless Turkey realigns her policies with Russia and China, it would be highly optimistic to expect China`s and/or Russia`s approval of Turkey`s SCO membership..But frankly i dont understand why Turkey even wants to join SCO..Its unrealistic

I agree with what you said, except for the unrealistic part. I think that if Turkey is gonna pursue her own course she will naturally get confronted by the western countries, Russia and China as well. However, i think joining Russia and China is better than joining the western countries. We have already seen many cases of their hypocritical acts throughout the last few decades. Sure, our relationship with Russia and China is not so great either, but i strongly believe that through time things might change and become better for all of us. The European countries fought many wars, but they were able to work well for a long time. That's also what i want to see in Asia actually. China needs allies too, even if they surpass the USA. Turkey with her influence in CA, ME, Africa and the balkans can play quite a big role in the SCO, i believe. It may seem unrealistic, but as Turkey is growing, the western countries will try to block Turkey as much as they can, it's inevitable. Before Turkey gets sandwiched between the west and east, we must act swiftly. Just my opinion
SCO was set up as a bulwart against panturkicism, that which is turkicist and racially rootless and repellent. SCO isn't even opposed to angloamerican power; it is opposed to turkics - or ratheer, it opposes everything that is turkicist as an extension, an instance, an alter ego of the heinous angloamerican existence. we would abrogate SCO's raison d'etre if we admitted the very evil we wanted to purge with the SCO.

oh wow, i don't know what happened to you in your life, but it seems you got hurt so much. Wish you a speedy recovery. Keep talking like this, but don't be surprised if non-chinese will look down on China because of people like you. You're a bad promoter for China. That's not so smart of a 'superior full blood' person, is it? lol. I won't feed you anymore. Seems like your other post got deleted

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