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'Turkey gets cold shoulder from Shanghai Cooperation'

oh wow, i don't know what happened to you in your life, but it seems you got hurt so much. Wish you a speedy recovery. Keep talking like this, but don't be surprised if non-chinese will look down on China because of people like you. You're a bad promoter for China. That's not so smart of a 'superior full blood' person, is it? lol. I won't feed you anymore. Seems like your other post got deleted

dont bother replying to that creature..waste of time..Once in a while it comes here, talks nonsense, gets banned and comes back again after its ban expires..Its a circle..Better to ignore
I agree with what you said, except for the unrealistic part. I think that if Turkey is gonna pursue her own course she will naturally get confronted by the western countries, Russia and China as well. However, i think joining Russia and China is better than joining the western countries. We have already seen many cases of their hypocritical acts throughout the last few decades. Sure, our relationship with Russia and China is not so great either, but i strongly believe that through time things might change and become better for all of us. The European countries fought many wars, but they were able to work well for a long time. That's also what i want to see in Asia actually. China needs allies too, even if they surpass the USA. Turkey with her influence in CA, ME, Africa and the balkans can play quite a big role in the SCO, i believe. It may seem unrealistic, but as Turkey is growing, the western countries will try to block Turkey as much as they can, it's inevitable. Before Turkey gets sandwiched between the west and east, we must act swiftly. Just my opinion

Well what you have said here is true..But you have to consider the balance of power in the region..Regarding Russia, you need to pay extra attention to Putin`s political rhetoric about Armenia, Georgia, Southern Caucasus, Syria etc. For all of those, Turkey`s and Russia`s national interests contravene..As of now, SCO might not be a military alliance, but imho it surely will morph into one soon, global balance of power dictates so..All in all, there shouldnt be any "strategical"( or lets say big, important) conflict of interest between Russia and Turkey for them to be in the same pact/alliance...You can ask "then how in the world Greece and Turkey are both Nato members?" It was because of USSR threat

Thats why i said unrealistic..I dont know about China but imho Russia would never allow Turkey to join SCO because we are simply regional rivals
Looks like Erdogan is the god of trolling, since he said ''maybe Turkey could join SCO'', and they took it serious. :lol:

Turkey and SCO :omghaha:

Well what you have said here is true..But you have to consider the balance of power in the region..Regarding Russia, you need to pay extra attention to Putin`s political rhetoric about Armenia, Georgia, Southern Caucasus, Syria etc. For all of those, Turkey`s and Russia`s national interests contravene..As of now, SCO might not be a military alliance, but imho it surely will morph into one soon, global balance of power dictates so..All in all, there shouldnt be any "strategical"( or lets say big, important) conflict of interest between Russia and Turkey for them to be in the same pact/alliance...You can ask "then how in the world Greece and Turkey are both Nato members?" It was because of USSR threat

Thats why i said unrealistic..I dont know about China but imho Russia would never allow Turkey to join SCO because we are simply regional rivals

Russia could provided that Turkey remains a subordinate to it and does not try something silly.
Turkey is a strong nation. I think its interests lie with the SCO as opposed to NATO and the EU. Maybe after the next elections the new leaders will align themselves with the SCO. I dont think its acceptable the way the EU treats Turkey like a cheap mistress. A country that strong with such a great history deserves more respect than what the EU is willing to give them.
WTF is your problem, im not the beggin one, its your beloved PM.

-Beggin EU to join
-Beggin USA to strike Syria

all of these are your fantasies beside yes i trust the our prime minister is there your objection ?
then go and to complain your beloved kemal kılıç
all of these are your fantasies beside yes i trust the our prime minister is there your objection ?
then go and to complain your beloved kemal kılıç

You dont know me and my ideology, and arguing about this, with people like you is hopeles.
So go on, think whatever you want of me, call me kemalist, secular kafir or whatever, i really dont care. :coffee:
You dont know me and my ideology, and arguing about this, with people like you is hopeles.
So go on, think whatever you want of me, call me kemalist, secular kafir or whatever, i really dont care. :coffee:

i dont care your ideology and word games as well
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