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Turkish Air Defence Programs

Russia will not sell S-400 to a NATO country.

@ptldM3 @vostok
Rusya’dan S-400 açıklaması
Rusya Savunma Bakan Yardımcısı Aleksandır Fomin, Türkiye ve Rusya’nın S-400 hava savunma sistemlerine ilişkin görüşmelere devam ettiğini söyledi.

Bakan Yardımcısı yaptığı açıklamada, “Görüşmeler devam ediyor. Şu an için teslimat söz konusu değil. Teslimat ancak anlaşma sağlanırsa gerçekleşebilir ve şu an için böyle bir anlaşma yok.” dedi.

Rus devlet savunma sanayi şirketi Roctec’in üst yöneticisi Sergey Çemezov da, geçen hafta yaptığı açıklamada, Türkiye’nin S-400’lere ilgi duyduğunu ve görüşmelerin sürdüğünü ifade etmişti.

Kaynak: www.savunmaveteknoloji.com
Yes it is, especially when crazy Mr. T is presedent of US. I prefer to have multiple defense option in Turkeys defence arsenal then just one. You never know, what they r gone do.
Integration system with NATO, I m so sorry for my language but who gives a sht about NATO.

Yes it is, especially when crazy Mr. T is presedent of US. I prefer to have multiple defense option in Turkeys defence arsenal then just one. You never know, what they r gone do.
Integration system with NATO, I m so sorry for my language but who gives a sht about NATO.

I would do that if i were turkey at least dissect the missile and the radar to get an understanding how they make it.

That way they can have similar missile and radar to use on their own indigenous air defence.

Maybe even but an Buk system from ex soviet countries to also gain knowledge about missile.

i know its not the same but it is still an effective air defence weapon, Turkey can also combine with whateve knowledge/experience to make it even better.

Defence Turkey: The very first KORKUT Self-Propelled Air Defense Systems, developed for the armored and mechanized units’ air defense needs, were delivered to the Turkish Land Forces. Could you enlighten our readers on the delivery of the other systems and the serial production process following the delivery of two KORKUT Weapon System Vehicles (WSV) and a single Command Control Vehicle (CCV) to the Land Forces?

Our projects for the development of the air defense artillery systems, and the development of the smart ammunitions utilized by these systems, are quite significant both for our country and for Aselsan. In addition to the KORKUT systems, the Fire Control Device (FCD) developed with these systems; and 35 mm Modernized Towed Air Defense Artillery (MTADA) modernized in order to be controlled by the FCD and 35 mm smart ammunition were delivered to the Turkish Land Forces in 2016.

These systems, developed as part of the KORKUT Project, will provide a great contribution to the air defense capabilities of the fixed and mobile units of the Turkish Armed Forces. The indigenous development of smart ammunition along with the KORKUT systems has been a great achievement for our country. With the utilization of the smart ammunition, the effect of both the KORKUT Weapon System Vehicles and the modernized 35 mm Towed Air Defense Artillery against the current airborne threats has been increased significantly.

Upon the successful completion of the development program, we also signed the serial production contract with the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries for the KORKUT systems in 2016.
Seems like things are speeding up, maybe the government finally realised how important it is to modernize our Military!
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You have many post in turkish !!
Why ??
Sorry mate but many news in Turkish and most of them in my opinion are important. It shouldn't be a problem to use google translate if you interested in a particular post. For me to translate everything almost impossible. But will try add one sentence in English where possible.

Turkey asked for a credit from Russia to procure S-400 air defense systems.
Some information agencies also say that it is not only S-400s on the table.


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