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Turkish Air Defence Programs




Original official video please ! :laugh: Thank you very much. :partay:

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is it effective against small projectiles like those rockets fired from IS ? I think it is very difficult..
Korkut the most economic solution.
one 122mm Grad rocket cost 500$, one air defence missile that intercepts Grad costs ????
İf everyday ISIS sends doesen Grad rockets, Turkish budget will be destroyed.

İ think 35mm bullets can stop 122mm rocket.

İ would like to share photos were taken by me today about smerch and tochka u.
When i saw Smerch 300mm i was disappointed. Because i thought they were quite bigger. Actually They arent massive.
aceleyle siyah beyaz cekmisim.
Ukraynanin Donbasa yolladigi
Tochka U
60cm capi var.


Smerch 300mm
arka kanatlarinda yay var esnetmeye calistim kimildamida bile.
hepsi aliminyum.
bunlari toplayip hurdaya satanlar bile var.


Nukleer baslik olmadan,bu roketlerden on bin tane atarsaniz belki bir sehri yok edebilirdiniz. :(
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Korkut spaag uses smart munitions and they are more effective than other spaag munitions.If Serdar gives the right route of the missile to korkut spaag they may intercept them.
what is korkuts reaction time? And what maxmium speed can korkut intercept an incoming object?
what is korkuts reaction time? And what maxmium speed can korkut intercept an incoming object?

Important is the calculation point where the ammunition can cross ballistic path of the missile. It's more or less the same principle of an APS.
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