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Turkey's Attempts To Destabilise Syria Backfire: short turk investments(SA)

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Jul 14, 2012
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In an effort to overthrow the govt of Syria , Turkey's has transformed into intelligence and logistical hubs for the CIA and the Mossad in the process, complete with an intelligence "nerve centre" in Adana. Despite Turkey's denials, reports about Adana are undeniable and Turkish officers have also been apprehended in covert military operations against the Syrian Arab Republic. The Turkish Labour Party has even demanded that the US General Consul in Adana be deported for "masterminding and leading the activities of Syrian terrorists." Mehmet Ali Ediboglu and Mevlut Dudu, two Turkish MPs, have also testified that foreign fighters have been renting homes on Turkey's border with Syria and that Turkish ambulances have been helping smuggle weapons for the insurgents inside Syria.

These efforts of Turkish intelligence,CIA And Mossad to arm Al Qaeda and their Islamist affiliates have backfired with Syria starting to arm the PKK separatists who want independence with heavy weaponry ,due to which the PKK has started attacking Turkish military forces and is attacking and kidnapping govt officials and Opposition MP's.

Segments of the Turkish military are at odds with the Turkish government and the military itself is divided over Turkish foreign policy of funding Islamist and Al Qaeda affiliates or going to Syria as such actions could backfire creating an islamist insurgency in Turkey. Erdogan does not even trust half of Turkey's own military leaders and has arrested forty of them for planning to overthrow him. How can he send such a force to even attack neighbouring Syria or think that he can control it during a broader war? Any invasion of Syria by Turkey or NATO would lead to Syria unleashing its chemical and biological weapons which would lead to millions of deaths in Turkey and cause a mass exodus and refugee crisis for its friendly neighbor states like Azerbaijan,Georgia.Also if it does not come to invasion does not occur by Turk military it could cause an islamist insurgency in a similar way that Pakistan faces due to its sponsorship of Terror in India. Also such insurgencies tend to spill over in neighboring states also. Plus PKK is making significant strides in fighting the Turkish army with the heavy weaponry they recently acquired from Turkey.

Also ,certain unconfirmed reports suggest that some of the towns in Turkey are under PKK control and Turkish military has failed to recapture them .

Turkey's Attempts To Destabilise Syria Backfire - Maninder Batra - Seeking Alpha
I am short all Turkey related investments for the next few months.Turkey has gotten itself in a covert war which will ruin it.
I am short all Turkey related investments for the next few months.Turkey has gotten itself in a covert war which will ruin it.
One of the stupidest blog post I've ever read about Syrian issue.

These efforts of Turkish intelligence,CIA And Mossad to arm Al Qaeda and their Islamist affiliates..
One of the stupidest blog post I've ever read about Syrian issue.

well who do you think you guys are arming if not Al Quida? That's who they are.

One of the stupidest blog post I've ever read about Syrian issue.


But your opposition politicans say otherwise.

And yes LIFG is AL qaeda .And the news is out among the investors .Turks are about to destroy themselves by their helping islamic terrorists in Syria.

Yesterday a PKK 'freedom fighter' killed 8 turk regime loyalists in car bombing. So,investors are worried about whats happening in Turkey.
But your opposition politicans say otherwise.

And yes LIFG is AL qaeda .And the news is out among the investors .Turks are about to destroy themselves by their helping islamic terrorists in Syria.

Yesterday a PKK 'freedom fighter' killed 8 turk regime loyalists in car bombing. So,investors are worried about whats happening in Turkey.
Turkey had the right formula up till now. They had a good thing going on with their economy and image. All they had to do was not rock the boat by choosing sides. This reminds me of what Mitt Romney said when he visited London a few weeks back. All he had to do was shake hands and smile for the press, but instead he criticized London and how they were going on about their olympic games. After he made those comments all hell broke loose and he was doing damage control for weeks.

Now Syria are pissed that Turkey is giving weapons to Al Quida and other wahabi groups inside Syria, so they're sending weapons to the PKK to send a message. Ideally I want Iran to piss off from the Arab world as well. I want NOTHING to do with the arab world, NOTHING. I want what Turkey had prior to the whole "let's start poking our nose inside syria" thing. There is nothing in the arab world for anyone.

Turkey must stick to mending relations with its immediate neighbors and continuing relations with Europe etc... Iran needs to stick to its neighbors as well and move heavily towards Central Asia (Afghanistan, Tajikistan etc...). Unfortunately with our regime that won't happen. Turkish citizens have a chance to throw this administration to the gutter, but if they don't, they'll be making a mistake.

All the points above aside, Assad would be the best thing ever for Turkey. Here you have an ultra secular dictator holding a country together and stopping it from becoming a secterian hotbed with Al quida on one side and PKK on the other. If I was Turkey I would be all in favour of Assad. This makes me believe that Turkish leaders are fighting in the interests of the US and not Turkey.
You sick bastard...

Onur Fikret Aker (21)
Almina Melisa Aker (1)
Süleyman Alkan (3)
Sevgi Gülperi İnanç (11)
Davut Adak (31)
Fatih Candaş (48)
İsmail Daler (30)

Look who's talking.Aren't you guys sponsoring the islamist-al qaeda terror gangs or should I say the Turkish way 'freedom fighter' .

So in same Turkish way ,PKK are freedom fighters.
]Check my IP.

Also ,we know that islamic terror is an instrument of NATO. Turks and CIA along with ISI sponsor Terror across the planet. But those who live by the sword die by it. Turks do terror on others,and now PKK gives them taste of their own medicine.

Yeah, that 1 and 3 years old babies, and 11, 12 years old children were terrorists, right?

Please GTFO and leave Turkish Section, spread your f!lth somewhere else.
Yeah, that 1 and 3 years old babies, and 11, 12 years old children were terrorists, right?

Please GTFO and leave Turkish Section, spread your f!lth somewhere else.

So did your islamic terror gangs in Bosnia,Libya,Chechnyna,Kashmir,Uzbekistan,dagestan and now Syria.
lol if you was an indian and you really cared about all these the first countries you would try to bash is the gulf countries and iran or something , thats how i know your agenda is different , how many times turkey sent people with bombs to blow up in other countries? so you are bashing turkey because our government support syria opposition? how do you know the people do ? I think your false flag armenian

I think hes a little indian that got bullied and beatten up by turks and he cant get that out and uses forums :rofl::rofl:
lol if you was an indian and you really cared about all these the first countries you would try to bash is the gulf countries and iran or something , thats how i know your agenda is different , how many times turkey sent people with bombs to blow up in other countries? so you are bashing turkey because our government support syria opposition? how do you know the people do ? I think your false flag armenian

I think hes a little indian that got bullied and beatten up by turks and he cant get that out and uses forums :rofl::rofl:

Go ahead .Check my IP.
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