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Turkey willing to put troops in Syria 'if others do their part,' Prime Minister says

Will Turkey be satisfied if the US strategy is containment, since the whole world criticizes us when we intervene (as you have done)? If the US experience has revealed one thing, it is that the Muslim world will never tolerate the interference of a Muslim power. The question is, whose dominion does the US end up supporting: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or Obama's new friend, Iran?

I invite anyone who expects US boots on the ground to read the US press and look at US polls. In the near term, the US is likely to contribute no more than air strikes and potentially weapons and funds, but the real fighting will have to be done by someone else. We're exhausted.

I will let Turks answer the question about what will satisfy them.

Once the West have intervened and taken ownership (since the breakup of Ottoman), my view is that it has become a region the West must take responsibility for. So intervention has not become an option, rather an obligation, since that point:
If You Break It, You Own It | George Mitrovich
What I pointed out is that the nature of intervention were wrong headed and produced terrible instability and chaos, mainly the use of extremist ideologies as geopolitical tools.

I never implied in the previous post that their should be US boots on the ground. It is obvious the US public are fine with bombing from the air, but not boots on the ground.

So this bring us to the question where boots on the ground will come from then, to defeat IS, while the West and GCC are providing air support. I will let forum members debate this basic question.

My personal opinion is that there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world, perhaps it will help to bring large countries of the Muslim world to pitch in with man power and the oil rich countries to pitch in with financing. This will also help unite the Muslim world and make them feel good about solving their own problems with their own effort. The West and GCC has enough leverage with many of these populous Muslim countries to persuade them to take part, if some of them are reluctant to get involved. And then in the long term, the issue of extremist financing source from US allied countries in the region must be addressed. Ideologies cannot be killed with bullets, it can only be defeated with a competing and better ideology and wiping out the financing source of the target ideology.
Turkey should let the US fix its own mess. Well, if the US leads a force of 90,000 on the ground, turkey can provide 5000.
Serious question here. What did Assad do to Turkey to make them hate him so much?
Will Turkey be satisfied if the US strategy is containment, since the whole world criticizes us when we intervene (as you have done)? If the US experience has revealed one thing, it is that the Muslim world will never tolerate the interference of a Muslim power. The question is, whose dominion does the US end up supporting: Turkey, Saudi Arabia, or Obama's new friend, Iran?

I invite anyone who expects US boots on the ground to read the US press and look at US polls. In the near term, the US is likely to contribute no more than air strikes and potentially weapons and funds, but the real fighting will have to be done by someone else. We're exhausted.
US is running away from its obligation. This is not only wrong but will also give the impression that the US only cares about itself and doesnt care about the mess it has left in the neighborhood, in which its ally Turkey is located, thus giving the feeling that the US cannot be trusted at all times. Hence the more reason for Turkey to stay away from this mess, even the US does not want it.

Serious question here. What did Assad do to Turkey to make them hate him so much?
openly supported pkk against Turkey, so they are responsible for 40k dead people as well. in the 90's Turkey threatened to go to war with Syria if they didnt stop the support, so they stopped after that warning. But we never forgot Syria's support for pkk. karma.
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openly supported pkk against Turkey, so they are responsible for 40k dead people as well. Turkey threatened to go to war with Syria in the 90's, then they stopped supporting pkk. But we never forgot Syria's support for pkk. karma.

1.Was that this Assad or his dad?
2. Is fracturing Syria really going to help Turkey's long term security. Will PKK go away when Assad goes?
1.Was that this Assad or his dad?
2. Is fracturing Syria really going to help Turkey's long term security. Will PKK go away when Assad goes?
his father or not, Syria is accountable for supporting terrorism against another sovereign country. Turkey returned the favor with fsa. would pkk go away when assad is in power? fracturing Syria is not what Turkey wants. Just Assad needs to go. That Russian naval base must go. and a pro-Turkey/sunni person should take charge instead of a pro-iran/russia. geopolitics, dont blame me.
On PKK and Assad, as well.

ISIS is a bigger threat than Assad.

There should be a negotiated end to Assad. Assad is fighting to protect his people the Allawites and Shias from Sunni domination. So a power sharing deal similar to what ended the Lebanese civil war must be agreed upon.
ISIS is a bigger threat than Assad.

There should be a negotiated end to Assad. Assad is fighting to protect his people the Allawites and Shias from Sunni domination. So a power sharing deal similar to what ended the Lebanese civil war must be agreed upon.

Assad goes, Sunni-led, pro-Turkey government comes, then Turkey acts.
Will Turkey be satisfied if the US strategy is containment,
Mate, containment is not gonna work.

You couldn't finish taliban with all your might and ISIS is much bigger, much sophisticated than taliban. So, of course air strikes won't do good in the long run. Infact, you are also killing local civilians while trying to target ISIS. Local support will just grow for ISIS.

About your question, mate until Assad goes Erdoğan won't be satisfied.

openly supported pkk against Turkey, so they are responsible for 40k dead people as well. in the 90's Turkey threatened to go to war with Syria if they didnt stop the support, so they stopped after that warning. But we never forgot Syria's support for pkk. karma.


Bro, i think we are (as Turkish people) justifiying ourselves with saying that. That was at 90's lot of water passed under the bridge. You remember before the Syrian Civil war ?

Assad and Erdoğan were best buddies.


So what did change ? Frankly, i don't know, i have read many theroies. But not a convincing one yet.
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Mate, containment is not gonna work.

You couldn't finish taliban wit all your might and ISIS is much bigger, much sophisticated than taliban. So, of course air strikes won't do good in the long run. Infact, you are also killing local civilians while trying to target ISIS. Local support will just grow for ISIS.

About your question, mate until Assad goes Erdoğan won't be satisfied.


Bro, i think we are (as Turkish people) justifiying ourselves with saying that. That was at 90's lot of water passed under the bridge. You remember before the Syrian Civil war ?

Assad and Erdoğan were best buddies.
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View attachment 119588

So what did change ? Frankly, i don't know, i have read many theroies. But not a convincing one yet.
So, what happened that one allow its land to destroy a good friend house ?
Assad goes, Sunni-led, pro-Turkey government comes, then Turkey acts.

Assad has consolidated his power base in Syria, he has left the northern areas of Syria to be run amok with ISIS, FSA and Al Qaeda.

Assad's forces are weakened by incessent warfare for the last 3 years and do not have the man power necessary to re-take all of Syria.

These ISIS terrorists pose a mortal danger to the world and must be wiped out.

Turkey needs to take a lead in this.
What ? Can you be more specific ?
I saw in Picture Erdo, Abdullah all middle eastern kings and democrats were good buddy of Assad, but all of sudden they were parts of his destruction . How come overnight Assad was discovered to be the enemy of everyone ?

Assad has consolidated his power base in Syria, he has left the northern areas of Syria to be run amok with ISIS, FSA and Al Qaeda.

Assad's forces are weakened by incessent warfare for the last 3 years and do not have the man power necessary to re-take all of Syria.

These ISIS terrorists pose a mortal danger to the world and must be wiped out.

Turkey needs to take a lead in this.
Military wise he is good strategist . He hold the ground which he can control it and leave rest for others . Later all groups start fighting for the control of bigger chunk of Syria.
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