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Turkey willing to put troops in Syria 'if others do their part,' Prime Minister says

Son of bani Hashim ......we are talking about general trend not finger pointing at you. You all right to defend your leaders.....but think for minute for those who lost their house in this useless war.

Mr. Lion what are you talking about? Which leaders? Is Al-Assad my leader? Where do I defend any leaders? I criticize the House of Saud on a weekly basis. You might look at some of my hundreds of posts that deal with this. We were discussing Al-Assad here. Not anyone else. You are either not reading my posts or acting strangely. Please REREAD my posts if you want a serious discussion.

I already told you that I would not have any problem with Al-Assad other than political differences. Like I have with every ruler. Because there is none that I think is doing everything right nor do I think that you can find such a person out there unless they are following him or her blindly which I am not doing with any person.

I also told you that most of the Arab world had no problems with Al-Assad and that relations were rather good and that we were the biggest investors in Syria despite it being part of the "axis of evil" and partially sanctioned if my memory serves me right. Yes, they were that. Just looked that up.

You obviously also failed to understand that my opinion would be the exact same had King Abdullah started carpet bombing Makkah, Al-Baha, Ta'if, Tabouk or even Al-Khobar etc. Or the Emir of Qatar, or King Abdullah in Jordan, or the Sultan of Oman etc. etc. Or inviting enemies of Arabs and Sunni Muslims to the Arab world.

Once a leader starts acting like Al-Assad he loses his legitimacy. End of discussion. I am sure that I could have an interesting discussion with Al-Assad in real life anyway but that's besides the point.

P.S: Time and time again have I called Arab and ME leaders for retards and time and time again I have complained about the Arab world's enormous potential not being reached and our countries potential because of idiotic leadership. Yet I am called an "leader" worshipper or whatever you imply. Me, living in Denmark, not even the ME. Yes, right, Lion. I can write whatever I want to.

What I am against though is anti-Muslim anti-Arab and anti-KSA troll posts and I will always respect a local idiot over an outsider who provokes. Understand that.

Consult the Pakistani who lives in Bahrain regarding the Bahrain question or write in the Bahrain thread if you want answers. Or better ask some local Bahrainis who are not too biased although everyone is some way or another. Anyway you got the point.
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Why do you care about internal Arab matters? All of you fake wannabe Arab Mullah supporters want death and destruction for the Arab world outside of those proxies that you use with mixed success. We know this already so we need none of your well-wishes or concerns. That's the first point.

Do you see me commenting on the constant oppressions that your regime is behind on your own people and that of others through your proxies?

Only complete and utter morons can compare Bahrain where 10 people lost their lives (among the protestors - remaining mainly police) with Syria.

You know NOTHING about Bahrain. Let an local explain it to you. The Bahraini opposition are part of the political process now and nobody is mass-murdering them or carpet bombing their houses, villages or cities.

The Saudi Arabian forces did not repress anyone nor harmed anyone. They guarded vital areas of interest in Bahrain because the Bahraini ruler asked for help because Bahrain is a small state with a limited army.

Find me just 1 evidence, news anything about any Saudi Arabian soldier killing even 1 protestor in Bahrain. You can't.

So let's not even begin.
Dude, this is not about killing the protesters, it's about crushing them. First of all, 93 civilians have been killed, while only 5 policemen dies, and hundreds and even thousands were injured, beaten and arrested by the regime. Bahrain is a tiny state with population of nearly 1 million. The reasons more protesters have not died and only 5 policemen have been killed is that protesters didn't do violent things like they did in Syria, otherwise, much much more from both sides would die.

I didn't want to enter this discussion and I was sure what you are gonna write to me as an answer, I just wanted others to know that being selective when it comes to protests/demonstrations is not a good thing.

About your first line, it's unwise to say that I don't have the right to share my opinion about Arabs since I'm not a racially obsessed person and also, Arabs have interfered in my country's internal affairs much more, so I think the question should be the other way around. But it's all about geopolitics, no one asks whether people are Arab or not, what they ask is, does it coincide with my interest?

Btw, you are a fast typist, could use some tips for improving typing speeds, not that it's slow now, but I intend for blazing fast speeds. :)
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What is there to understand? 99% of all Arabs, including Arab countries, had nothing against Al-Assad until he started massacring their brothers and sisters in the thousands just to stay in power. Unlike other Arab dictators/rulers who left their thrones for the sake of their country and people Al-Assad choose to stay because he is not yet 80 years old and thought that he could rule for the next 50 years now that he had waited for that opportunity since he was a kid.

What is there to understand? Nobody would have bothered with Syria had he not started to mass-murder his own people and invited the enemies of Arabs and Sunni Muslims in the process (read fake wannabe Arab Mullah's in Qom and Tehran). They know who they are.

Same with Turkey. Although they had problems with Hafiz relations with Syria were normal and even cordial. This also changed for obvious reasons. There were not any trouble from the Kurds in Syria either. So this suited them too.

Understand now?!

Because they never wanted to see the only truth that matters in the face, all this jerks (85 % of Arabs). Assad is a member of a sect, the Alawites. This is not a Muslim, they strut about the fate of Sunni Muslims. This country - Syria - was kidnapped by a minority who lived before in simple caves before the arrival of the French. This small minority is ready to exterminate absolutely all Arab Sunni Muslims until the last it required to maintain his new powers and as well as its privileges.

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Dude, this is not about killing the protesters, it's about crushing them. First of all, 93 civilians have been killed, while only 5 policemen dies, and hundreds and even thousands were injured, beaten and arrested by the regime. Bahrain is a tiny state with population of nearly 1 million. The reasons more protesters have not died and only 5 policemen have been killed is that protesters didn't do violent things like they did in Syria, otherwise, much much more from both sides would die.

I didn't want to enter this discussion and I was sure what you are gonna write to me as an answer, I just wanted others to know that being selective when it comes to protests/demonstrations is not a good thing.

About your first line, it's unwise to say that I don't have the right to share my opinion about Arabs since I'm not a racially obsessed person and also, Arabs have interfered in my country's internal affairs much more, so I think the question should be the other way around. But it's all about geopolitics, no one asks whether people are Arab or not, what they ask is, does it coincide with my interest?

Btw, you are a fast typist, could use some tips for improving typing speeds, not that it's slow now, but I intend for blazing fast speeds. :)

It is unfortunate but true, but there is a threshold for number of killed to turn a friend into an enemy, from a ruler who is keeping order to a mass murdering psychopath. I think Assad crossed that threshold for me when he killed around 10,000 Syrians. The number is different for different people.
Dude, this is not about killing the protesters, it's about crushing them. First of all, 93 civilians have been killed, while only 5 policemen dies, and hundreds and even thousands were injured, beaten and arrested by the regime. Bahrain is a tiny state with population of nearly 1 million. The reasons more protesters have not died and only 5 policemen have been killed is that protesters didn't do violent things like they did in Syria, otherwise, much much more from both sides would die.

I didn't want to enter this discussion and I was sure what you are gonna write to me as an answer, I just wanted others to know that being selective when it comes to protests/demonstrations is not a good thing.

About your first line, it's unwise to say that I don't have the right to share my opinion about Arabs since I'm not a racially obsessed person and also, Arabs have interfered in my country's internal affairs much more, so I think the question should be the other way around. But it's all about geopolitics, no one asks whether people are Arab or not, what they ask is, does it coincide with my interest?

Btw, you are a fast typist, could use some tips for improving typing speeds, not that it's slow now, but I intend for blazing fast speeds. :)

First of all you can just right now admit that you want nothing other than misery to the almost 500 million Arabs and all Arab countries OUTSIDE those that have a friendly regime regarding your rulers and excluding those proxies that you use. @rmi5 have told me that Turks, Arabs etc. are insulted regularly in Farsi language on your section but you rarely do anything to stop it. So of course I have to believe him when he says that your motives are not sincere whenever you talk about the Arab world or complain what Arab x or y thinks about Arab country x or y or Arab leader x or y. I am sorry but that's how it will be unless I see some proofs of the opposite and I know that you do not care. I am just being direct here. This also goes for 90% of all Mullah supporters here on PDF.

Crushing them? Are you joking? Is that why they keep protesting in the thousands while nobody hurts them? Do you see any anti-Assad protests in Damascus despite there being millions of people who want him gone if they had a choice? No, and if there were they would all end up in basements where they would be tortured.

Ok, let's say 93 civilians. I am not sure if you know this but Shia Bahrainis were at one point attacking Sunni Bahrainis (civilians) and some died due to that.

But to make you happy let's just say that 93 protestors died. Now the "conflict" has been ongoing for almost 4 years. Now can you tell me how many the Al-Assad regime that your lovely regime supports 100% have killed? I mean just this weak alone they have probably killed 93 civilians through carpet bombardments of whole villages and towns.

I am sorry, but only a retard or person with an agenda, can even dare to compare Syria with Bahrain. It just makes no sense. Other than there being people in both countries who want a leader gone. That's how similar they are.

So you are telling me that only 93 people have died because Bahrain is a small country and has 1 million people? Why have thousands upon thousands of people then died in Homs which has half of Bahrain's population?

I can tell you right now why only 93 people have died.

1) Because the Bahraini regime is not using tanks, fighter jets, mass-shootings, kidnappings etc. on their own people

2) There is an American base in Bahrain

3) Saudi Arabian troops (who were asked to come by the Bahraini ruler) have succeeded in keeping Bahrain stable and protected vital areas in the country.

4) There is no Sabiha, Hezbollah, ISIS or other such groups because the government is not inviting them like Al-Assad was/is or using them to their own gain.

No it is not and unlike you I am not against the Bahrainis deciding their own future but there is difference between that an what you want to see = another semi-client state that works like the Mahdi Army, Hezbollah etc. Of course we cannot accept that on our own doorstep. That goes for the entire GCC.

Much more? Are you talking about something that happened 1400 years ago after you had invaded large areas of the Arab world, Babylon, parts of Levant, parts of coastal Gulf Arabian Peninsula (Eastern Arabia) that since recorded history was always inhabited by the native Semitic peoples? Or do you refer to our support for an fellow Arab and neighboring country against a hostile regime whose end goal was the control of Makkah, Madinah and just the Islamic world so the Great Supreme Leader and Great Ayatollah could rule not only Iranian sheep but non-Iranian sheep in the millions?

Anyway I got nothing against you but from my experience every single Farsi (even those that are hosted by Arabs in the UAE and live lives that they cannot imagine back in Iran) are behind closed doors anti-Arabs which of courses is not something that any Arab takes lightly and something that has an influence of how we view SOME of you Persians. Now I have also met sane Persians so I am not going to make too big generalizations but your regime is obviously an enemy of most Arabs. At least they want us nothing good instead of cooperation.

Dubais ruler asked for the sanctions to stop against Iran. Yet I am yet to hear anything positive from the Iranian side.

PressTV, Fars News, Global Research are all propaganda sites that are anti-Arab. Every single day you have fake rumors, from King Abdullah clinically dead, Wahhabi this and that, Arabs this and that etc.

Al-Arabiya are not anti-Iran but anti-Iranian regime. They even have Iranian writers who contribute. Who live abroad in the West etc.
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First of all you can just right now admit that you want nothing other than misery to the almost 500 million Arabs and all Arab countries OUTSIDE those that have a friendly regime regarding your rulers and excluding those proxies that you use. @rmi5 have told me that Turks, Arabs etc. are insulted regularly in Farsi language on your section but you rarely do anything to stop it. So of course I have to believe him when he says that your motives are not sincere whenever you talk about the Arab world or complain what Arab x or y thinks about Arab country x or y or Arab leader x or y. I am sorry but that's how it will be unless I see some proofs of the opposite and I know that you do not care. I am just being direct here. This also goes for 90% of all Mullah supporters here on PDF.

Crushing them? Are you joking? Is that why they keep protesting in the thousands while nobody hurts them? Do you see any anti-Assad protests in Damascus despite there being millions of people who want him gone if they had a choice? No, and if there were they would all end up in basements where they would be tortured.

Ok, let's say 93 civilians. I am not sure if you know this but Shia Bahrainis were at one point attacking Sunni Bahrainis (civilians) and some died due to that.

But to make you happy let's just say that 93 protestors died. Now the "conflict" has been ongoing for almost 4 years. Now can you tell me how many the Al-Assad regime that your lovely regime supports 100% have killed? I mean just this weak alone they have probably killed 93 civilians through carpet bombardments of whole villages and towns.

I am sorry, but only a retard or person with an agenda, can even dare to compare Syria with Bahrain. It just makes no sense. Other than there being people in both countries who want a leader gone. That's how similar they are.

So you are telling me that only 93 people have died because Bahrain is a small country and has 1 million people? Why have thousands upon thousands of people then died in Homs which has half of Bahrain's population?

I can tell you right now why only 93 people have died.

1) Because the Bahraini regime is not using tanks, fighter jets, mass-shootings, kidnappings etc. on their own people

2) There is an American base in Bahrain

3) Saudi Arabian troops (who were asked to come by the Bahraini ruler) have succeeded in keeping Bahrain stable and protected vital areas in the country.

4) There is no Sabiha, Hezbollah, ISIS or other such groups because the government is not inviting them like Al-Assad was/is or using them to their own gain.

No it is not and unlike you I am not against the Bahrainis deciding their own future but there is difference between that an what you want to see = another semi-client state that works like the Mahdi Army, Hezbollah etc. Of course we cannot accept that on our own doorstep. That goes for the entire GCC.

Much more? Are you talking about something that happened 1400 years ago after you had invaded large areas of the Arab world, Babylon, parts of Levant, parts of coastal Gulf Arabian Peninsula (Eastern Arabia) that since recorded history was always inhabited by the native Semitic peoples? Or do you refer to our support for an fellow Arab and neighboring country against a hostile regime whose end goal was the control of Makkah, Madinah and just the Islamic world so the Great Supreme Leader and Great Ayatollah could rule not only Iranian sheep but non-Iranian sheep in the millions?

Anyway I got nothing against you but from my experience every single Farsi (even those that are hosted by Arabs in the UAE and live lives that they cannot imagine back in Iran) are behind closed doors anti-Arabs which of courses is not something that any Arab takes lightly and something that has an influence of how we view SOME of you Persians. Now I have also met sane Persians so I am not going to make too big generalizations but your regime is obviously an enemy of most Arabs. At least they want us nothing good instead of cooperation.
Where did I want misery for Arabs? If I wanted that, I'd say carpet bomb the whole Arab world. WHy do you think I don't like the Arab public? As both of us know, our problems are with the governments, not the regular people. Just the case with you and Iran's government which you don't like. And what you have heard about the insults in our section are is a stupid lie out of frustration, no one is insulting anyone without getting a punishment.
This discussion can take tens of books, literally, to reach something. But 2 simple facts should be added:
1-Huge number of civilians have also been killed by rebel forces in Syria, and also, there were many violent attacks against Syrian police forces at the beginning and if I remember right, they beheaded few policemen in Idlib in one single incident. Imagine if that had also happened in Bahrain. if you look at number of casualties, equal number of civilians/soldiers/police who are one the side of Assad have been killed, so saying that Assad is fighting angels is just illogical.

2- I'd indeed want for Syrians and Bahrainis to decide their fate, even if that means a Syria without Assad. But you should accept that various countries spoiled the genuine protests in Syria and forced a 'revolution' down the Syrians' throats and we are where we are. Big cities like Aleppo didn't join the 'revolution' at the beginning, so the civilians paid the price by having half of their city over run by rebels and foreigners who came from nowhere and brought the fight to their homes. As fo Bahranins, as you see, there hasn't been even minor concessions from the regime's side, and protesters demand were not answered, while Assad has agreed to negotiate if the fighting stops, even if it means for him to go. But the foreign groups involved in Syria will be satisfied with nothing less than destruction of whole Syria.

At the end, you didn't answer my question about typing tips. ;)
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Another example is Iraqi Shia Arab pilgrims or Shia Arab pilgrims from Lebanon, KSA, Bahrain, Yemen etc. sometimes complaining about racism etc. in Iran while I rarely hear about such things the other way around. Other than some instances in Makakh or Madinah a few times a year done by the same troublemakers and similarly you will have some racist remarks etc but not to the same extent it seems.

According to many reports the Iranian Arabs are being discriminated against on many areas yet Iranians in the GCC are not discriminated by any means. Why is that?

This Iranian Arab does not seem to be an "Wahhabi" which you call anyone who is against your regime or Persians whether they are Muslim or not (LOL). He is probably a Shia even. As most Arabs in that part of Iran. Yet he makes many sane points that can be backed up by international reports and what exile Iranian Arabs say.

There are 3 parts in total.

The evil Arabs (Arabians in this case) host the largest Persian diaspora in the world and whole families yet your Mullah controlled media want it to appear that Arabs are out to kill Persians. Strange.

I also see no Arab states supporting separatists in Iran actively (don't give me a long speech about how this is impossible to do) when if the Arab world really wanted to do such a thing they could invade any Muslim country if they all united, nor are money obviously a problem, nor using Iran's diversity to create such a thing despite Iran being a closed country and in many ways a military state.

Iranians on this forum are constantly talking about Arabs behind our backs yet you are free to go through the entire 3000 pages long Arabic Coffee thread and you will not find a single insult against Iranians in Arabic. Whenever we Arabs discuss with you we do it face to face.

Now I am just telling you about some of the grievances. Without being too disrespectful then we 500 million or so Arabs don't really worry about Iran outside the brainwashed lot who think that Iran is going to invade the Arab world (the size of Russia) and its 500 million inhabitants or so and converting all to Shia Twelver Islam.

Iran, believe it or not, compared to the Arab world, is the little brother in all regards and not a threat other than a threat when it comes to spreading trouble in various Arab states, creating proxies etc.

But yeah, if you Iranians (who claim to be Muslims) are crying about something that Arabs did 1400 years ago then should we again cry about you invading Arab and other Semitic lands in the ME once, although it was all short-lived outside of Iraq? This was before Islam.

Or is it because your people accepted Islam, our alphabet, because Farsi was changed dramatically (adopting thousands of Arabs word), the change of culture, Arabs settling in Iran etc.? Or what is it? Before you had no problems in copying ancient Semitic peoples in Iraq be it national symbols, language (Aramaic), alphabet (Phonecian), architecture, religious GODS etc, making Babylon your capital etc. Strange once again.

Simarily you Iranians might even complain (before any Iranian dynasty/state existed) why Assyrians, Babylonians, people from Dilmun etc. controlled areas of today's Iran but that is even more far away in the past.

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Mosamania @BLACKEAGLE @Yzd Khalifa @Full Moon @Frosty @Bubblegum Crisis @Altamimi @Awadd @burning_phoneix @Rakan.SA @fahd tamimi @Tihamah @tyrant @Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY @agentny17 @Halimi @ebray @Belew_Kelew @Tunisian Marine Corps @Mootaz-khelifi @Algeria @FARSOLDIER @Ahmed Jo @1000 @SALMAN AL-FARSI @Hussein etc.

Now, @Hussein I know that you are half Arab and half Persian and there is nothing wrong with this but if you read my post you will understand why I am sometimes hostile to certain Persian users here and the Iranian regime.
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It seems to be a misunderstanding, my remarks about you interfering in our affairs were not about 1400 years ago at all, it was about the past 30 years, Iran-Iraq war and various incidents after that.
It seems to be a misunderstanding, my remarks about you interfering in our affairs were not about 1400 years ago at all, it was about the past 30 years, Iran-Iraq war and various incidents after that.


Oh ! That is just curious ? When your holy prophet khomeini and all his brothers of Qom - with a divine mission to convert for their own good (Of course) all Sunni Muslims to Shiism - took power.

Where did I want misery for Arabs? If I wanted that, I'd say carpet bomb the whole Arab world. WHy do you think I don't like the Arab public? As both of us know, our problems are with the governments, not the regular people. Just the case with you and Iran's government which you don't like. And what you have heard about the insults in our section are is a stupid lie out of frustration, no one is insulting anyone without getting a punishment.
This discussion can take tens of books, literally, to reach something. But 2 simple facts should be added:
1-Huge number of civilians have also been killed by rebel forces in Syria, and also, there were many violent attacks against Syrian police forces at the beginning and if I remember right, they beheaded few policemen in Idlib in one single incident. Imagine if that had also happened in Bahrain. if you look at number of casualties, equal number of civilians/soldiers/police who are one the side of Assad have been killed, so saying that Assad is fighting angels is just illogical.

2- I'd indeed want for Syrians and Bahrainis to decide their fate, even if that means a Syria without Assad. But you should accept that various countries spoiled the genuine protests in Syria and forced a 'revolution' down the Syrians' throats and we are where we are. Big cities like Aleppo didn't join the 'revolution' at the beginning, so the civilians paid the price by having half of their city over run by rebels and foreigners who came from nowhere and brought the fight to their homes. As fo Bahranins, as you see, there hasn't been even minor concessions from the regime's side, and protesters demand were not answered, while Assad has agreed to negotiate if the fighting stops, even if it means for him to go. But the foreign groups involved in Syria will be satisfied with nothing less than destruction of whole Syria.

At the end, you didn't answer my question about typing tips. ;)

By supporting Al-Assad you want misery not much different from the misguided Arabs who support ISIS and thus want misery in the Arab world and other parts of the Muslim world.

When Iranians protested peacefully in Tehran back in 2009 (or when it was) I was not cheerleading for the regime to kill the protestors although I could argue that many of them might hate Islam and thus probably Arabs too because we were the ones that spread it to Iran despite there being millions of non-Muslim Arabs out there. Christians, Jews or Atheists alike or people who are only x or y by name and not action.

Because to me it seems that Persians overall (less so other ethnic groups in Iran from my personal experience and even from PDF) seem to blame al their faults on Arabs. You guys even call your own leaders for Arabs. You blame us for the interoperation of Islam that some of your leaders use or the ills they have done. This is done in the name of Arabs. Not Iranians. That's the logic I have encountered by many users. @Abii and his likes.

1) I have never said that the Syrian opposition are angels but in my opinion they were on the right side of the history and they still are if you look past ISIS who hijacked much of their revolution. Just like some can argue that the Iranian Revolution against the Shah was hijacked by radicals. You get my point here?

2) Look, I want Al-Assad to rule Syria if the alternative is ISIS. I say that openly despite Al-Assad having killed many people and despite him being a close ally to the Iranian regime and Russia - both of whom hate Arab countries outside of Iraq and Algeria.
The point is that al-Assad has been the most brutal of all the Arab rulers/dictators who were hit by the "Arab Spring". Even Gaddafi was not this bad.
This is why it pains me to say that I would prefer him over ISIS because in my eyes both are the same.

Your leader (Khomenei or Khamanei - I always confuse those two names) likes to talk about Muslim unity etc. A good sign of Muslim unity would be to join hands against not only ISIS but Al-Assad too and let the Syrians decide. The same can happen with Bahrain for all I care AS LONG as your regime will not use the fact that 60% of the population are Shia to make them forcibly adopt your religious system through using influence, money, using grievances to achieve that etc. We don't want a Hezbollah next doors.

Syria is located 1000 km's away from Iran while Bahrain is located 20 km from KSA. The only reason why you are so fiercely supporting Al-Assad is because of geopolitics. Hizbollah, entry to the Mediterranean and all that. I know it and you know it.

On the other hand I see little that KSA can gain from Syria.

Regarding the typing part then I do not really have any recommendations other than writing a lot. Facebook helps, LOL. Especially the chat. Reading a lot also automatically helps your typing or at least mine.

The Arab world (KSA and GCC especially) and Iran should work their differences out. It will benefit both but that is probably never going to happen genuinely at least but what do I know?
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Your leader (Khomenei or Khamanei - I always confuse those two names) likes to talk about Muslim unity etc. A good sign of Muslim unity would be to join hands against not only ISIS but Al-Assad too and let the Syrians decide. The same can happen with Bahrain for all I care AS LONG as your regime will not use the fact that 60% of the population are Shia to make them forcibly adopt your religious system through using influence, money, using grievances to achieve that etc. We don't want a Hezbollah next doors.

Syria is located 1000 km's away from Iran while Bahrain is located 20 km from KSA. The only reason why you are so fiercely supporting Al-Assad is because of geopolitics. Hizbollah, entry to the Mediterranean and all that. I know it and you know it.


Pity ! Does not play the ingenuous. We know all perfectly that this is their only goal.


Pity ! Does not play the ingenuous. We know all perfectly that this is their only goal.


Well of course that's the case with the Iranian regime but yet if we say that openly we are labeled as "racists" and other such things. It's not our fault that the Iranian regime is more concerned about the Arab world than with their own citizens.

I was expecting a reply from @Serpentine but maybe that will arrive tomorrow or some other time.

Read post 110, 112 and 115.
Assad is going down. Pushed back in east, south and north. Now he relies on foreign mercenaries and armed locals. SAA doesnt exist anymore.

Syria's future will be Sunni.

Syria was already 80% Sunni. Everyone wants Syria to be this or that but nobody is bothering to ask the Syrians. Locals are fighting foreign takfiris. Why are foreigners mapping out Syria's destiny?
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