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Turkey Demands Syrian Army Exit Rebel Areas, Threatens Force

What a moron, using typical mullah tactics, dwny everything.

Insulting like a child will not help you out, try again.

What are thise zanabiyun and fatmiyun brigadea for u moron? U go and get ur head out of that mullah's a** and see reality

Read and understand comments prior to replying. I said, Iran is nowehere in the region where it has not been invited. The UN recognised Syrian govenment had asked Iran to enter Syria. Iran-Syria do have an official defence pact.

Killing ur own ppl, interfering in other countries. Tell me idiot, which legitimate govt asked u to interfere in yemen? Typical iranian hypocrisy. Something that u share with ur hindu brothers.

Houthis are fighting an invasion, Iran should definitely help them out. Having said that, show me a single Iranian in Yemen.

Furthermore, I am not sure what you think you're gaining by your insults. It only makes you look desperate, immature and your entire arguments worthless.
Insulting like a child will not help you out, try again.


Read and understand comments prior to replying. I said, Iran is nowehere in the region where it has not been invited. The UN recognised Syrian govenment had asked Iran to enter Syria. Iran-Syria do have an official defence pact.

Houthis are fighting an invasion, Iran should definitely help them out. Having said that, show me a single Iranian in Yemen.

Furthermore, I am not sure what you think you're gaining by your insults. It only makes you look desperate, immature and your entire arguments worthless.

In a single post ur hypocrisy is exposed. Turkey is wrong to intervene in syria when that animal asad is killing his own people and iran is right becait got invited. In yemen iran helps rebels against the govt and then thats fine? Seriously how much hypocrites can u get?
Also if u deny involvement in yemen then there is no use talking to u, its the same denial when a passenger plane was shot and propaganda mouthpieces like u were barking on anyone that suspected iran of shooting it. Who is iran to intervene in syria? Y dnt u feed ur poor ppl and help ur sanctioned economy.
In a single post ur hypocrisy is exposed. Turkey is wrong to intervene in syria when that animal asad is killing his own people and iran is right becait got invited.

You don't even know what the word "hypocrisy" mean apparently. There is a huge difference between Iran being invited into Syria legally by their legal government, and the Turks going into Syria illegally. If you cannot comprehend the difference, then I don't know how else I can make this easier. Or perhaps (and most likely), this is a case of you pretending to asleep.

In yemen iran helps rebels against the govt and then thats fine?

1) Show me where Iran is in Yemen, I am still waiting.
2) Yemen is being bombarded by an invading foreign nations.
3) The situation in Syria is completely different.

Seriously how much hypocrites can u get?

You're comparing apples and oranges and using words like hypocrite. Learn what the word actually means before using it and better yet, learn how to differentiate between completely different conflicts. This is not elementary school, I am not here to teach you all the basics!

Also if u deny involvement in yemen then there is no use talking to u,

Iran is helping the Houthis by providing arms etc, but there is no major Iranian presence in Yemen. And like I said, Iran is doing a good job protecting Yemenis from foreign invaders.

its the same denial when a passenger plane was shot and propaganda mouthpieces like u were barking on anyone that suspected iran of shooting it.

No you're just spouting irrelevant comment with no basis. Show me where I denied that incident took place. Trying to put word into people's mouth is a fallacy, and a desperate one at that.

Who is iran to intervene in syria? .

It's called having a defence pact. Go read around it and learn.

Y dnt u feed ur poor ppl and help ur sanctioned economy

Don't worry about Iranian people, they're probably much better fed than you are!
In 1998 when Assad was in full strength Turkey threatened him with military operation if he does not hand Ocalan. And Assad bowed and obeyed.

In 2020 Assad's army is totally destroyed. Yet Assad laughs at all Turkish threats and even openly kills Turkish soldiers again and again.

What has changed? - Erdogan destroyed the relationships with US, Israel (in 1998 it was a peak of Turkey-Israeli relationship) and decided to be a friend with Putin's Russia. Russia saw he is alone and weak and broke all agreements with him.
In 1998 when Assad was in full strength Turkey threatened him with military operation if he does not hand Ocalan. And Assad bowed and obeyed.

In 2020 Assad's army is totally destroyed. Yet Assad laughs at all Turkish threats and even openly kills Turkish soldiers again and again.

What has changed? - Erdogan destroyed the relationships with US, Israel (in 1998 it was a peak of Turkey-Israeli relationship) and decided to be a friend with Putin's Russia. Russia saw he is alone and weak and broke all agreements with him.

There are thousands of ATGM in Syria. Plus backing from Arab League. It is asymmetric warfare. Designed to bog down an invading force.
There are thousands of ATGM in Syria. Plus backing from Arab League. It is asymmetric warfare. Designed to bog down an invading force.
Turkish relationships with Arab league are also terrible under Erdogan. He decided to be a friend of Muslim Brotherhood which is hated in all Arab world except tiny Qatar.

Number of ATGM is not high - 30-40 per month at most. Thats very little and no MANPADS at all.
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You don't even know what the word "hypocrisy" mean apparently. There is a huge difference between Iran being invited into Syria legally by their legal government, and the Turks going into Syria illegally. If you cannot comprehend the difference, then I don't know how else I can make this easier. Or perhaps (and most likely), this is a case of you pretending to asleep.

1) Show me where Iran is in Yemen, I am still waiting.
2) Yemen is being bombarded by an invading foreign nations.
3) The situation in Syria is completely different.

You're comparing apples and oranges and using words like hypocrite. Learn what the word actually means before using it and better yet, learn how to differentiate between completely different conflicts. This is not elementary school, I am not here to teach you all the basics!

Iran is helping the Houthis by providing arms etc, but there is no major Iranian presence in Yemen. And like I said, Iran is doing a good job protecting Yemenis from foreign invaders.

No you're just spouting irrelevant comment with no basis. Show me where I denied that incident took place. Trying to put word into people's mouth is a fallacy, and a desperate one at that.

It's called having a defence pact. Go read around it and learn.

Don't worry about Iranian people, they're probably much better fed than you are!

Well apparently its futile to show reality to a blind goat. Helping houthis is not interfering? Saudi was also invited by the recognized govt of yemen so why u call that invasion??? Seems lies is all u ppl are fed since birth. Disnt all the iranians vehemently opposed any notion of iran shooting that plane? Yet in a few days reality was exposed. Iran is also a foreign invader in syria, and take that mask off ur face, we know iran went to syria to help shias, we all know iranian sectarian intentions. And why would u care abt the ppl, why would u care if the govt kills hundreds in protests or shoot them down or leave them die hungry. No wonder most iranians hate mullahs. Also ur ppl are not fed well, go to taftan border n see them selling off stuff for food. Have some shame, if no humanity is left
Well apparently its futile to show reality to a blind goat.

Keep up the insults, they're really helping strengthen your "arguments".

Helping houthis is not interfering?

Apples and oranges, like I said.

Saudi was also invited by the recognized govt of yemen so why u call that invasion???

Do your research. Hadi overstayed his term in office, he was not a legitimate leader.

Seems lies is all u ppl are fed since birth. Disnt all the iranians vehemently opposed any notion of iran shooting that plane?

The only person lying here is you. There is a different between:

1) Completely denying something happened
2) Saying we need to wait for investigation to be done before saying something conclusively

Iran is also a foreign invader in syria, and take that mask off ur face,

Invader according to who? Not according to Syria or UN. So who are you referring to?

we know iran went to syria to help shias, we all know iranian sectarian intentions.

The irony here is you're the one being sectarian with these statements. Is this a case of attempting to reflect your own rotten sectarianism on others?

if the govt kills hundreds in protests or shoot them down or leave them die hungry.

Sadly for you, we are not all so gullible to buy into this propaganda claim.

No wonder most iranians hate mullahs. Also ur ppl are not fed well, go to taftan border n see them selling off stuff for food. Have some shame, if no humanity is left

According to your fantasy? Like I told you, don't worry about Iranians, they're much better fed than you are.
Apples and oranges, like I said.

No ur just a hypocrite and justify what mullah does.
Do your research. Hadi overstayed his term in office, he was not a legitimate leader.
Oh wow genius, hadi overstayed and is illegitimate leader while that pig assad ruling for life never overstayed and is legitimate. Really if hypocrisy had a face.

The only person lying here is you. There is a different between:

1) Completely denying something happened
2) Saying we need to wait for investigation to be done before saying something conclusively

U need to learn that difference, philosopher nick and really dumb. Iran completely denied it and said it is "scientifically impossible", do u want me to show proof of this? Little did ppl know what mullajs have to do with science lolz.
Invader according to who? Not according to Syria or UN. So who are you referring to?
So u believe UN? Do u know what they say abt ur reality? Did UN call saudi invasion as illegal??? How many times will u contradict urself?
According to your fantasy? Like I told you, don't worry about Iranians, they're much better fed than you are.
I know many iranians and never seen anyone support mullahs, just the online mouthpieces like u. No iranians are neither better fed nor armed, its all BS propaganda. Why hide anything about the protests? Soon ull see how the ppl kick out mullahs
No ur just a hypocrite and justify what mullah does.

So now you're going circles, running out of argument?

Oh wow genius, hadi overstayed and is illegitimate leader while that pig assad ruling for life never overstayed and is legitimate. Really if hypocrisy had a face.

Assad was actually voted in, hence why he is in office. If you're against it, go write a letter to the UN about it. You're using the word hypocrisy out of context and inaccurately. I am not here to teach you basic English though.

U need to learn that difference, philosopher nick and really dumb. Iran completely denied it and said it is "scientifically impossible", do u want me to show proof of this? Little did ppl know what mullajs have to do with science lolz.

Iran is represented by the president, when did the president ever deny this incident? Even if one person made a statement, that does not equate to "Iran denying it". Do I need to teach you elementary reasoning?

So u believe UN? Do u know what they say abt ur reality? Did UN call saudi invasion as illegal??? How many times will u contradict urself?

A nation, invading and bombing another nation is by definition illegal unless UNSC votes for it.

I know many iranians and never seen anyone support mullahs, just the online mouthpieces like u. No iranians are neither better fed nor armed, its all BS propaganda. Why hide anything about the protests? Soon ull see how the ppl kick out mullahs

That's because you're getting your information from Al Arabiya, Fox news etc. If you're interested, go open a thread comparing the food situation in Iran, and where you're living.
So now you're going circles, running out of argument?

Assad was actually voted in, hence why he is in office. If you're against it, go write a letter to the UN about it. You're using the word hypocrisy out of context and inaccurately. I am not here to teach you basic English though.

Iran is represented by the president, when did the president ever deny this incident? Even if one person made a statement, that does not equate to "Iran denying it". Do I need to teach you elementary reasoning?

A nation, invading and bombing another nation is by definition illegal unless UNSC votes for it.

That's because you're getting your information from Al Arabiya, Fox news etc. If you're interested, go open a thread comparing the food situation in Iran, and where you're living.

Yeah voted in the middle of a bloody civil war. Seriously ur stupidity and hypocrisy are matchless. I always thought RSS hindus are at the gutter level but u guys beat them. After all its the RSS mullah alliance that is at work. Your ministers, IRGC n others denied shooting it again and again and here u are saying u didnt deny it, comeon man is taqya ur way of life? Are u told that lies take u to heaven? If the president is the only one who should be believed then why does ur mouthpieces bark? Wat is their purpose? Have some shame and dnt embarrass urself anymore. Feed those poor women who r selling themselves for food.
Yeah voted in the middle of a bloody civil war.

And this makes zero difference to the legality of the situation. Try again.

Seriously ur stupidity and hypocrisy are matchless.

Resorting to Ad hominem yet again. Immature and weak.

I always thought RSS hindus are at the gutter level but u guys beat them.

You seem to have an obsession with Hindus.

After all its the RSS mullah alliance that is at work. Your ministers, IRGC n others denied shooting it again and again and here u are saying u didnt deny it, comeon man is taqya ur way of life?

Once again, you're only reflecting your own labels on yourself. You're the only one caught lying here. The IRGC never denied anything.

If the president is the only one who should be believed then why does ur mouthpieces bark?

That's because people other than the president have the right to speak, that does not make them official representatives. These are concepts taught in primary school, apparently they're foreign to you.

Feed those poor women who r selling themselves for food.

@The Eagle @Irfan Baloch

It seems this person cannot engage in a discussion without resorting to such childish and sexualised statements. I tried to give them a chance at a proper engagement, but it seems such a thing is beyond them.
And this makes zero difference to the legality of the situation. Try again.

Resorting to Ad hominem yet again. Immature and weak.

You seem to have an obsession with Hindus.

Once again, you're only reflecting your own labels on yourself. You're the only one caught lying here. The IRGC never denied anything.

That's because people other than the president have the right to speak, that does not make them official representatives. These are concepts taught in primary school, apparently they're foreign to you.

@The Eagle @Irfan Baloch

It seems this person cannot engage in a discussion without resorting to such childish and sexualised statements. I tried to give them a chance at a proper engagement, but it seems such a thing is beyond them.

Lolz u cant post a single post without contradicting urself, whatever iran does is legal, if its invasion, u call it invitation, if its covert help u call it legitimate. Asad rulling for life is legitimate and hadi is not. Its not just this loes, iran been liars for decades n doing it well. Something u learned from indians. Have a look at this, its ur allies news channel.

If u r doing well then stop smuggling cheap oil into Pakistan and doing barter trade for food. Get out of ur arrogance and see the realoty that ur in.

Can the mods plz remove foreign propaganda mouthpieces and instead allow normal citizens of other countries.
Lolz u cant post a single post without contradicting urself,


whatever iran does is legal, if its invasion, u call it invitation, if its covert help u call it legitimate. Asad rulling for life is legitimate and hadi is not. Its not just this loes,

That's just because you don't understand how the law works. Let me explain it to you in simple terms.

1- A legal representative of a state (in this case Syria) has asked another nation (Iran) to come to its aid.
This means Iran's presence in Syria is legal. If this is going over your head, then I cannot make it any simpler for you.

iran been liars for decades n doing it well. Something u learned from indians. Have a look at this, its ur allies news channel.

"Al Jazeera". Post something from Fox news as well

Iran was the one that revealed what happened. It could have easily just denied it was shot down.

If u r doing well then stop smuggling cheap oil into Pakistan and doing barter trade for food. Get out of ur arrogance and see the realoty that ur in.


Can the mods plz remove foreign propaganda mouthpieces and instead allow normal citizens of other countries.

"normal citizens" to you I suppose are those that resort to sexual insults like you? People like you downgrade the quality of these forums and need to frankly be removed all together.
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