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That's just because you don't understand how the law works. Let me explain it to you in simple terms.

1- A legal representative of a state (in this case Syria) has asked another nation (Iran) to come to its aid.
This means Iran's presence in Syria is legal. If this is going over your head, then I cannot make it any simpler for you.

"Al Jazeera". Post something from Fox news as well

Iran was the one that revealed what happened. It could have easily just denied it was shot down.


"normal citizens" to you I suppose are those that resort to sexual insults like you? People like you downgrade the quality of these forums and need to frankly be removed all together.

And when the same legal govt asks saudi to help, its illegal? Do u even have a couple of braincells to process? Or ur too dumb to understand that when a dictator kills hundreds of thousands of his ppl, he loses the legitimacy to rule. Well i dnt expect u to understand anything.
So u think fox and aljazeera are similar? Isnt qatar ur ally?? Or u only believe in the mighty presstv?? Iran did deny it for few days and revealed it because the truth was out, videos were found that showed it hit by a missile, still not giving them the black box, what else are u hiding??? Come to taftan border and ill show u first hand proof.
Also this is a Pakistani forum and ur no one to tell a Pakistani what to say. Instead u should stop ur lies and stop using this forum for propaganda. Its us who been tolerating iranian fake weapons propaganda here.
And said "legal representative" was elected in a free and fair election to represent the Syrian people on whose behalf he invited Iran? Right??

He is a UN recognised leader of Syria, that's what matters. We're talking about the legality of the issue, not feelings.
And when the same legal govt asks saudi to help, its illegal?

Apples and Oranges.
Hadi over stayed his term, that was the main reason for the conflict. He refused to leave office and has not escaped the country. Let him stand to vote if he is so confident. Guess what? The people of Yemen would probably eat the guy alive if he came back. Do a little research.

Do u even have a couple of braincells to process? Or ur too dumb to understand

Those that resort to insults are not the ones that are in a position to question the intelligence of others.

that when a dictator kills hundreds of thousands of his ppl, he loses the legitimacy to rule. Well i dnt expect u to understand anything.

Once again, going in circle. You clearly can't resist singing the same tune.
So let me help you out again, you may buy into this propaganda of Assad deliberately killing "hundred of thousands of his people on purpose", but I am not so gullible.

So u think fox and aljazeera are similar?
Similar propaganda, yes,

Isnt qatar ur ally??


Or u only believe in the mighty presstv??
When it comes to Iran's side of story, obviously their state TV is more accurate of their views. Common sense, no?

Iran did deny it for few days and revealed it because the truth was out, videos were found that showed it hit by a missile, still not giving them the black box,

You're lying.

1) Iran official stance was we need to wait for the results of the investigation.
2) regardless of some low quality twitter videos, Iran could have denied the incident if it wanted
3) It decided to admit to the error, which is a very honourable thing to do.

what else are u hiding??? Come to taftan border and ill show u first hand proof.

Yes, I am sure you will. Now either provide a proper source or this would have been yet another one of your comments that belongs in the bin.

Also this is a Pakistani forum and ur no one to tell a Pakistani what to say. Instead u should stop ur lies and stop using this forum for propaganda.

Sorry to burst your people, but your nationality does not immune you from breaking forum rules.

Its us who been tolerating iranian fake weapons propaganda here.

Sure, go ahead and show us these fake weapons.

Moving the goal posts.

I have stated the same thing from the beginning. Not moving anything.
Apples and Oranges.
Hadi over stayed his term, that was the main reason for the conflict. He refused to leave office and has not escaped the country. Let him stand to vote if he is so confident. Guess what? The people of Yemen would probably eat the guy alive if he came back. Do a little research.

Those that resort to insults are not the ones that are in a position to question the intelligence of others.

Once again, going in circle. You clearly can't resist singing the same tune.
So let me help you out again, you may buy into this propaganda of Assad deliberately killing "hundred of thousands of his people on purpose", but I am not so gullible.

Similar propaganda, yes,


When it comes to Iran's side of story, obviously their state TV is more accurate of their views. Common sense, no?

You're lying.

1) Iran official stance was we need to wait for the results of the investigation.
2) regardless of some low quality twitter videos, Iran could have denied the incident if it wanted
3) It decided to admit to the error, which is a very honourable thing to do.

Yes, I am sure you will. Now either provide a proper source or this would have been yet another one of your comments that belongs in the bin.

Sorry to burst your people, but your nationality does not immune you from breaking forum rules.

Sure, go ahead and show us these fake weapons.

I have stated the same thing from the beginning. Not moving anything.

So ur best reply is "going in circles".. u deny assad killed anyone at all. Good keep living ur life as a blind goat. By the way do another honorable thing n give back the blackbox. Its useless to argue with a jelly fish.
So ur best reply is "going in circles"..

When you keep restating the same comment over and over, what do you expect me to say?

u deny assad killed anyone at all.

Strawman argument.

Good keep living ur life as a blind goat.


By the way do another honorable thing n give back the blackbox. Its useless to argue with a jelly fish

What difference would that make? The foreign representatives in Iran already examined it.
So the UN decides on legality of national elections does it?

You need to pay proper attention to the context of that comment. I am talking about the legality of Iranian presence in Syria and not whether UN decides the legality of Syrian election.
Iranians don't really understand how the world works it would seem.

The UN disagrees with you buddy. @Philosopher.

"The recognition of a new State or Government is an act that only other States and Governments may grant or withhold. It generally implies readiness to assume diplomatic relations. The United Nations is neither a State nor a Government, and therefore does not possess any authority to recognize either a State or a Government. As an organization of independent States, it may admit a new State to its membership or accept the credentials of the representatives of a new Government."
You need to pay proper attention to the context of that comment. I am talking about the legality of Iranian presence in Syria and not whether UN decides the legality of Syrian election.
Don't be a clown now. Put your true flags up first so I know who I'm dealing with.

Now let's keep it simple.

I put it to you that Syria's representative is not elected by way of a free and fair democratic process, hence he is not mandated to seek Iranian intervention in Syrian national interests, at the expense of Syrian lives.

You claimed the UN authorised him.

I showed you that the UN does no such thing.

That really is all there is to it.

You may stand by your Assads and your mullahocratic policies of regional warmongering, but please don't claim this nonsense that somehow Assad is mandated to act for all or even a majority of Syrians.
Don't be a clown now. Put your true flags up first so I know who I'm dealing with.

Insulting like a child only makes you look desperate. Try again.

You claimed the UN authorised him.

I never made any such statement. I said, The Syrian government asked Iran to go into Syria hence it is a legal intervention. What does UN have to do with this?
I used the world UN in the context of Syria being a UN member state with Assad being its representative. You really need to learn how to analyse comments.

You may stand by your Assads and your mullahocratic policies of regional warmongering, but please don't claim this nonsense that somehow Assad is mandated to act for all or even a majority of Syrians.

I told you this is about the legality and not feelings. You may not like the idea that Assad is Syria's representative, but no one cares about your feelings.
When I argued that Assad is not a mandated or fairly elected leader of Syria, and hence has no right to ask Iranians onto Syrian soil to wage war, your defence of Assad was:
"He is a UN recognised leader of Syria, that's what matters. "

Hence I put it to you that it does not matter as the UN does not have authority in this specific regard.

Again, that's all I'm pointing out. I'm not even saying you are are ethically wrong to throw your weight behind a dictatorship and his impositions, however let's not invent legitimacy where there is none. If you back a dictator, be proud of it - simple.
When I argued that Assad is not a mandated or fairly elected leader of Syria,

And who determines if he is mandated or not? You? He was elected. You can chose to question the election, but that does not change anything.

and hence has no right to ask Iranians onto Syrian soil to wage war, your defence of Assad was:
"He is a UN recognised leader of Syria, that's what matters. "

Indeed, regardless of whether UN can legally recognise him or not, Assad's government is representing the UN recognised state of Syria.

Hence I put it to you that it does not matter as the UN does not have authority in this specific regard.

This is called the strawman fallacy. You're trying to debate a point I never made. Let me repeat this to you, and hopefully this time, you can absorb the substance:

1) Assads government asked Iran to intervene in Syria (Iran and Syria have defence pact)
2) This makes Iran's involvement legal as far as Syria is concerned

I never stated UN recognition makes a difference in this regards.
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