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Turkey Demands Syrian Army Exit Rebel Areas, Threatens Force

General Assad should tattoo his face on erdogan

In accordance to final decision regarding Idlib in following days, It will be the first war experiences of Alpagu-2 and Kargu-2 kamikaze drones. The MSB should certainly share some real footages of these drones while seperating Assadist terrorists into pieces. I think It will be the first time Sectarian terrorists who is familiar to kill civilians with barrel bombs and chemical weapons will fight against swarm attack drones with artificial intelligence, then I will see their face!

Lol how old are you again you fucker, behave your age.

Go take care of some refugees and stfu
There will be Turkish Military Operation against radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups in Idlib

in the last 7 days , more than 1.000 Turkish Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs , AFVs entered Idlib and still continue
also Turkiye deployed KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System to jam Syrian Regime Forces
also the HISAR-A air defense systems will be deployed in operation zone to protect Turkish forces

Turkiye should produce more hundreds of 150km J600T and 280km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles to destroy Syrian Airbases and S200 Air Defense System which is positioned southeast of Homs and S300 Air Defense System at the Masyaf base in northwestern Syria


and Turkish Army-Airforce to burn radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups in Idlib

-- TRG-122 guided MLRS
-- TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- LGK , HGK , KGK guided Bombs
-- POPEYE , SLAM-ER and SOM Cruise Missiles
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There will be Turkish Military Operation against radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups in Idlib

in the last 7 days , more than 1.000 Turkish Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , IFVs , AFVs entered Idlib and still continue
also Turkiye deployed KORAL Radar Electronic Warfare System to jam Syrian Regime Forces

Turkiye should produce more hundreds of 150km J600T and 280km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missiles to destroy Syrian Airbases and S200 Air Defense System which is positioned southeast of Homs and S300 Air Defense System at the Masyaf base in northwestern Syria


and Turkish Army-Airforce to burn radical sectarian Assad Regime and Iran backed terrorist groups in Idlib

-- TRG-122 guided MLRS
-- TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- LGK , HGK , KGK guided Bombs
-- POPEYE , SLAM-ER and SOM Cruise Missiles

Doubt it. The casualties would be too high for Turkish public to accept. Turkish army is not as strong as US army. Assad army is way more powerful than Iraqi militia due to backing from Jordan, Israel, Egypt, KSA, Russia, Iraq, Iran, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain etc. It would make what happened to US army in Iraq look like a walk in the park.
General Assad should tattoo his face on erdogan

Lol how old are you again you fucker, behave your age.

Go take care of some refugees and stfu
We can take care of both refugees, and your alikes :D
From what I can remember - you're a communist.

Well, I am a Socialist like Nasser, Che, Gaddafi, Carlos etc.

Communism is just the desired end result of Socialism. You can read it in my signature.
YPG has a very bad memory with Turkish artillery when they were transferring munitions to Afrin with a convoy containing around 40 vehicles. None of them survived. No aircraft from Turkish side took off to carry out this strike but It was just 122mm artillery rockets. These guided rockets found them with pinpoint accuracy! Assadist sectarian terrorists who enjoy killing civilians will taste hundreds of them as well! When the correct time came, I will share their faces while lying on ground but I have special attention to guy with cigarette in his mouth who assault the graves. I hope He won’t run away like chicken !

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A lot of factions have soldiers who have filmed themselves doing horrific things. Assadists, Russians, shia militas, YPG, rebels etc...

But why is it when the assad regime idiots do it, that you guys lose common sense and think it's all a conspiracy now?

I'll tell you why. Because you don't care about who is right or wrong. You just blindly follow your side. Anything which makes them look bad you ignore it. You take should lessons from the iraqis and your own country. When these militias are done with sunnis, it'll be your turn. Look at those Iraqi protesters, they supported their militias and now they get gunned down by the same militias. The same will probably happen to you Iranians.
Turkey will most likely win this battle but sadly in the long term they have already lost the game.

A broken, chaotic Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya type entity as a neighbour is what they will have for decades to come and the refugees will not stop.
Turkey will most likely win this battle but sadly in the long term they have already lost the game.

A broken, chaotic Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya type entity as a neighbour is what they will have for decades to come and the refugees will not stop.

Turkey needs a coup, it's ruled by a kaffir
Iran presence in Syria is to counter Israel, it's been said repeatedly but people do not get it. Iran simply cant let go of Syria because then we would be the second to hunt.
Syrian war was sectarian in the first place, their Sunnis blamed Assad not because of it's bad policies, governance or his iron fist in dealing with protest. they blamed him because he comes from an alavi family. so when Iran entered the crises it was already sectarian.
but until now it's ok for Iran as before Iran supported Sunni groups in past. but in my opinion the reason Iran supported a secular person over a possible Sunni ruled Syria is it's bad history with Muslim brotherhood groups particularly in Egypt. after Egypt revolution that brought morsi to power, shahed suleimani was the first one to visit him and promised him with Iran full support and in an speech he said Egypt now is Iran in 1979. Iran hoped that an Islamic ruled country next to Israel and Gaza will increase pressure on Israel and will open a new front. but morsi refused to open rafah passage, he continued the peace agreement with Israel and when ever he had an speech he bashed Iran policy in region and even gave sectarian speeches. i remember once Ahmadinejad had a meeting with him and as usual he started with god name and then he said salam to imam mahdi and morsi was on fire in hole time, then he started with salam to four chalips like it's a game. so i can get it why Iran chooses a secular anti Israel person against a Sunni Muslim brotherhood government.
Iranians are not happy with bloodshed in Syria and even if you remember Iran had a plan to replace Assad with someone else. so again it is not sectarian in Iran point of view but the war on the ground is sectarian.
What a moron, using typical mullah tactics, dwny everything. What are thise zanabiyun and fatmiyun brigadea for u moron? U go and get ur head out of that mullah's a** and see reality. Killing ur own ppl, interfering in other countries. Tell me idiot, which legitimate govt asked u to interfere in yemen? Typical iranian hypocrisy. Something that u share with ur hindu brothers.
What invader are you talking about? Give me a single example. Iran is nowhere in that region where the legitimate government has not asked Iran to be. i.e Syria, Iraq etc.

As above.

Insulting like a child will not help your case here. Try again.

Demonstration and terrorism are two different things.

You're getting your news from Al arabiya and Fox news it seems.

They're definitely tales.

I never stated they were ALL foreigners.

"defeated" in your fantasy perhaps.

You need to go do some basic research, like I asked you already. Countless foreigners have been killed in Syria by the SAA.

PMU are all Iraqis. At least pick a proper example if you want to be taken seriously.
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