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Turkish jets demolish cemetery of martyrs in Southern Kurdistan
A cemetery of martyrs has been bombed in yesterday’s airstrikes by the Turkish army in Southern Kurdistan.


  • ANF
  • Monday, 2 Apr 2018, 19:17
Warplanes of the invading Turkish army carried out strikes on Alye Reş, Bestê and Maradu villages in Jarawa subdistrict in Qeladizê district of Southern Kurdistan Sunday evening.


The Martyr Gulan and Martyr Simko cemetery in Maradu village was also shelled in the bombardment. While several graves were demolished, Martyr Gulan and Martyr Simko Museum, where photographs and memories of the martyrs are kept, was razed to the ground.


The attack furthermore damaged many trees in the cemetery and demolished the area built for visitors. A Quran and books in the cemetery scattered around as a result of the bombardment which also caused damage to many areas of local people.


The invading Turkish army has bombed and demolished many cemeteries of martyrs in Northern Kurdistan and Afrin before as part of its ISIS-like practices.


Turkey demolishes cemetery of fallen Kurdish fighters

December 22-2017 08:56 PM


Picture shows Turkish authorities' destruction of a cemetery for fallen PKK fighters in the Kurdish province of Bitlis, December 2017. (Photo: HDP)

Bitlis Cemetery PKK YPG Kobani
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) - Turkish authorities demolished a cemetery with heavy equipment in the Kurdish province of Bitlis which comprised of the graves of 267 Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) fighters fallen in clashes at various times and locations with the army, a lawmaker revealed on Friday.

Bitlis MP Mahmut Celadet Gaydali of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) said during a press conference at the Turkish Parliament that the government had begun "targeting the dead" after ending the 2013-15 peace talks with the PKK.

Gaydali explained that the cemetery in his home city's Yukariolek (Oleka Jor) village was built collectively by families of fighters killed and there was no intervention or obstruction by authorities when they did so in 2013.

The MP said the father of one of the fighters buried there contacted him, complaining that he learned of the destruction by local military officials, reported Kurdistan 24's Ankara bureau.

The father said his daughter, a member of the US-backed People's Protection Units (YPG) was killed during the 2014 Islamic State (IS) siege of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani on the border with Turkey.

Her remnants along with those of others were then transferred from the area under curfew to Istanbul's Forensic Institute, officials told the father according to the MP.

"The regime has started mistreating even the dead. It has rotten and crossed all moral lines. Humanity has died [under that rule]," said a press release on the website of the HDP condemning the Turkish government.

It accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party of engaging in oppression that "did not occur to other tyrants."

The pro-Kurdish that braces a now year-long state crackdown also said the AKP government was hypocritical in its harsh responses to Israel for occupying Palestinian lands and Myanmar for driving out the minority Muslim Rohingya people.

"Even the most barbarian armies did not ignore the right to be buried, something that does not require any written laws," read the statement signed by Ayse Acar Basaran.

"What kind of mental state it is that [Turkey] arranges funerals for the Anzacs who came to invade but destroys graves in Bitlis," HDP Spokesperson Ayhan Bilgen asked on Twitter.

He was referring to annual commemorations in western Turkey to honor the memory of British Empire's Australian and New Zealander soldiers who died fighting the Ottomans in Gallipoli front during World War One.

Turkish army regularly bombs and destroys PKK fighters’ graves and cemeteries in Kurdish provinces, and targets them in the mountains of the Kurdistan Region in neighboring Iraq where the group is headquartered.

In September, troops acting under orders of an Ankara-appointed governor in the Kurdish province of Bingol demolished the grave of a Peshmerga volunteer, Sait Curukkaya, who was killed during the Kurdish-Iraqi offensive to capture the then IS-held city of Mosul in 2016.

Curukkaya's brother then penned an open letter to the Turkish President Erdogan to protest the act.




Pic says governments officials refused to attend the funeral of a fallen soldier because he was alevi muslim

Try harder secterian hizbi, this is Turkey and we don't allow so called cemestery for pkk. And this is no the same, group persian mercenies with secterian intention destroying cemetery:-).
Try harder secterian hizbi, this is Turkey and we don't allow so called cemestery for pkk. And this is no the same, group persian mercenies with secterian intention destroying cemetery:-).
Yes when the government of Turkey itself orders its army to destroy Kurdish graves, it's a different thing.

When Turkish governments officials refuses to attend the funeral of a fallen Alevi soldier, it's not sectarianism, it's a different thing.

When Turkey supports ISIS, AL Nusrah, FSA and all the terrorist groups, and supplies ISIS with chemical weapons, it's a different thing.

But when a group of Arab militants who we don't even know who they are, if they even are muslim at all, attacks a graveyard, it becomes sectarianism sponsored by Iran directly.

You are so full of crap.
You are so stupid that the photos you share can prove it. Within the scope of Operation Claw-3, infantry private Berkay IŞIK and Ayhan ÇAM were martyred in the clash with terrorists on January 02, 2020 in the north of Iraq. Those who made the PKK monument, which you have showed as demolished above, killed Berkay IŞIK and Ayhan ÇAM.

To the funeral ceremony held in the Cemevi; 169 military personnel, 9 of whom were General / Admiral at the garrison, especially the 1st Army and Istanbul Garrison Commander, General Musa AVSEVER, participated,

In the funeral ceremony held in Çorum Umurludağ; Deputy Minister of National Defense Muhsin DERE, Land Forces Logistics Command Chief of Staff Brigadier General İsmail AMANVERMEZ, Çorum Garrison Commander and military personnel working in the Garrison participated.

Prominent names during the protocol: Family, Labor and Social Services Minister Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu, 1st Army Commander Gen. Musa Avsever, 3rd Corps Commander Lieutenant General Kemal Yeni, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Brigadier General Nuh Köroğlu, Provincial Police Chief Mustafa Çalışkan, and dozens of deputies attended.

Alevi Turks are one of the most patriotic sections of this country. I understand very well what you are trying to do, but no bones will come out of here for you, don't wait in vain. Please open a separate title for these absurd claims, do not troll the title.
In accordance to final decision regarding Idlib in following days, It will be the first war experiences of Alpagu-2 and Kargu-2 kamikaze drones. The MSB should certainly share some real footages of these drones while seperating Assadist terrorists into pieces. I think It will be the first time Sectarian terrorists who is familiar to kill civilians with barrel bombs and chemical weapons will fight against swarm attack drones with artificial intelligence, then I will see their face!

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Ahh, Assad militias committing horrible crimes, filming it themselves, and purposely spreading it on social media for everyone to see and condemn their actions. Welcome to Turkeys white helmets 2.0
In accordance to final decision regarding Idlib in following days, It will be the first war experiences of Alpagu-2 and Kargu-2 kamikaze drones. The MSB should certainly share some real footages of these drones while seperating Assadist terrorists into pieces. I think It will be the first time Sectarian terrorists who is familiar to kill civilians with barrel bombs and chemical weapons will fight against swarm attack drones with artificial intelligence, then I will see their face!

I couldn’t wait any longer for alpagu swarm drones when i first saw them i have already recognized their strategic importance
They are indeed game changer for close combat even professional army don’t have an answer if during hot battle with enemy is attacked at the same time from air by 200 suicide drones imagine what destiny awaits rag-tag sectarian amateurish militia
they’re cheap and Turkey could produce tens of thousands of them
Actually Turkey will be the first country to use swarm drones during ground operation against an opponent(in this case militias but very strong message will be sent to greeks armenians and other enemies)
This will revolutionize ground operations in future
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Ahh, Assad militias committing horrible crimes, filming it themselves, and purposely spreading it on social media for everyone to see and condemn their actions. Welcome to Turkeys white helmets 2.0

A lot of factions have soldiers who have filmed themselves doing horrific things. Assadists, Russians, shia militas, YPG, rebels etc...

But why is it when the assad regime idiots do it, that you guys lose common sense and think it's all a conspiracy now?

I'll tell you why. Because you don't care about who is right or wrong. You just blindly follow your side. Anything which makes them look bad you ignore it. You take should lessons from the iraqis and your own country. When these militias are done with sunnis, it'll be your turn. Look at those Iraqi protesters, they supported their militias and now they get gunned down by the same militias. The same will probably happen to you Iranians.
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Turkish jets demolish cemetery of martyrs in Southern Kurdistan
A cemetery of martyrs has been bombed in yesterday’s airstrikes by the Turkish army in Southern Kurdistan.


  • ANF
  • Monday, 2 Apr 2018, 19:17
Warplanes of the invading Turkish army carried out strikes on Alye Reş, Bestê and Maradu villages in Jarawa subdistrict in Qeladizê district of Southern Kurdistan Sunday evening.


The Martyr Gulan and Martyr Simko cemetery in Maradu village was also shelled in the bombardment. While several graves were demolished, Martyr Gulan and Martyr Simko Museum, where photographs and memories of the martyrs are kept, was razed to the ground.


The attack furthermore damaged many trees in the cemetery and demolished the area built for visitors. A Quran and books in the cemetery scattered around as a result of the bombardment which also caused damage to many areas of local people.


The invading Turkish army has bombed and demolished many cemeteries of martyrs in Northern Kurdistan and Afrin before as part of its ISIS-like practices.


Turkey demolishes cemetery of fallen Kurdish fighters

December 22-2017 08:56 PM


Picture shows Turkish authorities' destruction of a cemetery for fallen PKK fighters in the Kurdish province of Bitlis, December 2017. (Photo: HDP)

Bitlis Cemetery PKK YPG Kobani
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region (Kurdistan 24) - Turkish authorities demolished a cemetery with heavy equipment in the Kurdish province of Bitlis which comprised of the graves of 267 Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) fighters fallen in clashes at various times and locations with the army, a lawmaker revealed on Friday.

Bitlis MP Mahmut Celadet Gaydali of the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) said during a press conference at the Turkish Parliament that the government had begun "targeting the dead" after ending the 2013-15 peace talks with the PKK.

Gaydali explained that the cemetery in his home city's Yukariolek (Oleka Jor) village was built collectively by families of fighters killed and there was no intervention or obstruction by authorities when they did so in 2013.

The MP said the father of one of the fighters buried there contacted him, complaining that he learned of the destruction by local military officials, reported Kurdistan 24's Ankara bureau.

The father said his daughter, a member of the US-backed People's Protection Units (YPG) was killed during the 2014 Islamic State (IS) siege of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani on the border with Turkey.

Her remnants along with those of others were then transferred from the area under curfew to Istanbul's Forensic Institute, officials told the father according to the MP.

"The regime has started mistreating even the dead. It has rotten and crossed all moral lines. Humanity has died [under that rule]," said a press release on the website of the HDP condemning the Turkish government.

It accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party of engaging in oppression that "did not occur to other tyrants."

The pro-Kurdish that braces a now year-long state crackdown also said the AKP government was hypocritical in its harsh responses to Israel for occupying Palestinian lands and Myanmar for driving out the minority Muslim Rohingya people.

"Even the most barbarian armies did not ignore the right to be buried, something that does not require any written laws," read the statement signed by Ayse Acar Basaran.

"What kind of mental state it is that [Turkey] arranges funerals for the Anzacs who came to invade but destroys graves in Bitlis," HDP Spokesperson Ayhan Bilgen asked on Twitter.

He was referring to annual commemorations in western Turkey to honor the memory of British Empire's Australian and New Zealander soldiers who died fighting the Ottomans in Gallipoli front during World War One.

Turkish army regularly bombs and destroys PKK fighters’ graves and cemeteries in Kurdish provinces, and targets them in the mountains of the Kurdistan Region in neighboring Iraq where the group is headquartered.

In September, troops acting under orders of an Ankara-appointed governor in the Kurdish province of Bingol demolished the grave of a Peshmerga volunteer, Sait Curukkaya, who was killed during the Kurdish-Iraqi offensive to capture the then IS-held city of Mosul in 2016.

Curukkaya's brother then penned an open letter to the Turkish President Erdogan to protest the act.




Pic says governments officials refused to attend the funeral of a fallen soldier because he was alevi muslim
None of these actors seem to have any morality regards in this case. However its expected since wars/killings always brings out the worse of every human being. :chilli:

A lot of factions have soldiers who have filmed themselves doing horrific things. Assadists, Russians, shia militas, YPG, rebels etc...

But why is it when the assad regime idiots do it, that you guys lose common sense and think it's all a conspiracy now?
It's normal, either side see their camp as the good guy. You wouldn't expect anything else would you? lol
It's normal, either side see their camp as the good guy. You wouldn't expect anything else would you? lol
In what world is publishing videos showing you desecrate graveyards, loot homes, commit arson, drinking and being drunk supposed to make you look good? You really don't see the propaganda in this?
None of these actors seem to have any morality regards in this case. However its expected since wars/killings always brings out the worse of every human being. :chilli:

It's normal, either side see their camp as the good guy. You wouldn't expect anything else would you? lol
First of all the news is shared by pkk mouthpiece so i don’t believe it
Even if it’s true I don’t have problems against it because why should a terrorist separatist be buried in TURKISH SOIL
They have quasi state in northern iraq they can bury terrorists there as much as they like
Mike please tell me how would you feel if IRA terrorist was buried in UK soil???
In accordance to final decision regarding Idlib in following days, It will be the first war experiences of Alpagu-2 and Kargu-2 kamikaze drones. The MSB should certainly share some real footages of these drones while seperating Assadist terrorists into pieces. I think It will be the first time Sectarian terrorists who is familiar to kill civilians with barrel bombs and chemical weapons will fight against swarm attack drones with artificial intelligence, then I will see their face!

This is crazy bro. Reminds me of this video.

This is crazy bro. Reminds me of this video.

The scenario from YouTube can be easily avoided if states agree that only swarm kamikaze drones with artificial intelligence are only available to regular armies but if every state gives this shit to their proxies then we can expect lots of civilian and military casualties even political assassinations
I would be extremely proud if Turkey becomes the first country to introduce this new futuristic war concept in possible idlib operation that we only had chance to see in hollywood movies

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