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Turkey Almost Went to War With Israel


Feb 9, 2014
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Turkey asked navy to prepare to confront Israel


Ex-Admiral Nusret Guner, who resigned from the Turkish Navy, said that during the Mavi Marmara crisis, the government instructed Turkish forces to prepare to confront Israeli navy commandos.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkey's ex-Admiral Nusret Guner talked about the Turkish humanitarian aid flotilla Mavi Marmara which was raided by Israeli commandos while attempting to break the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Guner said that the Turkish goverrnment asked the navy if they were ready to confront the Israelis, to which they replied in the affirmative while warning of possible war.

"48 hours was enough for us to prepare for war. Within 6-8 hours, 90 percent of the naval forces can be mobilized. But I thought that the decision-makers should be aware of what their decision would entail. I knew that the situation we were facing could have led to war between the two countries," said Guner.

A few hours before the raid on the Mavi Marmara ship in May 2010, the Naval Supply Command in Iskenderun was attacked with rocket launchers. Six soldiers were killed in this attack.

That day, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Chief of General Staff Ilker Basbug and Navy Commander Admiral Ugur Yigit were abroad on an official visits.

Following the raid, an evaluation meeting began at the Prime Minister's Office at 7:30 A.M. local time (5:30 GMT). Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc, Interior Minister Bashir Atalay, Prime Ministry Undersecretary Efkan Ala, Chief of the General Staff Operations Lt. Gen. Mehmet Eroz and Naval Forces Chief of Staff Nusret Guner participated in the meeting.

Guner said escort and guard ships for the Mavi Marmara flotilla came up on the agenda during the meeting, in which government officials asked whether the navy was ready to provide such support.

Guner added, "I said the escort and guard ships are ready. However, in this case, a conflict between Israil and us would only be a matter of time. The authority to impose engagement rules should be given to the Naval Forces."

Nine Turkish nationals were killed by Israeli troops who boarded and opened fire on the Mavi Marmara ship with live ammunition in international waters while it was en route to Gaza.

Turkey asked navy to prepare to confront Israel | General | Worldbulletin News
Israeli's are lucky the Turkish government didn't give the final order, they would've given Israel a taste of it's own medicine.

I also don't believe this would have led to war escorting the ships, maybe a small skirmish although I'm glad it didn't get to that. However, the siege against remains in place.
Davudoglu had declared israel war if israel didnt sent the people of mavi marmara back to turkey. I dint believe this so it was not a liar:-).
Maybe a war wasn't in the best interest of Turkey, but Turkey should have made a limited Punitive strike against Israeli Naval Forces after the incident and then the ball would have been in Israel's court to escalate or not.
I wonder why this comes out now...and why people are urging Turkey to go to war with Israel. It's not like the blockade was illegal under international law; it was. The Israelis boarded the Mavi Marmara in accordance with international law. The soldiers opened fire against their attackers in accordance with international law. It's all in the final U.N. report (Palmer report) - and it was clear at the time, to those who weren't so eager to spin and grab any form of Israel- or Jew-hatred, or elevate blind nationalism over facts, from the publicized near-real-time video record of the incident which the IDF made (which, along with the IDF casualty reports, the U.N. didn't take into account.) The U.N.'s remaining criticisms of the IDF were either tactical (the Israelis could have waited another mile or two to board the ship) - or political (an unsupported statement that "the loss of life and injuries resulting from the use of force by Israeli forces during the take-over of the Mavi Marmara was unacceptable" - which could be interpreted to mean that the Turks should have behaved better.)
this sh*t stopped being funny 3 years ago man...

If you're boarding a foreign ship you're the aggressor and people attacking you with knives are on self fvcking defense. Crying like a b*tch "but they had knives" doesn't make you right here. You've fired automatic weapons.

People are buying your bvllshit just because of our crappy image and people hate muslims much more than your jewish azz.
if Russians killed green peace activists all of the civilized world would go nuts. Especially if they pulled up retarded excuses like you did.

Even Israeli state had the sense to apologize.. your dumass is the only one defending this raid.
Either Erdogan shouldn't have sent marmara or he should have sank the Israeli navy for boarding our ship in international waters.

Erdogan f-ed up big and damaged Turkish prestige. Since Marmara incident some actors in the region don't take us serious. i.e Assad who shot down our jet.

But I'm glad no war broke out. I like Israeli people.
I hate this news.. " We were going to hit, but.... blah blah blah"...:disagree:

They killed 9 Turkish citizens and got no response.
sssh... don't speak against the Erdog... he's a great muslim hero :D

oh boy... this wen't beyond sarcastaball :D

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