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Israel, Greece, USA Start Mediterranean Naval Exercise

Well i wish you good luck then.

This is not about luck, this is serious for all of us in the Middle East. You will see how the Western world will deal with Turkey in the future and realize what I was describing the whole time.
Naval Exercise for Israel - USA - Greece

Fcuk them all with the message they wanna send. I wonder when you people realize that israel was never an ally of us, they don't even have ally and yes including USA. They are nothing but a backer which get in the game when necessary and will remain that way as long as jews keep their political and economic power in the States. We always had "complicated" level relationship except military ties with israel. And they were always the profitable side of this ties.. oh greeks are even don't worth mentioning about the love between us... They absouletly die for us... so let it be man, let them conduct whatever they want... we get close to other side and they will panic.. just like chienese HQ-9 process
Israel wants to get closer to us. Not Turkey closer to Israel.

I read recently that after elections they are going to round up those compensation money for what Israel did on the flotilla and normalization of relations.

Greece is not a good partner for Israel. Everybody knows that east med sea is Turkish sea because of n1 navy in those waters.

An important factor is that Israel wants to sell their natural gas. Without Turkey's land corridor to Europe it will be impossible for them.
Don't be afraid of Israel, you guys are getting so many blessings for standing up against them. Turks were always mighty people, if you're worried about the south the Palestinians have weapons which can target the Israeli navy. We got your backs if they ever attack Turkey. :D :tup:
Dirt covered geniuses pray for them! How many divisions is that worth?
Instead of going to war you should think of a political way to have a country.
First be a country,then do whatever you want.
Forget about attacking Israel,nobody will help you,you will be left alone,its just bigtalk.
They should have taken the deal before the first intifada. It was a crap deal....full of double talk and conditions....everyone knows that. But the smart thing to do would have been take the deal, show themselves good responsible neighbors...and then store up the political capitol for a better deal....and then a better, etc. If they had done that....Israelis would have found themselves more isolated by their actions....the Palestinians would have perhaps enjoyed world-wide support for their rights. Instead, they thought "Israel has given an inch....go nuts until they give a mile." This lost them much support....including mine. There are plenty of leftist who take up the Palestinian cause these days to be "cool." But not enough to make a difference in the real world....and certainly not amongst those that matter. Who was it who said "The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity?" Truer words were never spoken. It will take years to bank that political capitol up again....9/11 only making it harder. (and current world situations putting it back on a back-burner).
You can thank Erdogan for this.
Yes, he could have stopped the Flotilla, but before that we had already some issues with Israel, like the drone issues. So Israel is not completely reliable either, they immediately go in bed with the other party if you criticize them or don't agree with them. They were threatening with supporting pkk (if they didnt already), they wanted to acknowledge the so-called genocide and now they go hand in hand with greece and south cyprus. These actions are considered very hostile against Turkey, imo. Should we just shut up, close our eyes for their actions, avoid criticizing Israel when they deserved it and accept a relationship with Israel that was more favorable for Israel than for Turkey anyway? I'm all for equal relationship with Israel, but not one where Turkey must stick to certain rules or restrict itself against Israel just to be its 'friend'.





@Juice I don't have any sympathy for palestinians but :D don't you think it's a bit easy to say what they should've done fom your position? :) it's always been a shariatists shithole even Yasar Arafat could be considered a mediator and Israelis killed him.

You're an invading nation in a country that's undeveloped as hell and you're expecting them to make rational choices :D
bitch please :)
everyone knew they would scream jihad and run at nearest israeli outpost with AKs... Brits knew they were fvcking jews in the *** by creating Israel in the middle of this sh.t and their strategy is still intact

And now the US is picking Israel's side against a NATO member, telling us to back off? I'd call that bluff :)

if this was PM Ecevit's time that oil rig would be fvcking sunk and greeks would have to recognize TRNC Israelis don't have the naval assets to be effective and they know it. What US is gonna do? intervene? That's not gonna happen
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