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today / 331 before Christ was the battle of Gaugamela

both Meceden/Greek and Rome as political/military power are dead for almost 500 years but Iran is still here ... so don't try to act mighty for us ....
If the modern day Iran is somehow that old Persian empire then by that reasoning all previous empires are technically still here. Macedonia/Greece are still here and so is Italy.

All nationalism aside the modern day Iran is not that Persian empire that faced off with Alexander. Those past empires are long gone but they are still very fascinating to study.

The mosaic is from Pompeji.

After the loss of Gaugamela, Darius did not retreat. He simply run away in panic. That was his mistake i believe. In general i believe that Persia at that time suffered from bad leadership. Darius III was a weak king and bad leader.

That he did run away and left his troops behind him, ruined his renomee. I think that was also the reason why he was killed then.

I wouldn't say Darius had bad leadership. He ruled such a large empire splendidly(without much internal strife). It was one of the richest empires of the time with one of the biggest military. It's just that Alexander was a genius at battle tactics...so basically when compared with Darius, Alexander far outshines him in that regard. But there's more to being king than just leading armies...on that front Darius did okay until Alexander conquered his empire.

Besides the battle of Gaugamela, another one of my favorites is the Battle of Cannae. I personally love studying ancient(and modern) battle tactics. If I could somehow program the military genius of these ancient minds in a computer...I would love to pit Alexander with Hannibal...and just watch the simulations over and over.
Didnt read your post but must tell you for 99% of europeans you are arabic country. No hard feelings bro. Just tell you how it is.
Iran is not Arab dude. It's just that the Arabs invaded them and brought their religion (converted) Islam to the Persians. Plus, it's true many Europeans associate Iran with Arabs mainly due to Islam and Iran being a middle Eastern country.
Moreover, from what I've heard Iran is ruled by Arabs(or people who claim Arab ancestry like the supreme leader if I'm not mistaken).
However, Iran is a great country,with a long history and a proud nation. Many Persians nationalists I have met even here in U.K are proud of their ancestry/culture, even though they sometimes view Arabs (and even their religion Islam) as invaders, but they all love their country, which I think is the most important thing .
So I think it's a more complex than you think. Iran isn't Arab.
We respect Shahpur. A great king. I think it was a mistake from us to not help Persia when it cried for help as the arab invasions destroyed it. The Roman / Persian wars were absolute nonsense. It was clear from day one that Persia cant win over Rome and that Rome cant win over Persia. In the end it weakened both empires and led to the death of persia. Which is tragic.
Persia did not cry for help and it was the Romans who were the first to get a thrashing after they started the war.
1- Iran is not Arab dude.
2- It's just that the Arabs invaded them and brought their religion (converted) Islam to the Persians.
3- Plus, it's true many Europeans associate Iran with Arabs mainly due to Islam and Iran being a middle Eastern country.
4- Moreover, from what I've heard Iran is ruled by Arabs(or people who claim Arab ancestry like the supreme leader if I'm not mistaken).
5- However, Iran is a great country,with a long history and a proud nation.
6- Many Persians nationalists I have met even here in U.K are proud of their ancestry/culture, even though they sometimes view Arabs (and even their religion Islam) as invaders, but they all love their country, which I think is the most important thing .
7- So I think it's a more complex than you think.
8- Iran isn't Arab.
1- Yes. We Are not Arab.

2- Yes. A dark part of iran's history.

3- yes, that;s right too.

4- Yes. Before 1979 Uprising, people were saying that Shah was a western puppet.

but now, Leader's of Iran, Are Extereme Radical Pan Arabs.

some traitors (IRGC, Basij, ...) love their arab masters.

but we HATE them.

supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei, is not Iranian. his Father was from Kashmir, and himself (his father, i mean) was born in india.

5- yes. but they try to destroy it's past.

6- Yes, we are proud to our past.

yes. they are invaders. they are terrorists. they are our enemy. we hate them.

this is about Politics and politicants. no problem with any arab people or arab user, here or in real word.

Islam is not for Iranians. we are not Terrorists.

7- Yes, you do.


thank you so much.
Italy is a third world Sheet hole, and most Italian are d!ckeads who still live with their mothers at the age of 40.

This little fag is no different.... with obvious inferiority complex. No need to waste time on her!

By the way, I have had several Greek friends, and they would NEVER see themselves as the same as Italian!

Only a little bitch that tries to piggy back from other's history does that!

and iran is a first world paradise?

i know which one i'd rather live in etc
no it depends on the INTERNATIONAL STANDARD of world classifications, not an individuals interpretation lmao
You are talking About Iran.

Have it in your mind.


People are just looking for money.

who paid more, has more power.
Written by Roman politics, what does that even mean? Was Paul not a Middle Eastern Jew? John? Luke? Stop your LARPing lol.

My friend, I have had many Italian girlfriends in the past. I would at first say salam aleykum to them because I thought they were Arab, but then they would respond with "ciao"! The Germanics and Arabs made sure no Italian has any Roman blood in them. Ever wonder why Italy isn't called Rome? Because the real Romans are in Romania.

These are all verifiable facts. Please do not deny them.

I posted the genetic data. The rest of your bla bla is typical oriental bullshitting.

There is no germanic and no arabic DNA in Italy. Why Italy is called Italy? It was also called Italia in the roman empire times. Italian peninsula.
As for John Luke and Paul. They are a fiction. The entire religion is a fiction. Wake up and stop to believe in fairy tales.

Persia did not cry for help and it was the Romans who were the first to get a thrashing after they started the war.

Persia died and yes, zhe persian king did send a letter where he called for support.
1- Yes. We Are not Arab.

2- Yes. A dark part of iran's history.

3- yes, that;s right too.

4- Yes. Before 1979 Uprising, people were saying that Shah was a western puppet.

but now, Leader's of Iran, Are Extereme Radical Pan Arabs.

some traitors (IRGC, Basij, ...) love their arab masters.

but we HATE them.

supreme leader, ayatollah khamenei, is not Iranian. his Father was from Kashmir, and himself (his father, i mean) was born in india.

5- yes. but they try to destroy it's past.

6- Yes, we are proud to our past.

yes. they are invaders. they are terrorists. they are our enemy. we hate them.

this is about Politics and politicants. no problem with any arab people or arab user, here or in real word.

Islam is not for Iranians. we are not Terrorists.

7- Yes, you do.


thank you so much.
I'm sad that a handful of Iranians are turning away from Islam because of hate against Arabs. It is a level beyond ignorance.
I'm sad that a handful of Iranians are turning away from Islam because of hate against Arabs. It is a level beyond ignorance.
Not Arabs, but Arab Governments, and so many other things ...

1- all the Arab Counries Helped Iraq during Iran/Iraq war .

why should i love someone who was fighting with my ppl and supporting my Enemy ?

2- Iran has many Internal problems due to it's non stoppable aids to Extereme Radical Pan Islamist Terrorist Groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and so many other ones even i don't know their names.

3- Islam World is much more important than their own ppl.

4- and ...

if they Solved / Try to Solve problems in Iran, it was much better.

it was short answer.

you can find more detailed answer in Facebook, and other social media.

and other thing ...

all these happened due to Islam.
Not Arabs, but Arab Governments, and so many other things ...

1- all the Arab Counries Helped Iraq during Iran/Iraq war .

why should i love someone who was fighting with my ppl and supporting my Enemy ?

2- Iran has many Internal problems due to it's non stoppable aids to Extereme Radical Pan Islamist Terrorist Groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and so many other ones even i don't know their names.

3- Islam World is much more important than their own ppl.

4- and ...

if they Solved / Try to Solve problems in Iran, it was much better.

it was short answer.

you can find more detailed answer in Facebook, and other social media.

and other thing ...

all these happened due to Islam.

do u know any other ways to format ur answers except numerically?

I posted the genetic data. The rest of your bla bla is typical oriental bullshitting.

There is no germanic and no arabic DNA in Italy. Why Italy is called Italy? It was also called Italia in the roman empire times. Italian peninsula.
As for John Luke and Paul. They are a fiction. The entire religion is a fiction. Wake up and stop to believe in fairy tales.

Persia died and yes, zhe persian king did send a letter where he called for support.

yes there is, quit ur delusions lmao
my ancestors created christianity. It was not put on us. Its the roman religion. I see it as a bad thing that Persia was lost.

The roman / persian wars wasted so much rescources on both sides for nothing

Your people follow a Semitic religion (christianity) now. Your ancient ancestors followed a Iranian religion (mithraism).

The Middle East has always been the spiritual source for Europeans in search of morality. There is a reason why the three wise men mentioned in the Bible came from the East, and not from the West.

The great German philosopher Nietzsche was right when he made the following claims:

"I must pay tribute to Zarathushtrâ, a Persian (einem Perser): Persians were the first who thought of history in its full entirety."

"It was much more fortunate if Persians became masters (Herr) of the Greeks, than the very Romans."

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