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today / 331 before Christ was the battle of Gaugamela

1- This shows how your brain is working bro...

2- When u pick such a big claim at least research it a little first...!!

3- Read before and after those verses...

4- read when and why and in what circumstances and in response to whom these verses are said...

5- Sourat Al Kafirun is Islam's stance toward non muslims and even pagans...

6- read it once...

7- It is like when some said "لا اله" from the "لا اله الا الله" and then decided that Quran says "There is no God!!"

8- Islam never says go kill non-muslims just because they are non-Muslims!!

9- It is in defense brother.. Defense...

10- This shows how peaceful Islam is...

11- This is our current Iran strategy by the way...

12- We don't attack others but if they attack then we defend..

13- it is a basic human right...

14- is n;t it? Even we defend very peacefully...

15- remember Iran-Iraq war which was imposed on us?

16- Iraq used chemical weapons and all sorts of WMDs in their access...yet,

17- the same Khomeini that you hate a lot, forbid any such actions even as self defense...

18- I bet you never heard of Nahj al balagha...

19- Read how Imam ali (s) was ordering his army, not to kill whom is backed on you and flee...

20- don't disrespect women...

don't.... don't...don't....

21- If you read how real Islam is your head would be blown...

22- Human right to the fullest extent it is and even beyond...

23- I know your and many of hot head Iranians problem... It is morghe hamsaye ghaze...

24- The way you treat Arabs, Islam and the world in 21th century is in no way Iranian and progressive..

25- Think more... Research more...
1- نظر لطفته.

2- تحقیق ؟؟؟

چه تحقیقی بهتر از وضعیت گل و بلبل مملکت، بعد از 38 سال اجرای اسلام ناب محمدی ؟؟؟

واقعاً تو ایران زندگی می کنی ؟

3- من هیچ موقع قران یا بقیه کتابای دینی رو نخوندم.

هر چی که بلدم، از جامعه و شرایط اون یاد گرفتم.

از نحوه رفتار کارگزاران حکومتی ... و ...

4- کس شره ...

خب اگر شرایط عوض شده، پس چرا اون جملات عوض نشدن ؟؟؟

5- پس چرا حکومت، به این سوره عمل نمی کنه ؟

مگه نمیگه "دین شما برای شما و دین ما برای ما"

پس چرا این همه زندانی مذهبی بهایی، زرتشتی و مسیحی داریم ؟؟؟

اگر دین من برای منه، پس چرا این همه تبلیغات دین شما تو در و دیوار شهر هست ؟

چرا هیچ تبلیغی از دین من نیست ؟

چرا ساخت کلیسا یا کنیسه یا آتشکده ممنوع هست ؟؟؟

ولی تو هر خیابون، حداقل 10 تا مسجد و امامزاده و ... ؟

6- نیاز به خوندن نیست.

دارم می بینم.

7- نظری ندارم !!!

پس چیزی نمی گم.

8- داعش و اینا چی ؟؟؟

9- تو دفاع باید بری زن طرفو بگایی ؟

غیر منطقی هست .

غیر قابل قبول هست.

وقتی عملاً داره میگه بکش ...

هیچ دفاعی در کار نیست.

پس چرا نگفته اسیر کن ؟

مگه اسلام دین رحمت نیست ؟

10- واقعاً ؟؟؟

اگر اسلام دین صلحه، پس چرا یه جمله من، انقد ناراحتتون کرد ؟

اگر اسلام دین صلحه، پس چرا این همه جنایت داره به اسم اسلام؛ انجام میشه ؟

و هیچ مجازاتی هم در کار نیست ؟

11- متاسفانه ...

12- وقتی حتی دیگران حمله نمی کنن، ما حمله می کنیم ...

این همه مرگ بر آمریکا گفتن، حمله نیست ؟

مگه حمله، حتماً باید نظامی باشه ؟

13- ازین کس شر تر، تو دنیا وجود نداره ...

کدوم حقوق بشر ؟؟؟

میشه بگی ؟؟؟

تو هر بندشو بگی؛

من برات نقضشو میارم.

کشورایی که این خزعبلاتو درآوردن، بیشترین آمار نقضشو دارن ...

من جمله ایران و فرانسه.

14- متاسفانه بله ...

حماقت ما، حد و اندازه نداشت ...

نمی دونستن، تو میدون جنگ، جای احساسات نیست.

15- مگه میشه یادم بره ؟؟؟

مگه من پان عربم ؟؟؟

16- بله ...

17- حالا شما یه کم تحقیق کن ...

ایران اصلاً سلاح شیمیایی / میکروبی / رادیو اکتییو نداشت .

شاه سفارش امریکا رو برای ساخت کارخونه رد کرد ...

گفته میشه که گفته بود به جای گاز خردل، قطعات هواپیما بدن !!!

(خودم اینو قبول ندارم، چون منبعش زیاد معتبر نیست)

(تو فیسبوک سرچ کنی، میاد، فکر کنم از این تبلیغاتی ها هست !!!)

18- اره ...

هیچ موقع نخوندم.

ولی اگر سوال در مورد ادبیات / شاهنامه داری، بپرس، جواب می دم.

19- نخوندم ... فرصت خوندن هم ندارم ...

به هر حال،

صرفاً نمیشه به یه نامه، اکتفا کرد !!!

اونم تو دوران باستان !!!

20- این جزئی از ژنوم عرباس ...

نمیشه تغییرش داد ...

21- اسلام واقعی رو دارم می بینم !!!

پرداخت نکردن حقوق کارگران و کارمندان ...

مداحی های میلیاردی ...

اختلاس ... دزدی ... رانت خواری ... زمین خواری ... پارتی بازی ... تجاوز به کودکان و زنان ... و ...

واقعاً مخم هنگه !!!

22- درباره اینم که صحبت کردیم.

23- ناراحت نشی ...

ولی فقط 5% اینی هست که گفتی !!!

دیدگاه ی که من دارم، تو سیاست، تعریف نشده !!!

نمی تونم بگم که ---ایست هست.

یه چیزی بین ناسیونالیست و راشیست ... تقریباً

بیشتر متمایل به ناسیونالیت.

24- می دونم.

ولی راه دیگه ای ندارم.

25- سعیمو می کنم.

Uh... what?
In Iran grades are given out of 20, from primary school to postgrad. He is saying his Arabic language grade wouldn't be more than 5/20 for his entire educational career combined. Which really stacks the argument even more against him, since he is essentially talking about something he has little to no knowledge about.
Islam never says go kill non-muslims just because they are non-Muslims!! It is in defense brother.. Defense... This shows how peaceful Islam is... This is our current Iran strategy by the way... We don't attack others but if they attack then we defend.. it is a basic human right... is n;t it? Even we defend very peacefully... remember Iran-Iraq war which was imposed on us? Iraq used chemical weapons and all sorts of WMDs in their access...yet, the same Khomeini that you hate a lot, forbids any such actions even as self defense...

I bet you never heard of Nahj al balagha... Read how Imam ali (s) was ordering his army, not to kill whom is backed on you and flee...
Think more... Research more...
Nonsense islamic propaganda my fellow Iranian. Khomeini was a fag, that's why he denied Iranians to hit back in equal way.
Imam ali let people die in smoke of fire, isis burns people.
1- ???? I know no Iranian leaders who have ever said that all non-Muslims must be killed.

2- And yet you call yourself an expert on Islamic theology, absolutely astounding.

3- Uh... what?

1- Killing is not just by shot in head...

when you can't go to army, because you are not muslim, you are dead.

when you can not go to univercity, because you are Bahaee, you are dead.

when you have many problems inside your country, and no one is responsible to them, you are dead.

2- i never said i am an expert.

3- yes. my scores were trible in arabic and quran lessons.

learning these, in Iran is only wasting time.

Because of weak Education system.

it is old, it is outdated.

we cannot learn any other languages in our schools.

learning arabic and english, as well as Computer science,

starts in 7th grade.

and how ???

imagine, in 7th grade, you learn about Arabic/English Alphabet !!!

or you learn how to turn on a computer (with help of your teacher !!!).

it is funny !!!

but i would like (and still, like) to learn about Arabic Literature, Culture and History.

Arabic language is one of the Hardest languages to learn.

as well as Hungarian and Estonian.

try to learn Estonian, it has some Grammar similarity with Arabic.

In Iran grades are given out of 20, from primary school to postgrad. He is saying his Arabic language grade wouldn't be more than 5/20 for his entire educational career combined. Which really stacks the argument even more against him, since he is essentially talking about something he has little to no knowledge about.

I never said that i am an expert in Arabic. or Quran.

anyway ...

the situation in iran, says that Islamic idealogy is lost.

ریده !!! آبم قطه !!!
No they aren't
Of course, They Are.

1- they Speak Arabic.

2- their Official Language is Arabic.

3- Egyptian Arabic is basis of Modern day Standard Arabic Language

4- they are a member of Arab League.

Sorry Guy, but this is Reality.

Quran says:

Kill non muslims, whereever you find them .

do you do this ?

Quran says:

Slave their women and children.

do you do this ?

and so many other things ...

we are not muslims.

ISIS, Taliban, and other terrorists are real muslims.

because they do whatever Quran says.

You do realized that most people here are Muslims and only non-muslims may believe such a BS ?

And as we say in Persian :

اونجای دروغگو
Alexander was indeed a great leader,a brave fighter.there are lots of other great warriors but alexander did great job and history is full of his bravery.
he was a conqueror but he never was a ruler .
The are arabized
Arabized or not,

Today they are Arabs.

but if you mean "Tazi"s,

thrn even you are NOT Tazi.

only KSA is one you are looking for.
You do realized that most people here are Muslims and only non-muslims may believe such a BS ?

And as we say in Persian :

اونجای دروغگو
اگه به سوختن دروغگو بود ...

که تا الان خمینی و دار و دستش، جزغاله شده بودن !!!
Alexander was a fag........

Alexander was indeed a great leader,a brave fighter.there are lots of other great warriors but alexander did great job and history is full of his bravery.

U also do realize that most people in Europe consider Italian and Greek as European camel jockey? aka A-raanbs?

You do realize that Jerusalem was part of Rome?
Italy is a third world Sheet hole, and most Italian are d!ckeads who still live with their mothers at the age of 40.

This little fag is no different.... with obvious inferiority complex. No need to waste time on her!

By the way, I have had several Greek friends, and they would NEVER see themselves as the same as Italian!

Only a little bitch that tries to piggy back from other's history does that!
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